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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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prize named after our colleague, vgtrk correspondent, boris maksudov. representatives of print, television, radio and online media from all over the country took part in the creative competition. the jury reviewed more than a thousand entries and determined six winners. the award ceremony, to which boris maksudov’s family was invited, took place as part of the kuban journalism forum. many of its participants knew boris personally, he... he just started his career in the krasnodar region. let me remind you that our colleague passed away on november 23 last year. he died in as a result of injuries received during the filming of a report in the combat zone in the zaporozhye region. now let's take a break for a couple of minutes and then continue.
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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a deepfake or change it. we will expose all fakes.
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effective management of state property is an important part of the system of successful public administration, and mikhail mishustin spoke about this at a meeting with the head of the federal property management agency, vadim. yakovenko. details of the conversation with maria slobodyanskaya. the quality of use of federal property directly affects budget revenues. prime minister mikhail mishustin said this at a meeting with the head of the federal property management agency vadim yakovenko. this money, in turn, is important for fulfilling all the state’s obligations in the social sphere. last year, the agency ensured the federal budget received about 400 billion rubles. of these, most of them come from... existing assets, which ensured
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the receipt of 59 billion rubles. i would also like to note that this figure is already growing in for 3 years, that is, every year we are improving our performance in terms of managing state property. last year we sold three large blocks of shares, three major sales: portbronka, the kuchuk-sulfat enterprise and the first exemplary printing house. now one of the main tasks of the federal property management agency. increase the pace of involvement of objects by changing the regulatory framework. thanks to amendments to the law, now all bidders see each other's price proposals. it does the procedure is as transparent and competitive as possible. in addition, smes can now buy out the property after a year of lease, and not two, as was the
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case before. as mikhail mishustin noted, it is also necessary to more actively use unused government facilities under public-private partnerships. one example is an industrial park, a fishing port in... thus, the altai territory received 600 hectares for a beet and sugar complex, and 600 hectares were transferred for an agricultural complex in the moscow region. another
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project for the development of the laganaki resort in the republic adegea. the agency transferred 1,500 hectares for the development of a tourism cluster. investments in the project. year, now all our checks will be carried out exclusively in digital format, approved literally in march of this year , the deadlines are reduced, the procedure for the seizure of such property, the information received is established, they are all consolidated in our digital system, a single profile of the object
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is entered into the register of federal property, therefore this is where we see such a powerful tool for involving such objects, as the prime minister noted, frosts.
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the central and volga federal districts, as well as the volgograd and rostov regions, recorded returns in may . according to available data. in eight regions we have already introduced a state of emergency; perhaps their number will increase even more. colleagues, the most important thing in the regions is not to waste a single day; promptly organize reseeding. it must be started now in order to meet agrotechnological deadlines and fulfill the planned structure of areas to the maximum extent possible. stocks of seeds and other resources available. a number of regions of the volga region, due to the late melting of snow, need to catch up with the pace of spring sowing, we, of course, had return frosts in may, collectively this affected 23 regions, according to initial data, the total loss of life is about 800, 830 thousand hectares, on a general
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scale this is about 1%, but we need to clearly define plans for relocation in order to maintain the approved parameters of the area structure; in addition to the crops, we also have damaged perennial plantings; now our specialists, together with the regions, are carrying out assessment to obtain reliable data. new equipment was delivered to novorossiysk from china; it will be installed in the largest container terminal in the south of the country. the electro-hydraulic crane, made with the latest technology, is designed for loading and unloading ships; it is capable of lifting up to 50 tons over several tens of meters. now specialists are checking the unit; after launch, the new machine will significantly increase the terminal’s capacity. this crane meets all the latest requirements for reloading
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equipment will allow us to both increase the speed and quality of service provided to our clients, and the safety of work for our employees. container terminal nout is the leader in container transshipment on the black sea. today we are significantly increasing the processing capacity at the new container terminal; let me remind you that this is the largest terminal in the south of russia. one of the largest in the country, the capacity of the terminal today will already be 800,000 twenty-foot equivalent containers, already with an increase in civilian area, i think an increase at the earliest stage, which we will do in literally 2 years, the terminal’s capacity will exceed 1 million teos. in the russian spiritual and cultural orthodox center in paris today they remember not just an era in the history of world ballet. the bakhrushin museum presented a unique photo exhibition dedicated to the centenary of orolan 5, who became the only
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foreign choreographer awarded a state prize in our country. report by denis davidov. he looks at the artists, they inspire him, judging by his pose, he is inspired. the exhibition is wonderful it's a pleasure to see him as thoughtful as i remember him. you noticed a somewhat stern look. roland was very tough, he could say that male artists cried at his words. he, a journalist for the newspaper figaro, also got it, our interlocutor wrote about ballet, and in france ballet is the choreographer roland pyati. in the year of the master's centenary, this is an exhibition. photos not only from performances, but also from rehearsals, where he didn’t let strangers in. russian photographer mikhail logvinov became one of his own for the french classic. i said, mr. petit, i would like to photograph you on the streets of moscow. he looked, said: “listen, i have to dance,” he said, and this, this is a dance on
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the streets of moscow, i want to dance, i want, i want to dance. scenes in moscow, paris, london, new york, he worked in hollywood. the relationship between a man and a woman, the struggle between good and evil, was explained without words, turning life into a dance. a photography exhibition is the little that can be organized in the current conditions, although previously paintings were brought from russia to europe. theatrical performances, the local audience has not seen anything of this for 2 years now, due to sanctions, due to the lack of direct communication between the capitals. the solution is to print photographs; the largest theater museum in the world, bakhrushinsky, has more than 300 thousand photographs; exhibitions were held in venice, brussels, belgrade and sofia, and of course, paris. at the request of the parisians, we extended the exhibition twice, and this happened with plesetskaya, and this happened with grigorovich. there is a special demand for their roland five icon in
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tandem with russian masters. parisians marvel at footage of talent defying gravity, pouring out on the forces trying to do so. russians are discriminated against art. russian athletes will now not be allowed to participate in the olympics, which will be held in paris. i, like many french people, am outraged that sports culture is mixed with. the master's daring experiment with nikolai tseskaridze and ilzay iliepa ends in triumph. good evening, this is nikolai. yes, yes, this is a huge success. thank you very much. i know one country in terms of ballet, which is completely special. it's russia. there, ballet is like a religion. russians are the most inclined people to dance, they are the first in this. roland petit was the first
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a foreign choreographer who received a state prize in russia, a prize of which he was very proud. denis davidov, ilya bernadsky, polina fedorova, news from paris. to effectively extract oil in russia, domestic scientists and engineers have come up with hundreds of high-tech inventions. today specialists are developing digital ones. a copy of the deposit using 3d models. about the scientific potential of kucharenok. when you first see kern, then oil workers, special report by taras , you don’t immediately understand that this rock selected from a depth of several kilometers, each sample has its own unique pattern; when studying it, one can tell what riches are stored in the bowels of the earth. when you take the core, you will see whether there is oil there or not, and you can see it realistically, you
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can see it by the color of the core, by the smell, conduct research on it, you can understand how much of this oil is there. you can understand how much oil you can produce from this field by studying ken, you can test different reservoir technologies in order to understand how effectively you can extract oil, you can conduct an assessment, without kern research now you will not be able to start developing fields. one of the most modernly equipped centers in russia, the perm reservoir fluid core research center. reservoir fluids are formation water, formation oil, which is contained. in rock, high-tech equipment allows you to create in laboratory conditions the same conditions as in a real oil reservoir and see which hydrocarbon production technology will be most effective. in order to effectively extract oil, we must know its parameters, such as viscosity, content of various components, but in order to select an
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injection agent, we must understand whether it is compatible with the formation water that is located in the bowels of the object . which we are developing. the centers conduct more than 800 different laboratory tests. this equipment is an electron scanning microscope, which is capable of magnifying the image up to several million times, which allows you to determine the age of the rock and see what it is made of it consists. in order to understand how important this is, they recall the story of how they tried to build up pressure in an already operating well in order to better extract oil, pumped clean water inside, but only what was needed. no effect was obtained , only laboratory tests showed that there was clay inside the rock, which swollen from moisture and closed all the pores. having received the data, specialists changed the composition of the liquid and solved the problem. to conduct research, cores are taken from a special storage facility for each extracted
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the copy here is not just in a box, but entered into a special database. she is completely... therefore, in order to obtain a description of kern, it is not necessary to remove him from storage. all information is in digital form. we explore approximately 4 km per year. in general, in the film storage facility you are currently in, the storage capacity is about 150 km, but potentially the reserve is designed for 300 km of kern. until approximately 2044, we are ready to accept kern and store it here in the city of perm. previously storage kern. and his research was carried out in kungur , 100 km from perm, but there was no longer enough space there, including to place new equipment. the construction of the complex made it possible to modernize the entire cycle of laboratory and research work. today , the selected core enters the new center for study not only from the regions of russia, but also from the republic of iraq, where
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the company operates. in the near future , another batch of core samples taken from the yanopaevskaya area will be delivered here; the rock will be cut into meter-long sections and prepared for shipment to the center this process lasts more than a day, then mining research, even in such small details as how the herd is laid and how it will be delivered, depends on how accurate the results will be. laboratory studies in the future, at this stage it is important to observe the direction of the core, to control that it is laid correctly, this is the top of the drilled interval, this is the bottom. the first samples have already arrived at the center, neural networks are helping in the research, and
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video monitoring has been introduced to analyze and process the results. specialist conducting an experiment. one of the premises of a given building can simultaneously control the research process that is taking place in other rooms of the building. over the previous year for 2023, we increased our productivity by 15%. the study of kärn helped, in particular, to create a hydrodynamic 3d model of the sukharev field. as the author of the development of the 3d model, dmitry shirinkin, says, without this data the digital projection would not be accurate. the technology itself is necessary for... the optimal deposit location is greater than the thickness of the oil and, accordingly, we will already get with each well there is much more oil than we would do, roughly speaking, blindly.
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the use of 3d also makes it easier to analyze data and, as a result, better predict where exactly to drill a well, as well as what operating mode will be optimal. all scientific activities of the company are carried out in look oil engineering. just now it brought together more than a thousand talented scientists and engineers. this is a modern high-tech scientific center that is engaged in a full cycle of scientific work for the oil and gas production complex, and successfully developing such areas as prospecting and exploration, design, development monitoring, well construction and integrated field development. among the know-how that was offered here is the drilling of multilateral wells at the named after field. sukharib, when more than one trunk is drilled from a well, and accordingly it is divided into several branches during the drilling process, respectively, in order to more widely cover
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the deposit with development, and indeed, that is, the wells turned out with much higher productivity, unlike conventional wells, and a much lower load on the formation, accordingly, we later ranked this technology, including for other fields, if a regular well there produced around 40 tons per day. then such a well gave 60-65. talented young specialists are trained at the perm scientific and educational center, which was opened with the support of lukol. scientific work that is most in demand in production is carried out here. on the territory of the pena region , we have about 50% of wells, in general, all of them are complicated by the formation of these deposits. these deposits are solid substances that, during oil production, cool down. form in the flow, walls stick to the equipment and when they accumulate , they completely close the tourist pipeline, lead to a disaster, roughly speaking, there is a well, it clogged up in a month, they carried out
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some kind of event, cleaned it, now they are doing this event, but how to calculate at what speed and where it gets lost is the question. young scientists have developed a method that allows them to accurately determine the location the time when the equipment becomes clogged to ensure prevention. even abroad became interested in the technology. the oil pipeline leak detection system created here attracted even more attention from foreigners. the best developments are being implemented at the lukola fields. the company has set a course for digitalization and development of integrated operations centers. the main tasks that the integrated operations center solves are natural, but maintaining production levels and increasing them by reducing losses , ideally by reducing costs. that is, we for example. we extract the same amount, but at the same time we spend less and do not incur losses; we adhere to the concept of multidisciplinary interaction, that is, we have mechanics, power engineers and specialists in
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mining technology, routine maintenance, all these people are concentrated in one space, and that is , if any then a deviation occurs in the technological process, this interaction and prompt decision-making occurs, one of the effects is precisely due to the fact that the decision is not made, say, within 24 hours, it just may take... in addition, the company introduced a mobile application, it significantly speeded up the operator's time to check wells, it can also be used to record the route, take air samples, maintain oilfield equipment and even monitor physical condition. now we are entering parameters for well 134, namely linear pressure. all data, all drilling parameters flow in real mode. time for the workplace of an oil and gas production foreman and a foundation engineer. previously, the production operator had to do everything record the data on paper and then copy it into the
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well fund walk-through log. with the advent of this application , the time for entering parameters has been significantly reduced. the creation of virtual models of various fields has significantly simplified and improved performance. for example, the votyoganskoye project includes digital twins of more than 3. 12 development sites cover the entire production production chain , from the reservoir to the entrance to the central oil collection and treatment point. the implementation of the system made it possible to determine the real production potential, planning, monitoring , assessment of hydrocarbon production volume. as part of the implementation of the intellectual field project, starting from 2022, we are undergoing technical re-equipment of the telemechanics system at the novoteganskoye field. we are switching to a wireless broadband network system, in connection with this there has been a change in terms of
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information transmission, that is... our task within the educational center is to prepare not just a person with a diploma, the key task that we set is a new generation engineer who can not only carry out some algorithm of actions, but create new things, that is, new products, new software, new products, that is, this is a person who can be
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an engineer, an engineer, a chemist...
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in laboratories high level, including at the center for core study of reservoir fluids in the city of kogolymi. in kern , traces of ancient creatures are periodically found, for example, in this one, taken from a depth of more than 2 km , the imprint of amanita, an extinct shellfish its age is about 150 million years. the center has been operating for almost 30 years. during this time , about 118 thousand linear meters of kir were collected here for storage. the material of the oil source strata in the western siberian region are deposits of upper jurassic age, about 170 million years ago. today we are walking along the bottom of the west siberian sea, it is better if there are nanozooplankton, some simple organisms and the most reducing environmental conditions so that in the future we get the maximum quality oil. the volume of work in the center
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is enormous. with 2,000 laboratory tests per year, specialists can determine, almost at first glance at the core, whether a potential well has oil or not? even by external signs you can determine the nature of oil saturation, for example, this piece of rock is a brown -colored pore reservoir that contains hydrocarbons, it most likely formed in the central part of the channel, and there are low-permeability rocks that are not... field development in russia requires the use of all scientific potential, using new technologies, the oil company has more than 100 patents for inventions, dozens for utility models and technologies, and their number is increasing every year.
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let's start with the main political event of the day of vladimir putin's state visit to china; in beijing he had negotiations with the leader. and the delegations of russia and china signed a number of bilateral documents, the eventful program ended with a concert in honor of the seventy-fifth anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. anastasia has all the details efimova. state.


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