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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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i have to find him, markin’s hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexy shevchenkov, they went there on reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, then, not i know, anton shaquem, it means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign. passenger. the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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now it's time for economic news. inflation will slow down in the third quarter, the bank of russia predicts. according to the head of the monetary policy department, kirill trimasov, the annual rate of price growth has approached...
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percent, this is the maximum after which a reversal will begin. back in the fall, one could talk about double-digit inflation, but the increase in the key rate had a positive, albeit delayed, effect. the central bank noted that a rate cut is possible in the second half of the year. in russia, the demand for land plots for housing construction is growing. at the beginning of the year, the volume of transactions jumped 2.5 times to 92 billion rubles. by the end of the year, investments could reach 185 billion, analysts believe. as the businessman writes, developers are investing the funds generated by record apartment sales in past years. market participants did not expect such activity and now fear that it may suddenly give way to calm. the main risk factor is changes in preferential mortgage programs. the assets of the makfa holding became the property of the state. we are talking about the management company agromacfa, the mishkinsky bakery plant, the companies novaya planeta, prospekt, hotel stroy, arktika-service. stemp
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autotech and others. the claim of the prosecutor general's office was satisfied by the district court of chelyabinsk. total about 20 enterprises from different regions are registered with rossushchestvo. former owners, ex-governor of the chelyabinsk region mikhail yuryevich, ex-detat of the state duma vadim belousov. and the business group of companies, russia’s largest container operator, is creating a joint venture with the chinese samine cnd group. this diversified conglomerate is engaged in... including wholesale logistics. the main goal is to provide a full range of services within the framework of the trade partnership between russia and china. this was stated by the head of the case group sergei shishkarev at a meeting in moscow. the parties agreed on the development of sea routes, as well as the modernization of warehouse terminals. xiamen emphasized that russia is the main direction for investment. it was news about the economy. short.
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pentalgin is a remedy against various types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin. let's do without pain. children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses payment sticker, apply now for a children's savings card - an adult approach. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer
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money to a free alpha card, receive super cash in rubles and withdraw cash for free from any atm. not just profitable. alpha. profitable magnet - price, what it is necessary, tomato and cherry 999. it is profitable to retire with sberbank, for pensioners a free sber card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. bionic prostheses are very difficult. but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, send all payments and transfers without commission, open a business account in alfabank, alfabank is the best bank for business when you cook with pleasure,
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dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen, the gold tablet itself with an intensive cleansing formula effectively removes burnt-on stains, let you have... delicious food together, and samat will take care of the dishes, well , off to nature, oh, what is this, and this is a spending pattern , here are different cards with cashback, why, you need one vtb card, transfer to it for free from any bank, without commission restrictions, and get cashback for purchases up to 25% in vtb rubles, together everything will work out, attack credit card debts, i’ll show you a couple of tricks, we collect all the debts for... will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited
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vacation, thanks to purchases at the megamarket, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket - just grow with us, the state has abolished commissions for transfers between your accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free, the law has come into force, now you can receive a salary in one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a supercake in rubles and a 16% rate on savings. not just profitable, alpha is profitable. athens secretly sends 250 containers of weapons and ammunition to ukraine. the local press writes about this, recalling that the greek prime minister recently assured that he had not signed secret agreements with kiev.
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the topic will be continued by ekaterina shamaeva. nato countries must supply kiev even at the expense of their obligations to the alliance. such are the priorities. unlike his previous appearances, rob bauer did not comment the position of ukraine on the battlefield, retired military personnel did this for him. big losses, people are tired, they are exhausted. we all remember these videos from ukraine, in which cars with the bodies of dead soldiers drove past next to people kneeling. this is no longer the case. it’s not that these people are not ready to kneel before the fallen, it’s just that there are so many victims that it has become commonplace. not only is he accustomed to military action.
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large-scale confrontation, analyzing the ukrainian conflict, gulf war veteran chris ryan called on the authorities great britain urgently needs to increase its troops, given the risk of world war iii and a significant reduction in the size of the army, perhaps precisely because of the lack of personnel, official london so far rejects the idea of ​​​​sending soldiers to ukraine. the head of the ministry of defense emphasized: the british boot will not enter the independent territory, according to grant shapps, the west's priority is funding.
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the military demonstrated in germany, where they were trained under the bundeswehr program. german authorities, accustomed to not noticing manifestations of neo-nazism in ukraine, suddenly discovered right-wing extremist symbols on seven soldiers in the ssu. they had to be sent home. the idea of ​​expelling ukrainian citizens of military age is increasingly popular in poland. according to opinion polls, over half of poles are in favor of this. ekaterina shamaeva, lead. factory. for sports in bashkartastan today celebrates a year since its opening; it began work on may 16 in
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the alga special economic zone, and today the first results were summed up: 562 thousand units of ready-made garments are sewn in production products per year, the number of employees currently amounts to more than 200 people. the factory produces equipment commissioned by the ministry of sports of bashkartastan and the russian olympic committee. sews uniforms for leading volleyball clubs. we also have our own retail chain, but the strategic goal of the enterprise - import substitution - was very fruitful, we made quite a lot of interesting collections, we worked with the ministry of sports of the republic of bashkatastan and made sports collections for teams, we also worked on collections russian olympic committee, then we had quite a lot... orders from professional teams, for the future we, of course, have a lot of interesting long-term
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plans, as i said, we plan to increase production, the russian forest will soon have a digital twin, the state information system has been loaded with information about 93% of forestries, how digitalization affects the industry, why domestic manufacturers of forestry equipment do not... compete with foreign companies, marina gromova will talk about this in the program there is a solution, right after the advertisement. it’s not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprom banks. interest rate up to 17% per annum on deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit on
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tasty it is, you wouldn't be such a bore. star combo by alexander petrov for 355 rubles. adore. two are delicious, period. meet a free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of free payment sticker. children's savings card - an adult approach. my back gets tired on my feet all day. sports on daily basis, but how to protect? joints artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine i am the chef of kota gonezov on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important, and story, now it’s definitely delicious, with yota your money is not will fly away, we return rubles for
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the remaining minutes of the yoke, you can iota, it’s profitable to retire with sberbank for pensioners , free savings card, favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in the department. russia ranks first in the world in terms of forest area; they cover almost half of our country; these are the lungs of the planet, places of power, a source of wood, a valuable resource. there are so many trees in the forest, but progress does not
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stand still, who and how is involved in the development and conservation of forests today, and what solutions are available for business. in the forestry industry, metal comes in, a tractor comes out, this is about us, at the moment the localization of the plant is 90%, so we are not afraid of either storms or coronaviruses, the place is quite obviously a place of strength, it’s difficult to describe, you come and feel the watering of strength, on the other hand some kind of relaxation weakening. then how not roles-khos should take care of paper and translate everything into digital. rosleskhos has electronic document management. this means we submit all reports electronically. many, uh, issues are being addressed using digital technology. the next step is the formation of a unified digital forest register, where
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information on any issues in this area will be stored, including... and information on turnover wood along the entire chain, if you find yourself in an area where logs are soaked, you smell such a spring or autumn forest, and if you find yourself in a workshop where plywood is already being glued, you smell cookies or bread. oleg chastyakov, operating director of one of the leaders in the timber industry in russia and the largest producer of birch plywood in the world. the company has been on the market since 1990. for the seventh year , its factories annually produce more than a million cubic meters of products, the range of applications of which range from the construction of buildings and production of transport to furniture packaging, several years ago the company embarked on the path of digitalization. our guys have created a solution for automatic analysis of peeling defects based on machine vision,
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supplemented by a modern neural network. digitalization is important not only within production, but also when interacting with customers. to the plot, that is, the place of felling, sat in a uaz knee-deep in mud, drove directly with the people who harvest the forest, learned what weevils are, how they affect
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there on our industry, how hard they are treated, alexey dumnov had nothing to do with logging before, he works in the it industry, the company has come a long way in creating information platforms for government departments, today they are developing a digital twin of the forest and a single portal, services for individuals, government and business in the forestry sector . the platform will be fully operational in 2025, but government services are already being provided on it. if necessary, you can go down to the very details, up to a specific transaction with wood or the route of transport during transportation, which means forests from one point to another. the government and business communicate in the same language, possessing the same information. arkhangelsk region, they uploaded 100% of the data on their forest fund.
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a tree, before it is ready to be cut down, must germinate for several decades, well, the standard number is 80, that is, relatively speaking, if we plant a forest today, only our grandchildren will be able to make it out of it. so to speak, you imprisoned let's make this analogy: not a forest, not a tree, but this kind of grain, digitalization. obtain, for example, an extract from the forest register or submit a forest declaration. the time frame for providing industry services has been reduced, conducting an examination of forest development by half from 30 to 15 days, and reviewing
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reforestation and afforestation projects by three times from 15 to 5 days. digitalization is not only convenient, the industry is becoming more transparent in every sense. how this works can be seen in the reduction in illegal logging. 5 years ago more than a million cubic meters, in 2023 it will be less. we are talking about tracking illegal logging using satellite systems, but only as an indicator. not only images from space influence, this is only part of a complex work, we banned the export of round timber, you also harvest the timber, give it to the warehouse, cut the frame, yes, dry it, made the products there in the form of products
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to sell, a chain has already appeared that you can track it, you won’t do it in half a day, this is the first, second, of course, the transition to electronic models, the third is increased responsibility, we just led there you know, there are many more such norms that are not super obvious, but which are very significant, the norm about mandatory glonaz is being removed... this falls under the control and supervisory activities, that you not only do not torment them with checks, but if the red light comes on, of course, of course , approach, then we have made great progress with our colleagues from behind the power bloc, on the spot. once the dead forests have been cut down, new ones appear, there are more and more of them, this is one of the key tasks of the national ecology project, for 3 years in a row the area of ​​plantings exceeds the area of ​​the lost
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forests, the area of ​​reforestation and afforestation has been steadily growing for 5 years, in 2019 it exceeded a million hectares, then almost every year it added 100,000, as a result, last year the forest was renewed on an area of ​​1,400 thousand hectares, the same figure is expected in... in last year, in the altai territory, we exceeded the plan for reforestation measures, that is, we planted more than we cut down, we have very large areas
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in... being restored, several thousand hectares are restored annually, and you know, they say that when something is unsettled in the soul, you need to crush a tree, perhaps you should try, i’m more of yours, good, good, there are tangible results in protecting forests from fire; since 2019, the area of ​​fires has been reduced by more than half and here is help... a similar solution: fires are tracked by satellites using drones. thanks to the national project ecology , new machinery and equipment is appearing in forest fire departments in different regions. over the past 5 years, 48,000 units have been purchased. forestry is now provided with fire protection technology by 95%. and by the end of this year they should be fully provided. traditionally, we
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used russian. equipment equipment, these are ours and all-wheel drive vehicles, the same uaz or niva, these are tractors, these are bulldozers, other fishing equipment from an industrial point of view, the situation here is of course more complicated, here of course is a procession that is more narrowly specialized in business machines, in the near future we in place of john derov and konsa we will see russian equipment, what a blast. with the city name barnaulets, weighs 15 tons and goes where no car can go, and how elegant it is in its movements, as if it were wolfing, made in russia, these are not just words.
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there really are 0% foreign components in these all-terrain predators. forest fire equipment, machines for logging, and planting young trees are produced here. customers of public and private companies can be sure that there will be no problems finding spare parts. i remember, yes, this was the time of coronavirus, the twentieth year, the month of march, when after a month of work remotely i came to the enterprise and saw here, as new workshops are built, old ones are broken down. it was great, i remember when the company’s revenue was around 500 million a year, now it’s 2 billion, well , over the last 5 years, so to speak, we never asked for help from anyone, we are an independent unit , but we understand that on our own, relatively speaking, the construction of a new plant is now underway, it will take 5 years with the help of finance.
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equipment, in the near future there are plans to begin production of timber trucks on wheels, market requests for now the plant is producing tracked vehicles , which are trying to respond promptly, and for this it is important to look not only to the future, but to the past. i was recently at a forestry forum in st. petersburg, and after my speech a person from forestry came up , and you can do this for us, this, this, this, in fact, he needs stump removal, yeah, our engineer says, there is a solution, what, yes it was invented 30 years ago, only now we are modernizing it all on our basis, finalizing it, that’s all, please, it will work, how often do you
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do you have a solution to the inquiries of potential buyers of your equipment? there are always more new solutions in the forestry industry every year. right now, work is underway to create a digital twin of the russian forest. bars, thickets, and copses are united into one register, much the same as these trees, only with an invisible network. it will be much easier to navigate there than the clear interface won’t allow me now. that is, click in the wrong place, but the entire path traveled, all documents will be stored in the archive in your personal account, the archive of programs has a solution, look at the website, well , we’ll tell you how it’s filmed on social networks, follow the qr code.


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