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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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the register is about the same as these trees, only with an invisible network, it will be much easier to navigate there than for me now, the clear interface will not allow you to make a mistake, that is , click the wrong way, well, the entire path traveled, all documents will be stored in the archive in your personal account, archive of programs there is a solution, look at the website, but how to shoot? this standa, we will tell you on social networks, follow the qr code, vladimir putin’s official visit to china, meeting with sidinping, prime minister of the state council letian, about what? they said what signals
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the world press caught on, we’ll tell you at the beginning of the hour. slovak prime minister robert fitso is in intensive care in an induced coma. the condition is stable, but serious. who benefits from the attack? and we learn the punishment for crimes from the direct broadcast of our european correspondent. france sent troops to new caledonia. the khrino population seeks independence from paris. there are dead. emmanuel macron. units of the north group of troops defeated the enemy in the areas of the settlements of dergachi, liptsy and volchansk in the kharkov region. and promotion denis alekseev knows our fighters on the front line. the fsb stopped an attempt to commit a terrorist attack on a railway in crimea. there are two criminals, they were previously recruited by the ukrainian special services. we will tell you in facts what the motives of the attackers were. so,
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the main political event of the day: vladimir putin’s state visit to china. let me remind you that this is his first international trip after his re-election as president of russia. putin went to china at the invitation of chinese leader xiding ping. the president has already held talks with his colleague, as well as with premier of the state council liten. the delegations of russia and china signed a number of bilateral documents, then intensely. the program for the day continued with a concert in honor of the seventy-fifth anniversary of diplomatic relations between the countries. my colleague anastasia yafimova will tell you more about how the russian president’s visit to china is going. the state grand theater of china, of course, is not surprising with applause, but you rarely hear such applause even here. by the way, when vladimir
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putin came to the microphone, the applause sounded no less modest. together with shizen pinnom, the russian president today launched the cross year of culture between russia and china, whose relations today are an example of cooperation between neighbors, famous songs of that time, 75 years ago, it is often performed, in ours there is a phrase that has become a catchphrase, russian and chinese, brothers forever, sure. i am confident that it is in this fraternal spirit that we will continue to strengthen the harmonious russian-chinese partnership, we will continue to act in unison for the successful development of the two countries, the prosperity of the two peoples, to increase the authority of influence russia and china and the world. our cooperation has limitless possibilities and prospects. we can cope with our loved ones. obstacles
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to solve the most ambitious tasks. the concert at the bolshoi theater in china is dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between moscow and beijing. the soviet union is the first country in the world to recognize the independence of the people's republic of china in 1949; the experience of good neighborly interaction accumulated over 3/4 of a century was called invaluable by the leaders of the two states. music unites the hearts of like-minded people. chinese culture traditionally perceived as a language of friendship, as a means. to express feelings and emotions, and the musical culture of russia has a rich and ancient history, possessing enormous attractiveness, the folk music of china and russia always takes its rightful place in the blooming garden of world civilization. today on this stage, the wonderful artists of the state folk music orchestra of china and the osipov orchestra of russia will jointly perform not only russian melodies widely known to china, including moscow evenings, katyusha, but also fragments unique china.
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world order, which should be based on the central role of the united nations and its security council, international law, cultural and civilizational diversity, a verified balance of interests of all participants in the world community, we consider it necessary to work towards building a reliable and adequate security architecture in the asia-pacific region, in which has no place for closed military-political alliances, we believe that it is... very harmful and counterproductive to create such alliances, i for my part, i will inform the chairman of the people's republic of china about the situation that is developing around the ukrainian crisis; we are grateful to our chinese friends and colleagues for the initiatives they are putting forward to resolve this problem.
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the negotiations themselves lasted about 2.5 hours today, and such a detailed dialogue is understandable, because every cooperation initiative is not just a declaration of intention.
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it hopes for a speedy restoration of peace and stability on the european continent and is ready to continue its constructive role. a even as part of his state visit to china , vladimir putin laid a wreath at the monument to national heroes on tianyang square. this is a national monument of the country, a special place. constructiveness, mutual respect for opinions, interests, history are the key principles for russian-chinese relations, from which neither russia nor the prc, judging by...
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and what will happen next, the same movement has definitely been created for this, the necessary reserves, well, in terms of people, equipment and ammunition, so this is probably the main task for today, and this is how we enter a new profession, thank you
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the kharkov region. the ministry of defense reports this. it was possible to improve the situation in other areas. find out more details from denis alekseev. denis, greetings, literally every day the ministry of defense reports that missiles and drones are being shot down on russian territory. what's the situation on the fronts? yes, hello, let’s start with the north group, it’s under fire. moreover, as our military notes,
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the militants do not particularly persist, the fuse is not the same , and they do not rely on them, but they do not spare people, they, like human resources, are limited, counterattacks are choked, even the involvement of specially trained thugs, nazis, does not help mercenaries, a subdivision of the northern group of troops, as a result of active actions , advanced into the depths of the enemy’s defenses and defeated the formation of... a border detachment in the areas of dergachi and leptsov. and volchansk repelled two counterattacks in the areas of the settlements of staritsa and glubokaya. the losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to up to 205 military personnel, three tanks, two armored combat vehicles, eight cars, a 155mm krab self-propelled artillery mount, a 122mm d-30 gunship, a 122mm rocket-propelled combat vehicle
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multiple launch rocket systems bm-21 deg. well , meanwhile, at the entrance to volchansk there is already a russian tricolor, here it is, our military continues to clear the city, there is also video confirmation, and ukrainian soldiers surrender at the first opportunity, how many did you have, three, still there, no, here again, where were the militants based, either a school, or a hospital, or a children's playground? in general, the garden does not change itself. and today the ministry of defense published details of the liberation of the village of rabotina, zaporozhye region. in operation assault groups of the dnepr group of troops participated. the capture of the oporniks took place with air support. accurate strikes against the pividrons ensured the advancement of our attack aircraft. it could not do without artillery. and here is the result. the russian
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flag on one of the surviving buildings as a symbol of the complete liberation of the village. enemy equipment, enemy manpower, grenade launchers, machine guns were destroyed, the pressure gun was taken away, a temporary deployment point for the formation of a sonnet under control was destroyed by high-precision weapons to the main intelligence directorate of ukraine, these images show the arrival of a cruise missile of the iskander complex at the industrial base in nikolaev, intelligence directed the missilemen to assembly shops without equipment. boats, there were also several warehouses with newly arrived naval drones, about 40 of them, no less, kiev has more and more problems with aviation, while american fighters are waiting there, in the sky over donbass the ukrainian air force lost three of its own in a day, 3 minutes 29, this is a strong argument in favor of our air defense systems, they work perfectly, they were still intercepted within 24 hours
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25 drones, seven operational-tactical missiles, and taxis. they are sending 250 containers with weapons and ammunition to ukraine. the local press writes about this, recalling that the greek prime minister recently assured that he had not signed secret agreements with kiev. the topic will be continued by ekaterina shamaeva. nato countries must supply kiev even at the expense of their obligations to the alliance. the head of the bloc’s military committee set these priorities. unlike his previous appearances, rob bauer did not comment ukraine's position on the battlefield. retired military men did it for him. big losses, people are tired, they are exhausted. we all remember these videos from ukraine, in which a car with steles
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of dead soldiers drove past nearby people kneeling. this is no longer the case. it's not about these. people are not ready to kneel before the fallen, there are simply so many victims that it has become commonplace. not only the west is accustomed to military action, but also western ukraine. russia's superiority in radio electronics is also recognized in the west. fight, thanks to which our army neutralizes ukrainian drones. the associated press writes about this. the vysushniki also complained to reporters that someone was transmitting data about their movements to russia, which allowed them to carry out strikes during rotation. it cuts without that.
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i was recently in kiev, we continue to fight for ukrainian democracy. the ukrainian military demonstrated democratic values ​​in all its glory in germany, where they were
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trained under the bundeswehr program. german authorities, accustomed to not noticing manifestations neo-nazism in ukraine, right-wing extremist symbols were suddenly discovered on seven ukrainian armed forces soldiers. they had to be sent home. the idea of ​​expelling ukrainian citizens of military age is increasingly popular in poland. according to a poll. more than half of the poles are in favor of this. ekaterina shamaeva, lead. and continuing the ukraine theme, the russian military ensured the safe rotation of magathe observers to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. there are details on the news agency tapes. while ensuring the safety of the rotation of the mgt mission to zas, the russian military, in particular, found an unexploded ukrainian ammunition on the road. also, during the rotation of magat observers to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant along the route of their movement, a ceasefire was declared, which was strictly
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observed by the military of the russian federation. we are monitoring the situation, now there is a short advertisement, then we will continue the broadcast. well, the advertisement will be a little later, but for now, on to the news in crimea , a terrorist attack on the railway was prevented, the fsb was informed about this. two people were detained; according to operational data, they were recruited by the ukrainian intelligence. the attackers, following a tip from their handlers, found a cache with an explosive device, which they intended to install on the rails in the leninsky district, in the leninsky district. they were detained in a sleeping bag; during interrogations, it turned out that the detainees had previously transferred data to ukraine about the places of residence of military personnel, the coordinates of military and energy facilities. as noted by the fsb. the attackers have already confessed to their crime and are actively cooperating with the investigation; in particular, they said that ukrainian intelligence was interested in air defense coordinates in kerch, which cover
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the crimean bridge. they planned to strike the location of this pvsu using a drone, but they failed to hand over the drone to the agents.
4:24 pm
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have been a great honor for me to lead the region with such a rich tradition, original culture, great history and great people. tula region, tula will forever remain in my heart. today, at the operational headquarters of the agricultural enterprise , deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev introduced the minister of agriculture oksana lut. he expressed confidence that effective interaction between the ministry of regions will continue. the progress
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of seasonal field work was discussed at the operational headquarters. they have already begun in all federal districts, about 25 million hectares have been sown with spring crops, this is almost half forecast area. at the same time, in the territory of a number of subjects of the central and volga federal districts, as well as in the volgograd and rostov regions , recurrent frosts were recorded in may. according to available data , a state of emergency has already been introduced in eight regions. their number will continue to grow, colleagues, the most important thing in the regions is, do not waste a single day, promptly organize reseeding, it must be started now in order to meet the agrotechnological deadlines and fulfill the planned structure as much as possible areas, reserves of seeds and other resources are available, a number of regions in the region, due to the late snow melting, need to catch up with the pace of spring sowing.
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we, of course, had return frosts in may; collectively this affected 23 regions. according to initial data, the total loss is about 800-830,000 hectares, on a general scale this is about 1%, but it is necessary to clearly define plans for reseeding in order to maintain the approved parameters of the area structure. in addition to the crops, we also have damaged perennial plantings.


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