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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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perhaps their number will increase, colleagues, the most important thing in the regions is, do not waste a single day, promptly organize reseeding, it must be started now in order to meet agrotechnological deadlines and maximally fulfill the planned structure of areas, there are reserves of seeds and other resources, a number of regions due to the late snow melting, it is necessary to catch up with the spring pace. we, of course, had return frosts in may; collectively this affected 23 regions. according to initial data, the total loss is about 800-830,000 hectares, in total on a scale this is about 1%, but it is necessary to clearly define plans for reseeding in order to maintain the approved parameters of the area structure. in addition to the crops, we also have damaged perennial plantings. and now
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our specialists, together with the regions, are conducting an assessment to obtain reliable data.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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well, let’s briefly return to the information about the state of health of the prime minister of slovakia robert fizza, messages appeared on news agency feeds. so his condition remains severe, the elected president of the republic, petr pellegrini, told reporters after visiting the head of government at the hospital in branska bistrica. so here's the quote. prime minister fitz's condition is assessed as very serious; he was on the verge of death. i
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was allowed to talk with him for only literally a few minutes, end of quote, we are monitoring the situation and will return to it a little later, but for now on to other topics. so, the international islamic economic forum began work in kazan - this is the leading platform for discussing issues of cooperation with countries of the islamic world. my colleague maria kudryavtseva works in the capital of tatarstan. masha, i greet you. what issues will the forum participants discuss? artyom, greetings, in total, during the fifteenth anniversary international economic forum in kazan, russia , the islamic world, more than 120 thematic sessions are planned with the participation of russian foreign experts. the program was divided into 12 sessions, including international cooperation, sports, islamic finance and investment, tourism, culture, business, economics, personnel, science and technology. in each of these sessions.
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in the tatar language, let me remind you that on april 19 , 2024, tenkov was among the participants in the experiment on the development of islamic banking, the experiment is taking place in four regions, this is not only tatarstan, but also bashkiria, dagestan, chechnya. moreover, it is important to note that translating the atm functionality into the tatar language is not a prerequisite for the experiment, but it is a convenient client service. if you look at open sources, approximately 4 million people live in tatarstan alone, for whom this kind of customer service may be relevant, also at the forum , tinkov presented an islamic card that allows you to conduct financial transactions in accordance with the norms of sharia and islamic ethics, this is what the head of the islamic
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finance department of tinkov, askhat geniyatov, said about this in an interview with our tv channel. today we are the second bank in terms of the number of active retail clients, all processes that... will involve categories prohibited from the point of view of sharia, they will are not available to the client, we will simply limit him, but over time we will offer him an alternative to all analogues, this is leasing, ijara, this is the installment plan under the murabaha agreement and further instruments related to insurance, such as takaful. a cultural program has also been prepared for forum guests, for now. look, these are theatrical performances, film screenings, excursions, well , over 4,500 products from all over the world are presented at the fair. the key event, the plenary session, is scheduled for tomorrow, but today round tables are being held, business meetings, and the first
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agreements are signed. artyom, so, maria, thank you, let me remind you that my colleague maria kudryavtseva was on direct communication from kazan now. let's return to the topic of the health condition of robert fitz, the prime minister of slovakia, a politically motivated pre-planned crime. slovakia is interrogating the prime minister who shot, the prime minister himself is in the hospital in an induced coma, his condition is still very, very serious. but as the head of the slovak ministry of defense said, the threat to robert fitz’s health remains very seriously, the president says that he was literally on the verge of death, he had four wounds, they literally shot. point-blank, this happened the day before after a government meeting in the city of gandlovo, 190 km from bratislava, the wounded prime minister was taken to the hospital by helicopter, for the past 24 hours the doctors have essentially been fighting for his life, the criminal was detained on the spot, it is reported that this seventy-one-year-old
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juraj cintula from the city of levitsa, calls himself a writer and admits that he shot the prime minister because he disagreed with his politics, including in ukraine. fitz, let me remind you, was opposed to the supply of weapons and the allocation of money to the kiev regime. the slovak ministry of internal affairs states that the shooter acted alone, but planned his crime in advance. he acted in the interests of slovakia exclusively, and not in the interests of russia there and other states. i didn't like that. and of course, he set an extremely bad example for everyone else, along with the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban. and such a precedent - in the form of a manifestation of sovereignty should be stopped, judging by the actions and judging by the declarations that are already heard in the british and american press, but joyful cheers have also passed through the ukrainian networks,
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they rejoice there, as usual, over bloodshed, we will continue the topic, now to another one. the terrorist attack that took place in russia in crocus city hall, the moscow basmanny court extended the arrest until august 22 of four accused of involvement in the attack on the crocus city hall concert hall, the agency reports that the court satisfied the investigation's petition against the four alleged accomplices of the terrorist attack. we are monitoring the situation, but for now let’s return to the topic of the assassination attempt on prime minister fico. so, fitza is a left-centrist, founder and leader of the party. called the course social democracy. he was prime minister twice from the beginning from 2006 to the tenth years. his work was called successful. gdp grew, public debt decreased. however , after the elections of the tenth year, he was unable to assemble a coalition with other parties in parliament and had to resign. but it happened in
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2012, this was fitz’s second office. in 1918, however, i had to again resign over the murder scandal of investigative journalist yang. the opposition then played on the public’s dissatisfaction with the actions of the ministry of internal affairs, first of all, and last fall there was another return, a victory in the next parliamentary elections.
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it’s not that slovakia in the european union will vote against this, and fiza really doesn’t want to supply weapons to kiev, because , according to him, again, this weakens the slovak army, only prolongs the ukrainian conflict, multiplies the number of victims. we can send all the weapons in the world there, all the money, but russia will never be defeated militarily, and that was his quote. here is another quote: since 2014 after the maidan, ukraine has been under... total control of the influence of the united states, a bold statement, you agree, and the european union is making
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a big mistake by not having a sovereign view of ukraine, agreeing only with what they say about ukraine usa. end of quote. so, now our european correspondent, regina sebastianova, is in direct contact. regina, i welcome what is known about the prime minister’s condition, maybe you have some additional information and what is being said in the press on this topic? hello, at the moment the latest news is that president-elect petr pellegrini visited robert fitz in the hospital, and he even talked to him for a few minutes, and indeed a few minutes, according to the president-elect of slovakia, the current state of robert fitz still very serious, so the doctors, of course, did not allow long conversations, however, in the morning it became known that the doctors managed to stabilize the condition of robert fitz, that however, this does not mean that he is out of danger, this... is emphasized by both doctors and ministers who give briefings to journalists, after four gunshot
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wounds, of course, the area of ​​​​injuries is extensive, primarily two teams of doctors within 5 hours were working to stop the internal bleeding, this is a shot in the stomach, in the near future robert fitz will also need surgery on his injured leg, and at the same time, doctors also say that due to the drugs he is taking in connection with previously undergone heart surgery, this is blood... years to life in prison, he was today formally charged
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with attempted premeditated murder, the fact that, apparently, it was planned for a long time and was committed on a constitutionally protected elected politician is aggravating circumstances, they said today, and this was not an accidental, but a well-planned act, emphasized minister robert kaleniak, who noted that the criminal had already... was present at an anti-government protest during another government retreat, that is, he attended at least two retreats, the minister of internal affairs called the attacker a lone wolf who was radicalized on social networks, thus he answered the question whether the intelligence services could to prevent this attack, he also emphasized that at the moment there is an embargo on the dissemination of information on the investigation, but the police are working with only one version, it was a premeditated attack for political reasons.
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how did you do that? each of you should think about this. this was information about the abolition of the office of the special prosecutor, the cessation of military aid to ukraine, interference in the work of public television and the dismissal of the chairman of the judiciary.
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in april of this year, he said that he feared an attack on an elected politician; currently the police are investigating about 3-2 cases where texts supporting an attack on the slovak prime minister were posted on social networks, it was noted at the briefing. today is political all political parties in slovakia decided to give a signal; for this, the elected president peter pellegrini spoke in the morning together with the outgoing president suzanna caputová. we stand here together because we want to demonstrate understanding of this tense situation. disagreements are natural, even the two of us sometimes have different views on some things, but we are both people, politicians who agree on what is most important for society right now, and that is the need to stabilize the situation. our society lives in an era of numerous conflicts, but please do not
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bring them to the level of hatred. politicians called on all political parties. suspend or cancel their election campaigns before the european elections, which will take place in early june of this year, the majority of political forces have already reacted with agreement, while peter pellegrini especially emphasized that he hopes that the tragedy that occurred on the eve of the tragedy will not be used by political forces in order to attract additional votes . artyom. thank you, regina, my colleague regina sevastyanova was in direct contact. so, on to the weather now in the kalininsky district of the saratov region, a state of emergency was introduced today due to the destruction of crops. eight more russian regions resorted to such measures after a long period of frost. we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the foba center with evgeniy tishkovets. evgeniy, welcome when the weather finally gets better. good afternoon. the bag of frosts in which central
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russia finds itself will collapse in the coming night and the zone of zero negative temperatures will be pushed to the russian north. sixtieth parallel. in russia, frosts destroyed 830 hectares of crops, which is almost 1% of the sown area. the day before, a state of emergency was introduced in the rostov and penza regions due to the difficult situation. in the lower reaches of the don alone , according to preliminary estimates, crops on an area of ​​140,000 hectares were damaged. in the rostov region in the first half of may it sometimes froze to -7 and below. eight wheat for hay. she was stricken with frost, it was at 9 minus 3, on may 5 it was minus 6. in tatarstan, bashkiria, kirov and chelyabinsk regions , minimum temperature records have been updated in recent days, moreover, in ufa, record frosts have been recorded for the second time since the beginning of may.
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a unique situation in the south of russia in stavropol, the abnormal cold in mid-may forced the resumption. the surroundings of stavropol and obshironsk, and turning into hail, today the warming air in the south of russia was filled with hail, showers often in the south of kuban, so much hail fell that it was quite possible to make snowballs out of it. previously , on the passes of the krasnodar territory, drivers at the height of nastya were forced to stop and turn on their emergency lights.
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we hid in the trees down there, something in difanovka some kind of cataclysm, in my opinion, oh, good grades are falling. at the same time, in the south of siberia in the kemerovo region, due to heavy rains and melting snow in the mountains of the kuznetsk alatao, the water level in the rivers sharply increased, one of the bridges was demolished by stormy streams , and recreation centers, children's camps and more than twenty plots were flooded in the vicinity of mezhdurechensk in the private sector, traffic along one of the highways was also stopped due to overflows. on friday, anticyclones will be present for residents of southern siberia. and northwestern russia with sunny and dry weather. in the same time most of the country's european territory will be at the mercy of the vast and deep swamp of the north atlantic cyclone. the most intense showers will be concentrated along the atmospheric front line, it will run through ugra, the middle urals, the volgovyat region, the volga region and central russia. at the same time
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, the frost zone, due to the shielding effect of cloud fields and precipitation, will significantly decrease in size. today in the early morning , western siberia, the urals, the volga region and the south of central russia found themselves in a bag of cold. in over the coming night, temperatures below zero will only fall in the sixties in the russian north. latitude, which means that very soon in the middle zone it will be possible to continue sowing work in normal agrometeological conditions. in penza it is now +16.4. at night, the thermometer will drop to +4. in the future, the temperature in the region will gradually increase. on saturday night in penzia it will be +8, at the height of the day up to +17, at the beginning of next week the air will warm up to +20. in the capital of our homeland, thermometer readings returned to normal at vdnkh. air in in the middle of the day it warmed up to +20.1. in balchik +20.9. now, with the approach of a warm front
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, the sky has darkened, in the evening there will be rain in places, which will continue on friday night, and tomorrow in the first half of the day it will sprinkle only in the form of small focal precipitation, which will gradually stop and after midday the weather will take a course for improvement. the coming night in moscow will no longer be below +10-13. tomorrow afternoon. the air will warm up to +20 again, the weekend and the beginning of next week will be fine, at night +6-9, during the day +18:21 and only on tuesday there will be thunderstorms, normal may weather has finally arrived. in sochi, the winners of the interregional prize competition named after our colleague, vgtrk correspondent boris maksudov, were awarded. they accepted it.
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from may 15 to 18, the ceremony was attended by members of boris’s family, the leadership of vgtrk and the governor of kuban. to preserve the purity of thought, the truthfulness of speech, the community of the region gathers, and from all over the country, presenters, colleagues, are here, leading journalists who are probably a guide somewhere. participated in the competition.
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thank you very much, irina, my colleague irina ramankova was on direct communication from sochi. uralsip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of everything. or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra. we give free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural sip.
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nothing extra.
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effective management of state property is an important part of the system of successful public administration, mikhail mishustin spoke about this at a meeting with the head of the federal property management agency vadim yakovenko. details of maria's conversation slobodyanskaya. the quality of use of federal property directly affects budget revenues. prime minister mikhail mishustin said this at a meeting with the head of the federal property management agency vadim yakovenko. this money, in turn, is important for fulfilling all the state’s obligations in the social sphere. last year, the agency ensured that the federal budget received about 400 billion rubles. of these, most of them come from state-owned company dividends, which is approximately 339 billion rubles. the agency's own revenues amounted to almost 60 billion. the agency itself, as a result of managing existing assets, ensured
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the receipt of 59 billion rubles. i would also like to note that this figure has already been growing for 3 years, that is, every year we are improving our performance in terms of managing state property. last year we sold three large blocks of shares, three major sales - port bronka, the kuchuk-sulfate enterprise and the first exemplary printing house. now one of the main tasks of the russian property management agency is to increase the pace attraction of objects due to changes in the regulatory framework. in addition, smes can now buy out a property after a year of rent, and not two, as was the case before, as mikhail mishustin noted. it is also necessary to more actively use unused government facilities under public-private partnerships, one example is the fishing port industrial park in magadan. remember, they talked to the fishermen when
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they came to the pier and... it was an object owned by the national resource agency, nothing happened there, there was no investment program nothing, and then you and i transferred this to regional ownership so that it would later work, here is any public-private partnership that involves inefficiently used state property in active circulation, they give more returns from it, both income and assets, jobs begin to be created, this is very good. there are already positive dynamics in the development of the industrial port; in total, last year the russian property management agency interacted with 73 regions of the country, these are issues of integrated development of the territory and work within the framework of public-private partnership. thus, the altai territory received 6,000 hectares for a beet and sugar complex, and 600 hectares were transferred for an agricultural complex in the moscow region. another project for the development of the laganaki resort in the republic of adegea. the agency donated 1,500 gatars for the development of the tourism cluster. investments in the project will amount to about 35 billion rubles. and every year the resort
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will be able to. there is a main reserve, property that is not used by copyright holders or is used ineffectively. new procedure for conducting inspections, using the federal property of the government was approved literally in march of this year, now we have all the checks. take place exclusively in a digital format, the time frame is reduced, the procedure for the seizure of such property is established, the information received is all consolidated in our digital system, a single profile of the object is entered in the registers of federal property, so here we see such a powerful tool for involving such objects. as the prime minister noted, the entire system depends on the effective management of state property
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state administration, therefore it is important to effectively build a rental policy and engage in sales of what makes economic sense. this year, the federal property management agency expects to increase revenue to the federal budget by more than 100 billion rubles. so, the main political event of the day:
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vladimir putin’s state visit to china. let me remind you, this is his first.


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