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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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rental policy to engage in sales of what makes economic sense. this year , rossimushchestvo expects to increase federal budget revenues by more than 100 billion rubles. so, the main political event of the day: vladimir putin’s state visit to china. let me remind you that this is his... international
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trip after his re-election as president of russia. putin went to china at the invitation of chinese leader shizen ping. the president has already held talks with his colleague, as well as with the prime minister of the state council litchan. delegation russia and china signed a number of bilateral documents. then the busy program of the day continued with a concert in honor of the seventy-fifth anniversary of diplomatic relations between the countries. my colleague will tell you more about how the russian president’s visit to china is going. anastasia yafimova. the state grand theater of china, of course, cannot be surprised by applause, but such applause is not often heard even here. by the way, when vladimir putin came to the microphone, the applause sounded no less modest. together with sidinpin, the russian president today gave start of the cross year of culture.
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we will continue to strengthen the harmonious russian-chinese partnership, we will continue to act in unison for the sake of the successful development of the two countries, the prosperity of the two peoples to increase the authority of the influence of russia and china in the world. our cooperation has limitless possibilities and prospects; we are able to cope with any obstacles and solve the most ambitious tasks. the concert at the bolshoi theater in china is dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between moscow and beijing. advice.
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and a democratic multipolar world order, which should be based on the central role of the united nations and its security council, international law, cultural diversity, a verified balance of interests of all participants in the world community, we consider it necessary to work towards building a reliable and adequate security architecture in asia -pacific region, in which there is no place for closed military-political alliances, we believe that it is very harmful and counterproductive to create such alliances, i for my part, i will inform the chairman of the people's republic of china about the situation that is developing around. ukrainian crisis, we are grateful to our chinese friends and colleagues for the initiatives they are putting forward to resolve this problem. the negotiations themselves lasted about 2.5 hours today, and such a detailed dialogue is understandable, because each cooperation initiative
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is not just a declaration of intent, it is very specific decisions and steps to implement them. as a result, a number of documents were adopted, intergovernmental, interdepartmental.
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history for russian-chinese relations are key principles from which neither russia nor the prc, judging by what the leaders said today, intend to deviate from. russia and china are deepening cooperation in the energy field, we are talking about construction. new nuclear power plants were announced by the head of ros-atom, alexey alikhachev, who came to beijing as part of the russian delegation. in an interview with artie, he also commented on the ban on the supply of uranium products from our country, which was recently imposed by the united states. for the russian nuclear industry the restrictions have not become critical
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, according to him, but american companies have to look for loopholes to get around this ban. it won't cause any problems, why is it theoretical? because it has a lot of loopholes, and the first thing...
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ensured the safe conduct of the next rotation of magath mission observers at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the military together with units of the russian guard accompanied the observers, inspecting the roads and destroying explosive objects. from 6 am to 6 pm it was. four inspectors who will monitor her safety. the ukrainian general staff expects that lowering the mobilization age to 25 years will make it possible to conscript another 100,000 young people, ukrainian media report. another publication published an interview with an active military man who said that if there are no reinforcements, the front will simply collapse. that is why the ukrainian authorities. let's tighten things up mobilization, and military commissars act more and more harshly, beating people by force and taking away their assembly
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points. details from margarita semenyuk. hold on, brother, that you are your fathers from zaporozhye, tetskashniks and police beat the man until he lost consciousness, eyewitnesses called an ambulance and filmed everything on their phones. and the neighbors confirmed that the guy was severely beaten and all against the backdrop of an air raid raid. and how?
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a trap from which there is no escape, militants who were at the front offer their vision of optimization and mobilization of the police to independently catch the hijackers the indicators will... “catch, take care of your professional obligations, don’t be evil, you will go to take the place of those, how many people have not been caught, and ukrainians are motivated in an increasingly sophisticated way in the literal sense, tightening the noose around their necks, depriving a person of a license, this time a driver’s license, another painful measure for draft dodgers. representative of the ministry of defense dmitry lazutkin said that deprivation of a driver’s license can be
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challenged only after going to the military registration and enlistment office.” in fact, the scheme is clearly spelled out in the law. in fact, there is a clearly stated law scheme: a person who evades, so to speak, within 5 days from the receipt of the summons, must appear at the tsk, such a summons is called a requirement to fulfill military duties. after 10 days, a person ignores it, does not appear at the shopping center and does not confirm or update his data, an appeal to the court follows, the court already makes a decision regarding the restriction of driving. business owners are now forced to independently issue pas to employees. such an innovation will come into force on may 18, the law on mobilization bypasses the notification, while the reservation was received by company employees who are connected with european countries and the usa and bookmakers, and after lowering the age limit to 25 years, the kiev authorities hope to gather another 100,000 people. margarita semenyuk, maya alenova, anna nikulaesh, news.
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a terrorist attack on a railway was prevented in crimea, the fsb was informed. two people were detained. according to operational data, they were recruited by ukrainian intelligence. the attackers, following a tip from their curators, found a cache of explosives. device that was intended to be installed on the rails in the leninsky district. they were detained in a sleeping bag; during interrogation , it turned out that the detainees had previously transferred data to ukraine about the places of residence of military personnel, the coordinates of military and energy facilities. as the fsb noted, the attackers have already confessed to their crime and...
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in the georgian parliament this was regarded not just as interference in the internal affairs of the republic, but as an attempt to overthrow the government. stanislav bernwalt will tell you the details. an impressive european landing landed in tbilisi, against the backdrop of popular unrest, the foreign ministers of lithuania, estonia, iceland, germany, poland, and the czech republic decided to insert their 5 kopecks. and on wednesday they came to rustavelli avenue for a rally against the law on foreign agents. having climbed onto the stage, they loudly threatened, apparently, all of georgia in the person of the protesters, saying that with such a law there is no place for you in civilized europe. representatives of the baltic states were especially zealous. indeed, without... the european path for georgia, after the adoption of the law on transparency of foreign influence is closed, it is necessary to speak openly about what results could follow from the current decisions for
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the european future of georgia. and as the ancient georgian proverb says: to speak idlely, what to write on water, the head of the midlitva learned this meticulously, a true, in quotes, new european from the baltic states who imagine themselves to be the mouthpiece of european values, and his colleague from iceland agrees. we supported.
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funds, including the georgian opposition side. it is worth recalling that the georgian parliament passed the bill on foreign agents in the third reading; the country's president soloma zarubeshvili intends to veto it, but the ruling party has enough votes to overcome it. for western countries, let’s say, for the entire euro-atlantic community, they do not need a precedent of such a nature that a small target country, georgia , can, well, take it and sharply weaken it. western presence in its domestic policy is a rather negative and, let’s say, negative precedent, if this the bill will be adopted, it will finally be adopted, it will begin to operate in
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the original wording, as the initiators of the bill actually believed, i think that perhaps a movement in favor of greater sovereignization will begin, and this is also not needed by western countries, and in order to prevent this, the west is ready for a lot, and this has already happened in the foreseeable past, europeans also came... according to the general secretary of the ruling party georgian dream democratic georgia and the mayor of the capital kakhi-kaladze, the processes taking place today at the protests against the bill on transparency of foreign influence in the center of tbilisi, similar to those that took place in ukraine in the fourteenth year, this is an attempt to organize a donor revolution. what this led to then is well known to everyone now. stanislav bernwald, news! in sochi , the winner of the interregional prize competition named after our colleague, vgtrk correspondent boris maksudov, was awarded. he died on november 23 last year. from injuries
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received during filming in the zaporozhye region. the family was invited to the ceremony in sochi boris maksudov. more than a thousand people took part in the competition, many of whom knew him personally. report by pavel melnik. as if from cubes, it was assembled from scraps of front-line records. the last, unfinished story of our colleague boris maksudov. it’s practically impossible to hide here, well, almost nowhere, everything is clearly visible and under fire. especially from the sky, we are lucky that now the sky is overcast, but no one guarantees , of course, that drones are flying here. stills from the documentary film heroes open the award ceremony of the interregional boris maksudov prize competition, voenkor's mother and his daughter sat with scarves in their hands throughout the entire show. on the screen , the wife olga armyakova, she continued her husband’s work so that the whole country could see his truth about the svo. each work
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contains competition participants. and what fascinated boris so much about reporting was that he loved to communicate, and not only on camera. in sochi for half a day, let's go to lunch, well , where, of course, here, the famous sea promenade of the resort, where all year round you can meet acquaintances, friends, colleagues of sochi, how he loved him so much, and which opened the doors to his profession, here it is, the vesti sochi radio studio, here, behind these chairs, behind these microphones, boris began his career.
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the main thing is to support young journalists who write about important things. the idea of ​​the competition is within the framework of the kuban journalism days; it will be held annually with the support of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company and certainly in sochi, where a bust named after boris maksudov will soon appear. pavel melnik, nikita kalchenko and regina sovchuk, news from sochi. on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing, puyi appeared in the northeast not by accident, all this was pre-planned by the japanese, he was a real japanese puppet, mass murder of
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and the humor is good, i need to get to school 7:33, my nephew is there at night, but it’s not like that yet, wait, hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask , how could i even end up here, what a meeting, sometimes i want to cry, sometimes i want to laugh, super, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years. forward, look to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website.


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