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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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there were all these emotions, it was very cool, this was the first film, this is a cow, i was absolutely delighted, the humor is good, i need to get to school 7:33, my nephew is there at night, but they haven’t done this before, i wait, i hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask how i could even end up here, what kind of meeting, sometimes you want to cry, sometimes you want to laugh, oh, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years from now, we are watching to learn world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website.
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today, within the framework of the international economic forum russia-islamic world, which is taking place in kazan, the role of accounting chambers and state audit as instruments of trust and openness of power was discussed. the head of the state duma committee on labor, social policy and veterans affairs, yaroslav nilov, also spoke there now. he is in direct contact with us. yaroslav evgenievich, we welcome you. greetings to everyone from solnechny tatarstan. hello. hello. what can you say about today’s session, which is dedicated to the state audit? why did you take part in it? what issues were discussed? well, let's start with the fact that the accounts chamber of the russian federation is a parliamentary control body. the accounts chamber is being formed, including the state duma sending its auditors there. we
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have built a constructive dialogue, constant contacts, we use the documents of the accounts chamber, the reports of the accounts chamber are regularly heard in the state duma, the accounts chamber the chamber is a supervisory body that allows us, among other things, to identify legislative gaps, we can improve the current legislation taking into account the identified problems that exist, the dialogue was interesting, taking into account the fact that representatives from different countries were present, they told them about their supervisory control activities are working, the report of rosfinitoring was interesting, what are the challenges to our financial system from the outside today, how do various schemes work cashing out of funds and what measures are being taken, what i would like to draw attention to is that the thesis was clearly and clearly stated that today in society the request for justice is extremely serious, and this is absolutely true, i completely agree with this, based on those letters, based on the meetings that we hold with our voters, and...
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how emotional they are, the degree, the degree of demand for justice will only grow, this is obvious. in addition, look how unexpected it was for many, what a non-trivial, but deeply thought-out decision the president made, appointing to the post of minister of defense, former deputy prime minister belousov, a man who spent his whole life engaged in finance, economics and... has an unblemished reputation and is valued as a high professional, it is the state approach from the point of view of optimization and economics, saving budget funds that is fundamental in many processes today that are extremely necessary for our country. we are in our daily life at work, we are talking about the fact that we need to take a more optimal approach, eliminate unnecessary expenses , and direct all possible saved funds to those goals that are today identified primarily by the president.
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message, i liked the fact that the accounts chamber, in its recommendations, supported our initiative as a definite proposal, formed the thesis that was voiced at our recent meeting, and it was proposed to abandon unnecessary spending, look, before the holidays there is a huge number of congratulations to each other sends, sometimes we don’t even read them, we don’t have time to read them, just as those who form them don’t sign them, and this is all a lot of money, souvenirs that are sent before the holidays, i’m not talking about protocol meetings, gifts, i’m talking about nationwide, at the expense of the federal, regional, municipal budget, and at the expense of unitary enterprises, money is spent on various gift products, which can not be produced, ordered or given before the new year, before may 1, and so on further, let’s direct these funds to support families with many children, to families with children in general, to families whose parents, whose members are now on... i supported this,
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so today we need to take an optimal approach to all budget funds and spending budget funds , and save as much as possible and spend on those things that are really in demand, this is what was discussed today, and the state duma has advanced quite a lot recently, we have built a systematic, structural work with accounts chamber, we regularly have meetings within the committee at plenary sessions, when the government reports, this is not just a hearing, we listen: how budget funds are spent, the accounts chamber for several trillion, which means it has identified a remark, this does not mean that money has been stolen , no, this means they mastered it at the wrong time, didn’t master it at all, mastered it in violation, and this is the subject of our
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further improvement of legislation, a lot, for example, i apologize, i’ll interrupt to the question of the accounts chamber, what do you think, will the role change now? holds conclusions, most importantly, forecasts, analytical calculations, on which ministries and departments are based in the future, these same reports are presented to the presidential administration, the president, us, deputies of the state duma, in addition, the new head of the accounts chamber said that activities need to be done as
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transparent and open as possible, so i am convinced that all the optimistic signals are given, they believe that the accounts chamber is a serious a body, a body that must... through its work force every budget ruble of the entire budget system to work optimally to fulfill, first of all, national goals. today we have a lot of questions, including support, as you said, for participants in a special military operation, their family members, we have large expenses associated with the need to provide for the army, and in general it is unacceptable for officials in their places to make decisions or engage in corruption, and then the soldiers are left without something because of.
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work with parliament, achieve all the goals set, and most importantly , ensure that open, transparent work allows us to identify gaps, talk about them, make decisions to eliminate these gaps, to create the necessary legal framework, but the goal is one, so that all government agencies work effectively mechanisms, we don’t have time to sway, so that all the funds allocated for certain programs and projects reach the final goal, so that we do not have unused funds left. when in the regions they don’t know how to master it or not manages to ensure that our regions, and ultimately our citizens, do not suffer due to the fact that there are malfunctioning mechanisms of the forty-fourth federal law, when the price wins, but the quality suffers, everyone suffers from this, of course, the work of the accounts chamber will be
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effective, and let me remind you that the head of the state duma committee on labor, social policy and veterans affairs, yaroslav nilov, was in touch with us from kazan. thanks a lot. the president’s personnel policy became the topic of discussion today at a round table in the expert institute of social research. the process of forming a new government was marked by a number of high-profile appointments and reshuffles. political scientists and journalists discussed the structure of the cabinet of ministers. it was also about what challenges he would have to face. five governors who were promoted.
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these appointments once again testify to such a careful attitude of the authorities and the president personally to such a phenomenon as vertical horizontal mobility, political mobility for the unity of the country. horizontal and vertical political mobility are extremely important, it is one of the institutions that creates this unity, a subdivision of the group: russian troops north have advanced into the depths of the enemy’s defenses in the kharkov region, the ministry of defense reports about this, they managed to improve the situation in other directions, we will learn more from denis alekseev. denis, greetings, literally every day the ministry of defense reports that missiles and drones are being shot down on russian territory, but what is the situation on the fronts? yes, hello, just like that let's start with the north group, it keeps part of the routes under fire control. which now significantly complicates the supply of ammunition to the change
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of personnel in the mtr, that every day the ukrainian line of defense in this direction is bursting at the seams, every column leaving with impunity, as it were, will not just travel like that, evacuation, ammunition, yes, all of theirs the reserves that they will send there are already under fire control, and how dubious their operation is, but they don’t spare the people, they seem to... and how our military notes that the militants are not particularly persistent, the fuse is not the same, and human resources are limited, counterattacks are bogged down, even the involvement of specially trained thugs, nazi mercenaries, does not help. a subdivision of the north group of forces, as a result of active operations, advanced into the depths of the enemy’s defense. they were defeated by the formation of the nationalist krakin battalion of the foreign legion, manpower and equipment of the 125th brigade of the territory. detachments in the areas of dergachi, leptsov and volchansk repelled
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two counterattacks in the areas of the settlements of staritsa and glubokaya. the losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to up to 205 military personnel, three tanks, two armored combat vehicles, eight cars, a 155mm self-propelled artillery mount krab, a 122mm gun d-30, a 122mm combat gun. and today the ministry of defense published details of the liberation of the village of rabotina, zaporozhye
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region. the operation involved assault groups of the dnepr group of troops. the capture of the oporniks took place with air support, accurate strikes against the pividrons ensured the advancement of our attack aircraft. they could not do without artillery, and here is the result: the russian flag on one of the surviving buildings as a symbol of the complete liberation of the populated area. enemy equipment was destroyed. enemy manpower, grenade launchers, machine guns, the pressure gun was taken away, in these frames the iskander complex cruise missiles arrived at the industrial base in nikolaev, reconnaissance directed the rocket men to the assembly workshop of unmanned boats, there were also several warehouses with newly arrived naval vessels drones, about 40, no less, kiev is having more and more problems with aviation, while american fighters are waiting there, in the skies over donbass the ukrainian air force lost three of its own in one day...
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improvement is being carried out with his direct support, a modern clinic has already appeared in the village and an overpass to the city center, the reconstruction also affected the local stadium, now they are building an ice arena and a swimming pool, an ice arena swimming pool, there is already a clinic, we are settling in, an overpass, it will be a completely different village, but it has already been completely transformed, of course, it has name juice. heroic people live here, dynasties, yes, all those who
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work for the country, protect it. the european commission does not intend to speculate on the reasons for the attack on robert fitz. this is how brussels officials responded to journalists’ questions about the policy of inciting hatred within the eu. well , in turn, the nato secretary general condemned the assassination attempt on the slovak prime minister, noting that the crime undermines european democracy. natalya solovyova will continue the topic. slovakia has not yet recovered from the shock. the main news on the front pages of local newspapers. before assassination attempt on robert fitz european leaders have not been shot at for 20 years. he himself admitted after his arrest that he was a liberal
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poet and an activist of the progressive slovakia party, which adheres to the euro-atlantic course. i don’t agree with the government’s policy, here he is in a striped sweater, just a month ago he was participating in pro-ukrainian actions in slovakia, shouting along with the crowd, traitors, collaborators, long live ukraine. chintula provided an invaluable service to the western hawks, simultaneously pleasing the ukrainian neo-nazis, for the second day gloating on social networks, because he was the one who opposed it...
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minutes before the assassination attempt , fitz was just criticized on sky news, calling him a source of discord in the eu. and after the unfortunate shots, the publication spiegel published an article with the following headline: how the fitz poisoned the climate in his country, although after a few hours it was changed to a more neutral one. the marvelous western world, in its eternal movement towards new horizons of democracy , was never able to abandon the medieval methods of struggle for its own superiority. natalia solovyova and evgenia zemtsova. news. so, a message from the defense about the situation on the battlefield. in particular, the department reports. russian troops destroyed the command post of a brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov region with a strike from the iskander operational-tactical missile system. the enemy lost about 50 troops. and a quote. and,
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the armed forces of the russian federation struck at a previously reconnoitered location. command post of the 302nd anti-aircraft missile brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. as a result of the strike, the command post was completely destroyed brigade warehouse with ammunition and about 50 military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, the report says. we are monitoring the situation, now moving on to other topics. so, the factory for sports in bashkartastan today celebrates the anniversary of its opening. it began work on may 16 in the special economic zone. and today we summed up the first results: the production sews 562,000 units of finished products per year, the number of employees at the moment is more than 200 people. the factory produces equipment commissioned by the ministry of sports of bashkartastan and the russian olympic committee. sews a uniform for leading volleyball clubs. the production
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also has its own retail network. well, the strategic goal of the enterprise is import substitution. this year has been very fruitful for us. we have made quite a lot of interesting collections. we worked with the ministry of sports of the republic of bashkirtastan and sewed a sports one. collections for teams, we also worked on the collections of the russian olympic committee, then we had quite a lot of orders from professional teams, for the future we of course have a lot of interesting promising plans, as i said, we plan to increase production, and now to the economic news: russia's trade surplus in january-april. almost 44 billion dollars, and the current account surplus approached 32 billion. this is the central bank’s estimate. international reserves in the first week of may
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increased by $2.7 billion, they are estimated at almost 600 billion. a new chain of electronics stores will appear in russia. retail communications, it will also sell banking, insurance and other services. promsvyaz bank is working on the project, as it writes businessman, general director. has already been appointed, this is dogmara ivanova, a former top manager of the bankrupt svyaznoy network. at the same time, the new retail is not legally connected with it. the first sales points will appear in the summer in moscow, the moscow region, the volga and southern federal districts. they plan to open several hundred in the first year. boeing faces criminal prosecution. the us department of justice found that the company violated an agreement to defer trial after two fatal plane crashes. both. accidents occurred with 737 max aircraft in 2018 and 19. then the company entered into an agreement worth $2.5 billion and pledged to tighten
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safety requirements and report all possible problems with aircraft. now the ministry of justice is deciding what further actions will be regarding boeing. if the company loses in court, it will have to agree to external security monitoring. and the united states is expanding the front of the trade war with china on texts. previously, about the same amount was banned, as the wall street journal writes, all this is a protest against the use of forced labor, while american companies have long complained about competition from the chinese; their products are imported in large volumes and, as a rule, at more favorable prices. it was economic news. short. how donbass developed, starting from the end of the 19th century, can be found out at... the exhibition that opened today in moscow. the exhibition at the russian state archive of literature and art features more than 150 documents from dozens
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of collections, as well as photographs, posters and newspaper clippings from local newspapers. well, the photographs graphics and watercolor paintings give a broad idea of ​​the cultural growth of novorossiya. the partners of the project were the donetsk and lugansk krievey museums, as well as the russian state archive of socio-political history. and to other topics, about 6 million migrants live and work in russia today; existing problems,
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necessary adjustments and urgent changes in legislation on migration, repatriation and citizenship were discussed today in moscow. as experts noted, the presence of a large number of people who are foreign labor is related to the needs of the country's economy. today , about 90% of domestic enterprises are done. are still experiencing a shortage of labor resources, the strategy should be based on an understanding of the short-term and long-term goals of migration policy. we must proceed from the fact that the migration of labor resources to russia is forced in the post-soviet space of the world in the conditions of the demographic decline of the war with the west and northeast military district in ukraine, in order to prevent further flight of people from the cis countries, from the cis of the eurasian union. migration should not be a problem, but a tool for the socio-economic development of russia. it is necessary to increase labor productivity and restore technical education, which has become
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an obstacle on the way today. filling labor vacancies because there are no people. and the international agenda. paris will send another 1.0 gendarmes to new caledonia, which has been gripped by anti-french protests. this was stated by the prime minister of the fifth republic gabriel tal. and he promised to punish the rebels in the most severe way. what are they trying to achieve? demonstrators, our columnist emil mirsaev will tell you. this is what the decline of the french neocolonial empire looks like. protests have not subsided in new caledonia for four days now. the recently revolted african niger, which is true dare, but not de facto, was still an independent state, was joined in the fight for its rights by the overseas territories of the fifth republic, which is in distant oceania, 16,000 km from paris, next to australia and new zealand . this is just under a dozen islands where almost
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250,000 people live. 40% - local indigenous population, kanaki. for them, this is not the first protest in an attempt to achieve political sovereignty from the elysee palace, but it is probably the most violent one. a peaceful demonstration earlier in the week degenerated into chaos. 800 people came out onto the street. clashes with security forces began. five people died, including two gendarmes, one was accidentally shot by a fellow policeman in street battles. throughout the archipelago, hundreds of wounded. the crowd indiscriminately burned everything in its path. now the main island looks like one big one cinema pavilion, site for a film about a post-apocalypse. cars burned down, buildings were burned to the ground, bodies of the dead lay on the road, and looting began. terrorists have blocked the roads, it is very difficult to move. we europeans are afraid to leave the house, we are afraid that we will be beaten or simply killed. we worry about our property, which may simply be
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destroyed. the total damage was previously estimated at 150 million euros. this amount is tantamount to a disaster for a small region, local authorities said they asked paris for exceptional financial support, but they decided to respond first with military help. we are sending troops into new caledonia to ensure the protection of sea air harbors and to protect the local population from violence. i promise that there will be no army on the streets. however , soon the following footage appeared on the internet. security forces detained over 200 people.
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coordinated the protests; in addition, a state of emergency has been introduced in these overseas territories, which will last about 10 days. i'm amazed by what i see, the situation shouldn't be like this, it's political failure, because the situation was calm for 30 years, we came to violence after tough actions by the government, responsibility lies entirely with the authorities, the authorities are only able to deal with fire measures, president macron
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convened the national... security council for the second day in a row, even promised to hold negotiations via video link with the leaders of all political parties in new caledonia, but they refused, apparently realizing that listening to the demagoguery of paris again is pointless. emil mirsaev, news. dozens of cooperation agreements in the most various fields from industry and agriculture to culture. this is the result of the first day of vladimir putin’s state visit to china. for the russian president, this is the first foreign trip after his re-election and officially took office. and the fact that china was chosen confirms
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the high level of relations. shifts are not surprising, but you rarely hear such applause even here.


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