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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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hello, live broadcast of a legal program, hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. the basmanny court of moscow today considered the investigation's request to extend the arrest of eight defendants in the cases. about the terrorist attack in crocus city hall near moscow. all of them, according to the prosecution, were either perpetrators of a terrible crime or helped organize it. from the courtroom reporting by alexander ostakhov. today , the basmanny court of the capital was once again crowded with a large number of journalists. here, the issue of
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extending the preventive measure for the four direct perpetrators of the terrorist attacks in crocus city hall and some of their probable accomplices was considered. the first to the meeting room were security forces in bulletproof vests with machine guns, one by one , they brought four of the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks in shackles, the accomplices were led so that they constantly remained in a half-bent state, this is how they treat only the most dangerous defendants. even in the glass box , they practically did not raise their heads and carefully examined the floor under their feet, not noticing anyone around. but my physical health has apparently improved in almost 2 months. said kramir chabalizada already without the bow on his head, which journalists saw in march, muhammad sabir fayzov also came on his own feet. last time he was brought to the courtroom on a stake.
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following the perpetrators of the terrorist attack , their alleged accomplices were brought into the conference room to decide on extending the suppression measures. all four placed in one box. jakub jeni yuda made his living as a handyman, but his small income was allegedly still enough to help the terrorists rent an apartment in putilkava near moscow. this is footage of one of the many investigative experiments that were carried out in the lair, where the terrorists were preparing for a bloody attack, sleeping right on the floor, there was electrical tape, which was rewound. automatic horns. little is known about the role of muhammad sharipzada. jomakhon kurbonov could provide terrorists with means of communication and their payment. and nazrimada lutfalo allegedly helped criminals transfer money received into their accounts from cryptocurrency to rubles.
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so security officers just came to the moscow city complex, to the office of an organization that deals with cryptocurrency. investigators found that terrorists received funding from like-minded people in this way, among other things. the investigation into the terrorist attack continues, security forces are looking for other accomplices in the bloody crime and its organizers, but it has been repeatedly stated that the traces lead to ukrainian special services, even take the fact that they detained terrorists in the bryansk region not far from the border with the square; the criminals allegedly maintained contact with the ukrainian side and it was preparing a corridor for them. all eight defendants who were brought to the basmanny court are expected to remain in custody until august 22, in total on the case. so far , 12 people have been arrested regarding the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. security measures near the court have been seriously strengthened. behind me is the backyard of the bossman's court, in the form of the naftozak of the russian guard, amon fighters, police. from here, after the end of the meeting, all the accused were again taken to lifortov's prison. alexander ostakov, dmitry
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kanovalov, ivan melnichuk. news: duty department. some residents of the northern capital now have virtual neighbors. the st. petersburg police found this out during the liquidation of a large-scale illegal migration channel. 18 enterprising criminals organized a company for a fee to register foreigners in apartments without the knowledge of the owners, for this they used hacked accounts for government services. two criminal cases have been initiated, members of a criminal group are being detained according to information from law enforcement officers, five
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attackers are hiding abroad, and the issue of putting them on the wanted list is being decided. for the moscow court , two doctors from the notorious clinic of timur khaidarov were placed under house arrest. the head of the surgical department, ilya ilagin, and his colleague, surgeon tamerlan kadzaev , are accused of providing services that do not meet life and health safety requirements. it was they, according to investigators, who did operation on producer pyotr gavrilov, after which the patient felt unwell and soon died. galina hungureeva has details. the outcome of the high-profile detention of two metropolitan doctors was awaited by dozens
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of journalists and relatives of both sides, victims and accused. 6 hours in the building of the zamoskvaretsky court of moscow, the degree of tension, i tell you, has increased in earnest. please tell me, the accused, the head of the surgical department ilya yalagin , surgeon tamerlan kadzaev, both worked in the clinic of the star surgeon timur khaidarov. detention, as investigative actions, is associated with the death of the patient. he was even discharged home, but the patient’s condition soon worsened, he fell into a coma, then died, then the star surgeon assured that his colleagues allegedly did everything correctly, they were not to blame for gavrilov’s death, but according to the investigation, it was elagin and kadzaev who were involved in the death of the producer , by the way, there are almost 70 people dissatisfied with the work of the khaidar hospital, among them show business stars and other celebrities, as well as ordinary people who... behind beautiful forms, eternally youthful faces , they went under the knife, and the result was only
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disappointment, suffering and long rehabilitation. at the request of the capital's investigative committee , the forty-five-year-old head of the surgical department and the twenty-eight-year-old iq plastic surgeon were given preventive measures in the form of house arrest. work continues to establish the cause of the conditions that led to the death of the patient after surgery in the plastic surgery clinic. after the meeting, ilya elagin stated that he intended to appeal the decision court, kadzaev’s side refused to comment on the process. galina hungureeva, sergey truskov, dmitry matrosov, lead the duty unit. well , see galina khangureeva’s detailed report on this topic in our next issue at 21:30. khabarovsk customs officers identified the inventive and very resilient violator. the foreigner attracted the attention of the security forces. she was nervous during the interview. the employees decided to watch it and for good reason. during a personal search
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, customs officers found 537 bars under her clothes. cream-colored ones of various shapes and sizes, which she taped individually to her legs. these bars, as experts found out, turned out to be mammoth tusks. this is a very rare and expensive material. here in the presented fragments you can see a pattern characteristic of a mammoth tusk, video.
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horror, horror, it’s scary to watch, everything is floating, lyubanka, your tomatoes are watered, as your husband said.
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in several rivers at once, both the irtysh and ishim began to rise, more than 500 houses were flooded, to get acquainted with the current situation in the water-affected area of ​​the omsk region, in the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in the region, and he inspected the territories that were at the mercy of the elements in detail while flying over the area in a helicopter. the minister was informed that people began to be removed from populated areas that found themselves in the danger zone a few days ago. partial evacuation of low-mobility groups of the population - these are people with disabilities, infants, they included the blind and wheelchair users, we evacuated about 200 people - specialized institutions of the region, this is even before the start of all activities, several sections of highways were under water, so the emergency situations ministry employees had to connect heavy equipment. these are the large
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vehicles rescuers of the ministry of emergency situations are using right now in the flood zone, from those villages where the water... came too close and even cut off the roads, people and animals are being taken out, for example, on such a floating vehicle. this video was filmed during transportation; the cows settled on board during the crossing. how many cows can fit in one such load? we didn’t overcrowd, we transported a maximum of eight per once. and it can withstand it, aren’t they heavy? no, we definitely can withstand it, there is a large supply, those left homeless are given temporary housing, comforted by... those who suffered from the flood most of all were placed in this children's boarding school, the children have so far been transferred to other places, now there are families of residents of two streets there ustishima, whose houses almost completely went under water, there are several beds in the living rooms, they try to place members of the same family nearby, you managed to get out of there, well, how to minimize
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the consequences, well, i don’t know, take the furniture there, something, there are a lot of parts, yes there are a lot of parts, but in our... in the school, where we have it, they brought it all, and a storage point, we couldn’t believe it until the last minute, alexander kurenkov immediately asked the employees of the point temporary accommodation, will contact with the victims be lost after they leave? you know everyone, that is, i just want to ensure that if it is necessary to inform people specifically in terms of when the distribution of financial resources will begin, so that we can find the address later. and at least water has not left yet, they are starting to figure out what to do in the flooded areas now, interdepartmental commissions are working to assess the damage, this time the delegation also includes the minister of construction irek faizulin, the water will go away, the mood of the people who will be
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formed is will work from the speed of making all decisions, today. you can’t tell that there are meadows under the water where cows should usually graze, but now there is a boat parking lot here, because the coastline is getting close to the houses, there are a few meters left, on andrei chupin’s personal plot, which washes
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the overflowing shim, there are boats on which he now carries his neighbors, and a peace stick. by which men measure the water level, well, it’s been standing like this for the second day, the water is not coming, it was coming, but by 5 cm, today it’s filled with a shaft, that’s it, we put a gauge, we look at the water every day, most of all, now, like others neighbors, he is worried about supplies, which may be affected by the situation, so there is a res, this is a strategic object, they will turn off the lights, the water will turn off, the refrigerators will stop, all the shops will stop, now... the ustishima power substation is in the area of ​​special attention of rescuers. they use sandbags to strengthen the embankment to protect the power grid from flooding and maintain uninterrupted power supply in the village. maxim shevchenko, igor stepanov, vesti duty unit of the izom region. 650 mercenaries from fifty countries who take part in hostilities
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on the side of the ukrainian armed forces have become involved in criminal cases of terrorist attacks against civilians. this was reported to the chairman today investigative committee at an operational meeting in lugansk. alexander bastrykin heard reports on the high-profile crimes of the kiev regime. it was emphasized that these atrocities have no statute of limitations. continues to identify all those involved in the barbaric shelling of peaceful territories and the killing of citizens; two more high-ranking officials have been charged in absentia, the former deputy minister of defense of ukraine petr mekhid and the former head of the main operational department, deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, viktor bokiyu. as a result of their criminal actions , investigators believe that 165 people were injured, including seven children.
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more than 1,700 surveillance cameras monitor violations by motorcyclists on the capital’s roads. photo-video recording systems recognize the license plates of... bikers whose drivers are speeding, driving through a red light, or overtaking other road users in the public transport lane. these complexes, which record violations of motorcyclists, are located in those areas where road accidents involving motorcyclists. we regularly monitor the situation on the road network, analyze such places and decide what needs to be installed in this particular place. in the direction of movement, experts believe that thanks to new photo and video recording systems, this season in moscow will become safer for motorcyclists and other
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road users. krasnoyarsk police are conducting an investigation after an attack by yenisei football players on guests of a tourist base. the athletes celebrated the weekend in a big way and became seriously angry when a family of vacationers in the neighborhood asked them to be quieter. as a result, the domestic dispute escalated into a serious one. a conflict that even the national guard officers, who came to the scene twice, could not help resolve. details from alexander usatenko. the silence and tranquility of this picturesque yenisei coast in krasnoyarsk was broken by a fight between vacationers from different gazebos. this is how we spend our time. it would seem like an ordinary incident in nature, if not for the status of one of the parties to the sparring. the hand game was recorded by a surveillance camera of the enesey club players. according to eyewitnesses, the football players were resting too loudly, listening to music, shouting songs, from a nearby gazebo they asked to lower the decibels and were reminded of the rules of behavior in a public
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place. the owner also tried to explain to the players the nuances of behavior on the field of the recreation center; he called security twice, which was equivalent to showing a red card, after the guys called security again. we agreed with our administrators and began to prepare to leave the base, but some of the people left, and some remained, this is the remaining part and decided on a daring attack, it’s up to the penalty it didn’t work out, they used their hands. do not use musical instruments too loudly so as not to cause discomfort to other vacationers. according to one version, it was this point of the rules that became the cause of discord, turning. the neatly trimmed lawn of the recreation center, reminiscent of a football field in a boxing ring. now the police are sorting out who is right and who deserves a red card. currently
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, an investigation into this fact is being carried out, all the circumstances of the incident are being clarified, and based on its results a decision will be made in accordance with legislation. the result of the unfriendly meeting was a severe traumatic brain injury and a fracture of the frontal bone among its participants. the author of the telegram channel about football, artyom lokalov , is sure that this incident will affect...
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the cafe, a cheerful quartet attacked an official of the ministry of industry and trade and the general director of nami. the athletes were unable to escape punishment; all the accused received real sentences and even managed to play football in the colony, from where poudo later left. this story could not be resolved peacefully. according to the victims, the next day one of the yenisei players called and offered moral compensation - 250,000 rubles. i say, are you ready to pay off? the football club announced the start of an internal investigation, law enforcement officers will put an end to the non-sports history involving athletes, both parties filed an application. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, conduct the duty unit, krasnoyarsk. today, a joint meeting of the ministry of internal affairs of russia and azerbaijan discussed how to jointly fight crime in border areas. the meeting
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of representatives of the two departments took place. signed the final documents. one of the main participants in the attack on the house of chansanier mikhail krug, killer alexander ageev, will not be able to leave the special regime colony, where he is serving a life sentence for several murders. the moskovsky district court of tver denied permission to a member of the tver wolves gang who wanted to go on a special operation. representatives of fin explained that in accordance with the order of the ministry of defense, the ministry of justice and the ministry of internal affairs, persons sentenced to the highest degree are not.
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are included in the lists of those with whom a contract can be concluded to participate in the svo. reportage ekaterina lekhomanova. one of the most notorious crimes in the modern history of russia still gives journalists a reason to remember all the participants in this bloody, complicated story, however, this time they do not remember the details of the murder of the legendary chansonnier mikhail krug. the hero of the publication was a member of the tver wolves gang serving a life sentence. alexander ageev. decided to go free, no matter what, he took a pistol from the club, that’s when i just saw, well, i kind of found out that he took a pistol with him, although initially, because they were trying to here, there were no thoughts of robbery there or killing anything, this is footage shown by our colleagues from the investigative program of eduard petrov, journalists made a film about the investigation into the death of mikhail krug, in which several versions of the murder in chanson were voiced. alexander ogeev in this video participated in an investigative experiment
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and spoke in detail about the details.
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ogeev tried several times to get into the special operation zone, although it’s hard to believe, in order to atone for his guilt, but according to the law, persons who are serving a life sentence have no right conclude a contract to be sent to combat operations. the convict went to court, where he was refused, and later filed a lawsuit in the moskovsky district court of tver. servants of themis told tas publication about the results of the review. we considered his appeal against the decision of the moscow district court. the decision of the trial court was left unchanged. ogeev will continue to serve his life sentence without changes; he will have to atone for his guilt behind barbed wire. the work of mikhail krug continues to live. in shansanye's hometown of tver, they annually host music festivals in his name. ekaterina likhomanova - news officer on duty. let me remind you that the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is run by an honest detective on duty. follow along with us. and while that’s all, tatyana petrova was with you. see you at 21:30.


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