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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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have committed serious crimes, they have the right to go to defend their homeland. ageev tried several times to get into the special operation zone, although it’s hard to believe, in order to atone for his guilt. yes, according to the law, persons who are serving a life sentence do not have the right to enter into a contract to be sent to hostilities. the convict went to court, where he was refused, and later filed a lawsuit in the moskovsky district court of tver. the tas publication was told about the results of the consideration of the servants of themis. we considered his appeal against the decision of the moskovsky district court. the court's decision. the first instance was left unchanged, and gays will continue to serve their life sentences without changes, they will have to atone for their guilt behind barbed wire. the work of mikhail krug continues to live; in his hometown of chansonnier tver , music festivals are held annually in honor of his name. ekaterina likhomanova, lead, duty department. i remind you that the entire operational feed of legal news is in telegram channels, the duty department is led by an honest detective, follow along with us. and while that’s all, tatyana petrova was with you. see you at 21:30,
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official visit of vladimir putin to china, meeting with sizinen and prime minister of the state council letyan, what? they said what signals the world press picked up, we will tell you on our air. prime minister of slovakia robert fica is in intensive care in an induced coma, the condition is stable, but serious, who benefits from an attack on crime and punishment, we learn from the live broadcast of our european correspondent. france sent troops to new caledonia. the indigenous population does not seek independence from paris, there are dead, emmanuel macron, but. sent to the island
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troops. a subdivision of the north group of troops defeated the enemy in the areas of settlements, dergachi, liptsy and volchansk , kharkov region. denis alekseev knows about the progress of our fighters on the front line. the fsb stopped an attempt to commit a terrorist attack on the railway in crimea. there are two criminals, they were previously recruited by the ukrainian special services. we will tell you in facts what their motives were. so, the main political event of the day, an informal meeting of negotiations between the leaders of russia, china, vladimir putin and sidzenpin ended. the meeting took place at the government residence behind closed doors in an informal manner.
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to china, let me remind you, this is his first international trip after his re-election as president of russia. putin went to china at the invitation of chinese leader shizenpin. the president has already held talks with his colleague, as well as with the prime minister of the state council, letyan. and china
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signed a number of bilateral documents, then the busy program of the day continued with a concert in honor of the seventy-fifth anniversary of relations between our countries. more details my colleague anastasia efemova will talk about how the russian president’s visit to china is going. the state grand theater of china, of course, cannot be surprised by applause, but such applause is not often heard even here. by the way, when vladimir putin came to the microphone, the applause sounded no less modest, together with shizen pinn, the russian president today launched the cross year of culture between russia and china, whose relationship today is a model of cooperation between neighbors, famous songs of that time 75 years ago are often fulfilled in ours.
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i am confident that it is in this fraternal spirit that we will continue to strengthen the harmonious russian-chinese partnership, we will continue to act in unesson for the successful development of the two countries, the prosperity of the two peoples, to increase the authority of the influence of russia and china and the world. our cooperation has limitless possibilities and prospects; we are capable of coping with any obstacles and solving the most ambitious tasks. the concert at the grand theater of china is dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary. moscow and beijing. the soviet union is the first country in the world which recognized the independence of the prc in 1949, the experience of good neighborly interaction accumulated over 3/4 of a century was called invaluable by the leaders of the two states. music unites the hearts of like-minded people. chinese culture
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is traditionally perceived as a language of friendship, as a means of expressing feelings and emotions, and the musical culture of russia has a rich and ancient history, possessing a huge
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we are working to form a more just and democratic multipolar world order, which should be based on the central role of the organization the united nations and its security council, international law, cultural and civilizational diversity,
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a balanced balance of interests of all participants in the world community. we consider it necessary to work towards building a reliable and adequate security architecture in the asia-pacific region. in which there is no place for closed military-political alliances, we believe that the creation of such alliances is very harmful and counterproductive. for my part, i will inform the chairman of the people's republic of china about the situation, which is developing around the ukrainian crisis. we are grateful to our chinese friends and colleagues for the initiatives they are putting forward to resolve this problem. the negotiations themselves lasted about 2.5 hours today, and they were so detailed.
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the cold war mentality prevails: unilateral hegemony, bloc confrontation, power politics directly threaten the entire world and the security of all countries. president putin and i noted the urgency of resolving the palestinian-israeli conflict on the basis of a un resolution. china and russia perceive political settlement as the right way to resolve the ukrainian crisis. china's position on this issue is consistent and clear, namely: compliance with the norms and principles of the un charter. respect for state sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries. the chinese country hopes for the early restoration of peace and stability on the european continent and is ready to continue its constructive role. also, as part of his state visit to china, vladimir putin laid a wreath at the monument to national
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heroes on tianyang square. this is national a monument to the country, a special place. constructive mutual respect for opinions, interests, history for russian-chinese. relations, the key principles of which neither russia nor china, judging by what the leaders said today, intend to deviate from. vladimir putin and sidin pin. last year we agreed to declare this next year the years of culture of china and russia. today in beijing the cultural program has started. my colleague znadida gurbatova will tell you about everything in more detail. china. the years of russian and chinese culture were solemnly opened in beijing. this specifically in 2024 and 20.5 years, the leaders of the two countries launched the events, they are dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of
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diplomatic relations between our states. at the ceremony in the great theater of china, a combined orchestra of folk instruments performed, that is, a team of chinese and russian musicians. our. damrists balalaika players and next to them, literally looking at the same scores, chinese performers on the erhu - this is a version of the violin. xiao is a bamboo flute and schenk is a lip organ. the big program will end with our kolinka. she is loved in everything world. we implemented many joint projects in 2023, including large-scale tours of russian bands in china. the first russian-chinese library forum, festival of chinese culture in russia. exchange film festivals and other events. residents of russia and china show great interest
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in the rich heritage of the two states and are confident that holding years of culture between russia and china will take cooperation between our countries to a new level. yes. we all, of course, know about the powerful history and culture of china. we remember that the chinese invented porcelain, gunpowder, and began weaving silk there back in the fourth millennium bc. but for a long time ours... italian cinema, american pop art and german expressionism. and just now comes the opportunity to enrich yourself, learn more about the music and fine arts of the middle kingdom in the plans of more than 230 events from concerts to exhibitions and lectures. the russian museum will open three exhibitions simultaneously in three chinese provinces, they decided to shoot with the avant-garde, but here... and the collection of the state russian museum has no equal, for example, almost the entire legacy of pavel filonov, here is
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a black square, a version written in 1923 and many other masterpieces by malevich, petrov votkin and other avant-garde masters. all three exhibitions are dedicated to the russian avant-garde, of course, a movement that is in great demand for everything. world, regardless of whether it’s west or east, north or south, the russian avant-garde is the focus, of course, of tremendous interest, and now we, together with china, have begun to work on creating a whole network of virtual branches of the russian museum. in the main program, the best museum in the country, which stores russian national art, for example, the kremlin museum, they have been working with chinese colleagues for a long time, the theme of the exhibition at the national museum of the celestial empire will be for spectators, that is, interesting to absolutely everyone. russian feast from the royal
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feast to the government reception. a story about the traditions of russia in the field of culinary art in the 16th-2nd centuries, objects for serving the royal tables. there will be masterpieces from the factory of the grachev brothers, pavel ovchinnikov and of course faberge. but if we talk about cultural institutions, which are on. have been working for decades. with china, then in first place is the st. petersburg academy of arts, there are now about 400 students from china studying here, they really appreciate the russian academic school, in three chinese cities this year they will show a grandiose exhibition of our academic school, more than 100 works, and another project for queues. we initiated a big project, but in fact this is the most important thing, a large-scale exhibition of ilya repin. the academy of art is named after ilya repin. repin is very famous in china, his the paintings are large, a lot of people are
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fans of his work. the national museum is the best museum in china. and negotiations took place, and now the title organizer is the trityakov gallery. trityakov gallery, but with the participation of other museums and the russian museum, the scientific research museum of the russian academy of arts. the best russian contemporary films, feature films, documentaries and animation will also be shown in china. for the opening of the years, the cultures of china and russia created an emblem: the russian brown bear. in the costume of a boyar of the 16th century, a panda in traditional phoenix crown, they hold hands. it’s hard not to notice the legendary
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commitment to the alliance. the head of the bloc’s military committee set these priorities. unlike... their previous speeches, rob bauer did not comment on the situation of ukraine on the battlefield; retired military men did this for him. big losses, people are tired, they are exhausted. we all remember these videos from ukraine, in which cars with the bodies of dead soldiers drove past people kneeling next to them. this is no longer the case. it’s not that these people are not ready to kneel before the fallen, it’s just that there are already so many victims that it became commonplace. not only the west is accustomed to military action, but also western ukraine. they admit it. west and russia’s superiority in electronic warfare, thanks to which our army neutralizes ukrainian drones, the associated press writes about this. vysushniki also complained to reporters that someone. transmits data to russia about their movements, which allows them to carry out strikes during rotation. this reduces the already few reserves that have to be transferred from donbass to kharkov
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region. the ukrainian army stretches over 1,200 km, so apparently it is necessary to withdraw troops from podovdeevka and send them north. this weakens the southern front. russia needs such a strategy. but western strategies are already in full swing preparing for an even larger -scale confrontation, analyzing ukraine. conflict, gulf war veteran chris ryan called on the british authorities to urgently increase their troops, given the risk of a third world war and a significant reduction in the size of the army. perhaps precisely because of the lack of personal composition, official london has so far rejected the idea of ​​sending soldiers to ukraine. the head of the ministry of defense emphasized: “the british boot will not enter independent territory.” according to grant shapps, the west’s priority is funding and training the armed forces of ukraine. sending a new batch.
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entrepreneurs, and nothing extra, we give free service for 3 months when opening an account for a business. bank ural sip, nothing more. russian military destroyed command post of the ukrainian armed forces brigade in the kharkov region, the ministry of defense reported this. the department clarified that our fighters carried out the attack using the iskander operational-tactical missile system. in addition to the command post, an ammunition warehouse and about 50 militants of the kiev regime were also destroyed. a ceremony to officially introduce the governor to rio took place in the tula region. this position will be held. the title of honorary citizen was awarded to ex-governor alexei dyumin. the former head of the region said an emotional goodbye with the tula region and emphasized that
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it was a great honor for him to lead the region for 8 years. all the details are in the material by polina ermalaeva. not just standing on the wave of applause. this is how a presidential aide is greeted. together with you, we managed to beautify the appearance of small historical ones.
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thank you very much. there are people in the room from completely different professions, everyone has something to say about the work of the former head of the region. while dyumin was at the helm, his master's hand was felt in literally all spheres of life. all the questions that we raised before the governor, with from the point of view of providing assistance, all issues were resolved quickly and efficiently. with any troubles regarding health, even if it is a rural laboratory, even if it is a city clinic, it will always be there. was heard, i, as a person who travels to the zone of a special military operation with humanitarian aid, very often, every time we are stopped at a checkpoint, where are you from, we tell the city, we are from here, right away, but what about your
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governor? was present at the ceremony. alexey dyumin's closest mentor, his father. this man followed his career from the first days his son as head of the region. the main parting advice at the beginning of the journey was to earn the respect of people. alexey managed to earn respect, sincere respect. i followed, of course, social networks, business affairs, and so on. therefore, what i wished for came true. the instructions have been fulfilled. all 100, as a token of gratitude for his enormous contribution to the life of the region, alexey dyumin was awarded the title of honorary citizen of the tula region. it is a great honor for me, and it is a great pride. well, that's it, guys, you can't get away from me, i and i and i from you too. in there was no need to introduce the rio governor for a long time. dmitry milyaev is well known to the tuliks for his work; he has worked in various positions for more than 20 years, including in the team of regional leaders, and from the post of
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minister of agriculture. to first deputy head of the region. i am confident that he will be able to effectively use all his professionalism, all his energy, and new ideas for the benefit of the tula region and the residents of the region. all his achievements and accomplishments as head of the city of tula and first deputy governor areas will be in great demand. the new acting governor promised the tuliks to adhere to the pace of development of the region set by alexey dyumin. for my part, i will make every effort to ensure that.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. chasing views changes entire locations, it's easy to do.


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