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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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no talking, four cylinders in line with a turbocharger, 215 horsepower, cruising range of 1.0 km, increased cross-country ability, 60° gradeability, notes a group of people, and everyone is here, join yours. expanding cooperation in the military field, cooperation in energy, increasing trade, resisting attempts to limit foreign economic potential, and also a joint conviction that in order to resolve the ukrainian crisis it is necessary to take into account the legal...
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to meet the russian leader in scale involved in military incidents. it was more like preparing for a parade in the flag of two states, the crew commander straightened it with an elegant movement of his hand. one of the most iconic places in china, tian an square. this is where the house of people's assembly is located, this is where the maudzedun mausale and other significant places for keiner are located. it was on this square that on october 1, 1949, maudzedun proclaimed the creation of the chinese people's republic. already on october 2, this country was recognized by the soviet union. moscow. did it
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first in the world. the line of chinese journalists, eager to see and show everything, stretched for several meters. a special group arrived with a camera recording on film. on the steps of the house of people's assembly, the russian delegation, approved by the government in almost its entirety. the new minister of defense andrei belousov and the new secretary of the security council sergei shaigu also arrived. finally, vladimir putin’s car appeared, the leaders of the two countries greeted each other. welcome. the governments of russia and china are constantly working contact, many ministers know each other personally. vladimir putin came to beijing on a state-level visit, so the ceremony was written down to the second. the leaders take their place on the podium and the anthems sound as the cannons fire. followed by the traditional tour of the honor guard company and music. surprise from
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a military orchestra for a guest from russia. and so, even half an hour before arrival , children, students of local schools, among whom there were many russian children, were training to greet putin and xi, shouting welcome loudly, waiting for the president. we are excited, it’s very cool that we see the president and chairman. and the children did it at the right time. china is the country of ceremonies along the paths marking the ovres, the leaders again come out to the center, and military personnel representing various branches of the military march in front of them in perfect synchronization. at this time, the last specks of dust were being collected from the carpets, in the house of people's assembly, in this building all the employees walked in step and formation. the house of the people's assembly is simply a gigantic structure, there are incredibly high ceilings, a huge hall, in general, the area of ​​the entire house is 17. one
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could get lost here, but the leaders know exactly where to go, to where the russian and chinese flags are. the president and chairman begin their communication on the way to photographing, apparently discussing successes in agriculture. our harvests have already begun. and here is a photograph that will become a symbol of friendship between the two countries. russia and china are celebrating 75 years of diplomatic relations. it is no coincidence that the first international visit after the election to the presidency took office.
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an international visit is also an opportunity on the sidelines to get acquainted with members of the government in new positions, we have a traditional agenda, it is only additionally filled with those projects that our countries are interested in, for the sake
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of development, the economies of the two countries, for the sake of growth, of the trading people , energy plays a big role in this growth, and we plan to do the same. and the negative impact of any illegal actions, sanctions, restrictions, we welcome cooperation with chinese friends, and in the field of automobile production, where chinese friends achieve clear, completely obvious
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successes and advantages in competition, fair competition. russia and china are cooperating at the space level and are preparing to develop the earth’s satellite. at the first stages this is... the exploration of the moon with automatic devices, now we are discussing in detail the fourth stage, this is the expansion of the moon, the construction of a lunar base, thanks to cooperation with partners, there is no fear of a ban on the purchase of russian uranium. expansion of our construction, thus by the people's republic of china, we are talking about us sooner. it is important now to talk about how we will satisfy the growing discharge in friendly countries; a dozen documents were signed today in the presence of the president and chairman, including on information cooperation. the russia media holding today together with the xinhua agency in st. petersburg will hold the brix expert forum, and
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the tas agency with its colleagues from china will now cooperate in the field of economic information, but they talked behind closed doors not only about the economy. we discussed everything, economics and politics. on in the international arena, the positions of russia and china are also largely similar. moscow will evaluate beijing's opinion on the situation around ukraine. we agreed with the chairman to discuss in detail the entire complex of foreign policy agenda at an informal meeting this evening. of course, for my part, i will inform the chairman of the people's republic of china about the situation that is developing around the ukrainian crisis. we are grateful.
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good and business relations with the chairman of the government of the russian federation, mr. mishustin, we hope that your close and truly working, professional interaction. will be continued. a little later, vladimir putin is again in the central square of beijing, here is a monument to people's heroes. the shape is the hilt of a sword stuck into the ground, which the colonialists tried to take away for several centuries. the russian president laid a memorial wreath here. once again together, vladimir putin and xinping appeared on the stage of the state grand theater of china, where they launched the cross years of the cultures of the two countries, so different, but so close spiritually. u russian musical culture has an ancient history, and today's performance of russian musicians
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will leave a deep mark in the hearts of like-minded people. the chairman of the people's republic of china today recalled popular soviet songs and katyusha evenings near moscow. by the way, i have heard our chinese friends sing these famous and popular melodies with inspiration more than once. sorry, please, that i spoke for a long time, there was no translator, i just feel at home, that’s why. one of china’s favorite genres, these are the works performed for the leaders and guests
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academic orchestra of folk instruments named after osipov and the central orchestra of folk instruments of the people's republic of china. well, after the concert, the leaders of the two countries continued to communicate. shizen ping invited vladimir putin to an informal dinner at his junhai residence ; the heads of state talked in the fresh air; the tea ceremony service was visible on the tables. as the presidential press service reported, the leaders discussed international affairs and the situation in ukraine, and this conversation lasted more than 4 hours, the president of russia and the chairman of the people's republic of china said goodbye already after dark. alexey glovko, alexander bystritskaya, natalya lundovskaya, evgeny kirilenko and andrey baroukhin. news from beijing: people's republic of china. well, now we have a unique moment, we know that it is here in this hall that a large russian delegation has gathered, now let’s try. together with you to talk with one of the ministers, hello, look, the delegation here is really
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extremely extensive, we see here the heads of the largest companies, here is sergei shaigu, and there in the distance i see, look, the new minister of defense is communicating with the head of the web igor shvalov, now we will try to find out some interesting details. done to our president, all these details were agreed upon according to the protocol, so
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everything depends on the owners, and we are polite people, visiting, moreover, we are also polite people, but around putin’s visit the excitement is again enormous, because journalists are super-accelerated, as always happens in china, first you see here what’s going on, it always happens, but today it’s understandable reasons, the visit is all the more interesting and... important, since this is the first foreign visit of vladimir putin, they managed to take the point again, first deputy prime minister mantur also moved very quickly, he has big tasks here too, in russia there are even more of them, he is in in the new government, first deputy prime minister, that there is even more work, well, little by little, the new minister of defense belousov, andrei arinovich, hello. after that , dozens of reporters began to hunt for him at once, but it didn’t
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work either, here are the words of sergei shaigu in an interview our program has been distributed all over the internet, what is the main task for you in your new post? well, you know, it’s difficult to single out any of them, but the main task still remains a special military operation, this is, of course, the production of ammunition, this is, of course, weapons... not bad, then i hope that the same movement will be created in the future for this , certain reserves, necessary reserves, well , for people, for equipment, for ammunition, so this is probably the main task for today, and so we are entering a new profession,
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and the artists of the chinese theater today definitely have a professional dream come true, there are such spectators in the hall. this concert, of course, you want to listen to and watch, but in the broadcast they show, of course, the president’s stage in the hall, and look how the hall is decorated, this is also certainly worthy of your attention, here is the name of the hundred villagers who traveled to the concert. with adventures, many different summits, we saw many different visits and a lot happens there, what happens, that’s how you treat such situations, that’s how it is now we ended up on a bus with journalists, it was great, the main thing is, as a final result, it doesn’t matter to me what, but i could have walked, i just don’t know, that’s why all sorts of cases happen, you always have to go out, find a way out
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of different situations, at least and not immediately, but a way out was found, but was it worth the concert to practically break through to it? i was a little late, late, yes, well , anything can happen, yes, but we made it to the president’s speech, managed, of course, the most important thing, the most important thing, so our efforts were crowned with success, this great, but the efforts of our film crew will be crowned with special success on sunday evening, in the moscow, kremlin-putin program, we will show more than the others, pavel zdorudina, alexander medvedev, alexander makarov, andrei vershinin and anton krosilnikov, the moscow, kremlin-putin program. the ministry of defense shared spectacular footage of the work of naval aviation, which today destroyed 15 unmanned boats of the ukrainian armed forces. all of them followed in the direction of the crimea, but were met on the distant approaches by one of standard weapons of helicopters of the black sea fleet. as a result, none of the drones reached the target, and the terrorist intentions of the kiev regime, accordingly, were not realized. the public chamber of russia held
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a special conference with the participation of foreign observers who worked in the presidential elections in march of this year, and upon returning home to western countries. victims of what can be called real persecution, about how the authorities of the united states and european countries put pressure on anyone who rightly considered the vote transparent and legitimate in the material of varvara nevskaya. discussion of the work of international election observation institutions, whose expert conclusions are becoming dominant in the world media, is more relevant than ever, not to say necessary. foreign observers, including from the usa and western europe, those who personally...
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encountered observers from poland, latvia and other countries, many had to not only look for a new job, but also change their country of residence, all because the assessments of foreign citizens with my own eyes, observing how it was carried out the electoral process last march, to put it mildly, strongly contradicts western narratives. we saw elections that were open, we saw people who went to the polls with great enthusiasm, and the president was chosen by an overwhelming majority, we saw how efficiently they work at... the polling station, how wonderfully the people work at these polling stations when i was in in donbass, when i was in somar, no one was pushed, no one was driven, no one was forcibly dragged into the area. the past elections in russia attracted an unprecedented number of international observers, from current members of foreign parliaments to world-renowned political scientists. the persecution and
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harassment they faced upon returning home backfired. instead of giving up yours. a community of international public observers for independent examination of electoral processes. we are, of course, outraged by the ongoing persecution of international people. expert observers in different countries who returned to their homes after observing the elections, and this despite the fact that
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there have been repeated calls on international platforms to equate international observers with human rights defenders and to create favorable conditions for them when observing elections. in the near future , demands for the protection of rights, ensuring the safety of international observers and the inadmissibility of their political activities. will nominate their candidates for the us presidential election. some call such a rush strange, but others see it as a subtle calculation, because the loser in a verbal duel can be replaced in time. report from our staff correspondent in
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united states valentina bogdanova. joe biden has been avoiding donald trump's offer to go one- on-one with him for months. i'm trying to get him into the debate. all the more surprising is the sudden agreement. it seems that the latest polls are to blame. the us president is lagging behind.
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it’s true that spending hours on your feet for the us president can be a difficult test, even if your feet are shod in sneakers with thick soles. the day before, at an event
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honoring police officers in washington, biden nearly fell again. biden is 81 years old, 86% of americans they think he is too old for a second term. concern creeps in even among fellow party members who are almost the same age. i think donald trump will just wipe the floor with him, and it doesn’t matter whether he pumps biden back up with caffeine and energy drinks, like during his speech before congress, or whether he’ll be an ordinary joe, like
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yesterday, when he could barely get off the stage. well, what a debate, even a short interview with someone from a foreign press, especially a russian one, is impossible to imagine with biden. i would like to see an interview with joe biden in which he could also talk about the history of the united states, as putin spoke about the history of russia. i would like to see him demonstrate his ability to operate a microwave, but i doubt he can. carlson, where they often talk about topics that the liberal mainstream in the states often calls conspiracy theories, has not yet discussed this, but in the american press, a version has already appeared about why they are really in such a hurry with the first round on june 27, it will be held in exactly 6 weeks before the democratic convention in chicago, where the candidate must be confirmed. party, if biden is really bad, democrats will have time to resolve the issue of a backup. what do you think if
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biden's condition worsens? will he be replaced by kamala or gavin or someone else? yes, yes, they have no choice. will it be gavin, kamela or someone else? i don't know, i think gavin is a terrible governor. gavin newsom is a terrible governor. one of the worst covid results in america, an epidemic of homelessness, drug addiction and store crashes, plus liberal initiatives, one more bizarre than the other. that's what it's like today, california gavin. gavin boasted that california was the nation's model for democrats, but now the state has gone from a $100 billion surplus to a $46 billion deficit, half of which is homeless program spending that no one bothers to track. san francisco has a $5 million a year alcohol program for the homeless. its essence is to keep a person at a safe level of intoxication by providing
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alcohol free of charge. “i want to see where taxpayers’ money is spent. on a sober head, it’s really not easy to perceive what’s happening, even the homeless, however, newsam is not the only option. coincidentally or not, a week before the head of the white house agreed to the debate, michelle obama's name appeared in the press again. however, the result of the hypothetical backup in a potential confrontation with trump is even worse than that of biden. 4 at 47% support among american voters. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and maria egorova. news usa. on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing. puyi appeared in the northeast not by accident. all this was planned in advance japanese. he was a real japanese puppet. mass killings of civilians.
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