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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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heavy transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. alfabank is the best bank for business. you are silent like a fish. shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger. a real sea of ​​taste, only delicious, period. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes. hunting,
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go out to win, start, rent, relax, rent, sunbathe, stop at the cean, want to stay with your future dreams? it’s also nice to protect an apartment for yourself and the bank. who said that only cats can purr, your car can also purr from pleasure when it has diamond motor oil inside. advanced motor oil synthesis technology ensures long and strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under all operating conditions. how comfortable it sounds te boil
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diamond engine purrs with pleasure magnet - the price is what you need break off the candy 1799 thanks to purchases at the megamarket someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in the apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket change the world megamarket - just grow with us, catch it. the feather of a firebird is not easy, but everyone can get a hot rate on a deposit in gazprom bank. the rate is up to 17% per annum on a deposit for 6 months, get real income in a reliable bank, open a deposit on hello, there is a legal program on air from the duty department.
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tatyana petrova is with you. the jury , two days later, finally returned a guilty verdict on the main episodes of the high-profile case of the authoritative businessman oleg medvedev, known in certain circles as shishkan. and medvedev himself. and 18 members of his gang were found guilty of a number of serious and especially serious crimes. the criminal group, as the prosecution has proven, has dozens of crimes on its books, such as murder, extortion, creation of a criminal community, and participation in banditry. and illegal possession of weapons. andrey romanov has all the details. since early morning , there have been enhanced security measures at the moscow city court building. the police and the national guard are on duty. the appeal case of the temple of themis is hearing a high-profile case. the jury returns a verdict to a reputable businessman oleg medvedev. this process has been going on since november last year; oleg medvedev himself demanded a jury trial. an interesting detail: it was possible to form a board only the fifth time, and the potential members. having learned that
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they would have to look into the case of such an authoritative businessman, they simply refused to participate in the meetings. oleg medvedev was detained in the summer of 2019; special forces stormed the apartment in lyubertsy, near moscow, where the odious citizen was staying. judging by the surprised face of the businessman, he did not expect the visit of the security forces. right after special operations, security forces announced that they detained oleg medvedev under article 210 of the criminal code. shootout from a series of criminal cases, medvedev, according to media reports, participated in the so-called gathering, the event took place in one of the restaurants in luzhniki, where they allegedly elected a new leader of the russian underworld, this man...
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by an amazing coincidence , the businessman is known in certain circles under the name shishkan oleg medvedev, he used to have the last name shishkanov, he changed the data in his passport, but his nickname remained, even authoritative friends called him businessman oleg ramensky, he was born and raised in this area of ​​the moscow region in the village. built up an estate for himself behind a three-meter fence on an area of ​​several hectares there were cottages and guest houses, a tennis court, a football field and an indoor swimming pool, at the bottom of which, at the request of the owner , workers laid out tiles of a compass rose or a thief's star, as they say in the underworld, before the arrest medvedev lived in luxury and
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drove premium cars, organized social events, and during these receptions pop stars sang for the guests. image collapsed after the arrest of oleg medvedev. the security forces accused him of creating the leadership of a criminal group. along with the shishkan , 18 possible members of this gang were under investigation. they were accused of illegal weapons trafficking, banditry, robbery and murder. one of the most notorious crimes in this list is the reprisal against the deputy of the legislative assembly of the ramensky district tatyana sidorova and members of her family, the woman disappeared in... sidorova and her relatives. investigators made a gruesome discovery a few months after detention of oleg medvedev. it later
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turned out that the businessman and philanthropist had virtually no official sources of income. i had no such desire to pay taxes. after finishing. the investigation against oleg medvedev and his probable accomplices was transferred to the second western district military court. trials in cases of banditry, which have a particular resonance, are often entrusted to military judges. it must be said that even in pre-trial detention, the authoritative businessman shishkanov medvedev did not lose his influence. this spring it turned out that the defendant had the opportunity to use mobile communications during the escort. for this, eight convoy service officers were put under investigation. and shishkan lost touch with the will of opportunity. give orders that could affect the course of the case. perhaps it was partly thanks to this that the trial reached its conclusion. the jury studied the details of the case and retired to the deliberation room, and after 3 days they returned with a verdict. based on the evidence, the investigative committee of russia jurors
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a guilty verdict was handed down to oleg medvedev, also known as shishkanov, a member of the criminal community he heads, accused of murder, banditry and committing... a number of other serious and especially serious crimes. now the word is up to the judge, who must impose the final punishment on the entrepreneur. andrey romanov, vasily yarchuk, daniil prokudin, lead the duty department. and now urgent news from the feed: two police officers were injured in a serious accident in the south of moscow. collision between a patrol car and infinity happened on baku street. as a result, two people were injured, both police officers. the driver of the foreign car dressed lightly. frightened, colleagues of the victims are now investigating the causes and circumstances of the accident. we will be back on air in three minutes after a short commercial, stay tuned to our channel.
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against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. catch. the firebird's feather is not easy, but getting a fire rate based on your contribution to anyone can use gazprom bank. interest rate up to 17% per annum on deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit on thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers change the world. megamarket - just grow with us. ice delux is a mountain
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of pleasure, sweet waterfalls and a feast of flavors. try your favorite ice delux and new flavors. papa mango is just a tasty point. it's hard not to notice the legendary credit card alpha bank card. with a whole year without interest. all purchases, you receive a supercake in rubles every month, withdraw cash from any atm for free. not just profitable, alpha profitable! the live legal program is hosted by the duty department and we continue our broadcast. for the moskvorevsky court in moscow, two doctors from the notorious clinic of timur khaidarov were placed under house arrest. the head...
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both were taciturn, restrained, but for the relatives of the victims, the doctors themselves, who were waiting for the outcome of the meeting for 6 hours, the degree of tension has reached a boiling point, and how long will it last, please tell me, an indignant question was asked by a lady in bezhevoy, svetlana selvashi, a popular blogger, wife of the star surgeon timur khaidarov, it was elagin and kadzaev who worked in his clinic, according to the investigation, in february of this year they conducted operation on a patient who subsequently died, the star surgeon then assured that everything went without complications, they photographed directly the conditions in which
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the operation was performed, that is, the operating room, directly equipment in the laparoscopic stand, right down to the serial numbers there to compare them with documents, anesthetic manuals, intensive care units were photographed, wards. the deceased moscow producer pyotr gavrilov, he underwent gastric bypass surgery, 3 days after the surgery the showman became ill. it is very important to find out what happened, it was the body that could not cope with the operation, and this can happen, because any operation is a risk, or it is not a quality service. elagin often performed expert on bariatric surgery on various podcasts, with over 300 similar surgeries under his belt. kadzaev. a young surgeon, in the profession for more than 3 years, in the clinic he mainly performed minor surgical interventions and
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observed chronic patients. in this video , elagin teaches young doctors in the operating room. so he took it, showed it up, showed it down. claims and complaints, at least those that became known to the public, began to arrive from dissatisfied patients in 2023, complaining of symmetrical breasts, difficulty breathing after rhinoplasty mutilated forms. according to some media reports, the number of victims could reach seventy. man, constant pain, sometimes under the arm, sometimes in his wife, now these tumors are creeping in, and the most important thing, yes, is to rule out any kind of oncology, among the dissatisfied were representatives of russian show business, a singer... licensed requirements, searching for the department, the court first suspended the activities of the clinic, in april the entrance to the medical institutions was sealed by bailiffs. a criminal case was opened against two surgeons under the article of rendering services that do not meet security requirements. work continues to establish the causes and conditions that led to
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the death of the patient after surgery in the plastic surgery clinic. having obtained the materials, he rendered a verdict. elagin and kadzaev will be placed under house arrest for 2 months. after the meeting, ilya elagin stated that he intended to appeal the court’s decision. kadzaev’s side refused to comment on the process. galina hungureeva, sergey truskov, dmitry matrosov, lead the duty unit. the basmanny court of moscow extended the arrest four foreigners accused of the holly crocus attack. the alleged perpetrators of the terrorist attack will remain in custody at least until august 22. he made decisions regarding each of them. separately, all the accused were brought into the courthouse with shackled hands and feet, accompanied by service dogs, and the petition to extend the arrest of the alleged participants in the terrorist attack was combined into one proceeding, all of them will also remain in pre-trial detention, the fate of the remaining defendants in the case will be determined by the court tomorrow. the solution to the deadly hunt: in the ryazan region the body
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of a local brewery employee and part-time huntsman sergei pentelin, who disappeared several months ago, has been found. our program followed this story. the day before , a story was aired about the arrest of the deputy head of the criminal investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs for the ryazan region, vitaly tsyplakov, who, according to operatives, took part in the illegal hunt in which pintelin disappeared. as soon as alexander bastrykin took control of the situation, investigators from the investigative committee joined the work with redoubled force, which led to real results. from ryazan, andrey ivlev. a suburb of a settlement called. there is a landfill here, it was here that the detainees were brought, who gave evidence and allegedly pointed to the place where the body of the missing sergei pentelin was buried. investigative actions took place here for several hours; investigators are now leaving the area. it was here, in this landfill, that the remains
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of forty-seven-year-old sergei pentelin were found, who is already known for sure to have been shot illegally. hunting in february this year. forensic investigators worked here throughout the day. ryazan investigation department, the fact that a body was found was confirmed by the investigative committee. the investigation established that on february 24, 2024, on the hunting grounds in the soposhkovsky district of the ryazan region, during an illegal hunt, a resident of the city of ryazan , born in 1970, fired several shots along the shooters from the gun he had with him. line, shooting an elk and mortally wounding one of the hunters. after this, in order to avoid liability, the man, together with two participants in the illegal hunt, removed the body the victim to a household waste landfill, where they buried him in the ground. the place where the body was buried, the investigators were brought here by the detainees, already arrested defendants, three of them, they
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began to testify after they found themselves behind bars, in particular they reported that they hid the body here. despite the fact that the crime occurred in february, the smell is still felt here, but traces of the work of investigators are visible everywhere, by the way, with gloves and next to a bag in which the body was allegedly buried, about the illegal hunt during which he died man, our program told in detail last saturday, by that time three participants in this hunt had been arrested, among them the deputy head of the criminal investigation department had already been dismissed from the authorities... for almost 3 months he was considered missing, operatives and volunteers were looking for him, but there were no traces could not be found, moreover, relatives said that the service dog that took the scent was for some reason removed from
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the path by local police officers, the situation moved from a dead point after they joined the investigation main directorate...internal security of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, the investigative committee of russia, now it has become known where the remains were found, the already detained defendants in the criminal case brought investigators here to the place, in the near future they will probably have to testify and tell what happened on this hunting, it was an accident, an accidental murder or a deliberate crime. andrey evlev, mikhail verdeev, ruslan abubekerov, nikolay chashkin, conduct the duty unit, ryazan region. an emergency situation will be declared at territory of the entire omsk region in the near future due to floods. this was announced by russian construction minister erik faizulin. the day before. together with the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov , he visited the region on a working trip. from the air , the ministers inspected the flooded areas and assessed the progress of work to protect the homes
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of the population. the heads of departments were accompanied by a film crew from the duty station. report by maxim shevchenko. these shots were taken by a resident of ustishim, shtovo region, elena fralova, sitting in a small boat in the middle of unexpectedly large water. horror, terrible, scary to watch. floats, that's it. lyubanka, your tomatoes have been watered, as your husband said. elena and her husband hastily left their newly built house, which in a matter of days ended up actually at the bottom of a river that had overflowed its banks. we saved ourselves to the last, but we didn’t defend, it was useless, it was stuck, now our houses are up to the roof. have you ever seen this before? no, that is, so much so that yes, we are in our fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth year, but we also defended ourselves then. now we just didn’t expect, even we just didn’t think that like this without we'll stay at home. the water level in the region rose sharply, in several rivers at once, both the irtysh and ishim began to rise, more than 500
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houses were flooded, in order to get acquainted with the current situation in the water-affected area of ​​the omsk region, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, flew to the region, the territory that was at the mercy of the elements , he examined it in detail while flying over the area in a helicopter. reported from settlements that found themselves in the danger zone, they began to evacuate people a few days ago, and organized a partial evacuation the grandson of the population, these are disabled children, used small cars, wheelchair users were also involved, we took out about 200 people, and a specialized institution in the region, even before the start of a network of events, several sections of roads were under water, so the emergencies ministry employees had to connect heavy equipment. rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations use such large vehicles right now in the flood zone, from those villages where the water came too close and even cut off roads, people and
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animals are taken out, for example, to such floating car. this video was filmed during transportation; the cows settled on board during the crossing. and how many cows can fit in one such load? we didn’t overcrowd them, we carried a maximum of eight at a time and they can handle it. they are heavy, no, they will definitely hold up, there is a large supply, temporary housing is found for those left homeless, free space has been found in ustishim. those who suffered most from the flood were placed in this children's boarding school, the children have been transferred to other places for now, and are now there families of residents of two ustishima streets, whose houses were almost completely submerged under water, there are several beds in the living rooms, they try to place members of the same family nearby, you managed to minimize the number of feet from there later, i don’t know, take the furniture there, something that’s an honor, yes, there’s a lot of honor, there in our school, where we have it,
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they took it away, and a storage point, you couldn’t believe it, we couldn’t believe it until the last minute, alexander kurenkov immediately asked the staff of the temporary accommodation point, will contact with the victims be lost after how will they leave? you know everyone, i’m just saying that if you need to inform people specifically to...
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concentrate forces where it ’s most needed, this is what the pasture looks like now, you can’t even say that there are meadows under water where they should usually cows are grazing, but now the boat parking lots have been split up here, because the coastline is getting close to the houses, there are a few meters left on the plot:
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they are strengthening the embankment to protect the power grid from flooding save in the village uninterrupted power supply. maxim shevchenko, igor stepanov, conductor, duty unit of the izom region. one of the main participants in the attack on the house of chansanier mikhail krug, killer alexander ageev, will not be able to leave the special regime colony, where he is serving a life sentence for several murders. the moskovsky district court of tver rejected the claim of a member of the tver wolves gang,
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who wanted from... to go on a special operation, representatives of sin explained that in accordance with the order of the ministry of defense, the ministry of justice and the ministry of internal affairs, persons sentenced to capital punishment are not are included in the lists of those with whom a contract can be concluded to participate in the svo. report by ekaterina lekhomanova. one of the most notorious crimes in the modern history of russia still gives journalists a reason to remember all the participants in this bloody, complicated story, however, this time they do not remember the details of the murder. the legendary chansonya took out a pistol, that’s when i just saw mikhail circle. the hero of the publication was a member of the tver wolves gang serving a life sentence. alexander ogeev decided to leave to freedom, at any cost? well, uklo sort of found out that he had taken a pistol with him, although initially, since they were climbing here, there were no thoughts of robbery there or killing anything. this is footage shown by our colleagues from the investigation program of eduard petrov. journalists filmed
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the investigation into mikhail's death.
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is corrected, in fact, receives social adaptation, but not all persons who have committed serious crimes have the right to go and defend robin, ageev tried several times to get into the special operation zone, however it’s hard to believe, to atone for guilt, but according to the law, persons who are serving a life sentence do not have the right to enter into a contract to be sent to hostilities. the convict went to court, where he was refused, and later filed a lawsuit in the moskovsky district court of tver. about the results of the review. thus, we considered his appeal against the decision of the moscow district court, the decision of the court of first instance was left unchanged. ageev will continue to serve his life sentence without changes; he will have to atone for his guilt behind barbed wire. the work of mikhail krug continues to live. in shansanye's hometown of tver, music festivals are held annually in honor of his name. ekaterina lekhomanova, news. duty department. in italy the police
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confiscated it. a boat with which drug traffickers made a lot of money. the remote-controlled submarine regularly transported marijuana. the ship was inconspicuous, but still caught the eye of the security forces with a cargo weighing 200 kg. it turned out that the drone belonged to a certain owner of a network of car washes in turin. however, they needed this business rather as a cover, because it was at car washes that dealers grew marijuana and then sold it in several regions of the country at once. see you tomorrow on the russia 24 tv channel, this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today’s agenda, are
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people as scary as her... punishers from the national police of ukraine were transferred to the kharkov direction, what will be left of them there? we came to the metropol to synchronize anti-russian watches, who gathered ambassadors to... agents to celebrate europe day. aggression of the norwegian ambassador.


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