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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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robert fitsa has emerged from his medicated sleep and is conscious; it is still very difficult for him to speak. i can confirm that i was only able to speak with him for a couple of minutes because the doctors asked me to shorten the visit. of course, the situation is still critical. the president-elect emphasized that the injured politician was on the verge of death all last night, and his condition still remains serious. during the operation, surgeons were able to stop the hemorrhage. abdominal cavity, but the politician now needs one more intervention: in the near future he will undergo surgery on the hip joint; in total , the prime minister has three gunshot wounds, two in the abdominal cavity and one in the shoulder. the assassination attempt on robert fitz took place here, and judging by the traces of the work of forensic scientists, one of the five bullets hit a tree. the attacker was armed with a 9 mm pistol, and the detainee has now been charged .
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in his activities, tsintula is also an activist of the liberal party progressive slovakia, which adheres to the euro-atlantic course and ardently supports ukraine. motive the crime was precisely political, tsintula confirmed this in his first interrogation. i don’t agree with vlada’s policies. i did this because i don't agree with the government's policies. in addition, it became known that the man who shot the prime minister less than a month ago suddenly took part in an anti-government protest on april 24.
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which he received in the media, the way you presented information about the decisions to liquidate the department of the special prosecutor's office, to stop the supply of aid to ukraine, i want to tell everyone, especially those masters of the world who are sitting now at our keyboards, we will act quickly and decisively, think about how correct it is to publicly call for the assassination of the prime minister of slovakia. the split in slovak society began after robert fica won the elections in september. even during the election campaign, he openly promised more than once not to give ukraine a single bullet and to completely stop military support for kiev. fitz also believes that the conflict between ukraine and russia can only be resolved peacefully and opposes ukraine’s membership in nato. therefore, the western media have already blamed the attack on the injured politician himself. so, for example, on the website of the german magazine der spiegel yesterday. immediately after the assassination attempt
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, a material was published with the headline that fica himself, it turns out, was poisoning the climate in slovakia. after some time, the title was changed to a more neutral one, but the original version remained on the page. and the british from the daily mail completely saw a russian trace in the assassination attempt, and are now scaring their readers with theories that putin could allegedly regard the attack of the slovak prime minister as as a pretext for the start of world war iii. what could such attempts to sow panic and anger lead to a month ago? warned samfitsa, he said that rhetoric of the opposition similar in style could become a reason for an attempt on the life of one of the government members. the close liberal opposition media obscenely insult government politicians, and i'm just waiting for the dissatisfaction with the actions of the cabinet, which are so intensively imposed on the people, to develop into the murder of one of the leading politicians of the government. but the opposition to robert's words fitz didn't react. daria
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grigorova, vladislav chernov, news from banska bystrica, slovakia. they promise quick advancement up the career ladder, thanks to new skills, which, they claim, will give them the opportunity to occupy high positions. positions in the army, in the diplomatic service or in intelligence agencies, it is with this message that one of the largest universities in the united states, arizona state university, announced the enrollment of students for new specialized courses. students are offered a comprehensive study of the features of global security and hybrid wars. well, it would seem that there is nothing of the kind, just an up-to-date curriculum, but the list of disciplines makes you think about what kind of specialists american teachers are going to train for what purposes. after all, in the curriculum, for example, there is a module on terrorism and insurgency, within which students will be able not only to familiarize themselves with the theory of intimidating violence, but also to study practical ways of using them, including as a state strategy, well, in general, looks like it's about training professional terrorist curators, where
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they will go later, evgeniy nipot wondered. the advertising slogan for this educational program could sound like we will teach you how to use terrorists in your own. purposes , specialists are apparently in short supply, since the work on their training, which they usually tried not to advertise, is now being presented at one of the largest universities in the united states, where courses on global security and hybrid warfare are starting. students will be told how to coordinate rebels in urban battles to fight governments, organize gangs underground and use terrorist attacks to benefit the interests of states and corporations. america has extensive experience in such matters in the middle east. in african countries, in the caucasus, and even earlier in western ukraine, where foreign intelligence services after the great patriotic war actively supported thousands of nazi survivors. it seems that nato countries are preparing for the defeat of the kiev regime the reincarnation of the bandera underground, which needs curators. now that the western world
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understands that the war is practically already lost and it will be necessary to move on to some other subversive activity in those territories that will go to russia. then, of course, they return to the technologies that they know, the cultivation of all kinds of sabotage cells, the creation of these sabotage cells, and the control of these sabotage cells, for this it is necessary now to select personnel, train them, put them in charge. the emphasis will be on confrontation with russia, speakers as a selection, candice rondo, an expert on the countries of the former ussr, writes for a column for jazz securite, the brainchild of soros, covered the events in northern ca' in the light the united states needed. with money from american grants. another mentor to future curators, organizers of terrorist attacks, ms. maan, a military analyst, whose career is closely connected with a whole bunch of ngos that are engaged in introducing the necessary ideas into the public consciousness. this is a fragment of one of her interviews, she directly says that in order to defeat
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america’s rivals, it is important that the audience accepts on faith the only necessary interpretation of events, and does not notice it. apparently it’s already complex. character connecting not only specialized american educational institutions, but also individual relevant structures, by and large these are private intelligence companies that provide training for specialists, of course there are certain channels of financing, there is some kind of centralized provision of financial resources, they also pass through channels before of the entire american development community. the participation of europeans speaks volumes about an integrated approach; the swedish military has developed a special program for ukraine. among the trainings on the data from the hackers of the beregini group was very interesting. for example, they practiced kidnapping scenarios, how to use the kidnapping of a child
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to win over a public opinion leader to the desired side. the methods of influence are typically ukrainian, blackmail, intimidation, threats of murder, just remember the inhumane terrorist attack against daria dugina’s daughter. the world-famous philosopher alexander dugin, an explosion in a cafe during a creative meeting of vladlen tatarsky, an attempt on the lives of zakhar prilepin and vasily prozero, agents in the last two terrorist attacks kyiv, fortunately, they did not achieve what they wanted. it doesn’t matter if it’s a strike on a nuclear power plant or the kidnapping of a child from some public opinion leader, for them it will all be normal and acceptable, there are no red lines, moral or moral restrictions for them, that’s why we, as people, are us. .. we say that guys, this is beyond the bounds, they will think, great operation, great, well done, they gave it to the muscovites, and such terrorist attacks are helping the ukrainians, americans, british, europeans, among the guests of the swedish events, for example, many italians, for example, fredrica prisi, commanded one of the divisions of the north atlantic alliance
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cimic group, which established relations with the local population in the interests of the military, nigeria, kosovo, lebanon, somalia, this nato officer showed particular interest in russia, studying.
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a whole galaxy of those who will oversee the future bandera underground, set goals . partners are raising these terrorists right in universities, taking the lives of innocent people under the pretext of protecting democracy and freedom. corruption in ukraine is one of the highest in europe, conclusions from the pentagon report to the us congress, according to inspector general robert storch, the ukrainian government remains opaque, and the military situation has only worsened the situation. bribes, kickbacks, inflated costs in purchases for the ministry of defense, all this flourishes in kiev under the guise of military operations, and it is difficult to track corruption due to the fact that the process of the same purchases for the armed forces of ukraine is limited by a secrecy regime, so it is not surprising that in the west more and more opponents of the military assistance to kyiv. the pentagon only confirmed the obvious, especially since what remains after ukrainian corruption is successfully destroyed by the russian armed forces. they thank you for your perseverance and warn you that you will soon have to learn to do without light, one of the so-called letters of happiness that kievans received today from local
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energy workers. residents of the ukrainian capital were pleased that the electricity would be turned off, well, at best, for half a day. they explained this by the need for stabilization from the system and advised charging all of their gadgets at night, so that during the day you can use sockets less and thereby help kiev utility workers reduce the load on the networks. but, judging by the way some areas of kiev looked last night, it was even dark. does not guarantee the appearance of illuminated windows in houses, and this situation is not only in the capital square, shutdown schedules were sent to all regions of the country, but if the kiev regime has a chance to somehow compensate for the deficit by actually wasting precious kilowatts, let's figure it out together with evgeniy tishkovets. a portion of therapeutic blackouts for a sick country. ukraine is again in darkness, but this time completely for a long time. the light disappears. from the fact that imports are already at a maximum, local
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frontline areas to the polish border, the energy sector is putting a good face on a bad game, just yesterday, for example, shutdowns were called emergency, but today they are already planned, here is fresh footage from kiev, electric transport is idle when now it will be unclear, according to yuri boyk, adviser to the prime minister of square, an acute shortage of electricity will persist at least until the fall, if we talk about restrictions on the supply of electricity, then according to my estimates, we will have to live in such conditions until august. in august-september i expect a slight improvement in the situation due to certain factors. and again ukraine is groaning, everything is against it. just last week , nezalezhnaya energy facilities were attacked by russian missiles. the result of the raid was that there was almost no nuclear power generation left in the country. judging by reports in service at the moment there are only one tes and several hydroelectric power plants, and then a blow in the back to kiev... the weather was bad, the country got colder, as a result , electricity consumption increased and this was enough
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to bring down the energy system, then the prioritization began, they will not save on enterprises until the last moment that are related to the defense cycle, at enterprises that are related to ensuring the life of the armed forces of ukraine, and will not save on enterprises that belong to zelensky, his family and his... friends, his partners, on everyone else they will save. as for the military machine, everything is clear here. zelensky is paid for the war, so he will supply the vzo regularly. and let me take it, and it’s impenetrable, even lviv, which the square authorities always tried to keep in maximum comfort, was immersed. kiev, which for obvious reasons is also always a priority for electricity suppliers. but secret military factories are fully provided with energy. scattered throughout the city, or not entirely secret, and here is confirmation: at the beginning
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of the week the us secretary of state came to ukraine blinkin, in between eating pizza and demonstrating his musical talents, he visited one of these enterprises, one of the local officials, stupidly posted a post on a prohibited social network, it is clear that the assembly of drones takes place under bright industrial lighting. if this is a large enterprise, it has its own... substation, then its own transformers, if they have their own substation, then they are directly connected to the networks that come from the already generating capacities, that is, bypassing them. city ​​distribution points, so they can well there you can reserve the required amount of electricity for yourself. but in the darkest hour, the ability of the ukrainian authorities to profit, even from such emergencies, is most clearly demonstrated. social network users from kiev, for example, are very surprised why some residential areas are disconnected and others are not. why
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are some streets always lit? why don't my advertising accounts go away? from an energy point of view, it is impossible to find logic in this. residents about the imminent increase in the electricity tariff, how this will add kilowatts to the energy system, it is difficult to say, unless that hryvnias will be burned in ovens? the french
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authorities today sent another thousand gendarme soldiers to their overseas possession of new caledonia, where, let me remind you, mass unrest is raging. became a bill that radically changes the rules of the electoral process, and now reports are coming from the region every hour about hundreds of casualties, the seaports and the airfield had to be put under security, the situation is our special correspondent, denis davidov, new caledonia has broken out, this fire cannot be put out in any way, no emergency situation, nor the french army, as often happens, the fight for rights has turned into a hunt for what is bad, looters in shopping centers,
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property damage continues to grow, not the richest new caledonia lost 150 million euros in a couple of days. we are against violence, but if you have to make some noise sometimes, that's what you should do. otherwise they don't hear us. they are the politicians in paris, and those who are not heard are the kanakas, the indigenous people of new caledonia. between these points on the map there are 16 km and a two-hundred-year-old colonial connection. france by habit. she decides everything herself: they change the constitution so that not only native residents, but also visiting french people can participate in elections. that’s what they decided in paris; no one asked the locals for their opinion. the indigenous population wants to preserve voting rights for those with long-term interests in new caledonia. and since this is french territory, france can send people there for a couple of years as managers. the population
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demands that they, and not paris, decide how long people must live on the island in order to vote. there, which is already in place. the first military aircraft has already headed for new caledonia from an air base in france. paris clarifies that this is not a military invasion. the army is sent to guard, including ports. the last time the french army pacified new caledonia was in the late eighties, then paris also sent in
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troops to quell the unrest. now macron is trying to put pressure rather than negotiate. there are already five so-called radical leaders from the kanak people under house arrest. france sends hundreds heavy vehicles, soldiers, special forces, police, but political problems cannot be solved at the point of a gun. under an agreement reached in the late nineties between france and local freedom fighters, the island territory was given three attempts at independence. all three referendums have the same result - to be part of france. in the twenty-first year , macron announced the results solemnly. "the men and women of new caledonia have made their choice to remain french. in a solemn speech the president of france did not say that new caledonia is one of the largest places for nickel mining." the metropolis is actively exporting it, forgetting about those who remain on the island. young people are looking for work, but cannot find one. the authorities are doing nothing for the young
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people, that’s why this is happening. today the french president was only able to convene a meeting of the defense council. the military thought about what to do with the troubled island. macron also wanted to talk via video link with the parliamentarians of new caledonia, but the interlocutors refused to go to paris. had to cancel. denis davidov, ilya bernatsky, maxim kolpakchi, lead. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. if he didn’t wear an embroidered shirt, it means he’s not ukrainian. another fictitious holiday , independent, why is it forced into kindergartens?
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pushkin was officially de-russified, a laudatory report on social networks by a verkhovna rada deputy about part-time terrorist and extremist alexei goncharenko, who hastened to please his subscribers, saying the sun. poetry in odessa now shines in ukrainian, in sashka garmatny, since the cannon in the language is harmata, it has not yet been renamed, but at least to the poet’s monument near the city council they brought a manipulator directly onto the bronze bust, put on a peasant shirt with patterns, and thus celebrated the day of embroidery in their own way, which is celebrated today on a large scale in ukraine. the monument to pushkin in odes is considered one of the best in terms of portrait resemblance, the expression on his face has not changed for more than 130 years, but now...
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with tradition, it’s true, which the ukrainians themselves write on social networks, but the zelensky regime insists that there should be a kick-off holiday, everyone is obliged to dress up praise ukraine, but not all we agree with this. it may not be bad in itself, but there is a small drop of traditional folk music left here, it is perceived in a completely different way. it is perceived as an element of kiev propaganda. there is no history here, even the ukrainian media admit this, they say the so-called holiday of ukrainian embroidered shirt
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was invented in 2006. are you tists, and aren’t you waiting for russian troops, there is such voluntary coercion going on, that is, children who grew up on fictitious holidays wearing clothes with fictitious ornaments they will perceive such dances as truth, but for parents it is still pressure. a specific example is given by ukrainian blogger shari. dialogue with a kindergarten teacher in ukraine. the teacher was indignant that the child came without embroidery. in response to the mother’s response that they don’t want to, quote “the eyes of the teacher.”
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at the end, because for some reason they are obliged after the refusal and can tear it apart, the ukrainian woman shares her impressions of the day of the independent shirt. the sphere of culture, the sphere of art, the sphere of religion, these are some of the areas that are exploited to the maximum by the current ukrainian regime in order to reformat the consciousness of ukrainian citizens and to separate them as much as possible, to separate them from russia, from belarus, from the pan-slavic identity and culture. in this case, embroidered shirt, even if it still has some value. attitude towards ukraine, yes, but here it is only an excuse to show that ukraine is not russia, so you don’t even feel sorry for the children, people from ukrugent, the azovets camp are already ideologically dying on the fields of the northern military district, now these children are in ukrainian military uniforms, what will happen to them, an analogy arises with the third reich, when musalini created a detachment of black shirts, whom he recruited as volunteers, and in the end they became notorious nazis. there were, but they were just in italy, it was musalini’s army and... and in
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the same way they were specially dressed in the same clothes in order to emphasize their commonalities, their unity of opinion, the ideology now in ukraine is the same, this neo-nazi ideology, and accordingly it is precisely this that is in one way or another connected with the period of the third reich, so of course based on such ideological paradigms, based on symbols, based on the relationship that exists between ukraine and nazi germany, of course, it turns out that today embroidered shirt is actually a uniform of nazi germany, ukrainian.
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they throw in the input of ukrpo.


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