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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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if you are sure that a pedestrian crossing is necessary, you can ensure that it appears. we will tell you how to do this in 5 minutes in the program. instructions. first of all , you need to understand that just because you wish, a zebra crossing will not be crossed or a traffic light will be installed; there must be a reason for this. well, let's start with unregulated transitions. according to gost, they are organized in places where pedestrians often cross the road at intersections, and in... now more than 50 cars should pass there and more than 150 people should pass by, if in a year there are at least three accidents involving collisions with pedestrians have occurred at the intersection; it is believed that a crossing is necessary. the conditions for installing traffic lights are similar, but more complicated; if you need a controlled crossing, we advise you to study them in detail according to gost 52-289 in paragraph 7.2. the chances of getting a new crossing increase if the nearest one is further than 300 m, if nearby.
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installation of public transport or other objects of attraction for pedestrians, social facilities that are located, but other situations where the greatest...
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even by hand, yes, even by printing, hand it over personally, put the incoming number there, and then the process will be started, and the other way is a simple postal item, but not necessarily registered, registered - this is if you need confirmation that it has arrived , that it has been accepted, or some authorities that consider such requests, yes, for example, if we take the traffic management center to moscow, it directly tells us that you can apply electronically, how to correctly... compose a written appeal: indicate the full name of the department, then your last name, first name, patronymic, address and telephone number, indicate in detail the address of the road section, then justify the need for the crossing, for example, there is a school nearby, add the wording: the absence of a pedestrian crossing on this section creates a threat to
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road users increases the risk of accidents. this should attract attention. indicate your requirement, the wording would be suitable: install an appropriate pedestrian crossing. send to the department's postal address by registered mail, with acknowledgment of receipt, you can hand it over personally to the office, it’s even more reliable; the appeal should be made in two copies, on the second they will put the date of receipt and the signature of the person who received it. when is the new
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pedestrian crossing due to appear? if you contacted a state or local government body, there are clear regulations that you must respond within 30 days, then... here, when exactly the pedestrian crossing should appear, there are no specific deadlines, a lot here depends on technical capabilities, on inclusion in program, yes that is, they usually call it a targeted program for installing a traffic light or a pedestrian crossing. let us repeat, the most important thing is that any citizen can apply for the organization of a pedestrian crossing, but only if there are sufficient grounds for this, considering the traffic intensity of both people and cars. and also the number of accidents, but the latter, of course, is not a prerequisite; an accident may not happen; you need to contact the authority that is responsible for the specific road at the traffic police, the answer should be received within 30 days. any questions left, would you like to find out how to protect your rights on the road,
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subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, well, we will disturb the experts and will definitely tell you about this in one of the next issues of the instructions program. children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses, payment sticker, apply now. adult approach. hemorrhoids prevent you from enjoying life. proctoglevinol may help relieve pain, inflammation and improve vascular tone. proctoglevinol is your assistant in the fight against hemorrhoids. order a free
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russia ranks first in the world in terms of forest area, they cover almost half of our country, these are... the lungs of the planet, places, forces, a source of wood, a valuable resource, how many trees can you combine in a forest, but progress does not stand still, who and how it participates in the development and conservation of forests today, and what solutions are there for business in the forest industry, metal comes in, a tractor comes out, this is about us, at the moment localization: the plant is 90%, so we are not afraid of either storms or coronaviruses,
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it is quite obvious that the place is strong, it is difficult to describe, you come, you feel a surge of strength, some kind of relaxation is weakening, then how can a forestry farm not take care of paper and translate everything into figure, rosleskhoz has an electronic document flow, which means we submit all reports electronically. many issues are resolved using digital technologies. the next step is the formation of a unified digital forest register where information will be stored about any issues in this area, including information about the circulation of wood along the entire chain. if you get into an area where logs are soaking, you smell that spring or fall forest. and if you... find yourself in a workshop where plywood is already being glued, you smell cookies or bread. oleg chastyakov, operating director
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of one of the leaders in the timber industry in russia and the largest producer of birch plywood in the world. the company has been on the market since 1997, its factories annually produce more than a million cubic meters of products, a range whose applications range from the construction of buildings and the production of transport to the manufacture of furniture and packaging. several years ago, the company embarked on the path of digitalization. our guys have created a solution for automatic analysis of peeling defects based on machine vision supplemented with a modern neural network . digitalization is important. not only within production, but also in interaction with customers and the state; on the latter’s part, digital systems are being developed by the federal forestry agency. the system is beneficial to both the state because it allows for 100% traceability of the forest from the moment of harvesting to the moment of transformation into the final product. for us, first of all, this system allows us
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to automate a large amount of routine work, and of course, when today... the owner has all the information in the electronic system, the response to our requests or decision-making happens much faster, i started working in the forest for several years back, the first thing i did was arrive at delyana, that is , the cutting site, get into the uaz knee-deep in mud, i traveled directly with the people who harvest timber, learned what weevils are, how they influence our industry there, how difficult they are... alexey dumnov had nothing to do with timber harvesting before. he works in the it industry. the company has come a long way in creating information platforms for government departments. today , a digital twin of the forest and a single portal with services for individuals, the state and businesses in the forestry sector are being developed here . full platform will start operating in 2025, but
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government services are already being provided on it. can be omitted if necessary. there are already leaders in this process, for example, the arkhangelsk region, they have uploaded 100% of the data on their forest fund. a tree must sprout several times before it is ready to be cut down.
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also, our employees are there and there is also an it system there, well, that is, there are a lot of personal support measures, thanks to this we have 6,000 people, the state information system of the forestry complex, so the new platform is called, on it you can already obtain, for example, an extract from the forest register or submit a forest declaration, the time frame for providing industry services has been reduced , including the examination of forest development by half from 30 to 15 days, and the consideration of reforestation and afforestation projects.
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one of the reasons for such phenomena is not so much severity as inevitability; if you know that somewhere in the outback everyone will find you, then the desire to chop immediately decreases sharply. we are talking about tracking illegal logging using satellite systems, but the indicators are influenced not only by images from space; this is only part of a comprehensive work. we have banned the export of round timber. you can also harvest the timber, give it to a warehouse, to a sawmill, yes, dry it, make products there, and sell it as a product. there is already a chain that can be tracked. you can’t do it in half a day, this is the first, second, of course, the transition to electronic models, the third is increased responsibility, we just introduced, you know, a lot more of these not super obvious norms, but which are very significant, a rule is being introduced about the mandatory registration of logging equipment, we know how many 20 cubic meters are marked for forestry, that is, we can say that, yeah, between the timber plots
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, sit there 100 times, suddenly the timber truck goes to some other point, where there is not a single plot , no warehouse, the red light will light up, we will say that the timber truck has been accepted? this falls under control and supervisory activities, that you not only do not torment them with inspections, but if the red light comes on, of course, that’s the final approach, and i’ll be honest, we’ve made a lot of progress with our colleagues from the power bloc, in place of the felled dead forests , new ones are appearing and more and more of them are appearing, this is one of the key tasks of the national ecology project, for 3 years in a row the area of ​​plantings exceeds the area of ​​​​the lost forest, for 5 years it has been steadily growing... reforestation and afforestation. in 2019 it exceeded a million hectares, then almost every year it added 100 thousand. as a result, last year the forest was renewed on an area of ​​1.4; the same figure is expected for this year. did you see kavanagh? kabuna, of course of course. they grunt, yes, yes, grunt,
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grunt and growl, growl, uh-huh. like dogs, or what? no, not like that, of course. vasily shurdukov’s place of work is a forest, he says that he will never get lost in the forest, he has felt and known it since childhood. forest inspector, not a job, really, a vocation, illegal logging in altai. the region is directly controlled, as is the planting of new forests. last year , in the altai territory we exceeded the plan for restoration measures, that is, we planted more than we cut down. we have very large areas are being restored; several thousand hectares are restored annually. and you know, they say that when something is not choking calmly, you need to hug a tree, maybe you should try, i’m more of yours. good good. there are tangible results in protecting forests from fire. since 2019, the area of ​​fires
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has more than halved. and here is help, a technological solution. fires are monitored by satellites using drones. thanks to the national project, ecology appears in forest fire departments of different regions new technology and equipment. over the past 5 years, 48 ​​units have been purchased. forestry is now 95% provided with firefighting equipment, and should be fully provided by the end of this year. in quantity, we have traditionally used russian machinery and equipment, these are ours and all-wheel drive vehicles, the same uazs or nivas, these are tractors, these are bulldozers, other fishing equipment from the point of view of the forestry industry, here the situation is of course more complicated, of course the process is underway. which more narrowly specialize in the same skidding machines, in the near future we will see russian equipment in place of john derov paponsa.
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this beast with a city called barnaulets weighs 15 tons and passes where no car can pass. in these all-terrain predators there are really 0% foreign components, they produce forest fire equipment, machines for logging, planting young trees, customers of state and private companies can be sure of problems with finding for... there will be no problems, i remember, yes, this is the time of coronavirus, twentieth year, month of march, when i came to the enterprise remotely after a month of work, i saw how
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new workshops were being built, old ones were being broken down, it was great, i remember when the enterprise’s revenue was around 500 million a year, now it’s over 2 billion, well, it’s like for the last time there roughly speaking 5 years. as such, we have never asked for help from anyone, we are an independent unit, but we understand that on our own, relatively speaking, there is now the construction of a new plant, yes, it is underway, it will take 5 years, with the help of financing co-financing from the state - this is relatively speaking, only 2 years, but annually we can receive about 10 million in subsidies, if we talk about federal regulations, i emphasize that we are... not just in words, now the plant produces tracked vehicles, in the near future there are plans to start producing timber trucks at wheels, market requests, which they try to quickly
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respond to here, and for this it is important to look not only to the future, but to the past, i was recently at a forum in st. petersburg forestry, and after my speech a person from forestry came up , and you can do this for us this, here this, this, in fact, he needs stump removal, yeah, our engineer. he says there is a solution, what? yes, it was invented about 30 years ago, but now we are modernizing it all on our basis, finalizing it, so everything will work, please. how often do you respond to inquiries from potential buyers of your equipment and say, is there a solution? there are always more new solutions in the forestry industry every year. right now , work is underway to create a digital twin of the russian forest. forests, thickets, copses are combined into one register, in much the same way, like these trees, only with an invisible network. it will be much easier to move there than it is for me
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now. clear interface. will not allow you to make a mistake, that is, to click in the wrong place, well, the entire path traveled, all documents will be stored in the archive, in your personal account, the program archive has a solution, look at the website, well, we will tell you about how it is removed on social media networks, follow the qr code.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
12:00 am
forum of cooperation between the regions of russia and china, opening of the expo, grand final press conference, and this is only part of the program of the second day of vladimir putin’s state visit to china. the presidential plane landed in harbin, this city has a special connection with our country, there is a large russian community here, and this is the capital of wuelun jiang province, which, by the way, borders on five regions of russia. and vladimir putin began his trip from beijing, where he was received by chinese president xidzenping, they celebrated 75 years of diplomatic relations between the countries, launched the cross-years of culture, but the main event, of course, was the closed negotiations tetat.


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