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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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navy aircraft destroyed 15 ukrainian unmanned boats. the ministry of defense reported this. the department explained that the liquidation took place in the western part of the black sea. the boats were heading towards crimea. but in georgia, meanwhile , the confrontation between supporters and opponents of the scandalous law on foreign agents continues. the country's parliament adopted it the other day. president salome dzurabishvili promised to veto it, and the secretary general. estonia and iceland took to rustavel avenue in tbilis for a rally and supported the demonstrators. the topic will be continued by tanislav bernwald. an impressive european landing force landed in tbilisi, against the backdrop of popular unrest, the foreign ministers of lithuania, estonia, and iceland.
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and it seems that foreign guests who are in georgia on an official visit are not at all embarrassed that such statements are nothing more than an attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of an independent state. against this background, the georgian government refused to talk with delegations visiting the country. over the past 30 years of modern georgian history, for the first time, when foreign politicians spoke at an anti-government rally, what we saw yesterday, especially with regard to ministers who, as representatives of european union countries, speak at an anti-government rally.
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experts believe that with a desperate attempt, if the european campaign against georgia is connected, how not to convince the georgian government not to adopt the law on foreign agents, then to significantly change it in a way beneficial for european funds, including financing the georgian opposition. it is worth recalling that the georgian parliament in the third reading adopted the bill on foreign agents, the country's president soloma zarubeshvili intends to veto it, however, the ruling party. there are enough votes to overcome it, for western countries, let’s say, for the entire euro-atlantic community, they do not need a precedent of such a nature that a small target country, georgia , can, well, take and sharply weaken the western presence in its domestic politics, this a rather negative and, let’s say, negative precedent, if this bill is adopted, it will finally be adopted will begin to operate in that original edition, as they believed, in fact. the initiator of the bill, and i
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think, perhaps, a movement in favor of greater sovereignty will begin, and this is also not needed by western countries, and in order to prevent this, the west is ready to do a lot, and after all, this has already happened in the foreseeable past, they also came european messengers sang songs from the stage, handed out cookies and swore eternal love, according to the general secretary of the ruling georgian dream democratic georgia party and the mayor of the capital kakhi-kaladze, the processes taking place today at the protests against the bill... on the transparency of foreign influence in the center of tbelisi are similar to those that took place in ukraine in 1914, this is an attempt to organize a revolution of donors, what this led to then and what is good for everyone now known. stanislav bernwald, news. now there is urgent news from the lentinform agency: the russian aerospace forces launched the soyuz-2b launch vehicle, the russian ministry of defense reported this from the plesetsk cosmodrome, in fact, there was also a launch. produced in the interests
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of the russian ministry of defense. international observers who attended the russian elections faced harassment upon returning home. thus, the branch of the alternative for germany
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observers from poland, latvia and other countries also faced pressure. many had to not only look for a new job, but also change their country of residence, all because the assessments of foreign citizens with their own eyes, who observed how the election process was carried out last march, to put it mildly, strongly contradict western narratives. we saw elections that were open, we saw people who went to the polls with great enthusiasm, and the president was chosen by an overwhelming majority. we saw how... efficiently the sections work, how wonderfully people work in these sections, when i was in donbass, when i was in somar, no one was pushed, no one was driven, no one was dragged by the village committee into the area. the past elections in russia gathered an unprecedented number of international observers, from current members of foreign parliaments
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to world-renowned political scientists. the persecution and attacks they faced upon returning home backfired. instead of giving up.
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human rights defenders, to create favorable conditions for them when observing elections; in the near future, demands for the protection of the rights to ensure the safety of international observers and the inadmissibility of their political persecution in their homeland will be sent to an international organization. varvara nevskaya, lead one of the key tools. form a loan in sberbank and get a chance to win money to pay it off, and also receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with sberp, what is missing for construction, easy to find on avito, huge
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gb, full control of my expenses payment sticker, apply now for a children's savings card with an adult approach. we arrived in the penza region, a region in its strategy from the point of view of sustainable development, pays special attention to environmental direction. the region has high rates of industrial production, but the main enterprises are processing industries. the penza region ranks eighth in providing residents with high-quality drinking
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water from central water supply systems. in terms of quality of life, this is the thirteenth region in russia. the region is developing a green economy in the agro-industrial sector. the region ranks first in the ranking of digital transformation in this area. perpetual motion machine from penza. let's start getting acquainted with the esg agenda at the largest in russia production of artificial heart valves. next, we will go to an inclusive art estate and find out how people with severe diagnoses realize their creative and business ideas. smart home that saves energy. let's look into one of the penza courtyards and look at the arrangement of modern residential complexes. eco-friendly and safe for trees and beneficial for humans. we will see how maple juice is extracted to make syrup, as well as how the forest is replanted to create a landscape, the first in the region of an agrotourism village. penza region is one of the centers of the medical industry. a biomedical industrial
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cluster, biomed, has been formed in the region, which unites more than twenty innovative enterprises. the largest russian manufacturers of high-tech medical devices that are implanted into the human body are located in penzi. medinsh company, more than 70% of artificial valves and hearts implanted in russia are created here. 20 vital devices a day, much of it is done by hand, first the valves are cut, each the part is polished with diamond discs in such machines, then the blanks are sent to the polishing shop and here 100% manual labor, the process is too complicated, sometimes even for a person, says gennady fedorov, who has been working here for 20 years, well, the jeweler is resting, we worked as a jeweler, and how they left, it’s a little complicated, here to learn. not a month, not two, it’s at least a year, six months. from the jewelry area, future valves enter
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the sterile area, where they are assembled. at each stage, parts are cleaned and tested, including for strength. service life should enough for a lifetime, and even more. our technology is very unique, it is present only in the russian federation, there is no other technology like it, since even such material is not produced anywhere in the world. this material, its structure is close to diamond, that is, it is one hundred percent graphite, it has increased strength and flexibility. blood is not destroyed in the body; since 1998, about 160 thousand people live with a piece of penza in their hearts. now the company is working on introducing russian-made materials and components production. the development was made possible thanks to effective corporate management and cooperation between the group of companies and the scientific and expert community. that is, these are
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leading cardiac surgeons and cardiovascular surgeons and other specialists. this kind of cluster creates favorable conditions for all young start-ups in the medical industry. enterprises actively use all types of government support and investments within the framework of the national healthcare project in the penza region, implement their projects and sberbank thus , new modern ecg devices and digital diagnostic complexes are already operating at emergency medical services stations and in regional hospitals. equipment, together with colleagues from the ministry of health we are working on issues of filling our regional and municipal clinics with equipment, and we are also working on solutions that allow us to make diagnoses based on big data using artificial intelligence technologies. the penza region is a leader in working with ngos, especially in terms of
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developing inclusion. the number of such organizations in the region from the seventeenth to the twenty-second year increased by almost five. art estate new banks is the largest regional project of assisted living, here people with severe diagnoses not only live their lives to the fullest, but also realize their creative and social ideas and plans. nikita spirin, musician, dj, sound engineer, has been living in residence for four years and helps the guys record their own tracks in his recording studio. i have a dream that... from the sub-studio, just from mine, it will come out... if there were three or four people who could travel with concerts, perform and give cool concerts, inspire people, nikita was helped to open his studio by the bera project from hobby to business, a mentoring school, the goal of which is to help children with disabilities realize their own goals with the help of experienced
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mentors, regional entrepreneurs. i am very glad that this is where i opened up, because the quarter gave me a lot. i had a good mentor, my mentor, this is igor zhukov, he has his own djing school here in penza, and we get along well we collaborated, he helped me with many contacts, introduced me to various people who would also help me on my creative path. 56 residents from 25 regions live in the art community, from the krasnoyarsk territory to krasnodar, from the kherson region and the donetsk people's republic. working with non-profit organizations.
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people, the region ranks tenth in russia in terms of housing provision. penza is now actively building so-called green houses, for example, a residential quarter-continent. it's high class here energy efficiency, houses consume energy 50-60% less than specified in the standards. apartment windows operate using a thermal mirror system. in cold weather, the protective film retains heat and in hot weather reflects the sun's rays. heat, electricity and water meters are automatic, here they were the first in the region to make a yard without cars, which is especially appreciated by parents, the entire territory is barrier-free, it is easy to take, for example, a stroller to the apartment, playgrounds with soft surfaces, a virtual conservator, and also surveillance cameras 24 hour security. for me, first of all, of course, safety is important;
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absolutely everything is provided here from a safety point of view. i can safely let the children go alone, there is a video here. there is a lot of greenery in the yard, lawns with automatic watering, shrubs, trees, all this is looked after by a gardener, and the developer took care of the territory not only inside the residential complex, but outside it . the company has taken on social responsibility, we have an olympic park next to us, we took this territory and improved it, created a park-union, invested 55 million of our own funds, we built the largest ropes course there in the country and handed it over for free. one of the key partners for developers who care about creating a favorable and green environment for residents of their complexes is sberbank, which uses energy-saving technologies at the construction stage. these are small architectural forms made from environmentally friendly materials, this includes taking into account resource consumption, we as sber pay special attention to projects with a high level
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of energy efficiency, this is a and above, but we also help our partners increase this level and build more and more real environmentally green residential complexes. it has become easier to buy an apartment in such buildings; sber recently launched a green one. mortgage, plus everything, this program includes the ability to use smart devices to manage the apartment. all together, this will further reduce utility costs. in the penza region it has become easier to get to areas under construction. in the last 2 years , new trolleybuses with autonomous operation have been running here. eco-friendly electric transport marked the beginning of a large-scale transport reform. the first ten entered the line in may last year. among the first passengers was the head of the region. oleg melnichenko. noted that there has not been such a volume of new trolleybuses in penzi since soviet times. the trolleybus fleet is planned to be completely renovated by the end of the year. and in the penza region they produce environmentally
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friendly, healthy and tasty products. 150 km from penza, here is the only industrial production of maple syrup in russia. during the season, which is 3-4 weeks, almost 2 million liters are collected and processed here juice the juice is collected through such tubes. locally they were nicknamed maple growers, says chief maple grower alexander anashin. the entire forest stretches for three hundred kilometers. the season lasts about a month; it is important to collect the juice not just quickly, but also safely. when installing all these lines, all these tubes, we protect the trees with the help of special tubes so that the wire on which the tube is stretched does not crash into the tree trunk. all of our mains, all of our side tubes, they're flexible. and even if some if an animal enters our forest there, it will not receive any damage. the hole that we drill in the tree is about 8 mm, and this
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is the size from which we can take no more than 5% of the sap that is in the tree. yes, this will not affect the life cycle of the tree. 30,000 trees are connected to the highways, a new season, a new hole, everything is chewed in a year. another task is to find it after 6 years of collecting. the hole, that is, it is tightened so that it is not visible, yes, well, most likely, here is one, here is the second, here is the third, 1,700 hectares of forest in rent, says alexander, this means protecting the care of each tree, fuel for lighting the stove on which the syrup is boiled is brought, for one liter you need to collect at least 50 liters of juice, so during the season they are actively involved in harvesting, so that later during the entire years, maple syrup was spilled.
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this is the first agrotourism village in the penza region, now there are only three modular houses here, but you can already stay in them, four more will appear by the end of the year, plus a spa and a tourist center. at eight hectares of an abandoned village, from which a tourist complex with 21 guest houses, a municipal park and a ski slope will grow. the construction will be large-scale, including from an environmental point of view, says the founder of the agricultural agricultural platform , ivan mirkulov. the point is to create the right environment here, which corresponds to the geography and climate, well, in fact, to the flora and fauna that exists in our area. we understood the technology, which we call technology from the point of view
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replanting trees, that is, up to 5-6 m, with a trunk up to 14 cm, and accordingly we transform this entire territory in this way. the main tourist flow so far is due to the production of maple and raspberry syrups, the agricultural and gastronomic diversity will only expand, it is expected that by the end of the year the tourist flow will be... several thousand people, and due to the construction of roads , not only residents of the region will be able to get here, but also to other regions. this is how the penza region is developing, taking into account environmental standards, social and corporate governance, and such projects are being developed throughout the country. next time we will go to the sverdlovsk region. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally. it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for
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spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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forum of cooperation between the regions of russia and china, opening of the expo, large.


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