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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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the forum for cooperation between the regions of russia and china, the opening of the expo, a large final press conference, and this is only part of the program of the second day of the state visit. vladimir putin to china.
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the presidential plane landed in harbin on thursday evening. this city has a special connection with our country. there is a large russian community here, and it is the capital of the hailundian province, which borders immediately on five regions of russia. vladimir putin began his trip from beijing, where he was received by chinese president xidzenping. celebrated 75 years of diplomatic relations between countries, gave rise to cross years of culture. but the main event, of course, was the negotiations. closed ttt. with the participation of delegations, 11 documents were signed in just one day, including a joint declaration, which talks about improving relations and the special nature of the connection between moscow and beijing, and this can already be regarded as a signal to the whole world. about the official results of the day and more, in the report of our columnist alexei golovko. in the main square of china, tianyan , a company of honor guards prepared to greet the russian leader from the very morning. by the scale of those involved. it was more like
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preparing for a parade in the flag of two states, the crew commander straightened it with an elegant movement of his hand. one of the most iconic places in china, tian amino square is where the house of the people's assembly is located, this is where the maozedong mausalee and other iconic places for the kenr are located. it was on this square that on october 1, 1949, maojutong proclaimed the creation of the chinese people's republic. already on october 2, this country was recognized by the soviet union. moscow was the first in the world to do this. queue of chinese journalists.
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beijing has arrived on a state- level visit, so the ceremony is written down to the second, the leaders take their place on the podium and the anthems are played while the guns fire. this will be followed by the traditional tour of the honor guard company and a musical surprise from the military orchestra for the guest from russia. like this, half an hour before arrival, to greet putin with a loud shout of welcome, children, students of local schools, among whom there were many russian children, were training, waiting for the president, we are worried, it’s very cool what we see the president and the chairman, and the children managed at the right moment, the country of china from the ceremony and... along the carpets marking the path,
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the leaders again go to the center, military personnel representing various branches of the military walk in front of them in perfect synchronization. at this time, the last specks of dust were being collected from the carpets, in the house of people's assembly, in this building all the employees walked in step and formation. the house of the people's assembly is simply a gigantic structure, there are incredibly high ceilings, a huge hall, and in general the area of ​​the entire house is 171 m2. here one could get lost, but... the leaders know exactly where to go, to where the russian and chinese flags stand. the president and chairman begin their communication on the way to photographing. apparently they discussed successes in agriculture. our harvests have already begun. and here is a photograph that will become a symbol of friendship between the two countries. russia and china are celebrating 75 years of diplomatic relations. it is no coincidence that vladimir putin makes his first international visit after being elected president to china. and this is a reciprocal gesture. in march last year
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, immediately after your election as chairman of the people's republic of china, you also visited moscow. we have developed a good, good tradition of implementing the first.
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the name of the american currency in this case is used conditionally; a powerful impetus to the expansion of trade flows was given by our timely joint decision to ensure the transfer of bilateral payments into national currencies; today 90% of all payments are made in rubles and yuan. this is our national currency, we have confidence in them 100%. and no third country can interfere with these calculations. the leaders' conversation is being watched. large russian business, in the context of sanctions, the position of chinese financial systems is important for industrialists and bankers. i don’t think it can be said that they are refusing to cooperate with russia, but of course they are under enormous pressure, especially the large banks that have a lot of business in the west, so, but as for our
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bank, we are not under pressure here and we are like since we are calmly working here we are planning to expand our activities. major international visits are also an opportunity to get to know members behind the scenes. consideration and sign a contract for the construction of a gas pipeline with a capacity of 50 billion cubic meters of gas through the territory of mongolia, and there are other new projects; chinese goods have a place in the russian consumer market. we welcome the active expansion of the presence
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of chinese automakers and household appliance manufacturers on the russian market. we know that the chairman just spoke during our negotiations on the negative impact of all illegal activities. russia and china are cooperating at the space level and are preparing to develop the earth’s satellite. the first stages are exploration of the moon. automatic devices, now we are discussing in detail the fourth stage, this is the expansion of the moon, the construction of a lunar base, and rosatom , thanks to cooperation with partners, is not afraid of the us ban on the purchase of russian uranium. with a number of countries, primarily
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with the people's republic of china, we are talking about expanding our construction, such so it’s more important for us to talk now. about how we will meet the growing discharge in friendly countries. in the presence of the president and chairman , a dozen documents were signed today, including information cooperation. the russian media holding today, together with the xinhua agency in st. petersburg, will hold the brix expert forum, and the tas agency, with its colleagues from china, will now cooperate in the field of economic information, but they talked behind closed doors, not only about the economy, our universal language, heads of state, everything we also discussed economics and politics. in the international arena, the positions of russia and china are also largely similar. moscow values ​​beijing's opinion on the situation around ukraine. we agreed with the chairman to discuss in detail the entire complex of foreign policy agenda at an informal meeting this evening. of course, for my part, i
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will inform the chairman of the people's republic of china about the situation that is developing around the ukrainian crisis. we are grateful to chinese friends, colleagues, ventures and... china's position on this issue consistent and clear. naval officers with nuclear suitcases appeared on the sidelines. this means vladimir putin is going to a new meeting. this time with the premier of the state council of the people's republic of china, litsan. i know that you have a good and business-like relationship with the chairman of the government of the russian federation, mr. mishustin. we hope that your close and truly working, professional interaction will continue. a little later, vladimir putin is again on the central one. beijing square, here is a monument to people's heroes, in shape - this is the hilt of a sword stuck into the ground,
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which the colonialists tried to take away for several centuries; the russian president laid a memorial wreath here. once again, vladimir putin and xinping appeared together on the stage of the state grand theater of china, where they launched the cross years of the cultures of the two countries, so different, but so close spiritually. russian musical culture has an ancient history. and today’s performance by russian musicians will leave a deep mark in the hearts of like-minded people. chairman of the people's republic of china i recalled today the popular soviet songs “moscow nights katyusha”. by the way, i have heard our chinese friends sing these famous and popular melodies with inspiration more than once. sorry, please, that i spoke for a long time, there was no translator, i just feel at home, so i decided that everything here lives in russian. on the eve of the visit. in an interview with chinese journalists, the russian president admitted that his family is interested in chinese culture, and some are even learning
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the language; vladimir putin himself is interested in original traditions of china, a famous song of that time 75 years ago is often performed, in ours there is a phrase that has become a catchphrase, russian with chinese, brothers forever, folk instrumental music is one of the favorite genres of china, these are the kind of works for... leaders and guests performed by the academic orchestra of folk instruments named after osipov and the central orchestra of folk instruments of the people's republic of china. well, after the concert, the leaders of the two countries continued to communicate. xidin ping invited vladimir putin to an informal dinner at his residence junhai. the heads of state were talking in the fresh air and the tea ceremony service was visible on the tables. as the presidential press service reported, the leaders also discussed. international affairs and the situation in ukraine, and the conversation lasted more than four hours, the president of russia and the chairman of the people's republic of china
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said goodbye after dark. alexey glovko, alexander bystritskaya, natalya lundovskaya, evgeny kirilenko and andrey borookhin. news from beijing: people's republic of china. well, now a little more about the informal part of the meeting between vladimir putin and sidzenpin, in during which the leaders once again discussed some international issues, including the ukrainian conflict. earlier, presidential aide yuri ushakov spoke to reporters. that such informal communication at the end of the working day over a cup of tea is an important ceremony, especially when it happens one on one. and here is a quote from the evening reports of the chinese news agency xinhua: china intends to work with russia and other countries to strengthen solidarity and cooperation, jointly defend international integrity and justice, and the promotion of world peace. this is one of sidzenping’s statements at the end of the day. well, as for the situation in ukraine. according to xinhua , xidzenping advocated the format of an international peace conference in which
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all parties could take part and all initiatives would be discussed on equal terms. the russian military destroyed the command post of the ukrainian armed forces brigade in the kharkov region. a video of the liquidation of targets was published by the ministry of defense. the department clarified that our fighters struck using an operational-tactical missile iskander complex. in addition to the command post , a warehouse with ammunition and about 50 militants of the kiev regime were also destroyed, according to the ministry of defense, our military took more advantageous positions in different directions of the special operation, advances of fighters of the western, eastern and central groups are reported, the enemy is suffering colossal losses on the line of combat contact, leaving their positions. the kiev regime is not abandoning attempts to strike russian civilian infrastructure. during the day , naval aviation destroyed 15 ukrainian unmanned...
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the ukrainian general staff expects that lowering the mobilization age to 25 years will make it possible to conscript another 100 thousand young people, ukrainian media report. another publication published an interview with an active military man who said that if there are no reinforcements, the front will simply collapse. that is why ukrainian. they went to tighten mobilization, and the military commissars are acting more and more harshly, beating people by force, taking away their assembly points. details from margarita semenyuk.
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they drag ukrainians into a minibus and so on the picture is becoming familiar in square, the degree of aggression is constantly growing, women on the street stand up for those almost mobilized and rescue men, this is how in ukraine freedom of speech steals people, come out, come out, and this is kiev. fragile employees of a shopping and entertainment center are trying to stop a police patrol that has packed up a colleague liable for military service right at his workplace. where are you going? a trap from which there is no escape, militants who were at the front offer their vision of optimizing
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mobilization to the police on their own the indicators for catching swindlers will be better if... having told them: to catch, take care of your professional obligations, don’t be evil, you will go to replace them, how many people have not been evil, and the ukrainians are motivated more and more sophisticated in the literal sense, tightening the noose around their necks, depriving human rights. this time the driver's license, another painful measure for evaders. representative of the ministry of defense dmitry lazutkin said that the deprivation of a driver’s license can be challenged only after going to the military registration and enlistment office. in fact, the scheme is clearly spelled out in the law. in fact. there is clearly the scheme prescribed in the law: a person who evades, so to speak, within 5 days from the receipt of the summons, must appear at the tsk. such a subpoena is called a requirement to perform military duties. after 10 days, a person ignores it, does not appear at the shopping center and does not confirm or update his data, he must go to court. and the court is already making a decision regarding
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driving restrictions . business owners are now forced to independently issue subpoenas to employees, such. the introduction will come into force on may 18 , the law on mobilization is called a notification, while the reservation was received by company employees who are associated with bookmakers in europe and the usa, and after lowering the age limit to 25 years, the kiev authorities hope to gather another 100 thousand people. margarita semenyuk, maya alenova anna nikulaesh, news. after the assassination attempt on the head of government of slovakia, the country's police announced an increase in the number of threats against other ministers and...
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we worry about him, i literally feel the pain here, deep in our souls, we wish him good health to all our departments, we all keep our fingers crossed for him, because he is a good politician. after a five-hour operation, fitz was in a medically induced coma, but the doctors still allowed one visitor to come. president-elect peter pilligrini, an ally of robert fitz, visits the injured politician in the hospital,
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now accompanied by tight security. pilligrini has good news for everyone who is worried about the prime minister's health. robert fitz came out of medicated sleep and is conscious, it’s still very difficult for him to speak. i can confirm that i was only able to speak with him for a couple of minutes because the doctors asked me to shorten the visit. of course, the situation is still critical. the president-elect emphasized that the injured politician was on the verge of death all last night, and his condition still remains serious. during the operation, surgeons were able to stop the hemorrhage in... the cavity, but the politician now needs another intervention: in the near future there will be surgery on the hip joint; in total, the prime minister had three gunshot wounds, two in the abdominal cavity and one in the shoulder. the assassination attempt on robert fitz took place here, and judging by the work of forensic scientists, one of the five bullets hit a tree, the attacker was
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armed with a 9 mm pistol, and the detainee has now been charged . one of the eyewitnesses of the attack is local television cameraman ivanna chukanova. she told us that the shots were actually fired at point blank range. it was very, very close, probably a meter, a maximum of one and a half. approached people who wanted to shake his hand, and one of them was this man who shot, he seemed to want to shake his hand, at that moment shots rang out. the shooter, who was detained on the spot, actually turned out to be seventy-one-year-old yury tsintula, a slovak poet and writer. in addition to his main activities, tsintula is also an activist of the liberal party progressive slovakia, which adheres to the euro-atlantic course and ardently supports ukraine. the motive for the crime was precisely political. tsintula confirmed this in his first interrogation. i did this because he did not agree with the government's policies. in addition, it became known
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that the man who shot the prime minister less than a month ago took part in an anti-government protest in another city on april 24, where a visiting meeting of the cabinet of ministers was also taking place. yury stood with a symbol similar to the nato logo and shouted slogans: “long live ukraine.” ukraine! perhaps then he planned his attack, while there are now more and more questions about the actions of fitz’s guards. security experts say real fiasco the prime minister's guards. the relevant service has already begun an investigation. the country is on the verge of civil war. social networks are full of hateful comments. let's put an end to this now. supporters of prime minister fitz accuse the pro-western liberal opposition of creating.
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support for kiev, the fitz also believes that the conflict between ukraine and russia can only be resolved peacefully and opposes ukraine’s membership in nato, so the western media have already blamed the attack on the most
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injured politician, for example, on the website of the german magazine spiegel, yesterday, immediately after the assassination attempt, a material was published with the headline that fitz himself, it turns out, was poisoning the climate in slovakia. after some time , the title was changed to a more neutral one, but the original version remained on the page. and the british from the daily mail even saw a russian trace in the assassination attempt, and are now scaring their readers with theories that putin could allegedly regard the attack of the slovak prime minister as a pretext for starting world war iii, which could lead to such attempts to spread panic and anger a month ago , samfitsa warned, he said that the opposition’s rhetoric of a similar style could become a reason for an attempt on the life of one of the government members.
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defend themselves. we are only here to protect our neighborhood, our homes. i confess that i carry a gun with me at all times so that i can solve any problem. during the riots, six people were killed, including two gendarmes, and hundreds were injured. like the number of victims, the amount of property damage continues to grow. not the richest new caledonia lost 150 million in a couple of days euro. "we are against violence, but if you have to make some noise sometimes, then that's what you have to do, otherwise they don't hear us, they are politicians in paris, and those who are not heard are the konak, the indigenous people of new caledonia, between these dots on the map 1600 km and a two-hundred-year-old colonial connection. france, out of habit, decides everything itself, they change the constitution so that not only native residents, but also
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visiting french people can participate in the elections.” indigenous people want to preserve voting rights for those with long-term interests in the new caledonia, and since this is french territory, france can send people there for a couple of years as managers. the population demands that they, and not paris, decide how long people must live on the island in order to vote. the island has an elected parliament and government, but france also appoints a high commissioner to its overseas territory. by the way, he turned to paris. for help. the pogromists especially attacked administrative publications where the french leadership was located. at the request of the president of the republic, we gather intensify the transfer of forces by air to restore order. another thousand homeland security personnel will be deployed in addition to the 1,700 already on the ground. the first military aircraft has already headed for new caledonia from an airbase in france. paris
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clarifies that this is not a military invasion.
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refused, the conference had to be canceled in paris. denis davidov, ilya bernatsky, maxim kolpakchi, news!
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