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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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my whole life passes before my eyes, i ’ll explain why, listen, i’ve already gone through all the stages of russian-chinese relations, i remember the fifties well, this is a russian chinese, a soviet chinese, a friend for life, a brother forever, i was completely as a little boy, i remember well, there were pictures on tv, chinese opium wars, i understood little, but i was extremely rooting for the chinese comrades, they heroically bludgeoned, drowned these, as they say, invaders the british, the americans, everything, it all happened, there was, there was an extraordinary unity, there were posters everywhere, in our houses.
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it’s clear now, i was young then, not so much that i was watching, khrushchev, maudzedun, the gap, but such an acute moment, this daman peninsula, in my life it was expressed just that evening we went to the famous youth cafe metelitsa, that on the new arbat, yes now it is now, it was the most fashionable among moscow youth, there was an incredible...
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rise of soviet patriotism among the soviet youth, i remember well how two idiots, who somewhere took out badges with maudzedun, they entered, they, they only reached the middle of the stairs, that’s it, that’s all over, they were brought down with such a roar, it was like, well and accordingly, then a long period of antagonism began, the chinese... they declared us revisionists, and so and so, we were somehow trotskyists, i don’t remember, i don’t remember, but we also had such, such very vivid images in relation to the chinese comrades, this hostility was serious, by the way, despite the fact that both there and there two communist parties were in charge, but there was enmity, well, in general...
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gorbachev, under him, some kind of rapprochement began, he remember, he went to china, by the way, one of the results, not that he contributed, but indirectly, nevertheless, this was the result of his arrival, because, because, as they say, perestroika, this and of course, in china, in china, processes apparently took place very similar and some part of society matured, which... also how she took an example from us, then the tianan began, and then the gradual rapprochement that is now embodied in this truly outstanding visit, an outstanding alliance, so there were some different stages, and accordingly different
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rhetoric, different relationships, all of this was all, by the way, so, if we remember our history of relations with china,
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despite the fact that that he himself had difficult times and during the war, by the way, he helped china, the chinese people's army, the chinese red army, as it is the people's army. by the way, in my opinion, the first congress of the chinese communist party was, i don’t know, a sinologist here, in my opinion, it was near moscow, in twenty some first or second congress, in some twenty-second, twenty-sixth year or something, even here for about five years, chinese comrades came and offered me. to make a film, they just told me, and you know that the chinese congress of the chinese communist party was here near moscow, we need to make a film about it, i said, of course we should do it, but somehow then it all went away, but maybe must be done, but i mean the enormous influence the soviet union had on the formation
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of china in general as a very modern country helped a lot, this construction after, firstly, the war, liberation from the japanese. russian-japanese war, it is in decent condition, but the cemetery of russian soldiers from the times, but, but still there is an inscription that the soldiers of the russian army are buried here, who fought in the imperialist war with the japanese, because, well, because, as it were, for
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the chinese, both others, they fought on the territory of china, although it is decent, and next to it is a cemetery for soviet soldiers, i must say, it is simply in perfect condition. just in perfect condition, there are pioneers the chinese accept them as pioneers, that is, in this sense, the chinese, i must say, very much remember and are very reverent about this memory of the soviet soldier-officers who laid down their lives liberating china after the forty-fifth year, so there are no complaints here, well to say, i hope that these, well, yes, stories actually. such, such, such drama, which, of course, no one, none of us can even predict, this is how it moves, i, of course, most of all hope that uh, that this is already
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for a long time, it seems to me that this is very important for both russia and china, that these, in principle, what i told you, it turns out, it’s about 20 years, or what ?
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this is straightforward, although china at that time was in a very difficult situation, hongw bins were there and all this
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happened, they just licked him, as soon as they always do this, as soon as he becomes an enemy, that’s it, the chinese are the most cruel, the chinese are the most aggressive , the chinese are the most evil, in general they, so to speak, eat dogs, i don’t know, they do something else, that is , this, this is a common thing, according to the chinese, muslims when the enemies are all about this...
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he doesn’t seem to want to, but he inevitably has to, he understands that nothing can be done about it, he’ll still have to go to it, i think, in this sense, we are certainly not very good, really in fact, even our best sinologists, i understand that you know, the truth of the understanding of the internal situation in the country in the elite, can only be said by a person from this elite, even if you live there for at least 30, at least 40 years, you are still like you and me there's a lot to do.
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without this, there simply cannot be a second point . i really liked this idea from dmitry it seems to me that the battle for europe is going correctly, in general the biggest prize is europe western europe, in general , somehow it’s also like that in this historical mess , yes history is a complete mess, then you move away and some picture emerges like yesenin’s yes.
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will cope, especially in the west , by and large, they still don’t have that core today that they had before, after all, i ’m specifically saying that you shouldn’t immediately convince yourself that the whole job has been done, no, this is a serious, complex struggle god grant that she managed without a major nuclear war, god grant
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that it all worked out, but in my opinion... a new world order, it seems to me, i saw it obviously. please, one of the leading experts on china in the 20th century was an american, professor lucian pai, and he was born in china, knew the chinese language and culture very well, then worked all his life at mit, in one of his books, in the sixties,
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he wrote the following : china is a civilization that pretends to be a state. this is the civilization that europeans are trying to squeeze into this narrow the frock coat of the modern state, which the europeans themselves came up with and called the nation state, hence many of the problems that china faced then in the sixties, he believed that mautzadun , in general, also implemented this very european model of the modern state, this is what we see happening in china, in principle, it began, and with...
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the opportunity to defend its sovereignty over the past few years, there, say, in kyrgyzstan they adopted a law on foreign agents, in kazakhstan they slowly almost all the western funds that worked there were squeezed out, you know, it’s a process that costs a lot, but here’s one, as scientists say, a case study, but there’s such a grandiose kusht canal being built on the territory of afghanistan, and the length is 200 km, width 100 m, depth 8 m.
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in uzbekistan, a little in tajikistan, and such wars would have started for less , yes, or let’s say israel, the dutch heights are also quite seriously ours. central asian friends directly said that the situation was a dead end, and the only two parties that can influence this are, well, first of all china in this case, but also the russian federation, china has a special relationship with afghanistan, and it can probably insist a little more decisively on this, on either curtailing this project, or some kind of limitation, in addition, perhaps china has the resources to implement this project, the russian federation has... technologies for building canals, in general, the russian federation is also already on the side of uzbekistan and tajikistan, maybe participate in these negotiations, and there the price of the issue is really very high, the issue
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is very urgent, and there another or several other examples also said that our states have their own mission, responsibility, well, at least on the territory of eurasia, in this regard , regarding today's statement, i...
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decades before the current stage to not give him access to the sea of ​​japan, now, well, we are changing in attitude, we are solving problems that only friends can solve, the vast territory of china, manchuria, this is in in general, the chinese rust belt is an area where unemployment is higher, industrial or industrial enterprises are either closed or operating at less than full capacity. nearby is the russian coastal region, which is our driver of economic growth in the 21st century, so synergy should and
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can arise there, so the question is that this huge landlock, as the americans say, is a territory that has access to the sea only through the distant port of dolan, and goods were imported along a short route from manchuria through the sea of ​​japan to shanghai, this issue had already been resolved about a year ago, but at the political level it was decided to allow export by train, well, such transit trade through russian territory, if the issue of the foggy river is resolved, it is such a river is not very watery, there we need to build a canal, we need to negotiate with north korea, in general, it’s a serious project, it costs billions of dollars, but it requires trust between the state and, in principle, even russia needs it, because our port of zarubina, which is located there and focused on servicing trade, including chinese transit, it is generally developing very slowly and needs a strong push.
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on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing. ui appeared in the northeast, not by accident, all this was planned in advance by the japanese, he was a real japanese puppet. mass killings of civilians then occurred throughout nanjing. it was russia and china that paid the greatest price for this common victory of humanity, and this gives us a special right not to give, to rewrite history. this newsreel was captured by soviet soldiers in august 1945. where are you from 11 b? i’m not lying, i’m from 11. we’re also from
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the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, i only need one boy, here he is, i had to come all this way to watch this good film, why are you so lucky, very i liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful shooting, exciting, all this, all these emotions were there, it was very cool, this was the first film, which i was absolutely delighted with, the humor was good, i liked it need to get to school. i have a nephew there at night and they haven’t messed with me like that yet, wait , hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask how i could even end up here, what kind of meeting sometimes you want to cry, sometimes you want to laugh, super this is the situation, yes this is it situation we will meet in the future 100 years ago we look forward to explore the world,
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educational programs and documentaries . let's watch, free of charge, without registration. in the application or on the website.
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i propose to change the passenger's call sign to rebina’s call sign, no, my brother’s sweetheart, you remain a passenger, that’s right, sweetheart. passenger.
3:00 am
from a diplomatic point of view, from a political point of view, tomorrow in harbin, i am sure that these issues, both manzhori and the far east , will be discussed, and we are just turning the next page.


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