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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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well, but i think that this won’t happen, they can’t find where they need everything, this won’t happen, simply because for russia. objectively, objectively, partnership with china is more profitable than cooperation with the west, and i will try to explain why? this means that china in its foreign policy, here it was quite rightly said that china has no idea, so to speak, to bring its civilization to the world, to impose it on someone, with the help of bayonets or anything else, for china it never happened.
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maintain very constructive relationships with, so to speak, sovereign russian democracy, with a theocratic republic in the islamic republic of iran, with a theocratic monarchy in saudi arabia, with the gerantocracy of the usa, yes, with the american gernatocracy, that’s absolutely right, but none. there are no problems with this,
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let’s compare this with the behavior, so to speak, of our western former partners, on the eve of blinken’s visit to china, during which he tried to convince the chinese, so to speak, to somehow change their position on ukraine, yes, on the eve just this visit was taken a completely scandalous boorish statement addressed to china regarding the situation in sendzian, well, that’s how they act. the united west is acting, well, in these conditions, naturally, any normal politician will make a choice in favor of china, at least you can’t expect any surprises from it in the form of sanctions scams and the like, and it’s no coincidence that not only russia, but also other countries of the world make their choice precisely in favor of the chinese development of trade and economic ties, as well as in some cases political connections. with the people's republic of china,
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which is why the number of organizations such as the shanghai cooperation organization and brix is ​​growing, for example, and i think that this is a trend that is seriously meant to last, for example, the united states, over the last third of a century, they have completely lost this competition for leadership in the world economy in world politics, three centuries ago, america really... and the west as a whole really looked attractive, now of this attractiveness, alas, i’m afraid, there is practically nothing left, much china and other new centers of power look more attractive. by the way, the russian federation too, because the chinese comrades do not impose their socialism with chinese characteristics on anyone, i don’t know of a single case when any chinese leader would say that in some country, well, mongolia, for example, or in vietnam p...
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the situation will develop precisely in the direction of mutual rapprochement with china, russia with china, especially since the united states and its allies are doing everything possible and impossible, in order to bring russia and china closer together, even when they don’t particularly want it, i
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mean the purely military component, so to speak, of the russian-chinese alliance, so the russian chinese initially did not want, so to speak, to conclude a military alliance, but they actually forced go for a military alliance. it’s our great american friends, in quotes , with their, so to speak, not very reasonable policy, and aren’t we changing the course of historical events, in my opinion , they love us for this in africa and asia, but if you’re not us, then siri would already torn, if not for us, then a row african countries would now be under the furious yoke of french and other colonialists; russia and china destroyed this western monopoly.
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therefore, it is very important to look at china, because china, where a number of provinces understand each other, if they just write, yeah, are nevertheless depleted of a single idea and a series of values, confucian there, and well, i’m not going to climb into the clearings of sinologists there, because three
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sinologists, eight points of view, everyone doesn’t like each other, so if i may, i won’t intrude into this difficult zone, but it’s clear, what we have to study, we do not need to project... i am ready to continue to maintain close contacts with president putin to jointly determine the direction of development of sino-russian relations, guide the sino-russian relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction
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in the new era to achieve sustainable and long-term development, make contribution to improving the well-being of the peoples of the two countries, strengthening security and stability throughout the world, that is, just... the answer to the hysteria of the americans and europeans, but we we must learn to understand, and not speculate , the meaning of these phrases, that is, still study, study and study again, now advertising, after it we will continue with a new composition, where are you from 11 b, this is me from eleven b, we are also from eleven b, eleventh b, b: i only need one boy, here he is, i had to come all this way to watch this good film, why are you so lucky, i really liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful filming, endure, that’s all this, these were all the emotions, this it was very cool, this was the first film,
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which i was really delighted with, the humor is good, i need to get to school at 7:33, my nephew is there at night, but they haven’t done that before, i, hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask, how could i even end up here, what kind of meeting, sometimes you want... to cry, at which you want to laugh, super, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, let's meet in the future 100 years from now, if any of you are in moscow, then i strongly recommend going to bow, there is an absolutely amazing exhibition, it’s not interesting because of nato equipment, it’s not just... it’s shocking, but it’s our hero guys who are standing next to this equipment that are shocking, and you understand that there is
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no equipment that can break a russian soldier , at the same time, well, you talk with the guys, and well, such vasily terkin, witty, ironic, young, beautiful, well, look, one of them is ivan zharsky, senior lieutenant, graduate, famous mikhailov. they teach correctly, correctly, then they transferred to the canteen, which means a little on the computer and
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overflowing with alu, this is a native of kazan, ivan in the summer of 23 repelled the offensive in the ssu in the zaporozhye region, at the head of the crew of the carnet anti-tank complex, eliminated two tanks, a bradley leopard, two pieces, eight infantry fighting vehicles. sou carried a wounded comrade out of battle, for this he has a gold star of a hero on his chest, a medal for courage, an order of courage and an order of merit for the fatherland, such a simple russian clerk, yes, who went to work in the canteen, ivan zhersky, modest, yes, real, yes, amazing, guys, by the way, that’s exactly what they’re for.
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doesn’t really want to go die, but if necessary, they will support him, now polish and british
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specialists, it turns out that they were working on new approaches to modern warfare at ukrainian training grounds, well, how they first throw ukrainian cannon fodder forward, and then use the experience, themselves of course they also go and die in batches, and then they tell tales about someone who got lost in the alps, somewhere suddenly a helicopter crashed, somewhere a boat capsized. but i think there’s no need to torture like that, you just need to set the part numbers according to their location and it doesn’t matter where they are, in petty vile britain, in poland, or anywhere, in germany, in america, send a gift there, a simple modest one, depending on the distance, as was the case with self-promotion, just fuck off, let them know, what do you think, bastard, what are you can you come kill?
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death, death, and european arms companies are looking forward to locating their production facilities in ukraine, well, this is a direct quick profit, ukrainian workers are cheap. it’s worth nothing, well, really, they don’t understand that the turks had already tried to go this route, to build a baeraktar, and it turned out that children, labor may be cheap, land may be cheap, bribes are like that, what difference does it make which of you zelensky kisses on desny, they will whitewash you in such a way that no matter what the fairy tale is told to you, the level of corruption
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is off the charts, therefore, despite the opinion of british ambassador mateen .
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the state budget was drawn up together with business, what they did there, i think it’s powerful, if i see it there and don’t see it in another area, i pose a specific question to our military, who are in one direction or another, is this enough? yes, ah why then is it weaker here than in the kharkov region, as an example? i just don’t want to say where we have what condition, they say: yes, it would be much better, we
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would be much more confident if there was such a level, my task is simple: please standardize such strong protection. occupy our country, i think so, but now the world can help, it’s like coming to those people who stole the money allocated for fortification construction and return it all, and then they will put the money in bags, here are the lips of the dragon, how do we yesterday they explained that they have problems with their teeth, well , it’s surprising, yes, that is, how
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specific people steal, but how the whole world is to blame, it’s even somehow awkward, i also learned how... in english, you know, how intelligence would be in english, guess what, igor, a premonition, listen, this is a premonition from karine jeanpierre. we 've been focused on supporting ukraine's defense, and we're going to continue to do that in kharkov. it is obvious that ukrainian forces are fighting desperately in this area. as you know, on friday we warned that we foresee, we had a premonition that russia. we have been in close coordination with ukraine to help them prepare. yes, well, they are to blame, but i have a presentiment, and of course, a small buffer zone, but absolutely small, however, in 5 days it’s more than the mighty offensive and counter-attack
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of a three-month army, well, that’s how you look at it, by the way, so that you understood, leaving kharkov is very simple and inexpensive, that’s just what is needed, he is grateful to the united states for help, but there is also a feeling of disappointment about delays in its provision, in particular air defense equipment. also, his eyes started to bulge out like that, and why two petri? okay, he ’ll steal one, he’ll sell the other in the wrong place, he’ll sell one, and he’ll sell one, he’ll steal one, well then, good.
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igor, when i watch karin janpierre’s performance, i have the feeling that i’m watching an animated film, she looks as if she is not a living person, some kind of cartoon character, just like with the nonsense that she very often carries , commenting on her boss’s statement, she he said that she was a historical character. i don’t know what historically she is the first lesbian of color openly proud of declaring this there were no men yes well what could they say that they are the first openly gays in this position they are shy no you know as for although in the white house one on one sorry as for the situation then the rhetoric of american british politicians there, the attempt to assassinate the prime minister and fitz leaves no doubt that the west is preparing for a serious war with us, this is a purge.
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now i have no doubts that some attempt was apparently hushed up there, maybe it was prevented, but so to speak, this is the open season for political assassinations, so to speak, why am i talking about this, there are a lot of comments about what we have all specialists, i am not an expert there in the field of security, security, and so on. but i would urge everyone to convert, i would doubt it, i know your battle path, you are a great specialist, well, no, i am there through myself, but never this same thing, i would be called upon to pay attention to the action not shooter, at the action of the guard, you don’t need to look at how the shooter acted, look at how the guard acted when the seventy -one-year-old half-crazy professor, and while reaching out he was able to shoot, only i looked carefully, only on the fifth shot. people who from morning to evening are trained to respond instantly, stretched their holster, stretched their holster, well, but this suggests that this is so to speak, it’s just that
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no one opened the folder, no one closed it, no one only when, he only when he pulled his hand, and immediately one jumped on the protected person, the second should take the protected person away, the second should have blocked or shot him, when there , depending on the situation, they make a decision, they give... a year-old unprepared person without special training to shoot five times at the protected person, but this cannot to be without, so to speak, without the fact that they were aware, so to speak, at least some of them, i’m not saying that it could be everyone, at least who, i would like to remind you that the americans, occupying another country, they are already very active competently and wisely, they take control of all the special services, the media and all these people there. various public ones there talking there barking there at their command there heads when when they need that's all that's why so to speak
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the fitsa just came recently i think he didn't have time to say so maybe so skatiy since well yes he well he came recently for the third time , but recently without before, as i understand it , to put it mildly, there were pro-american forces there , probably there it was infiltrated by american agents, so this is it now colleagues before the broadcast said i don’t know. to say whether it’s true or not that this professor’s wife turned out to be ukrainian, no one recruited him there, i’m sure of that, no, well, he also participated in pro-caronic rallies there, but don’t worry, he was immediately accused of pro-russian, well, well, of course, well, well, well, well, yes, what else should they do, you know, having read the psychotype of a mentally unbalanced person, having let him down with his wife here or there acquaintances who will appear isn’t there personnel there, well, it’s clear about this, they just just softly. led to the adoption of this decision, the head of security or there or several guards were in the know, they dared to simply shoot back, that’s all, that’s all, but this does not mean that there is no
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killer behind this, there is such a thing behind this... where, what time, how, you must be with a weapon in a certain position at a certain time, of course, of course, yes, when i looked at the actions of these guards, it felt like there was a herd of sheep, but they are not sheep, but they not sheep, at least well, so to speak, if they protect the first person, well, let’s say this, if at least traditions have been preserved there.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, and it’s easy to create a deepfake.
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on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing. it was not by chance that ui appeared in the northeast. all this was planned in advance by the japanese. he was a real japanese puppet. mass killings of civilians
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occurred everywhere at that time. it was russia and china that paid the highest price for this common victory of humanity, and this gives us a special right not to allow history to be rewritten. this newsreel was captured by soviet soldiers in august 1945. well, it’s just that the man shoots so poorly, but you can hear from the tempo of the way he works that fitz was lucky, although by the way, his life is still not safe, that is, it’s still there, now orban needs to think about his safety.


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