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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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of course, you can easily justify the money stolen there, relatively speaking, by russian propaganda, by saying, well, you know, this is russian propaganda. they stole 100 million dollars, they just stole it, and they say, well , you know, it’s russian, don’t believe them, so show me where they are, well, you have satellites, really, well, maybe they mean that it was stolen by russian propaganda, no, they stole it, no, no, russian propaganda, so we all came together, since i’ll steal from them, i i don’t know, maybe they paid russian propaganda with fake structures, maybe you stole them, these fortifications, i don’t know, it’s up to the brim.
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arhad there for freedom, human rights, democracy, freedom of speech and so on, they came, usurped power, and deprived the people of everything. now this river of death, tisa, this not only applies to those people who could not swim across this river, now any person in ukraine can be killed, put a wetsuit on him and thrown into the birdhouse, it was possible, and it was possible without a guest suit, evgeniy, yes, can they reset it or... no, but again, returning to those figures that characterize the current state of affairs, the poles, this last poll that was held, more than 50% of the poles want the expulsion of ukrainians of military age from the territory of poland, but this already agreed on something, tired, tired, no, there , of course, closer to 40% think the opposite, as they say, but in fact, if half of the poles surveyed believe that...
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only 34% according to this survey , which is held among the people who are there are, well, they declare that they want to return to the country, that is, this crisis, these figures speak of that, i never make them absolute, i say that this is a kind of illustration, so i’m on such a countermovement, i can say, that this crisis is gaining momentum, on the one hand , there seems to be a request for this, well, what do you want to mobilize people, you have nowhere, that is , the human resource is not infinite, we are moving on to the other part, that is, which we say, what happens next?
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these are new conditions of mobilization in which in general, not just the elements of democracy, the questions there relate to increasing pressure on people who are subject to conscription will be, well , tougher, if you like, in this case i believe that then this is what goriya spiridon was talking about, that we are talking about the fact that people will
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resist more and more actively, there is simply no escape from the country, and this causes, listen, a person who is in a critical situation, well, in any case, he will resist. mislead opponents, well, there really aren’t enough people physically, and these people, who want to serve or who can serve, that is, again, everything that i chose from ukrainian sources, i emphasize, i am placing this emphasis, the westerners are there so as not to say that this is propaganda, but the fact that i caught this information, but somewhere only
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a quarter is full, that is, there are not enough people physically, and how this issue will be resolved only by increasing repression, which repression gives, we understand that in any case, no matter what the country is, no matter what the regime is politically. ..
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her colony is uneven, yes, on the other hand on the other hand, we say that like southeast asia, asean, these are the studies that there are that there is a global struggle going on, where china and the united states are there, well, as long as it wins, the fruss looked at the same story, and the same story in africa, and the same story in africa, because there is a position, there is also an interesting country there, we talked about glan there, well, 33 million people live there, it is... such an interesting country, a former british colony, there are french, germans in at one time they were interested in this story, but now there the growth of china's influence, investments, but there it is true that the united states is fighting for this cause, and there are more countries where china is gaining momentum over the year, and another important point is that russia is returning to its own,
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because after the twenty-second year it was drawdown, now the number of people who believe that it is coming - that russia is strengthening its position, has again returned to maybe the level of twenty-twenty -one maybe. i want to say that this indicates that this vigorous activity, the pre-sphere was covid, no, no, no, i mean that before the age of 22, just a lot of contacts there, the nineteenth year, the pre-covid year, because well, actually , africa was interesting there, in general, to summarize what has been said, now in different regions of the world, this global opposition is intensifying, russia is quite offering to starve, you know, i suggest thinking with your head and there are interests there, which yes. vladimir adolfovich, there is an interesting position there, like kalidonia, well, i really liked this story, i liked it, for 19% nickel, well, there’s chromium and cobalt and there’s gold , and they didn’t bother kalidonia to return to its native shores, i think that, you know, there are political ones, they’re for rights, in short, there’s
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a long history, i just got in, you know, how you start to read it , yes, this is actually the eldorado landike, there is something to do there, in fact, in general there is a very large field for maneuver and the most important thing is that you know everyone’s face, please. they turned ukraine into a springboard for an attack on russia, but it turns out to be such an amazing thing, a plasthead is expanding, moreover... given that the country, the country is on the verge of a civil war, such a story is almost
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ukrainian, and it is not surprising that now they are actively discussing that same ukrainian trace, but whether it was an attempt on the life of the fitz, there was no, obviously he was, even if in case we find out that this wife there, maybe she was ukrainian, will be ukrainian, will not be ukrainian, which, by the way, is her embroidery day, yes, she was jumping there on the maidan. so they purposefully fit this whole story into the creation of a broader bridgehead, so we looked at the scenario of the possibility of a global conflict, or now negotiations, when they can throw out a white flag there, in principle these are two different scenarios, they do not contradict one another at all, since obviously the anglo-saxons are betting on the fact that ... very seriously take on this conflict, and if
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it doesn’t work out on the territory of ukraine, then of course europe will be sacrificed, and for this it is necessary to identify clear red flags that cannot be crossed, including for those politicians who have the audacity in these conditions to adhere to a different point of view, it was absolutely correctly said, what are they like? since ordinary people in europe, which, by the way, covid has shown very well, are generally very
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susceptible to manipulation, this whole story, first they rolled out in ukraine, on the unfortunate ukrainians, a technology for completely changing consciousness, clouding their brains, now that there is actually a war going on informational for ukraine, for europe, then of course it is. and really and correctly today it was said that in ukraine they are preparing a global
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conflict, they are ready to agree to it, but in principle there is probably good news, besides what vladimirovich already said, there zelensky came to kharkov, and this means a lot, but we noticed that there were videos about the reaction. well, however, he sits in kiev, we haven’t taken kiev yet, so i would be here too, but why
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take him, no, i don’t have an answer, that is, for me we need to take everything including lisbon, of course, but just when such questions arise stand, yes, for example, to take kharkov, just like the americans are taking, turning it all into a scorched desert, well, vladimirich, i said here that that’s why we waited, yes. of course , the russian city is all very russian to us , and more than once, but we are talking about something else, how to take it? and the siege, well, probably, giving people the opportunity to come out today is probably a lot for that. but we must also understand that we will then be faced with such a serious issue, this will be a country of widows, because what zelensky has done is a repetition of paraguay, that is, in some moment in time, this will be a land where widows and children and old people will live, he
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will kill the old people, he will throw them all to the front, that is, this is also an important moment, it will be necessary to prepare, to speak. maybe, maybe, that’s why there’s no need to let down your vigilance here either, i’m also a widower, this will be one of the first, we’re also going to liberate, so we remember those who are sitting there, yes, here in poltava vitya shestakov is sitting, whom we are trying in every possible way, well, at least to exchange for the military, yes,
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a figure in the russian movement, who has been put on developing russian culture, he also sits, exactly like that.
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this is a war with nato, but the ukrainian people must understand if they want nato to grind them down, simply use them as a setil, but this is a tragedy, let them look at where ukrainians feel best, in which country, in russia, the only country where nothing threatens them, safety, where they are our people, of course. about women in ukraine.
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the transcarpathian region was fined for evading mobilization, this is one of the first court decisions, and administrative, she is fined if the rubles are 11,730 rubles. i transferred it, but they fined her for not showing up for mobilization, you know, they already fine women, so i would do it, i would do it, you know, carefully. i said, secondly, if we continue this mobilization, this is a very serious fact, i found it today in kiev when i checked, it means that publicly, officially in kiev on may 1 there were 500 people who were hilyants, yes, who gave summonses, they did not fail to appear, this means that during this period, in 2 weeks, 1200 have already been found and sent to the front for training, then
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there are starting to take the people of kiev, catching and taking and sending them to the front in the capital, a few days, the 18th will come, yes , let’s go, the ministry of justice has published a list of what can be left to a person, yes, but what can and cannot be taken away, because a car.
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in america about the state of affairs of corruption in ukraine, he wrote a lot, in particular, he writes such a thing, to me, you know, to me , but he writes that corruption in ukraine, unfortunately, is one of the highest in europe, the level of corruption, yes, and further he writes, bribes and kickbacks are practiced in the ministry defense, prices for food are inflated, and the last thing, well, that’s what he writes, the reason, of course, the main thing is that russia attacked ukraine, i’m sitting here again.
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authorities that they had captured a group of guys, young guys, smart, talented, what did they do, they slapped the id cards of consular workers, there were some other documents, they took 10,000 dollars and sent people as consular service workers abroad, talented guys, but first they sent one group, then the second group, unfortunately they were caught, there are talented border guards, they half were taken and sent, talented border guards, but i’m just saying that... life, which, if you look at it like this, you know, there’s corruption, there’s mobilization, and now i want to finish, speedor pavlovich said a few words about leshchenko ,
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you see, leshchenko is, sergei lechenko, this is one of those who called nayedan, yes, here is naem, who is naem’s booths, leshchenko during the war they hid him in the ukrainian railway, ukrainian railway, yes, and he was such an adviser there big, he had a salary, he had a salary of more than 2 million rubles. if on rubles a month, the man was confused about everything, in general, i won’t say, he wasn’t called up anywhere, he still, he also worked as a dj at discotheques, so he said that he was grateful to blinkin, he can now, so here he is, for a long time they were looking for and gave him the position of advisor to ermak in pozina, you just remember, alexey aristovich, as you say, my friend, but i’m not saying, you said, he’s a good friend, he was at one time, yes, i’m his...
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry meeting with you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the exhibition.
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russia, because a german farmer came and gave this medal to the consulate. the order came to germany and how it got to this merchant, we no longer know. when returning from the front, a suitcase with orders and a medal for military merit was stolen, and everything disappeared without a trace. i bought this medal, and then began to think about how to return it. each medal is someone's work, blood.
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the forum of cooperation between the regions of russia and china, the opening of the expo, a large final press conference, and this is only part of the program of the second day of vladimir putin’s state visit to china. the presidential plane landed in harbin, this city has a special connection with our country, there is a large russian
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community here, and it is the capital of the province. lundzyan, which borders five regions of russia at once, vladimir putin began his trip from beijing, where he was received by chinese president xidzenping, celebrated 75 years of diplomatic relations between the countries, and gave a start. cross year


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