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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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bayer's alexander galovin, who plays in monaco, has not recovered from his injury, so he will miss this training camp. our national team will gather in novogorsk on june 1, and on the 7th in minsk they will play a friendly match against belarus, which will be taken into account in the fifa rankings. a new russian record was set at the national rock climbing championship, which takes place in moscow, at the cska athletics arena. for the first time in history, a russian climber, behind... danil ukolov, managed to overcome the distance in the discipline of climbing speed, faster than 5 seconds, he showed a time of 4.987. the representative of tyumen on the fifteen-meter track stopped 19 from conquering the world record in this event. for the third time in history, the entire pedestal was occupied by representatives of one region, two more tyumen climbers, sergey rukin and alexander shikov, took second and third places. championship. russia will end on may 18.
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based on its results, the list of participants for the world friendship games will be formed and awards will be awarded. that's all about sports for now, see you in the next hour.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a fake dept, change your voice. news mid-hour, briefly: vladimir putin, during his state visit to china , will spend this day in harbin, the president will take part in the opening ceremony of the forum for cooperation between the regions of russia and china, as well as the russian-chinese expo. in addition, putin will talk with students and teachers from both countries. in the dpr near the sentry. russian military destroyed
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strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces, the grad multiple launch rocket systems effectively coped with the combat mission. the accuracy of salvos and rockets was helped by the drone operators. the united states considers the situation in the ukrainian armed forces incredibly desperate. this statement was made by the state department. the british publication guardian, in turn, notes that the offensive of russian troops in the kharkov region has proven that the kiev regime is not capable of defending itself. russia withdrew. the soyuz rocket delivered military satellites and spacecraft into low-earth orbit. the start took place after midnight at the country's northernmost cosmodrome in lisetsk. an unusual hockey match took place on the ice of the anadar river. the team of national hockey legends crossed sticks with chukotka athletes. the star team, headed by vyacheslav fetisov, was joined by young hockey players, and the opposing team was led by the governor of the region, vladislav kuznetsov.
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olesya bulgakova watched the confrontation. where the annadar river flows into the berening sea, at the junction of the two hemispheres , the blue-red teams are preparing for a friendly confrontation. to help young hockey players came to guests from all over chukotka, the boys took 12 hours to get there on an off-road all-terrain vehicle, there were bumps, snow, sometimes we got stuck there a couple of times, and it was all for the sake of hockey, yes, i want to play with the legends, the blue team plays for the region, a fireman, a teacher and 18 amateurs. throwing the puck, incredible passion, a goal, they scored, in fact, everything, the match brought together people from all over the country,
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frost, wind and distance are not an obstacle, chukotka is actually not a harsh region, but a very hospitable, very hot, sporting event of such a scale not only for chukotka is a challenge for any arctic region. organize, fly, ensure safety, salty frozen water, world hockey stars are also playing for the first time in their lives, super, directly, for the first time, because this sports festival has a very young face, families with children, the average age of residents of the district is 36 years old, under construction schools, kindergartens, education centers and sports clubs are opening, there are many more events for young people than there were, now little by little they are getting back on their feet. just now develops only forward, of course, there is a future, the puck is in the reds’ goal, the tension of the match is growing, sport is a powerful tool for achieving any life goals, it’s really what builds character, what teaches a person
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to concentrate, concentrate on the goal, everything -we do truly great and valuable things together as a team. between halves , the players discuss how to preserve the fragile arctic nature and at the same time... develop our northern territories with the help of advanced technologies. the arctic is an amazing region, there is great potential for the planet here. this is what will give us an advantage over everyone and will guide our youth to develop new technologies related to environmental conservation, the green economy, the energy transition, and the search for new solutions, the future is connected. one of the most important goals of the game is to draw attention to environmental issues, conservation of the polar bear population, and permafrost degradation.
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because, as everyone knows, it is with chukotka in the heart, and this is especially important, that the day begins with chukotka, our country, probably the whole world. olesya. alena ragozina, dmitry arkhangelsky, hosted by anadar. the consequences of the rain flood are being eliminated in the kemerovo region; the tom and usa rivers began to overflow due to heavy rainfall in the kuznetsk allatao mountains. the city of mezhdurechensk has already suffered from the flood. showers returned to moscow today. vadim zavodchenkov will tell you how the weather will continue to change in european russia and siberia. there is a rain flood in kuzbass, in the stavropol region, what? when the precipitation stops, will the next atmospheric front be able to return frost to moscow? current weather analytics on the russia-24 channel. i'm vadim zabuchenkov, leading
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specialist at the fobas center. hello! in the coming days, the weather in siberia and the european part of the country will change at kaleidoscopic speed. i have a road somewhere here. the city of mezhdurechensk, kemerovo region, has this name for a reason; when heavy rains occur in the kuznetsk allatau mountains, local residents can expect trouble from two rivers at once, the tom and the usa. since the middle of last week, water has gradually remained in them; the day before the levels jumped more than than a meter. dozens of household plots fell into the flood zone. recreation centers and children's camps, several people had to be evacuated. we are saved by kind people, a kind young man, here is our trash can, the summer season has opened, we can go home. however, we have good news for kusbasa: in the coming
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days the weather in the region will improve and the rainfall will not fuel the flood. in kemerovo on friday it’s +19, on saturday the daytime temperature is again at... the foothills of the caucasus have also been flooded with thunderstorms all week, so far there have been no serious floods, but the rainfall is often mixed with hail. this is how, for example, the day before residents of the city of mikhailovsk, stavropol territory, saved their cars from the ice bombardment, but today the youth of the scandinavian anticyclone will begin to make its way to the shores of the black sea. under its influence, frontal clouds in the south will begin to blur. and thunderstorms will gradually acquire a local short-term character, however, the center
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of high pressure will not move on its own, it will be displaced by another atmospheric front that has made its way into the middle latitudes of the russian plain, together with rain clouds, it will bring air masses from the barin sea. as a result of this invasion , frost will strike again in many areas of the northern half of european russia this coming night. the borders of this zone will even reach the upper volga, although usually after may 9 it no longer appears on the grass here. fortunately, the cold snap will be very short and by sunday the cold air will be able to warm up well. the warmest region of the russian plain will be the north-west, here in the afternoon + 20-25. and in the zone of cold anomaly only the urals will remain, in the daytime up to +10-15. in the rest of the territory. thermometer readings will be within the may norm. in the middle zone, daytime temperatures are +17-22, in
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the southern regions up to +19.24. for example, in krasnodar today thunderstorms will not allow the thermometer to rise above +19, which is almost 5° below normal. but then warming will begin and by sunday in kuban it will already be quite may +23. and at the beginning of the new week the air can warm up to +24-26. in central russia, the weather is also expected to be quite typical for the last month of spring. sunny, only today there will be a chance of short showers. the prevailing daytime temperature in moscow is +18:20, next week it will become another couple of degrees warmer. that's all i have. goodbye.
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foreign business remained and did not fail, less than 10% is abroad. companies have left russia since february 2022, this will be discussed not only in economic news in a couple of minutes. some impressions remain forever, and some only for a while. with gloss, stains will not mar your impressions. many housewives choose losk 3+1 gel, it fights oily stains at low temperatures on short washing cycles. there is a gloss, no stains. attacking credit card debt? i’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts on
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one halva card from sovcombank, refinance them for 24 months, conveniently pay them off, and with halva from sovcombank we effectively buy in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. i am the chef of cote aganeza. on my blog i share simple and quick recipes. and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. astori, it sure is delicious now. washing, use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores light, things are like new three times longer, new, no, i wash with weasel, what is missing for construction is easy to find. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. pro or
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glue? metillan wallpaper glue for any ideas, quickly mix, simply apply, professionally hang, there are a lot of wallpaper ideas, the glue is always methylan, attack credit card debts, i will show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts in one place we conveniently repay within 24 months, and don’t forget about installment purchases. kholva - simple installment plans. we at persil take stain removal to the next level with deep clean plus technology. persil enzymes work on the surface and inside of fabric, leaving memories, not stains on things. once i've persisted, i've always persisted. now economic news, maybe new
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details have appeared in the case of the large manufacturer mcfa. roman, his management company became the property of the state. management company of the largest pasta manufacturer makfa became the property of russia. such an entry appeared in the unified state register of legal entities. makfa's shares were arrested at the end of march during the search of the prosecutor general's office. according to the department, the beneficiaries of the company combined business and work in government bodies and violated anti-corruption prohibitions and restrictions for many years. last wednesday, let me remind you, the court granted the claim to transfer makfa’s property to the state. remains unchanged and must be determined by our position on the issue of russian assets relevant courts and jurisdictions, but for
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us as a foundation it is important that any actions taken have a sufficient legal basis. did not undermine the functioning of the international monetary system. let me remind you that, according to the new york times , the discussion about complete confiscation is now suspended, although the united states and britain advocated for it. the largest economies in europe spoke out sharply against it, the ecb supported them. now there is supposedly a discussion going on about the frequency of transferring interest to kiev, but there is no consensus on this. only less than 10% foreign companies have left russia since february 2022. about a third have only reduced theirs. says a study by european institutions. the majority stayed and made the right decision. they, as the austrian press writes, have increased their profits. this happened, according to the authors of the report, due to a decrease in competition, precisely because of those who left. there is a special loyalty to russia on the part of companies from greece, italy and the czech republic. tax revenues to the german budget in
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the next 5 years will decrease by more than 80 billion euros. this is a new disappointing forecast ministry of finance. in germany, in particular, next year the difference compared to the previous estimate will be almost 22 billion euros, and in total by 2028 will exceed 80.5 billion. the minister of finance explains this negative trend with a disdainful attitude towards industry over the past 10 years and calls on his compatriots to tighten their belts . with no new financial opportunities in the foreseeable future, we must say goodbye to unrealistic desires and move on. the situation will get worse, especially for the federal government, we cannot cover up structural problems with more and more debt. the board of directors of rusal recommended not paying dividends for 2023, the company said in a statement;
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against the background of the news, its shares fell in price. last year, rusal did not pay interim dividends. then the board of directors explained this by the unfavorable market conditions and growing risks in export markets. paying dividends would reduce the company's financial stability and also complicate the implementation of investment plans for 2024. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 90 rub. 92 kopecks, euro 98 rub. 89 kopecks novel. masha, thank you. let me briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. today is the second day of vladimir putin's state visit. in harbin, china, the president will take part in the opening ceremony of the forum for cooperation between the regions of russia and china, as well as the russian-chinese expo, in a program of communication with students and teachers of both countries. prime minister of slovakia robert fica, who was assassinated, regained consciousness, but the state of politics remains difficult, he received several gunshots
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injuries, the attacker admitted that he was dissatisfied with fitz’s refusal to help ukraine. the united states does not plan to send military instructors to ukraine, the pentagon announced. kiev has turned to washington for help in training recruits, but as the new york times writes, such activities would endanger the lives of instructors. the ministry of defense announced the successful launch of the soyuz launch vehicle. military satellites on board. the rocket will launch them into a given orbit. the union launched from the country's northernmost cosmodrome - lesetsk. right after advertising day in history, a selection of the most important interesting events of this day in different years and eras. uralsip. this is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra. we give
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free service for 3 months when opening an account for business, uralsip bank, nothing more. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. on may 17 , 1727, the russian throne was occupied by the grandson of peter the great, who went down in history as peter ii. he was not even 12 then and his fate tragic. the boy became a toy in the hands of eminent dignitaries fighting for power. first, alexander menshikov, a former associate of peter i, took over. after whose death he de facto ruled the state under his widow , empress catherine i. andrei osterman, had her own plans. osterman became
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peter's tutor, and the young prince ivan dolgoruky accustomed him to adult amusements and openly got him drunk. when menshikov fell ill, the long-armed asterman turned the boy against him. menshikov was arrested from soslo, but in january 1730 in moroz, peter ii hosted a parade in moscow. from czech slovak prisoners of war who decided to fight against germany and austria-hungary. they were hostile to soviet power; the bolsheviks allowed them to evacuate through
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vladivostok, but the evacuation was stopped. the germans did not want corps of 50 thousand soldiers to appear on the western front. the trains with them stretched along the entire trans-siberian railway. discontent was brewing in the corps and the starting point was the incident in chelyabinsk. there, the czechoslovaks had a clash with the military. germany and austria-hungary, who also left russia, but moved not to the east, but to the west. the red guards tried to restore order, but failed. and then the czechoslovaks captured chelyabinsk, and then other cities, the volga region, the urals, siberia and the far east, where anti-soviet governments were created. but the red army quickly proved its superiority and czechoslovakia decided to leave russia so as not to share the fate of the entire white movement. may 1956, the soviet government called on young people to build their future literally on this day the central committee of the cpsu and the council of ministers of the ussr adopted
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resolution on measures to provide labor for the most important construction sites and enterprises located in the eastern and northern regions of the country in the donbass. then the slogan appeared: the party said it is necessary, the komsomol answered there is. they built gas, irkutsk, bratsk, kokhovskaya and metallurgical plants. semertau, abakan taishet railway, mines in donbass. later , the baikal-amur mainline and kamaz came to an end, they worked in the most difficult conditions, many construction projects were declared komsomol shock projects, the construction profession among young people became the most in demand, they made films. today one can only admire the enthusiasm and dedication of millions of boys and girls who were attracted by the romance of distant travels, the exploration of new lands and who believed in... the future of their country. on may 17, 1980, the second film of the star wars saga the empire strikes back (episode 5) was released. for this premiere
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, the creator of the saga, george lucas, added the number five to the title, and designated the first film as the fourth, because he decided that in the future he would definitely make the first three about what happened before. back in 1980, no one believed in the success of sequel films, and especially such star wars, cannot be of interest to an adult educated audience, as film critics wrote. but episode five set the success of the entire saga. there are already nine films. composer: john william. wrote the imperial march. according to the plot, the main character luke skywalker participates in a rebellion against the ominous all-powerful empire. but in life, george lucas himself opposed hollywood. he invested his own money in the project, but the studio continued to impose conditions on him. the directors guild of america, as with the first part, demanded that introduction with text over traditional credits, threatening to ban the premiere altogether. lucas
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paid. a huge fine came out of the guild, that's what he said in an interview with magazine about hollywood. they are quite mean, unscrupulous people, they make deals in the classic american corporate style, you can cheat and do anything to get more profit, they don’t understand what filming is, for them cinema is a deal, i don’t want to have nothing to do with them. this is such a retaliatory strike and such a day in history. your brother is there donbass in the aurora battalion, he’s a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, kulya, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither a bike nor a weapon for you, get ready to be stupid to moscow, brother, the record of the missing person, it won’t go well, i
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came for him, i owe him to... the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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vladimir putin will spend this day in harbin during his state visit to china, the president will take part in the opening ceremony forum for cooperation between the regions of russia and china, as well as the russian-chinese expo. in addition, putin will talk with students and teachers. in the dpr near chasoy yar , the russian military destroyed strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces and effectively dealt with the combat mission from a hailstorm using a multiple launch rocket system.


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