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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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so, today is the second day of vladimir putin’s state visit to china. the russian president is holding it in harbin. in the morning, the head of state paid tribute to the memory of soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of the prc from japanese invaders, and then took part in the opening of the russian-chinese expo. we’ll find out all the details from anastasia efimova, she’s joining me. nastya, good morning. good morning. tell us how this day is going for the president and what other events, besides those already announced, are planned? well, from what is obvious right now, that this day will not be less intense than the previous one. russia is ready to reliably supply the chinese economy with environmentally friendly and affordable energy, light and heat, as well as provide economic benefits to investors in the north caucasus people's republic. vladimir putin stated this at the opening of the eighth russian-chinese expo. in essence, this is a trade and industrial exhibition, as well as a platform.
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a few years ago, for bilateral trade, the figure of 100 billion dollars in trade turnover was considered a great success; now they have already crossed the 200 mark, but more precisely, according to chinese statistics, 240 billion. and this far from being the limit, of course, the russian-chinese inextricable partnership directly contributes to the growth of the economies of both countries. the central event of the current one. russian-chinese forum on interregional cooperation, it is being held for the fourth time every year, attracting more and more participants, as vladimir putin noted, on the russian side - these are the largest companies such as rosatom, rostec, russian railways, as well as 25 regions, by the way, hailongzian province, and harbin is located right here, bordering on five russian regions, so ties are traditionally very strong, a good opportunity for the development of industry ties.
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the expo organized a fair of goods made in russia, where guests can try and purchase more than a thousand different types of high-quality russian products. in particular , the prospects for further development of relations were discussed the day before in beijing at negotiations between vladimir putin and sidinpin. in an address to chinese vice president hanzhen today at the opening of the expo, the chinese leader noted that contacts should be intensified.
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vladimir putin emphasized the intensity and content of the negotiations held on thursday in beijing at a separate meeting with the deputy chairman of the people's republic of china hanzhen; by the way, he headed the russian-chinese intergovernmental commission, which means he also made a significant contribution to the development of bilateral relations.
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monument to soviet soldiers. in august september 1945 , the russian president blamed the red army for participating in the liberation of northeast china from japanese invaders. 12 thousand soldiers died in battles. and china honors their memory. in hundreds
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of memorials have been erected in their honor throughout the country. and one of them, crowned with sculptures of a soldier and a sailor with the order of victory over their heads, is right in harbin. the russian president thanked the authorities and residents for honoring the memory. with such a careful attitude towards the common past , one can certainly look into the future without fear. well, we continue to monitor the president’s state visit, especially since the working day in china is in full swing. thank you, we will wait for all the details, let me remind you that this was my colleague anastasia efimova. about details informal negotiations between vladimir putin and sidinpin, which took place the day before my colleague, author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program, pavel zarubin. said assistant to the president of russia yuri ushakov. and how detailed was ukraine discussed in putin’s informal group sidimpin. you know, in great detail, but it was in a format, not even a narrow one, when the chairman and our president had a
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separate conversation. so, among the main events of the second day of vladimir putin’s state visit to china, the opening of the russian-chinese expo. a large-scale exhibition brought together the company's achievements. russia and china. this is a platform for dialogue on future trade cooperation between countries. joining me now is my colleague maria filippova. masha, good morning, tell us the details, what statements were made, how trade relations between the countries are developing today. sasha, good morning, the parties in many areas intend to raise the partnership to the rank of strategic cooperation. and now i’ll tell you everything in detail. two important sites for relations between russia and china opened today in harbin. russian-chinese expo, within the framework of which the fourth russian-chinese forum on interregional cooperation was launched. the ceremonial start was given to vladimir putin and sidin pin, the russian leader, drew attention to the strategic nature of bilateral relations. our strategic alliance in
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the energy sector, which has become the supporting pillar of the entire global energy market, i am confident will continue to strengthen. russia is ready and capable. uninterruptedly, reliably supply the chinese economy, enterprises, cities, towns, environmentally friendly, affordable energy, light, heat. large-scale joint projects are being implemented in the field of industrial cooperation. chinese automakers are actively entering the russian market, and programs are advancing to create a wide-body long-range aircraft and a heavy civil helicopter. expo is a large-scale exhibition of the achievements of russia and china. stands will be deployed in 16 regions of our country and 13 constituent entities of china. on the business side, 170 russian organizations and 190 companies from china are expected. the russian exposition will open over 3,500 km. among
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main sections - transport, energy, digital technologies, metallurgy, chemical industry, agro-industrial complex, light industry, medicine. at the exhibition , participants enter into contracts between... russia and china. the day before, vladimir putin sidin pin signed documents on
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strategic cooperation between russia and china. according to the russian president, the countries have accumulated experience of mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields. the priority of trade and investment interaction was indicative last year. 40 billion dollars, almost 10 billion of that the volume is occupied by mutual trade turnover of agricultural products, which increased by 40% last year, and supplies of russian food to china are growing. in 2023, the figure increased by more than one and a half times. our countries are working together to diversify bilateral trade, stimulating changes in its structure. in particular , exports of russian products to china are now actively increasing. agro-industrial complex, yesterday the chairman and i also
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talked about this in some detail, these products are of high quality and environmental friendliness. growing volumes in the prc, from russia include fish and other seafood, grain, and pork. in essence, we are moving towards creating a strategic russian-chinese production partnership, similar to our close interaction in the energy sector. investment cooperation is increasing its position; today more than 80 priority projects worth about $200 billion are being implemented or are being prepared for implementation. our country is ready to continue to provide chinese investors with a wide range of benefits, including successfully implemented joint projects, development of transport infrastructure, this is how the volume of cargo transportation across the amur increased. i would especially note the dynamic development of the transport infrastructure, which is tight. connects our countries, so in 2022
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two transport bridges were opened on the amur river at once - a cross-border bridge, a road bridge and a railway bridge, along which there is already intensive passenger and cargo transportation. here, in the border regions of russia and china , reliable and high-speed logistics corridors are especially in demand by both businesses and citizens. let's continue the reconstruction. checkpoints , reducing the time of inspection of transport cargo at the border, as vladimir putin noted, the deepening of trade and investment ties is facilitated by the transfer of payments into national currencies. today, the share of the ruble and yuan in russian-chinese commercial transactions is above 90%. you owe the bank.
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of slovakia robert fica regained consciousness after a complex operation, but remains in serious condition. the country's authorities blame the opposition press for the attack on the head of the cabinet of ministers. it is already known that the man who shot fitz was unhappy with his refusal to help ukraine. and the reaction to the crimes of european politicians in the western media is victoria koroleva. tensions between the government and the media are rising in slovakia following the assassination attempt on prime minister robert fitz. the authorities blame the press for what happened. opposition. according to the ministry of internal affairs, the suspect, seventy-year-old juraj tsintula , admitted during interrogation that he decided to shoot the prime minister out of promises to stop military assistance to ukraine. and in preparation for the terrorist attack, he used information from the opposition media. back in april , robert fitz predicted that discontent in society could lead to dire consequences for the top officials of the state. and now in serbia, police detained a man who threatened president vucic; in
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belgium, a radio host live suggested shooting prime minister alexander daroo. to anyone who is thinking about shooting alexander kroo but doesn't dare do it because of the guy's security, you see, the prime minister can be shot, so i would say go ahead. after the murder joke, de crowe sued the journalist. the radio station apologized for the incident and suspended the presenter. the security of the elected president of slovakia, peter pellegrini, is also now under increased control. pellegrini visits fitz in the hospital, he said that he remembers the circumstances of the crime. was conscious when first aid was administered to him. let me remind you that fitz received three gunshot wounds, two in the stomach and one in the shoulder. now his condition remains serious, but nothing threatens his life. the next hours and days will tell us whether his body can cope, because he may get an infection. i am, of course, not a doctor, we would not like to go into details, but at the moment this is
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a very difficult situation, and we cannot say that the prime minister is completely safe. prime minister of slovakia. it is known yesterday refused. and regarding the assassination attempt , an attempt was made, so in the white house to comment on the political motives of the attack, president biden published a statement of sympathy, but now it is becoming more and more clear. this was a politically motivated attack. i was wondering if the white house could say anything more about these motives?
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of course, we wish him a speedy recovery. i don't want to say anything more than that, and i'm glad he's okay, so what. ukrainian komikat drones attacked several settlements last night belgorod region. one of the targets was a car with civilians in the village of oktyabrsky. a woman and child died, the father and driver survived. about the measures that are now being taken to help a resident who suffered from shelling. the regional governor said, the night was difficult, we again have two dead, residents of the village of oktyabrsky, a mother with a four-year-old child, a father and a car driver.
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several series of attacks occurred in kharkov. information about the consequences is being clarified. explosions occurred in poltava - this is the central part of the country. air raid alert announced throughout the country several times in the kharkov region in duration. it set a record. the sirens sounded for more than 16.5 hours. and now to the special operation zone. retreating from rabotin, ukrainian troops abandoned equipment and weapons along the road. however, as... our military said, it was nevertheless extremely difficult to advance, the enemy literally razed almost all the buildings in the village with artillery strikes, and used
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prohibited ammunition, but russian soldiers still liberated the village with the help of powerful gun support. and the report of our war correspondent stanislav vasilchenko: not thousands of drones, nor all the nato artillery and heavy equipment helped the ukrainian neo-nazis hold rabotin, the group.
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wait for reinforcements, that’s a successful advance for you, for example, in a day, what was it like, how many were there, several houses, a few meters, up to 10-20 m of advance that’s all. keeping rabotin for the ukrainian armed forces was a strategically important task. through this settlement , ukrainian nationalists planned to reach melitopol. the west, as always, provided active support and supplied ukrainian war criminals with weapons and equipment, but all this did not bear any fruit on zaporozhye soil. there is a lot of broken equipment, tanks, all sorts of rubbish, mradley, well , these, this equipment is all already like itself there, by the way, it showed itself, so to speak, equipment,
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bad, dirt - this is not for them, this is russian dirt, this somehow it’s like russian land, well , we’re fighting for it, now the ukrainian nazis are hiding in the forest plantations in the north of rabotin, they’ve rolled their artillery there and are trying again fire at russian military positions. however, our guns are not silent, the artillerymen are paving the way for the russian infantry. these fighters have hit dozens of targets, and the d-20 howitzer is as accurate as a sniper rifle. if desired, the artillery says, a shell can be sent directly into the window of a strong point. on the radio, our commander was correcting us, but he was happy, he said over the radio station that they hit the house, the enemy jumped into the house, took cover, but we missed him... after the combat work, the crew quickly moved to shelter, so as not to fall under return fire,
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we will wait with them for some time. there was no response, which means that all three shells hit the target. despite significant losses, the leadership of the kiev regime continues to make loud but empty statements about control over the situation at the front. meanwhile, the dnepr group is systematically moving forward, liberating the zaporozhye group. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, receive a superkick in rubles for all purchases withdraw cash for free, not just profitable, alpha profitable. free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication free payment sticker, children's sber card, an adult
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deposit rate. cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. we continue broadcasting. the results of the russian offensive in the kharkov region proved kiev’s inability to defend itself, as reported by the garden publication with reference to the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine. in their opinion, the ukrainian military was not ready to fight.
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the wall street journal reports that during the special operation the russian army became stronger. ukrainian military, on which the newspaper cites that kiev is physically unable to resist the russian military-industrial complex. thus, russian glide bombs are called weapons that significantly influenced the course of the conflict. the pentagon does not plan to send military instructors to ukraine, the deputy said. department secretary. earlier , the new york times, citing the chairman of the committee of the chiefs of staff of the us armed forces, reported: the shortage of personnel in the armed forces of ukraine has reached a critical point.


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