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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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in harbin, the president took part in the opening of the russian-chinese expo. who did vladimir putin meet with and what did he say? the prospect of interaction between russia and the countries of the organization of islamic cooperation is being discussed today in kazan, where the russia islamic world forum is being held. what statements are being made? prime minister of slovakia robert fica regained consciousness after a complex operation. what is his condition and how is he reacting? russia launched military satellites into orbit, and a soyuz rocket launched from the cosmodrome in klesetsk. so today is the second day of the state vladimir putin's visit to china, the president is holding it in harbin. as
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vladimir putin himself noted, this is his first time in this city. the head of state has an extensive program, which included both cultural and economically significant events. the president took part in the opening of the russian-chinese expo. anastasia efimova is following vladimir putin's visit to china and joins us. anastasia, greetings. the president has a very busy schedule, what events should we talk about in more detail? well, at least we'll stick to those events that have already taken place, and much more to come. russia is ready to reliably supply the chinese economy with environmentally friendly and affordable energy, light and heat, as well as provide economic benefits to sknr investors. vladimir putin stated this at the opening of the eighth russian-chinese expo. in essence, this is a trade and industrial exhibition, as well as a platform for investors for cooperation and technology exchange. it is very symbolic, as the russian president noted, that this event is taking place in harbin, one of largest scientific and economic ones. centers
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in china, where the head of state is currently on a state visit. building on the glorious traditions of good neighborliness, friendship and cooperation. today we can confidently look forward, take on the most daring projects together, and together build and implement ambitious plans. the prospects for the further development of such close and multifaceted cooperation were just discussed in detail at... negotiations with the president of the people's republic of china, sezen pinim , this was last night. i think we can rightfully be proud the results of russian-chinese economic relations, russian-chinese economic cooperation. just a few years ago , the figure of 100 billion dollars in trade turnover was considered a great success for bilateral trade; now they have already crossed the 200 mark, but to be more precise. according to
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chinese statistics, 240 billion and this is far from the limit, of course, the russian-chinese inextricable partnership directly contributes to the growth of the economies of both countries. vladimir putin inspected the pavilions of the russian-chinese expo today. the entire exhibition is 388.m over 5 products. held annually in turn in russia and china and the current motto.
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this exhibition traditionally provides a good opportunity for developing industry ties. the expo, which has been held alternately in russia and china for several years now. and every time. beijing and today the president noted their richness and content at a meeting with the deputy chairman of the people's republic of china. han jen,
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by the way, headed the russian-chinese intergovernmental commission, which means he also made a significant contribution to the development of bilateral relations. i hope many more times together. we will do to achieve those goals that the northeast of china has been connecting with russia for many years of cooperation, a joint struggle for independence, for strengthening our sovereignty, our brotherhood, in the literal sense of the word, our second, the base on which we still more. in harbin, vladimir putin, as he clarified today, for the first time, and the city made an impression on him, a modern metropolis on the one hand, original, preserving history on the other, a joint history, including, the president visited the only one in the city orthodox church, intercession of the holy mother of god.
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it was built almost 100 years ago, restored in the current century and today still receives believers, and services are conducted in two languages. the head of state also laid wine at the monument. china highly values ​​them; hundreds of memorials have been erected in their honor in the country, one of them is crowned with sculptures of a soldier and a sailor with the order of victory above their heads, just in harbin. well, at these moments, the president of harbin polytechnic university, one of the leading educational institutions in china. historically, by the way, also closely with... with russia, for example, when they were just starting to train engineers here, teachers were invited from the soviet union, where there was the best engineering school at that time. vladimir putin plans to communicate with university students, we will definitely show the footage on our broadcast. by the way, since may 2020, harbin polytechnic university is under us sanctions, officially for
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the quote: attempting to purchase goods produced in the united states for programs related to the chinese army, in other words, for having the courage to compete with washington. in in general, moscow and beijing really have a lot in common. anastasia, thank you for vladimir putin’s state visit to china, our colleague anastasia efimova is following. russia highly appreciates kasym zhamartakayev’s contribution to the development of strategic partnership. vladimir putin wrote about this in a congratulatory telegram to the leader of kazakhstan. today we turn 71 years old. the russian president noted the constructive interaction between the two countries. in multilateral structures such as the eu, csto, cis, sco and others. vladimir putin emphasized that takaev, in his post , won the respect of his fellow citizens and significant authority in the world. again a leap into the past,
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time travel is not a toy. if you knew. how delicious it is, i wouldn’t be so busy, alexander petrov’s stellar combo for 355 rubles, i love it, it’s delicious, period, get a loan from sberbank and get a chance to win money to repay it, and also get a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, it’s more profitable with azber prime, kitforрд coffee maker or vertical vacuum cleaner. with discounts up to 15% and pusi eyebrow gel with a 30% discount on yandex market, panic, let's do without panic, there is belayna's internet, we'll get to better motels, with belayna's smart network you have connections in a variety of situations, again i'm all spa with
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together with president putin and colleagues from russian delegation, guests from the chinese side are present at the event.
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rector of harbin polytechnic university hantitz. also present are representatives of khpu student teachers. greetings to all. this year marks the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between china and russia, as well as the cultural code of china and russia. under the strategic leadership of the heads of state of the two countries, the relations of comprehensive strategic partnership
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of interaction have maintained a high level throughout the era. development. the president chose china for his first foreign visit since his re-election. this demonstrates the great importance that mr. president attaches to the chinese-russian strategic partnership and reflects deep, eternal friendship. between the peoples of china and russia, everyone knows that harmen polytechnic university is the plastarm of chinese-russian cooperation in the field of higher education, for more than 70 years, our university has been a practitioner of strong friendship between the peoples of the two countries, maintains close contacts with leading russian universities in the field of education, science, technology and other... areas, joins efforts to create a new structure for building a world-
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class university, continues to describe a new chapter of friendship between the peoples of the two countries. let's invite president putin to speak at the meeting with porn applause. thank you very much, thank you, dear friends, good afternoon, i am very glad to have the opportunity to visit harbin polytechnic university, one of the leading chinese ones.
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treat it with care, it gives these good shoots from the school, a small school, but aimed at training the personnel that the country needed at that time, such a wonderful, large educational institution of higher education has grown, which is rapidly developing and meets all the requirements
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of today, later this school with the participation of our satis. and applied disciplines. it is important that harbin university carefully preserves the traditions of cooperation with our country, and maintains fruitful partnerships with the largest russian scientific and educational institutions, such as the russian academy of sciences, its far eastern branch,
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lomanosov moscow state university, moscow aviation institute, far eastern federal. university, pacific state university, on the basis of the harabin polytechnic institute , an engineering institute has been successfully operating for several years jointly with moscow state university, with the bauman moscow state technical university, this is a unique bilateral project, participants which have the opportunity not only to receive education according to general programs and benefits, it is also noteworthy that students undergo part of their training in russia, and part in the people's republic of china. very soon another leading russian educational institution, st. petersburg state university, by the way, i graduated from this university and worked there as an assistant to the rector of this university, it
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will soon open an educational center jointly with the harbin polytechnic university, in which there are more... russian and chinese students together they will master advanced programs in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and other natural science disciplines; i am convinced that in the near future this center will become one of the flagships of russian-chinese cooperation in the field of science education. such intensive academic exchanges are of great importance and allow us to combine the best traditions. experience of russian and chinese engineering schools, to train highly qualified specialists in demand both in the russian economy and in the chinese economy. during yesterday's negotiations with the chairman sidinpin, we noted with satisfaction that scientific and educational cooperation occupies one of the priority
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places in the development of the entire complex of russian-chinese relations, comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction, in these words i also want to draw attention to this, the great meaning of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation and interaction, this is clearly evidenced by the concrete steps, the concrete steps that we are taking and the results of which we are achieving. currently in in russia, about 50,000 chinese citizens receive higher education, in turn, due to mandatory sanitary restrictions, but i have no doubt that the number of students studying in russia and china will grow, respectively, in china there are 167 bilateral
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educational programs in china in russia , there are 28 institutes with russian participation, in total there are 12 interuniversity associations operating between our countries, including about 600 educational institutions, the largest... is association of technical universities of russia and china, which unites 40 russian and 36 chinese universities. by the way, the kharabin polytechnic university also attends it. it is also significant that in 2023, russian and chinese consular offices issued a total of 34,000 study visas, which is twice as many as in 2022. i would like to emphasize that all bilateral educational programs are carried out both in russian and in chinese, which, of course, are very difficult to learn, i think,
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for the russians present here too students, and chinese ones, know this well, but i think you will also agree that knowledge of a second language always opens up broader prospects for not only personal communication, but also career growth, implementation... of promising scientific research, and, in general, knowledge of any a foreign language is a door to a new world, to a different culture, because without knowing the language, of course, you can also read and get acquainted with everything in translations, especially today, when i pointed my finger at the internet, and the translation started, no, that’s another story, when speak the language, then you understand the soul of the people, the soul of those people who speak this language, just...
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the godfather years of scientific, technical and innovative cooperation, within the framework of which more than a thousand joint studies were carried out with the participation of leading scientific centers and departments of russia and china. in this context, i cannot help but mention that harbin university is a source of personnel for the nuclear industry of the people's republic of china; by the way, its graduates are actively involved in the implementation of rosatom projects. by construction on the territory of the people's republic of china, power units of russian design at the tianwan npp and xudaipu npp. the construction of these important energy
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facilities is proceeding in full accordance with schedule. new nuclear units, after being put into operation, will make a significant contribution to china's energy supply and will supply chinese enterprises and households with inexpensive and... clean energy. in addition, in china, with the participation of russia , an experimental installation on fast neutrons has been created, on which joint fundamental research, joint research. construction of a new demonstration fast reactor is also underway. in turn, with the active assistance of chinese partners , it is being built in the town of dubna near moscow, on the basis of the joint institute for nuclear research of russia. unique accelerator complex niko. i am absolutely sure that experiments at this collider will make it possible to make a truly world
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-class discovery, to move forward scientific and technological progress for the benefit of not only our two countries, but without any exaggeration for the benefit of humanity. in the near future, in the near future plans for russian-chinese applied scientific cooperation, implementation and others. there are good advances in such high-tech areas as the use of artificial intelligence in various sectors of the economy, big data processing, and quantum computing. russia and china are doing a lot together in the field of nature conservation, protection of biodiversity and... action against climate change. currently , the scientific communities of the two countries are working on technical solutions that will radically reduce carbon emissions.
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a program is being implemented to create so-called carbon polygons, we are already implementing these projects in russia, technologies for reducing the hydrocarbon footprint are being tested, joint events are planned regarding the certification of green electricity in hydrogen and wind electricity. naturally, russian and chinese students and teachers not only take part in educational scientific...
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for the benefit of your homeland, for the benefit of china, for the benefit of your career and personal success and your work for the people of china, well, for the benefit of the development of the russian chinese relations and russian-chinese friendship, thank you for your attention, thank you.
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the common desire of china and russia to promote mutual understanding and strengthen the social basis of eternal friendship between the peoples of the two countries, as they say, the main thing in relations between countries is close spiritual feelings between peoples. how do you think youth can further deepen cultural exchanges to strengthen mutual understanding, solidarity and cope with
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challenges? thank you, in order to achieve results in any type of activity, you need first of all, uh, love what you do, if you love, you will definitely think - about every detail of what you do day and night, wake up, you will think about it, go to bed, you will think about it, you will always find the necessary solutions, but in today's world... especially in science, education, and in general in economics, one circumstance is very important, which, without any doubt, creates competitive advantages, competitive advantages in achieving goals, this is the ability to work in a team when i talked about cooperation
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russian... chinese, including in the field of education, science, technology, this unification of international efforts, the ability to work in international teams, greatly increases the chances of achieving success. young people who are focused on the future, think about the future, work on it, of course, by combining their efforts, they can achieve a lot together. russia and china have already done a lot on this path. well, for young people this is very important, and in all areas, this concerns education, gaining knowledge in achieving results during research, during the creation of some samples that are technically important for the future in the course of...


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