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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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at the present stage, what we can be proud of and where we are the undisputed leaders is engines for space applications, including the possibility of using nuclear technology for deep space exploration, we have other things , which we are proud of, we will certainly develop them, but these are all very capital-intensive. programs, including, say, exploration of deep space, exploration of the moon, and here we have joint plans with our chinese friends, and we working in all these areas, of course, we will need specialists who are in demand both on the one hand and on the other, and can work in teams, about which in joint teams, which i already spoke about at the beginning of our meeting, so - that’s what concerns space. here, just like
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space itself, which means there is limitless opportunity for cooperation, and as for aviation, there are also interesting areas here, they are not developing as quickly here as, to be honest , i would like, but the work to create own wide-wing aircraft - this, in my opinion, is also one of the interesting and most importantly necessary topics. of course, we need cooperation with the whole world and, above all, with those structures in the world that achieve the best results in one or another in one direction or another, but unfortunately the world today is structured in such a way that sometimes situations arise related to unfair competition, well, that’s how the americans recently took it and introduced
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it to the other side of the coin, yes, it’s not very good that, uh, we’re faced with these difficulties, but the good thing is that this encourages us to work more intensively on our own work in this area, and taking into account the fact that china faces the same difficulties to a greater or lesser extent, but we see that this is happening in the modern world , so you need to have it in key areas. own competencies,
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you need to be able to produce high-tech things in key areas of development, including those that the country cannot do without, including aviation equipment, another direction is our helicopter manufacturing, and our chinese friends at one time approached us with a proposal to work together to create a heavy helicopter, which is why we are moving quite successfully in this direction, i hope together we will create a good machine based on our heavy helicopter, there is also other promising areas, in any case , this is what we should definitely do completely together, and we will do it, i wish you success, i hope you will also be included in this work, you and those who... sit here in
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hall is dealing with this problem, yes, please, there is a young man there, raising his hand, dear mr. president, dear mr. president, i am from the space university, from the institute of space technology, harbin polytechnic university. you have already come to china many times, tell me, what do you like best about chinese food? i can also recommend you some of hailundyan’s dishes, i’m sure you can also recommend some russian dishes to us, thank you, it’s so good that the person who is engaged in space, thinks about food, and... maybe
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we have pushkin, pushkin said, you can be a efficient person and think about the beauty of your nails, this has something to do with this situation, but in general, to be honest. this is not an idle question, because the cuisine of any people, of any nation, is also part of its culture, part of the culture of this people, there are actually not so many such great world cuisines, chinese is certainly one of them, which i love most here and...
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we love guests, we love friends, we always meet them with pleasure and try make sure that they like everything, including what is offered to the table, a good question, very much, thank you, yes, please,
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let’s move to this sector, and good afternoon, dear vladimir vladimirovich, my name is konstantin , i am a student at the institute of international education, i have known your story since childhood, and thanks to your excellent leadership, russia has been able to achieve success in a variety of fields. in addition to deep gratitude, you are an example for all of us. your persistence and vision has always inspired me to grow. vladimir vladimirovich, how could you? and develop these magnificent qualities, thank you, i don’t know, it happened this way, but in general
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it seems to me that i, like many, like all people, have a lot... not enough, i still have to work on myself, so maybe maybe now i answered your question, because when a person is critical of himself, believes that he still needs to do a lot and work a lot on himself, then, probably, he achieves success, you know i wish so.
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thank you, you know, i’ll say, this is what i think, i read the certificates, but this is my first time here, but when i read the certificates, before coming here, everything is written there that it is being preserved, which means some kind of russian russian beginning, especially in the center, i even spoke about this now, well , everything seems to be so, but still - the most basic impression, so to speak, is the power of harbin, this, harbin has turned into a powerful metropolis in recent years, i would say on a global
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scale, what is here, how many 10, 10 million a person, in my opinion, lives, yes, but this is a huge city, a huge metropolis, and... and it looks like a metropolis, modern, energetic, the kind, you know, i’m developing. this can be seen from the rhythm of life, you are lucky that you live in a city like harbin, and i just want to apologize to the residents of the city for the fact that with our arrival, i saw this, such rather strict security measures were taken, this is well it's not my fault, i can honestly say. but the local
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comrades work professionally, toughly, i understand everything, this is probably how it should be, but in any case in this case, this causes certain inconvenience for citizens, the press works here, excuse me, please, it means that we will leave soon, soon, your life will return to normal. let's move here in the center, please, there's a hand raised, give it, no matter who, give it, please, just let's not waste time there, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is ilmira, i'm a first-year master's student, bachelor's degree studied at the st. petersburg political science institute. at the university the politician is very good, you are already
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today we recently mentioned the problem of specialists and language knowledge and talked about some proposals, about some projects, i know that in the field of diplomacy between languages ​​there is, for example, the ion model, on the basis of universities, the ion model is being built, what is being built, model un, model un is built and different groups in different languages ​​practice this language. but what should we do for people who just learn chinese and then want to be engineers, for example, or chemists, but so what? well, i know one girl, such a young lady, she studied foreign languages, in my opinion, now she speaks five languages, and then she defended her phd in higher mathematics, and what’s great is how our state can help students who...
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listen, for listen, of course, knowing the language of another people is very interesting, very important, especially in the modern world , i repeat, even no computer or translator can replace living knowledge of the language, if there are any difficulties in obtaining some kind of additional education, except after receiving it, which means after learning the language, well, in my example it looks like this:
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language, but for now you have a different vocabulary , the problem in vocabulary is the lack of knowledge, that is, if you go to study for something else, for a second education, yes, you need to understand the future, you need to understand in the russian market whether it will be in demand or not , you need to understand whether this will be of interest to the employer, this is a difficult question and the fact that this is not a question, this is a problem. yes, this problem is very correct that you formulate it, i will think about what can be done
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additionally, i will definitely consult with my colleagues so that there is more information, yes, as i understand it, this is the root, how to say, of the whole issue, it is necessary that young people, specialists have more information about where they could apply their knowledge, but here we are trying now in our country to do this on...
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mr. president, i am from khpu, from the faculty of electronics, and i am graduating soon, i want to find out in the field of new energy in russia,
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what are the chances, yes, for us here... for researchers, yes , if i , for example, submit documents in russia, will i be able to get some kind of support? get in this area. you know, the employer, he is quite, quite capricious, he looks at the future specialist, at the young specialist, so critically he always tries to select the person he needs to perform a specific job, which is why now only... in russia we are now trying to establish a broad profile contacts with future employees of enterprises, our large companies, they are already working at
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our main higher educational institutions, they select in advance somewhere from the second, third, fourth year students are already starting to choose for themselves. the historically minimum level of unemployment, it has already dropped to less than 3%, 2.9 2.8% unemployment, but there is almost none, that is , what i mean is that the labor market is not fully filled, and thus i can
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say more, this is about highly qualified specialists, russia needs them. and if you, according to your profile , are there, at least just to begin with, send it to some of the companies that you think are of interest to you, then in my opinion you will receive an answer, but i’m ready for you too help, give your boss your resume, we’ll send it out, but our companies are looking for foreign specialists and...
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the prospects for your development as a specialist, but this is quite possible, now let’s move here further away, otherwise you won’t be able to see behind the cameras, yes, yes, right there, raise your hands in the central sector, come over there, please, give me the microphone, please, please.
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extremely important and in demand technology all over the world, and the more high-tech a country becomes, the more it needs such technology, in general, soon, in my opinion, there will be no industries in the world that could develop successfully without the use of space technologies, navigation is the most important component of the development of any high-tech economy, at one time we are in, well, thank god for me it seems that we got involved in this on time and now our glanaz system is functioning quite successfully, but i can
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tell you that i am partly proud of the fact that we have created glanaz, because in order for the space navigation system worked successfully, it is necessary that a certain group of spacecraft be in orbit on a permanent basis, which could carry out its activities. to cover the entire globe, unfortunately, for us it was so for several years that we caught up to a certain level with the number of these devices, but it was always not full-fledged, while we launched the next spacecraft, which means that some of those who acted were sitting in orbit, we were already removing from orbit, in the end, this led to such a serious conversation in government with the ministry of finance, well, i say, well , that’s how we are... we will always be sending an insufficient number of vehicles into orbit, we need to eventually create a full-fledged
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constellation, this is always connected with budget financing, well, nevertheless, we have decided on this full-fledged space the group was created, first, second, second, we don’t know now, we need to ask our colleagues how long it will last in orbit. this reduces energy use this significantly reduces costs,
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resources in transport in other areas, this is very important work and there is no limit to improvement, signal accuracy and other parameters are very important, so we are working in this area and will continue to work as it relates. moons, yes, this, i repeat, together with our friends, with chinese specialists, we have certain plans, these are capital-intensive projects, but they are very interesting and very promising, well, maybe you will also take part, thank you, let’s go here no, we haven’t been here yet, let’s go to the left sector.
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lifestyle and develop some healthy habits in our daily work and life, and how sports can influence the path to success in the relationship between two great countries such as russia and china. thank you, the first question was, if i understood correctly, how can we, you asked yes, play sports? yeah, so i’m addressing... absolutely, all of us, all of us sitting here in this room, and i, everyone, everyone, we are all lazy people, people in general are all lazy, we need to
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get rid of laziness. get up in the morning and immediately start sports activities, which means , if you fail, then you need to build a schedule in such a way that every day a certain amount of time is devoted to physical education and sports, every single day, and when it becomes a habit, then you won’t be able to to live without it, and this is... a very correct way of organizing your working day, in general, the more you do during the day, the more you get, it’s always like this, you don’t have to feel sorry for yourself, as soon as you start feeling sorry for yourself, everything immediately starts to go downhill by all indicators, including sports, of course , you have to do everything wisely, you can’t go crazy either, but everyone needs to practice.
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we are constantly increasing the number of people who systematically engage in sports and physical education every day, but we have not yet reached the required parameter of 70%, but we will definitely move towards this figure, for this, of course, the state needs to create conditions for people, we need to create incentives, including, by the way, material ones, to create a base of bases corresponding to sports, the most, and the simplest on
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primitive at first glance, but in demand. within walking distance, we will do all this in the country, we will certainly cooperate with our chinese friends in the development of sports, because you see, this creates a very favorable atmosphere for communication between people, and especially between young people, the chairman and i often talk about this, yesterday by the way, they said that yesterday we sat at a working dinner in a very small format, literally four of us. five people on both sides, and they also talked about sports, and devoted quite a lot of time to this, so it will always be in the focus of our attention, yes, please, i ask you, yes, here you go, here, yes, yes, yes, here is a young man, get up, please, get up, get up ,
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hello, mr. president, i am very grateful for this opportunity to ask a question. my name is vandze, you just said that the universe is infinite, our prospects for cooperation are endless, and i also have many students, other friends who are very interested in russian culture success in...


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