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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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do, and then gazprom, our oil companies will certainly agree, there are different routes there, here is one of them through mongolia, and in one corridor you can lay both a gas pipeline and an oil one, well, experts must decide how best to proceed, you can the northern sea route , to bribe the tanker fleet along the northern sea pipes, to establish the routes, as it were, almost like a pipeline, all these options are possible.
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after this date, will russia cease to consider him a legitimate president and will this mean something to you, will you be ready to work with him? talk after that? we communicated with him before, were in constant contact before the conflict entered this acute phase of armed struggle, which means that regarding legitimacy, this question must be answered first of all... the political and legal system of ukraine itself must answer, there in constitution, there are all sorts of options, this is a matter of assessment, this assessment, of course, must first of all be given by the constitutional court, and in general itself, even i would say so, the political system of ukraine itself, but for us this of course has meaning. because if it comes down to it, it
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will come to signing some documents, of course we must sign documents in such crucial areas with legitimate authorities, this is an obvious fact, but i repeat once again, the political and legal legal system itself must answer this question ukraine. thank you very much, what about the prose discussed that china. invited to this international conference, we discussed this issue as a whole, thank you very much, regarding the french army at ukraine, the french army in ukraine, i am not the french president, that i do not make a decision, mr. macron has repeatedly stated that he is ready to send troops there if regular french troops enter ukraine, will this mean a direct conflict, war with the french, you will first get an answer from him to...
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the question: will there be troops there or not, and then we will consider the options for the consequences of this step. vladimirevich, here is the figure of belausov, if i may ask, please forgive the last question, but why exactly? pilausov was chosen as minister of defense, because now this is a very important moment of a special military operation. well, i said it, i already said it, dmitry sergeevich told me about this, he said it because i asked him to do it, i want to repeat it again, the level of defense spending. we have only 6.7% of gdp for the ministry of defense this year, and if we take the entire security component of the state, then the cost of the entire security component will be somewhere around 8%. and in this expenditure system, the ministry of defense plays a key role, that is , the expenses of other law enforcement departments also depend on the expenses of the ministry of defense, because the ministry of defense first of all... carries out some purchases, and
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other law enforcement agencies buy after them , depending on what choice the ministry of defense makes. in addition, the ministry of defense is building the entire defense system of the country with the involvement of other law enforcement agencies, and their expenses also depend on this, if the ministry of defense spends 6.7% on everything, and eight and a small percentage on the entire defense security, this is not critical yet, because v the soviet union in 1900... in eighty -five and six, defense spending amounted to 13%. for us today, taking into account the state of the economy, macroeconomic indicators of the economy, budget revenue forecasts, defense and security expenditures, even together, 80 small percent is uncritical, absolutely normal, moreover, some experts believe that even more could be there add.
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according to these experts, budgetary possibilities allow, but they are what they are, which means
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opening up the ministry of defense for innovation. yes, and sergei kuzhugedovich has already taken certain steps in this direction, he has taken the first steps, but i believe that for the former chairman of the government of the russian federation, even taking into account his official responsibilities in the recent past, it is simply easier to do this, these were the motives for the appointment him for this position, and sergei kozhugelovich, you saw that it was all public, he was often at enterprises.
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as part of a special military operation, thank you very much. these were shots from harbin, where the state visit ended vladimir putin. russia highly appreciates kasym jamar tatakaev’s contribution to the development of strategic partnership, vladimir putin wrote about this in a congratulatory telegram
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from the leader of kuzakhstan. today he turned 71 years old. the russian president noted the constructive interaction between the two countries in multilateral structures such as the european union. kb, cis, sco and others. vladimir putin emphasized that takaev, in his post , won the respect of his fellow citizens and significant authority in the world. you owe the bank. i have already ordered an anti-credit card rosbankrupt. it is profitable to retire with sberbank, for pensioners a free sbercard, a favorable rate on deposits to please yourself more often, cashback with bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, a discount on
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a business account with alfabank. alfabank is the best bank for business. professional coloring sios, long-lasting cream dye, rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage, strong shine for colored hair. siès. hair looks like it came out of a salon. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your a chance to take yours in 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. they are for everyone, everything, not every single one. there are classics that i like more and more. classic grand burgers and new ones. grand pikant with spicy tomato sauce. delicious period. thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment,
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is taking place in kazan , the head of mordovia, artyom zdunov, told our channel. artyom alekseevich, good afternoon. good afternoon. the share of mordovia’s exports to islamic countries for over the past 2 years it has increased by about one and a half times. how do you ensure such growth, and if you look at the twenty-fourth year, what are your expectations, how much more can you grow? well, in general, an organization of islamic cooperation. and the countries that go there are an excellent market for us, so in 3 years we have actually doubled our growth and increased the share of exports to 55%, why? because the products are in demand, firstly, rolling stock, we have now taken first place in russia in industrial rolling stock composition, of course, the market needs to be expanded, we are already working with several countries, these are kazakhstan, turkey, and the countries of the commonwealth of independent states, these are, of course, interesting countries for us now.
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we are negotiating to increase supplies , this is all in demand now and today for export, the second question concerns livestock products, i know that mordovia is one of the leaders in the country, with whom it would be interesting to establish additional exports, here are some other lines that are not involved, i think it's a great market arab countries, we...were working today with the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, qatar, bahrain, all these countries are ready, the market is very competitive, very large, i would even say, well, there is enough room for everyone, but the certification is very strict , therefore, of course , it is necessary to work to ensure that the quality and standards of hallal are observed, and in each country, they have their own specifics, we study this carefully, well, the forum allows us to conduct targeted meetings with specialists. if you take not only livestock products, if we take in general what is produced in the republic
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of moldova, where else do you not supply your goods, which markets are interesting for you, but what is important and interesting for your partners to receive? moldova is a traditional center of lighting products, and for us it is also important that these products end up in the countries of the islamic world, because there are large construction projects, uh, all products made of non-ferrous metals and ferrous metals, electrical equipment, that’s all. our nomenclature, we agree with those countries that are conducting large construction projects, again the united arab emirates, supplies, we specifically talked with the deputy minister of economy on this topic, and...
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i am a chef at cote aganeza, on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. and in the story: now it’s definitely delicious. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - grow with us, you can perform in single skating, but play with a team in football, you can be with a blogger, but you are ready to score goals, because you have real football, a real cup, russian football cup, so what? to nature, oh, what is this, and this is a scheme,
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sports products, you get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card, in rubles, thank you, thank you, in you can’t put your money where your mouth is, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out. in karachaevo -cherkessia, a militant who was preparing an attack on security forces was killed. the fsb reported this. the bandit was found in one of the villages in during operational activities. when detained , he resisted and was neutralized by return fire. during the search , a large amount of ammunition was found on the militant, as well as an improvised explosive device. correspondence with foreign coordinators with discussions will be found on his phone. the moscow basmanny court extended the arrest of four more defendants in the case of the terrorist attack in krokukhul.
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two brothers, islomov’s father, and aleshar kasimov will remain in custody until at least august 22. according to law enforcement agencies, all of them knew about the impending crime and helped the attackers. so islomov sold the performers a car, and kasimov rented them an apartment. accordingly, the amount has increased, while
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this amount is indexed annually at the inflation level where the first child is born, and therefore it is always so objective, and if we talk about amounts, then at birth now at the birth of the first child in the family the amount is 630.00 there with in kopecks, yes, and if a second child is born, then the amount at the birth of the second child. 833,000 rub. it is very important that the birth of a baby is an event that directs all the forces of the mother, the family, and yes, to the baby, in this regard, the social fund does a lot to ensure that this payment, the certificate itself, is issued without any participation of citizens, that is, there is seemingly proactively or without a statement at all. since we have housing, we want to use the mother’s certificate for the child’s education, which is why i don’t work. of course, it will be a great help to us, we have such a life, svo representatives, everything is possible, even though i’m 55 years old, who knows? knows, but my homeland will speak ahead, well, so
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i know that i will have an education, they are attacking credit card debts, i will show you a couple of tricks, we collect all credit card debts for... we conveniently pay off kholva in 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. children grow up we need new solutions like the nursery. sberta, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full
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control of my expenses. payment sticker apply now children's savings card, adult approach. magnet - the price is what you need. belebeevsky cheese 1399. yes, i myself didn’t think that i was a driver; i haven’t had time to look back for three years already. the schedule is free, there are orders, the money is decent. it turns out that if i hadn’t tried it then, it would have happened. i realized that this is mine, that’s it, dad, the driver’s way taxi starts with yandex pro, we present the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100% malt and hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 is non-alcoholic, experience the perfection of taste. hunting! this is your thirst for the main trophy
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from 20 million, your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, now is the time for economic news, briefly: the share of the ruble when paying for exports to europe in march reached a record 58.5%. the central bank reports this. over the year, the indicator increased by almost 11% points, and about ten were added in a month. according to the federal customs service, deliveries to europe in the first quarter accounted for more than 15% of russian merchandise exports. in monetary terms, this is $15.5 billion. the russian government will allocate 4.5 billion rubles. to support the zaporozhye and kherson regions. these funds will be used for social expenses for 2 months, including.
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on the salaries of public sector workers. zaporozhye will receive almost 2.6 billion rubles. and the kherson region is more than 1.8. the work is being carried out as part of the restoration and development of new regions. the cabinet of ministers approved it at the end of last year of the year. serial production of domestic electric vehicles atom will begin in russia. the start is scheduled for the third quarter of 2020. the site will be the moskviche plant. riya novosti, ceo of the developer company kama, spoke about this. plant gradually. will increase its pace depending on pre-orders and demand levels. it is expected that the electric car will cost from 2.5 to 3.5 million rubles. on may 22, the moscow exchange begins trading in settlement futures for depositary receipts and shares of chinese companies aliba and baidu. admitted to trading simultaneously contracts with execution in june and september. let me remind you that under such a contract, investors are credited to their brokerage account with the difference between
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the purchase price of the futures and the value at... the moment its circulation on the exchange ends, and this was economic news, in short.
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the source of the current power in ukraine is a coup d'etat. for moscow , zelensky’s legitimacy matters if any agreements have to be signed. vladimir putin stated this at a press conference following his visit to china. the president spent today in harbin, what events were on the agenda, our colleague anastasia efemova will tell you. she joins us. greetings anastasia, we are waiting for details. exactly. to details and transitions


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