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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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the source of the current power in ukraine is a coup d'etat. for moscow , zelensky’s legitimacy matters if any agreements have to be signed. vladimir putin stated this at a press conference following his visit to china. the president spent today in harbin; our colleague anastasia efimova will tell you what events were on the agenda. she joins us. greetings anastasia, we are waiting for details. i’ll move on to the details. an event
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that the whole world is watching, the state visit of vladimir putin to china, according to him as a result, the russian president answered questions from journalists, noting that russia and china are important components of modern civilization, which have their own opinion on the importance of strengthening the emerging multipolar world. the head of state has no doubt that this process is underway; it is important that those who are accustomed to consider themselves hegemons do everything to ensure that the transition is conflict-free. development, we believe, must be constructive, must be peaceful, without any doubt, it must take into account not only our interests, but also interests of all participants in international communication, and of course, it is necessary to strengthen the emerging multipolar world, the fact that it is now taking shape before our eyes, and the world is becoming multipolar, there are no...
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russia is analyzing everything that is happening, including around the announced meeting in geneva, and again, the president reminded, has never refused negotiations, unlike the ukrainian side, only with whom to talk. kiev withdrew from the negotiation process in 202. the west is aimed at the strategic defeat of moscow. russian the troops are now consistently moving forward in the kharkov direction, and ukraine itself is to blame for ukraine’s losses there, and not only there . which hits the russian border, shoots at civilians in belgorod, forcing our country to create a kind of sanitary zone, a zone of its own security, meaningful, rich, all today's authorities in kiev, the source of their origin is the coup d'etat, allowing the coup d'etat, and western sponsors facilitating it , organizing for him, created the conditions for the transition of a smoldering
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conflict into an armed conflict, it is they who are to blame for this, they are trying to shift the blame from a sore head to a healthy one, and place the blame on russia for today’s tragic events, but this is the result of their policy. as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, this is also their fault, because they fired and, unfortunately, continue to shell residential areas.
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we are not going to discuss from the center of the field what we do not know, some formulas are based on what, on wishes, and not on reality situation, well, this is impossible to discuss, but we are ready for discussions, we have never refused, it is impossible to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, they see this, now they have begun to cry, let’s do it urgently. conference, please, russia will participate, we are ready to participate in peaceful negotiations, but we do not invite you, well , those, cinema, hello, have arrived, and russia is accused of not wanting to take part, so we are not invited, but what they want
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to do is to gather as many countries as possible, to convince everyone that the best offer is some conditions that were proposed by the ukrainian side, and then presented... to us as an ultimatum, to say, well, you see, the whole world thinks so, agree, there was an attempt to inflict a strategic defeat, it did not work, the attempt to impose will end in the same way . moreover, perhaps the organizers of the swiss conference forgot, but kiev itself blocked the possibility of any negotiations with moscow. the corresponding decree is dated back in the fall of 22 and was signed by zelensky himself. his term of office, by the way, expires days ago, may 20th. he did not conduct, the question of the legitimacy of such a leader, vladimir putin noted, can only be answered by the political and legal system of ukraine itself, there are all sorts of options in the constitution, this is
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a matter of assessment, this assessment, of course, must first of all be done by the constitutional court and in fact, i myself would even say this: the president of france also took the initiative to declare an olympic truce. is it possible? - asked the journalists? or is this another attempt to lure russia into a trap, as is the case in relations between moscow and the west happened more than once already? chairman senzin
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told me about this, we discussed this topic, well, as if we simply touched upon today’s international sports officials are violating the principles of the olympic charter. they themselves politicize sport, which is completely unacceptable, bearing in mind the purpose of sport as a platform for communication between people and for finding compromises during this communication on other, including political issues, if they themselves violate, including in this case in relation to russia , not allowing our athletes to compete at the olympic games with with its banner, with its flag and with its national music with...
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thank you, our colleague anastasia yafimova is following vladimir putin’s state visit to china. let's take a break for a short commercial and then continue. selfish, that means
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from a reliable bank. open a deposit on moscow expels the british military attaché. the measure was a response to the same actions of london. the uk ministry of defense, meanwhile, says: let's go back to trying to establish a connection
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with andrei kellin andrei vladimirovich, as we can be heard, you can be heard, yes, me too, yes, we we hear you, now we see you, hello, again, and so, to the questions, great britain, as we have already said, recently expelled the russian military attache, moscow responds in a mirror way, now, how will this affect russian-british contacts? something caught fire somewhere, there is a warehouse, as far as i know, in east london, but from this they made up a whole story, who are to blame, as always, the russians, but by achieving an invention, achieving imaginary successes, countering this phantom threat, we got another unfriendly step, i would like to say that
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military ties with britain were established back in 1934, a very long time ago, in 1941. at the beginning of the war, with the assistance of the military atashats , one of the most important agreements on joint actions against germany was concluded. here, too, even anti-russian experts immediately voiced the idea that the expulsion of our military attache during a period of escalation of military-political tensions in europe was a strategic mistake, it was disadvantageous for britain itself. this one is ridiculous step, it cut off a critical channel in... diplomatic dialogue and reduced the risk of inadvertent escalation. well, of course, london was inevitably aware in such a situation of a mirror measure in relation to the representative of the british armed forces in moscow. he received an order to leave our country within 7 days, well, in general, this act looks quite profound today. and another
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topic that we talked about at the beginning of our conversation with you, according to the head of the british ministry of defense, london has resolved. strike crimea with british weapons, because he believes the peninsula is part of ukraine. what do you think are the dangers of such statements, and how much do they increase the degree of escalation? well, you know, in this situation, i would like to first of all remind you that the head of the foreign office cameron, in early may, when he was in kiev, spoke out even more counter-intuitively, he said that the armed forces of ukraine supposedly have the right to use the transferred weapons.
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was used at the headquarters of the black bor fleet in the past and at the ship repair plant in sevastopol in september last year, but now british representatives continue this verbal balancing act. in general, great britain is de facto participating in this conflict, it must be said, providing high-precision weapons to the armed forces of ukraine. this is the so-called war by proxy, or so they say, proxy, proxy war. well, that’s just the head of the command. us special operations recently let it slip that british special forces are performing certain tasks in ukraine, what is known about this, what tasks are they referring to? and this is also not news. from the very beginning of our operation, lodon recognized the presence in ukraine a limited contingent of special forces, and at the same time covers it with security tasks at
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the beginning, or rather, the task of ensuring the security of employees’ facilities. well, later things got broader. there is evidence of the participation of special forces in the training of ukrainian military personnel, well, they also carry out some neo-office work, a very sensitive task, in fact, i have no doubt that the list of such tasks can be very extensive, in particular, this is indicated by recent statements of german high-ranking military officers, they have no offense talked about that the british are involved in determining targets for attacks on russian targets in the sound, in other words, the british.
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allocated in ukraine in the last year from london, in general then we were talking about an amount slightly exceeding 2 billion pounds annually, here, uh, of course,
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the british are far from berlin, and far from especially for the main sponsor of kiev, this is washington, but the increase it is largely accepted to demonstrate to foreign partners that britain is ready to increase spending, but of course, this is a step to the side. political opponents of the conservatives of the iboris party, they are also in favor of the same decision and want to believe that they will not revise it if they come to power. all this assistance must also be considered in the context of constant promises to increase defense spending to 2.5% in the coming years, although the promises somewhat resemble some kind of spells, but the sources of these funds for these purposes are not named, which is quite understandable in the current the state of payment... of the economy of the united kingdom. andrey vladimirovich, another topic that i wanted i would like to discuss with you: the british authorities are warning the population about the possibility of nuclear escalation. according to prime minister sunok, in
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the next 5 years the changes will be more than large-scale than in the past 30 years. do you agree with this forecast and what do you think is it based on? you know, these statements do not surprise us. in general, the point is that the sunak government. failed all its promises in the main areas of the country’s socio-economic situation, they could not improve it in any way, and now how the last means of intimidating the population of an external threat were seized upon as a life preserver. the british leadership has recently put these alarmist statements on stream, convincing fellow citizens that only conservatives are capable of defending britain, but alei boris cannot cope with this. and it is necessary. remind, of course, that with their complicity it was the conservatives who were provoked by the west in the current acute military political crisis in ukraine,
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which, in general, directly hit the security and well-being of ordinary people british. in addition to this, i will say that in addition to the intimidation of the nuclear threat, a naive trend has now emerged here, where any incident, not just in the uk, as i said, set fire to some warehouse in east london, but literally any incident. are trying to interpret it as a threat from russia, and not only in britain, but in other european countries, well, this is no longer divided into any gates, british parliamentarians sent a request to defense minister sheps to find out how he assesses the potential consequences of its policies, it is difficult to say whether parliament is able to influence the rhetoric of the british ministry of defense. i don’t think the point is that in - there are the same sentiments in parliament, the request was indeed sent, and i saw it here, and the request was very neat and was such
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that what would happen, if there could be a response from the uk, or rather from our side on stormshadow, but the answer in parliament was given precisely by a representative of the foreign office, it was very streamlined, in general nothing was said. literally about this, but what i can say, of course, how an alarming mood is penetrating into parliament, in view of this uncontrollable escalation, regarding whether to influence or not, we must also understand that, in general, the government is part of parliament, just as parliament is part government, here their deputy ministers report on their every step literally every day, and another topic, the head of the british electronic intelligence service, anna kistbutler, said that the most acute... the cyber threat supposedly comes from russia and china, but what do you think, no is there anyone in this such an indirect admission is that the uk itself has become a laggard in the field of
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cybersecurity. well, this happens here literally every day, if there is nothing to say - as a reproach to us, then they remember about cyber attacks, no evidence is given, they always blame either us or the chinese in this matter, and occasionally iran, by the way , these are imaginary computer incidents, and here we have proposed more than once a mechanism to prevent this, but no one is interested in prevention here.
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in this department the main role is played by the united states of washington, which has disproportionately greater potential and more resources, but its potential should not be underestimated, andrei vladimirovich, and one more question, according to prosecutor general igor krasnov, most of those who have fled from russian justice are in the united states and the uk, are local authorities at least somehow accommodating in catching criminals or are they still letting them? full protection, you know, i’ve answered this question more than once, it really has a reputation as a quiet place for various kinds of unscrupulous businessmen has been firmly established in britain for a long time, people often flee here from justice, these are both fraudsters and suspects of serious crimes, and there are many cases when london provided them with asylum, but what’s interesting is that this applies not only to us, and recently the indian ambassador complained to me , that they have exactly
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the same, say, here they are exploiting this issue, again in their political statements, seizing on some dubious incidents and circulating baseless accusations against our country, and this is of course annoying. andrew vladimirovich, thank you, we spoke with the russian ambassador to the uk, andrey kelin.
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it's easy to get confused.


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