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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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the source of the current power in ukraine is a coup d'etat. for moscow , zelensky’s legitimacy matters if any agreements have to be signed. vladimir putin stated this to the press. an event that the whole world is watching, vladimir putin’s state visit to china, following its results, the russian president answered questions from journalists, noting that russia and china are important components of modern civilization, which have their own opinion on the importance of strengthening the emerging multipolar world. is that this process
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goes, the head of state has no doubts, it is important that those who are accustomed to consider themselves hegemons do everything to ensure that the transition is conflict-free, development, we believe, should be constructive, should be peaceful, without any doubt, it should take into account not only our interests, but also the interests of all participants in international communication, and of course, we need to strengthen the emerging multipolarity. the world is now taking shape before our eyes, and the world is becoming multipolar, there is no doubt about it, i think that all this is wonderful understand and are aware of this, it is important that those who are trying to maintain their monopoly on decision-making in the world on all issues do everything that depends on them in this case, so that this process is natural, i repeat once again, peaceful ,
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conflict-free, and so that the opinions of all participants in the international process are taken into account in full, and so that we all look for compromises on the rather complex decisions that we all face. the day before in beijing, vladimir putin and xijen ping discussed a whole a number of important issues, the ukrainian crisis among them. chairman. laid out his theses based on the results of a recent trip to europe, as well as in connection with the peace initiative proposed by beijing. russia analyzes everything that happens, including around the announced meeting in geneva, and has never, again, the president recalled, refused to negotiate, unlike the ukrainian side, only with whom to talk. kiev withdrew from the negotiation process in 2022. the west is aimed at the strategic defeat of moscow. russian troops now followed. residents
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belgorod, forcing our country to create a kind of sanitary zone, a zone of its own security, all today's authorities in kiev, the source of their origin is the coup d'etat, allowing the coup d'etat. and western sponsors , facilitating it, organizing it, created the conditions for the transition of a smoldering conflict into an armed conflict, they are to blame for this, they are trying to shift the blame from a sore head to a healthy one and place the blame on russia for today’s tragic events, but this is the result of their policy, as far as that happens in the kharkov direction, this is also their fault. because they fired and
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continue, unfortunately, to shell residential areas of the border territories, including belgorod, well, civilians are dying there, it’s still obvious that they are shooting right at the city center, at residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues , we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone, so we are doing this, and as for kharkov, there are no such plans. as of today, no. mentioned by the president the peace conference in switzerland will be held in mid-june. russia will not take part in it, because it is not invited there. nato members don’t see it in this peace process - to quote the president, they don’t see it and they don’t need to. we are not going to discuss from the center of the field what we do not know. what are some formulas based on? on wishlists, and not on... the real
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situation, well, it’s impossible to discuss, but we are ready for discussions, we have never refused, it’s impossible to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, they see this, now... that means they started crying, let’s get there urgently conference, please, russia will participate, we are ready to participate in peace negotiations, but we do not invite you, well , those, hello, have arrived, and russia is accused of not wanting to take part, so we are not invited, but what do they want to do , gather as many countries as possible, convince everyone that the best offer is some... conditions proposed by the ukrainian side, and then present this to us as an ultimatum, say, well, you see, the whole world thinks so, you agree , was an attempt to inflict a strategic defeat did not work, an attempt to impose it will end the same way, moreover, perhaps the organizers of the swiss conference
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forgot, but kiev itself blocked the possibility of any negotiations with moscow, the corresponding decree was dated back in the fall of twenty-two and was signed by itself zelensky, his term of office, by the way, expires the other day; he did not hold elections on may 20; the question of the legitimacy of such a leader, vladimir putin noted, can only be answered by the political and legal system of ukraine, there are all sorts of options in the constitution, this is a matter of assessment, this assessment, of course, first of all should be given by the constitutional court and in general i would even say so.
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that is why the head of state spoke about this more than once, in particular in a conversation with the new cabinet of ministers, all resources, including financial and administrative, should now be focused on achieving the results the parties need within the framework of a special
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military operation. we will summarize the economic results of vladimir putin’s visit to china together with anna lazareva. anna, what did the head of state emphasize? hello! sanctions against such goods, such goods, such goods, what will this lead to, inflation in the usa, this is what it will lead to, because they will try to produce it themselves, on their sites, for their wages to their workers, for their already expensive metal, for its expensive, based on its
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expensive energy, this is the result, which means that the german economy in europe is almost in the red, but the french one was. develop joint production - said russian president. following the state visit, russia agreed with the automaker isnr on increasing localization. this also applies to vehicle components of platforms. at the same time, russian aurus cars may appear on the chinese market, said the first deputy prime minister. russia is ready to interact with '. to create a long-range aircraft , the possibility of supplying russian aircraft engines for this project is being considered.
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implementation schedule for another project, the creation of a russian-chinese heavy helicopter are respected. well, in general, trade and economic relations between countries are developing dynamically; last year trade turnover increased by more than a quarter. the chinese side puts the figure at $240 billion - this is an absolute record. growth is hampered by problems in remittances, vladimir putin admitted. but in recent years, countries have been developing instruments that would not depend on unfriendly states; these are payments in national currencies; in trade they already occupy a 90% share. first of all, issues related to calculations are discussed at level of participants in economic activity, solutions are possible, they exist, and of course, they should be supported at the state level one way or another, i hope.
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incur any losses in connection with illegal, even illegal, actions of the us authorities. the chinese economy is growing and requires energy resources, and there is nothing more reliable than their supply from russia, said president vladimir putin. confirmed their interest in implementing the power of siberia 2 project. it provides for the supply of up to 50 billion to china through mongolia cubic meters of gas per year from the resources of western siberia. by the way, according to vladimir putin, an oil pipeline from russia to china can be laid in the same corridor with the power of siberia-2 gas pipeline. i’m not ready to say about the technical details right now, but interest has been confirmed on both sides. in the implementation of these projects, because, because the chinese economy is growing, it requires,
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accordingly, an increase in energy resources that are necessary to maintain this growth, nothing more reliable, it seems to me that this is an obvious thing, nothing more there is nothing more reliable than supplies from russia, we have a huge common border, and no one will interfere here. during the visit, the president inspected the exposition of the russian-chinese expo in harbin, innovative developments and joint russian-chinese projects in the field of mechanical engineering, metallurgy, logistics and other areas. the president was also shown a project for a new district of moscow, sber city, it will be the world’s largest area of ​​460 hectares, created according to the international standard of green design, there will be innovations in heat and energy saving, vacuum. garbage, disposal, smart homes and even artificial intelligence in housing and communal services. if we talk about joint
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projects in which russia and china invested, then 50 projects worth 870 billion rubles were financed through rdif alone, which provided 600,000 new jobs in the field of infrastructure, industry, and education finance. among the new projects that are yet to be implemented is a fund for the transshipment of liquefied hydrocarbons. gases in khabarovsk, pharmaceuticals, technology park and fund movie. anna, thank you, anna lazareva spoke about the economic statements made during vladimir putin’s official visit to china. in russia, kasym jamar tatakayev’s contribution to the development of strategic partnership is highly appreciated, vladimir putin wrote about this in a congratulatory telegram to the leader of kazakhstan. today he turns 71. the russian president noted the constructive interaction of the two countries in multilateral
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structures such as the euroses, adkb, cis, sco and others. vladimir putin emphasized that in his post, takaev won the respect of his fellow citizens and significant authority in the world. in korachaevo-cherkessia, a militant who was preparing an attack on security forces was killed. the fsb reported this. the bandit was discovered in one of the villages during operational activities. when he was detained, he turned up. the resistance was neutralized by return fire; during a search , a large amount of ammunition was found on the militant, as well as an improvised explosive device; correspondence with foreign coordinators was found on his phone. with discussion of future terrorist attacks. basmanny court moscow today extended the arrest of four more defendants in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. these are two brothers, father islomov, and also alishir kasimov. according to investigators, they all knew about the impending crime and
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helped the attackers. so, the islomovs sold the performers a car, and kasimov rented them an apartment. the day before, the arrest was extended for the direct perpetrators and their accomplices, so all 12 accused will remain in custody until august 22. presidential plenipotentiary representative in the northwestern federal district alexander gutsan today officially introduced alexey bezprozvannyh as the acting governor of the kaliningrad region. speaking about the tasks facing the new leadership of the region, the plenipotentiary noted what needs to be ensured.
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the so-called school of governors, a program for training a personnel reserve on the basis of the higher school of public administration. leading such a region, of course, is always a great responsibility, and i think that over the years we have managed to do a lot. i would like to note the unconditional, non-stop never the support of our president, the federal center, the government, the embassy, ​​all colleagues who work in the region, represent the federal authorities, this.
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acting governor alexei smirnov, he was represented by the presidential plenipotentiary representative in the central federal district igor shoglev. former governor roman strovoit, who became minister of transport, also attended the ceremony. he wished smirnov good luck. let me remind you that alexey smirnov previously served as first deputy governor. he is undergoing training in the sixth stream of the school of governors. that
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without a seam there will be a transfer. affairs, i have no doubt about it, i am calm in this part, because alexey borisovich, as my right hand, as the first deputy, as the head of the government, he knows thoroughly all the nuances of current activities, the whole team remains here, deputy governors, everyone works on the ground, and i am convinced that the transfer will be without problems, the pace that we have gained together will be maintained. tasks of peaceful life, first of all it is comfortable accommodation, comfortable living for people, growth, welfare, demographic policy, so that people are happy to live here, they stay in the region, start families, have children and enjoy
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this life, we must do all this together. cooperation in the field of energy, transport and agriculture was discussed by deputy prime minister alexey averchuk with his kazakh counterpart. the meeting took place on the sidelines of the russia-islamic world forum in kazan. its key theme this year is trust and cooperation. viewed questions cooperation in the transport and logistics sector. we looked at how to develop our corridor together, north-south, here too. kazakhstan and russia have completely coinciding interests; there are a number of specific projects in the energy sector, which we also discussed today, and outlined ways for further action in the area. agriculture and export of agro-industrial complex products, we also considered a whole range of issues. as for the relationship between kazakhstan and russia,
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these are not just friendly relations, these are relations of high strategic partnerships. alexey lobenich and i were joking today; in fact, we don’t have any complex or systemic issues to discuss at the intergovernmental commissions. a family from moscow received a fourteen-million anniversary certificate for maternity capital. the parents plan to spend it on education and paying for educational activities for their son. the program of the national project demography, which is being implemented by the social fund of russia, was launched 17 years ago, and this is a real measure of state support for families with children. funds can be spent on improvement housing conditions, children's education, monthly payments and other areas. the program itself is developing, adapting to the needs of our population, that is, if initially it was designed only, for example, for those families where the second child was born, then
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it was later extended to those families where the first child is born, and accordingly the amount has increased, while this amount is indexed annually to the inflation rate and therefore is always so objective, and if we talk about amounts, then when birth now currently at the birth of the first child in the family. the amount is 630,000 with kopecks, yes, and if a second child is born, then the amount at the birth of the second child is 833.00 rubles. it is very important that the birth of a baby is an event that directs all the forces of the mother, the family, and yes, to the baby, in this regard, the social fund does a lot to ensure that this payment, the certificate itself, is issued without any participation of citizens, that is, this means proactively or without a statement at all, since we have housing.
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according to him, robert fitz's condition has been stabilized, but the health threat is still serious. on monday, the medical commission will decide whether to transfer the politician to bratislava. meanwhile, searches were carried out in the attacker's apartment. let me remind you that the assassination attempt on robert fitz took place on wednesday after a government retreat. the head of the cabinet of ministers came out to talk with citizens, one of them approached the prime minister and shot five times. the criminal was detained on the spot; he turned out to be seventy-one-year-old juraj centula. according to the ministry of internal affairs, there was an attacker.
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this device, produced, by the way, in dubna near moscow, became available to users a couple of weeks ago, but what is more important is that at this presentation they announced the creation of a full-fledged mobile ecosystem, up to
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an analogue of google mobile services, abbreviated gms. let's admit, our ecosystems are super-powerful, yes, the ecosystems of our digital services, fintech, telecom, the same vkontakte, yes, all these ecosystems have tens of millions of users. our task is not first of all first of all to give for all of them those the most technological capabilities that they previously took from gmsa, from hmsa, from everyone else. we are talking about a set of services and software interfaces that allow applications to access key elements of the operating system, from geolocation or delivery of notifications to the payment system of the find my device service. in fact, all this allows you to control. ecosystem, even one that looks open, we want to buy a ticket, relatively speaking, there is an application of the same airflot, yes, but it is extremely difficult to do there and in part
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ecosystems, we want to use push notifications. we want to use geolocations, we want to use, well, in fact, a lot of things, all of this, as it were, yes, it is inaccessible to russian ecosystems, which actually dominate, yes, so this is not about replacing someone, it’s inevitable for us we need to create this, a separate story of microelectronics production, which is also tied to the same ecosystems, that is, convenience for users, which means sales, quads aim to sell hundreds of thousands of tablets, which sounds very optimistic, considering: the small capacity of the tablet market in general and the considerable cost of this particular device in particular, but if everything works out, then, as they say, it will be possible to talk about the production of electronic components for these devices at enterprises existing in russia, since there was no such vendor in russia before, like us, they did not have such tasks, but now we come and say, look, we consume so much in such and such quantities, we are very large, and we are ready to provide
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you... that some, perhaps, prototypes have already even at the current presentation there was a feeling that they are being tested, but there is no official answer to the question about the timing of the launch. philip trofimov, yuri marchenko, alexander sidorov, news!
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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, how is he alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor
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weapons for you, get ready. this won’t work, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, i don’t know, anton shakin. it means there is still hope, there is always hope, the call sign passenger, militia passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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