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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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imports some products and others, but including traditional goods from the emirates, how do you assess the dynamism of development and economic cooperation in this area, thank you, we believe that we are now at this great forum, this was broadcast from. ..
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temporary deployment points for units of nationalist formations of foreign mercenaries were also hit. within a week , units of the vos north group, as a result of active actions, liberated 12 settlements in the kharkov region. borisovka, bugrovatka, gotishche, glubokaya. krasnaya, lukyantsy, morokhovets, ogurtsova, oleynikova, pletnevka, dusty, shooting and continue to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. they defeated the manpower and equipment of five brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, four brigades of the terrestrial defense and the fifteenth border detachment of ukraine. in the areas of the settlements vesyoloye, volchansk, derkachi, neskuchnoye, krasnye and livtsy, kharkov region. 21 counterattacks of assault groups of the armed forces of ukraine were repelled. in
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populated areas deep, quiet and oxbow of kharkov region. over the course of a week , enemy losses in this direction amounted to 1,175 military personnel, 10 tanks, 14 armored combat vehicles, 45 vehicles, 13 multiple launch rocket system combat vehicles, including six rszzo combat vehicles, a czech-made vampire, 26 field artillery guns, as well as five snitraket combat vehicles. complexes buk and strela 10. units of the western group of forces continued to occupy more advantageous positions and inflicted defeats with the formation of eighteen enemy brigades in the areas settlements artyomovka, makeevka , lugansk people's republic, kislovka, senkovka, kharkov region, yampolovka, krasny liman and torskaya, donetsk people's republic, repelled 37 counterattacks of assault groups, eight brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as two brigades.
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of which five are made in the usa. in addition, two field ammunition depots were destroyed. the division of the southern group of troops, during active combat operations, continued to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. they defeated the manpower and equipment of six assault, ten mechanized brigades and seven defensive brigades. in the areas of settlements andreevka, antonovka, georgievka, grigorovka, kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka, poroskovievka. and novomikhailovka of the donetsk
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people's republic repelled nine counterattacks of assault units of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of belogorovka of the lugansk people's republic, rozdolovka, krasnaya, spornoe and chasov yard of the donetsk people's republic. over the course of a week, the enemy lost up to 3,725 troops in this direction, eight tanks, including five leopard 2.1, manufactured in germany, 13 armored combat units. vehicles, 55 vehicles, a combat vehicle, a grad multiple launch rocket system, 47 field artillery guns, of which 22 are foreign-made. also destroyed were three electronic warfare radio stations, nota and bukovel ad, two us-made counter-battery stations, and 16 field ammunition depots. as a result of successful actions, a unit of the voscent group liberated the village of keramik. dnets
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people's republic, improved the situation in the front line was defeated by the formation of fourteen brigades of the armed forces of ukraine of the national guard in the areas of the settlements of novaleksandrivka. evgenovka, karlovka and rozovka, donetsk people's republic. we repelled 59 counterattacks of enemy assault groups in the areas of the settlements of arkhangelsk, semyonovka, ocheretino, solovyovo, novgorodskoye, umanskoye, nitaylovo and berdachi, donetsk people's republic. over the course of a week, the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 2,475 vanosluschev in this direction. four tanks, including one abram from production usa.
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usa, units of the eight dnieper group, as a result of active actions. the settlement of rabotino, zaporozhye region, was liberated, and the personnel and equipment of the mechanized and mountain assault brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, the thirty-fifth marine brigade , three terrestrial defense brigades, as well as three brigades of the national guard were defeated in the areas of the settlements of orekhov, verbovoe, nesteryanka, malaya takmachka, zaporozhye region, nikopol, kopulovka, dnepropetrovsk region, zolotaya balka and ivanovka, kherson region. behind in a week, the enemy lost in this direction up to 265 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, 15 cars, a czech-made vampire multiple launch rocket system combat vehicle, 35 field artillery guns, including 14
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us-made m777 howitzers, as well as a self-propelled firing installation of the buk anti-aircraft missile system, missile forces, artillery and unmanned aerial vehicles, groups. in a week, four mi-24 helicopters were destroyed at the helipad, as well as 40 unmanned boats in the warehouse storage in addition, a division of us-made patriot anti-aircraft missile systems at a combat position were hit. depots of ammunition and fuel for aviation equipment at the parking lots of five military airfields. air defense aircraft shot down six mik-21 aircraft in a week.
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on the territory of crimea and the black sea coast of the krasnodar territory, 123 ukrainian aircraft- type unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down. over the past 24 hours, the black sea fleet has destroyed 25 ukrainian unmanned boats in the black sea. during weeks , 63 ukrainian servicemen surrendered on the line of combat contact, of which 48 were in the area of ​​responsibility of the voi sever group. total since the start of the event. special operation destroyed: 601 aircraft, 274 helicopters, 24,234 unmanned aerial vehicles, 522 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,058 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,303
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multiple launch rocket system combat vehicles, 9,635 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 21,763 units. special military vehicles, we need children to grow. new solutions, such as a children's sber card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses payment sticker, apply now, a children's sber card, an adult approach, what they are silent about men? painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase
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not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on everything purchases. you receive super cashback in rubles every month and withdraw cash from any atm for free. vladimir putin described his official visit to china as working, content-rich. many topics were discussed at the bilateral negotiations. all the most important statements were collected by anastasia efimova. an event that the whole world is watching. state.
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did not refuse negotiations, unlike the ukrainian side, but who
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to talk to, kiev withdrew from the negotiation process in 2022, the west is targeting... coup d'etat, allowing the coup d'etat, and the western sponsors facilitating it, organizing it, created the conditions for the transition of the smoldering conflict into an armed conflict, they are to blame for this, they are trying to shift the blame from a sore head to a healthy one and place the blame on russia for
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today's tragic events, but this the result of their policy, as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, this is also their fault, because they fired and, unfortunately, continue to shell residential areas of the border territories, including belgorod, well, civilians are dying there, obviously, they are shooting right in the center of the city, in residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone, so that’s what we are doing. as for kharkov, there are no such plans today. the peace conference mentioned by the president in switzerland will be held in mid-june. russia will not take part in it, because it is not invited there. nato members do not see it in this peace process, quoting the president, they don’t see it and don’t need it. we are not
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going to discuss from the center of the field what we do not know, some formulas. are based on what, on wishes, and not on the real situation, well, this is impossible to discuss, but we are ready for discussions, we have never refused, it is impossible to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, they see this, now, therefore, they have sealed it, let's urgently hold a conference there, please, russia will participate, we are ready to participate in peace negotiations, but we do not invite you, well, those, movies, hello, arrived, and russia is accused of not wanting to take part, so they don’t invite us, but what they want to do is gather as many countries as possible, convince everyone that the best offer is some conditions proposed by the ukrainian side, and then present this to us as an ultimatum, to say, well, you see, the whole world
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thinks so, agree, there was an attempt to inflict a strategic defeat, the attempt to impose did not work. will end the same way, moreover, maybe the organizers of the swiss conference they forgot, but kiev itself blocked the possibility of any negotiations with moscow, the corresponding decree was dated back in the fall of twenty-two and was signed by zelensky himself. his term of office, by the way, expires the other day on may 20, he did not hold elections, the question of the legitimacy of such a leader, vladimir putin noted, can only be answered by the political and legal system of ukraine itself, there in the constitution and... there are all sorts of options, this , this is a question of assessment, this assessment, of course, must first of all be given by the constitutional court, and in general itself, even the political system of ukraine itself would say this, but for us this of course matters, because if it comes down to it, it
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will come to signing some documents, of course, we must sign documents in such... fateful areas with legitimate authorities, this is a fact obvious, but i repeat once again, the political and legal legal system of ukraine itself must answer this question. the president of france also took the initiative to declare an olympic truce. is it possible? - the journalists asked, or is this another attempt? luring russia into a trap, as is the case in moscow’s relations with the west, has happened more than once. chairman. charter they themselves politicize sport, which is completely unacceptable, bearing in mind the purpose of sport as a platform for communication between people and for
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finding compromises during this communication on other, including political issues, if they themselves violate, including in this case in in relation to russia, not allowing our athletes to perform at the olympic games with their banner, with their flag and with their national music.
5:22 pm
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buy goods for construction at low prices on vita, attack credit card debts, i 'll show you a couple of tricks, collect all debts on credit cards for one halva card from sofcombank, we refinance them for 24 months. a meeting of old friends, the deepening of a partnership that is already strategic, and almost the beginning of a new era in world politics, the global media are summing up the results of vladimir putin’s visit to china and making the unfriendly for the unfriendly. this is how cnn recalls the official position of the united states towards russia and china. washington directly stated that beijing poses the most serious challenge to the world order. well and
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russia is also a quote, a clear and real threat. and it is against this background that vladimir putin and sidin pin meet. both leaders are ready to develop cooperation to confront the global system created and supported by america and its military alliances. the new york times points out that russian-chinese cooperation concerns not only security, but also economics. putin traveled with a large delegation, which included deputy prime ministers and ministers, among others.
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a new era in international politics, the statement may be loud, but the vector of russian-chinese cooperation , the agency notes, is clear: containment of the united states, which both moscow and beijing accuse of having a cold war mentality and pursuing a policy of chaos on the world stage. the guardian writes that putin's two-day visit was filled with symbolic gestures that highlight mutually beneficial friendship and strengthening ties, including in the defense sector. relations between the two countries are stronger than ever, notes the british newspaper vladimir putin putin and shizen pin calls, calls your friend, even your best friend. and here are quotes from the chinese global times: russia and china provide each other with support during the period of turbulence that the world is experiencing, but this does not mean that they are creating an alliance that is directed against anyone, it’s just that both moscow and beijing are striving to create more an honest, just world without hegemony and
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unipolarity. relations between russia and china contribute to peace and prosperity throughout the world. another quote from the global times. in turn, al jazeera notes that russian-chinese cooperation is now equally beneficial for both moscow and beijing. they are valuable partners for each other, both in the economic and security fields. on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing, wuyi appeared in the northeast not by chance, all this was planned in advance by the japanese, he was a real japanese puppet. mass killings of civilians then occurred throughout nanjing. it was russia and china that paid the greatest
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price. for this common victory of humanity, and this gives us a special right not to give, to rewrite history. this newsreel was fermented by soviet soldiers in august 1945. where are you from? from 11 b, nevret, i am from the eleventh b. we are also from the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, in the eleventh. i only need one boy, here he is, i had to come all this way to watch this good film, why are you so lucky, i really liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful shooting, exciting, all this, all these emotions there were, it was very cool, it was the first film, i was really delighted with it, the humor was good, i liked it i need to get to school at 7:33, my nephew is there at night, but they haven’t done this before, i
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wait, i... hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask me how i actually could have ended up here, what a meeting, sometimes i want to cry, sometimes i want to laugh, super, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years in the future, we are watching to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries , look,


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