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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] vladimir putin described his visit to china as productive and rich in content. the president summed up the results at a press conference. a number of questions related to the resolution of the ukrainian crisis. the russian leader emphasized that moscow, unlike kiev, has never refused negotiations. putin called the agreements reached in istanbul in the spring of twenty -two the real basis for them. the president also commented on the north military district, including the positive state of affairs in the kharkov direction. all today's authorities in kyiv and the source of their origin is a coup d'etat, allowing a coup d'etat, and western sponsors , facilitating it, organizing it, created the conditions for the transition of a smoldering conflict into an armed conflict, they
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are to blame for this, they are trying to shift the blame... as for what is happening in kharkov direction, this is also their fault, because they fired and continue, unfortunately, to shell residential areas of the border territories, including belgorod, well , civilians are dying there, after all obviously they are shooting right in the city center, in residential areas, and i... said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone, so we are doing this, and as for kharkov, there are no such plans today no, speaking about relations between russia and china, vladimir putin noted that our countries must develop constructively, taking into account the interests of all participants in international communication. the multipolar world,
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which is now... being formed, must be strengthened, our president emphasized. development we believe it should be constructive, it should be peaceful, without any doubt, it should take into account not only our interests, but also the interests of all participants in international communication, and of course, it is necessary to strengthen the emerging multipolar world, the fact that it is now on ours... is taking shape in our eyes, and the world is becoming multipolar, there is no doubt about it, i think everyone understands this perfectly well, they are aware of this, it is important that those who are trying to maintain their monopoly on decision-making in the world on all issues do everything from in this case, it depends on them that this process is natural, i repeat once again
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, peaceful, conflict-free and that the opinions of all participants in the international process are taken into account in full and that we all look for compromises on the rather complex decisions that we all face. vladimir putin spent the second final day of state visits to the people's republic of china in harbin, where he visited the russian-chinese expo exhibition. innovative ones are presented there. developments and large-scale projects that open up new prospects for cooperation, and my colleague anna lazareva will talk about the economic component of the visit. sanctions are a topic that is relevant for both russia and china, which are also subject to restrictions from a number of western countries. however, according to the russian president, the sanctions policy causes direct damage to the entire global economy, and not just to those countries in relation to whom such decisions are made.
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vladimir putin named sanctions. what this will lead to inflation in the us, this is what it will lead to, because they will try to produce it themselves on their sites, for its wages to its workers, for its already expensive metal, for its expensive on the basis of its expensive energy, this is
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the result, which means german. from china about the growth of localization. this also applies to vehicle components of platforms. at the same time , russian aurus cars may appear on the chinese market, said first deputy prime minister denis mantura. russia is ready to cooperate with china to create a long-range aircraft, the possibility of supplying russian aircraft engines for this project is being considered, the schedule for the implementation of another project, the creation of a russian-chinese heavy helicopter is being respected, but in general , trade and economic relations between the countries are developing dynamically, last year trade turnover increased by more than a quarter, the chinese country puts the figure at $240 billion, this is an absolute record. growth is hampered by problems in remittances, vladimir admitted. vladimir putin, but in recent years countries have been developing instruments that would not depend on unfriendly states, these are payments in national currencies, in trade they already occupy a share in 90%. first of all, issues related to
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calculations, they are discussed at the level of participants in economic activity, solutions are possible, they exist, and of course, they should be supported at the state level one way or another, i hope. it will understand, understand - as if the motives of the behavior of large financial institutions can be, but no one wants to suffer any losses in connection with the illegal or even illegal actions of the us authorities. the chinese economy is growing and requires energy resources and nothing more reliable than their supplies from russia no,” said president vladimir putin. therefore, both parties to the negotiations confirmed their interest. in the implementation of the power of siberia-2 project, it provides for the supply of up to 50 billion cubic meters of gas per year to china through the territory of mongolia from the resources of western siberia. by the way, according to vladimir putin,
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an oil pipeline from russia to china can be laid in the same corridor with the power of siberia-2 gas pipeline. i’m not ready to talk about the technical details now, but interest on both sides in the implementation of these projects has been confirmed, because. chinese expo in harbin, innovative developments, joint russian-chinese projects in the field of mechanical engineering, metallurgy, logistics and other areas. the president was also shown a project for a new moscow district, sber city, which will be the
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world’s largest area of ​​460 hectares, created according to international green design standards. there will be innovations in heat and energy saving, vacuum waste disposal, smart homes and even artificial intelligence in housing and communal services, the president. also visited the stand of the russian direct investment fund, through rdif russia and china have already financed 50 projects in the amount of 780 billion rubles. 600,000 new jobs were created by our new projects; they affect infrastructure, industry, and the financial sectors of education. i have already spoken about the bridge, you know, for example, buzovsky prospekt, it was also financed by chinese co-investors in industry together with the ministry of trade and trade. we financed the pharmaceutical company holgan, which produced the sputnik vaccine. among the new projects that are yet to be implemented is the construction of a transshipment terminal liquefied hydrocarbon gases in the far east, localizing the production of innovative russian vaccines in china and creating
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a joint film fund. the suspects in the assassination attempt on slovak prime minister robert fitsoo will appear in court tomorrow, may 18. the agency reports this with reference. inheritance juraj tsintula has been charged with attempted murder for political reasons, and as the media write, searches have already been carried out in tsintula’s house, meanwhile, the state of health of the wounded fitsu still raises concerns. details at natalia solovyova. for three days in the intensive care unit at the hospital, where doctors are fighting for the life of robert fitz, the police, the press and ordinary citizens are still waiting for news. today, the prime minister underwent another operation; his condition is stable, but serious. it didn't happen soon. this morning, for example , a computed tomography was performed, on the basis of which the consultation decided to revise the patient. this is standard procedure. we removed the necrotic tissue that was left behind from the gunshot wound. the patient is conscious it is stabilized. investigators are looking into the details of the attack in the shooter’s apartment;
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searches continued for several hours today. the security forces took out bags of evidence, seized the computer, and brought in yuri centul's wife for questioning. here she is, silently walking past journalists,
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covering her face with an advertising brochure. we worry about him and, of course, wish him to recover. at the same time, if you look at this situation from a political point of view, it is a big loss for hungary, because even if he recovers, he will not be able to work for several more months. about three weeks left before the most important elections to the european parliament, they were already called a clash of civilizations. in the 27 eu countries, the political landscape is so polarized that there is little room for compromise. officials are afraid of far-right candidates. assh. the press wonders whether the june vote can even take place
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without violence. in germany , mp martin schmidt was beaten last week. he has a head and neck injury. a week earlier, the party candidate, chancellor scholz, was wounded. he put up election leaflets. radio presenter in belgium live broadcast he suggested shooting prime minister alexander de croo. to everyone who is thinking about shooting alexander de croo, but doesn't dare do it because of the security of it. the guy, you see, the prime minister can be shot, so i would say go ahead. the radio station has already apologized, the journalist found the joke not funny, they filed a lawsuit, and the police will now monitor all publications, including on social networks, more closely. natalia solovyova, evgenia zemtsova, lead. now a short advertisement, then we will continue, stay with us.
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makfa 49,999. magnet - the price is what you need! more than 60 thousand specialists from the field of digital technologies brought together by an it conference organized by mts. top managers, professors and developers discussed industry trends and problems on one platform. our correspondent elizaveta morskaya has details. at the entrance, visitors to the truth ekday it conference are given a puzzle and asked to write code in just 3 minutes. code to make a christmas tree from the letters x. i wasn’t very good at computer science at school, so i suggest giving way to real professionals. and it specialist ilyas, one of the guests, took only a minute and a half to write the code. after we move to the lecture hall: the conference speakers are top management, it companies,
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developers and designers. the idea to gather them all on one site belongs to mts. the company also presents its
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research at the conference. this is an opportunity not only to learn new things, but also to join corporate culture. this is how the space is organized here. all this is very similar to the offices of it specialists; they always have relaxation areas where you can chat, reboot and even play golf. this year the conference hosts
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participation more. young people prepared for a long time and thoroughly, so they rate their chances of winning highly; in addition to them , 107 more teams proposed their solutions on how to improve the lives of clients with special needs at the forum. elizaveta morskaya, igor nikulin, vladimir klimov, news. the north pole 41 expedition returned to mormansk today. it’s been more than a year and a half. its participants spent the trans-arctic drift on a unique ice-resistant self-propelled platform;
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the presenter of the column will tell you more about the new approach to studying the arctic question of science maria valieva. the iss on ice is exactly what the participants of the first arctic expedition in many years call the russian drifting station northern polis 41. arctic. sp-41 - this was the first expedition on the new scientists collected a huge amount of data on the climate and natural environment of a high-latitude ice-resistant self-propelled platform, and the project showed its best side. it made sense to start all this, to start, to do and to build. absolutely new. way of carrying out work in the high-latitude arctic. indeed, russia offered completely a new approach to studying a complex vulnerable
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region. the length of the ice platform is more than 83 m, width 22.5, ice class eight, power plant power 4,200 kw, diesel engine accelerates the ship to 10 knots (19 km/h) by land standards. fuel reserves are capable of providing. the autonomous operation of the vessel is up to 2 years; the lsp can operate at temperatures down to -50° and 85% humidity. the main feature of the platform is that it can literally freeze into the ice, forming one large ice floe around itself. and this gives scientists a lot of opportunities for conducting complex research. ionospheric, magnetospheric, ice, oceanographic, geological. they can. according to the scheme, polar explorers are planted on
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an ice floe, where they build tents and houses; they cannot work with heavy geological equipment, because there is not enough electricity on the ice to provide power to a winch of sufficient power or a crane. in such conditions , there was no opportunity to deploy geological work; sp-41 operates a full- fledged geological program. started in september 2022, the ship left murmansk and headed towards the new siberian islands; on october 2, the platform froze into an ice floe and began the trans-arctic tree. the total route was about 3,000 nautical miles, more than 5,500 km to the spitsbergen archipelago. for a year and a half, lsp became not only a scientific center, but also a home for polar explorers. an ice camp, a scientific one, is being built around the platform. no one lives there, it just houses a number of special tools, special equipment that cannot be used on the platform, for example, geophysical
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research equipment, magnetic field observation, it cannot be installed next to a large vessel, because there will be interference due to the hull, due to the metal. the world's first drifting station in the arctic was created in 1937, the successful soviet north pole project then took 9 months to complete. then they were carried south into the greenland sea, from where the winterers were picked up by the icebreaking steamships taimyr and murman in february 1938. the next group of researchers set off to roam the arctic expanses after world war ii war in 1950. since then, such expeditions have been organized regularly, but in 2012 during the drift of the north pole. the research had to be interrupted, the scientists, along with their expensive equipment, were in danger, the ice began to melt, everyone had to
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be urgently evacuated and a pause was taken for 9 years. for the process. is very necessary, at a minimum, because the northern sea route, the most important transport artery, runs through the arctic region, and how much cargo will pass along it largely depends on the ice conditions along the route, it is important to obtain direct samples for strategography, strategraphy is the sequence of geological layers as they
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... no, even the monsoon system in india, which has consequences for agriculture. this country, like many others, is interested in close cooperation with russia. the north pole 41 expedition officially ended on may 2, when the ship was freed from ice, but scientists are already planning the next one. it starts in september, and most likely there will be international participation in the project, experts from
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the brix countries expect. the enemies spoke different languages, had different weapons, the goals were always the same, to destroy those who need our help, even though our country, to take away our freedom, but we always courageously stood up in battles, history remembers everything, the power of unity helped us win people and the courage


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