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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

7:00 pm
even here , norieva will still receive her discount, albeit a small one, the time spent in pre-trial detention will be counted toward her sentence, and in total the star of the crypto empire will spend 3 years in the colony. maxim shevchenko, vladimir bazov, lead. duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in our telegram channels vesti, the duty department and an honest detective. this concludes our episode, tatyana petrova was with you, see you at 21:30.
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after a short commercial, our broadcast will continue with the senate program. it's hard not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases. get super cashback in rubles every month withdraw cash for free from any atm, not just profitable alpha profitable in life's whirlwind of successes failures hope you are filled with wicquanch in the rhythm of a worker with many tasks your break fills with wiclunch sauce meat sytin hot meat with noodles fills a warm sunset over the rooftops yes life fills. catching
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7:03 pm
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is pure, bright taste, more useful. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities. opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those who can be difficult to please the first time. opportunities to get new impressions, a wave of new impressions, a storm of new impressions. apply for a loan from sba. until june 10 and win money for repayment, it’s more profitable with sberpray, it’s profitable to retire with sberbank, a free sber card for pensioners, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan, apply for a pension with sberbank online or in a branch. hello, this is the senate program, my colleague.
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new political cycle for the country in the council the federation held consultations on the candidates proposed by the president for the positions of heads of federal executive bodies. it is obvious that today people expect responsible, high-quality, and most importantly effective work from leaders at all levels. not only self-realization and decent income, but also a comfortable life. the task of the state is to radically improve the quality of life of people in rural areas.
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domestic software, what are the challenges? by the thirtieth year, 80% of domestic enterprises should switch to russian software. a million specialists in blue-collar professions in the next 5 years, labor market demands and the socio-economic development of the country. this is career growth, and what is important is a decent salary. modern approaches to education and the most popular specialties, how and where they are mastered. a new political cycle has begun in russia, valentina matvienko stated this during consultations on the candidates proposed by the president for the positions of a number of heads of federal executive bodies, including federal ministers. previously , relevant consultations were also held by the relevant committees of the federation council. as
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the chairman of the upper house noted, the federation council has an important role in forming the government and the cabinet of ministers has already actively taken up work on the implementation of the strategic development goals of russia until 2036.
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issues of defense, state security, internal affairs, justice for foreign affairs, public safety, emergency prevention, disaster management, these are the leaders of key ministries and departments, on the effectiveness of which the preservation of political and economic stability, security, and firm defense certainly depend. russia's national interests in the international arena. by the way , russia has many allies, their number will only grow, sergei lavrov emphasized, answering questions from senators. according to him, our country’s partners are african countries, latin american and caribbean states.
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the politician called russian interaction one of the key issues on the international agenda and china, who are interested in preserving a more just democratic world order and are leaders in establishing it. russia and china are far from alone. in their efforts to reform the international system, to promote the formation of a multipolar world order that would reflect the real weight of the state of their associations, members of the group of friends in defense of the charter of the united nations are working with us within the un. together with us, of course, are members of brix, members of the shanghai cooperation organization, after brix expansion there are more of us. all other regions of the world, all other groups of countries, and not just the collective west,
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of course, russia and china, in addition to cooperation within the brics framework, actively support other integration processes. he noted that in the context of a special military operation, equipping fighters with everything necessary remains among the important issues, including provision of the most modern equipment, drones, ammunition, communications and personal protection. a huge range of questions, in this part we have one for each direction, there are monthly plans, but implementation requires literally daily and even hourly inclusion of the location. in constant communication, this is the first, second -
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the enemy learns quickly, the situation related to the use of new technologies changes literally weekly, we here need not just learn to follow, we need to anticipate the enemy, and here, together with the general staff, well, actually this work has been established, but it also requires daily inclusion. it is necessary to generalize the experience of using new technologies - and work accordingly - new forms of warfare, new methods of conducting combat operations. and the third question, it is of a more systemic nature, we are talking about recruiting the armed forces, i specifically want to emphasize to journalists that we are not talking about mobilization, about some kind of emergency measures, we are talking about... another question that is also certainly a priority; this is the issue of social protection
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of our military personnel. a lot has been done here, but there are questions related to the timely payment of salary, there are questions related to housing, there are issues related to the availability of medical services; priority issues certainly include the formation of a state defense order for the next one.
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enko personally introduced the new head to the control department team. the domestic tourism industry is facing significant changes. in the next 6 years , new resorts will appear in russia. the ambitious program is called the five seas. this is a major investment project, thanks to which recreation areas will be organized on the coast of the caspian, baltic, azov, black and japanese seas, as well as lake baikal. since the azov became our inland sea. in new regions, the necessary infrastructure is being created, including. transport and logistics, this is an important part of their integration into the single economic space of the country, and
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we will talk with the senator from the region dmitry varona about the modernization of the road network in the zaporozhye region. dmitry nikolaevich, hello. for a year and a half, the zaporozhye region has been part of russia, talking about the restoration of modernization transport and logistics infrastructure, one cannot help but ask the question about highways, what condition were they in, what is it now? unfortunately, of course, we received a disgusting legacy even today . we have to literally repair it on the fly, because we do not have the right to stop traffic on key highways simply for the convenience of our citizens, the main road of life, our land bridge has already been brought into more or less normal condition from the rostov region to the border with the republic of crimea, the government has already received this task is being implemented by the project to repair the dzhankoy simferopol highway, which today. unfortunately , it is not in very good condition, due to the fact that simply a huge amount
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of transport has revived this road, we are also petitioning for the next road to be brought into good condition, this is simphepol-armensk towards the kherson region, together with our colleagues we are considering these arteries are the completion of the exit route of our land bridge to taurida, materials are being worked out to expand this road. coast of the azov sea so that we are also engaged in repairing roads along the start of our holiday season, so that we can already invite the residents of our, well
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, first of all, the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye, kherson regions, our health resorts so that we can improve the health of children and... quite serious repairs of roads for our large cities in the zaporozhye region are planned this year around these cities and connecting them with the main highways. the sea of ​​azov has become an inland sea of ​​russia, how it is used, how is the port infrastructure developing? we are already, say, forming program documents now, because, of course, i really like the approach of the russian federation as a whole, that everything is being done very thoroughly. the main problem of the sea of ​​azov is that ukraine has not dealt with this sea all these years, and unfortunately, this has led to an increase in the level of salt in this beautiful body of water. today we are developing primarily scientific materials on exactly how to reduce
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salt, in water content, from the point of view of transport, logistics... port infrastructure, to establish economic and infrastructural connections between the regions of the sea of ​​​​azov, because all cooperation ties between the port of mariupol, berdyansk and the rostov region were broken and of course, to restore our activities , krasnodar territory, republic of crimea, now at the next stage we are resolving issues, and i am raising the issue of resuming ferry service at all our meetings.
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investment, we are now the parameters of this project we’re not telling you too much, because they are all quite preliminary, the initial approval of the president of the russian federation has already been received, but we are now, say, more in-depth development of master plans, a very serious investment program awaits us on the sea of ​​azov in the zaporozhye
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region on the obetochnaya spit , which will allow us to create a real center... this project and that it will become such a real flagship for us, we also, of course, want to develop resorts, those that were traditionally ours, this is the city of berdyansk, and kirillovka is our village on the coast, also a very good spit, very beautiful, where today we have 1050 accommodation facilities that need to be restored, we are launching programs for
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the development of the tourism industry as a whole, we are launching programs for the development of sports in... on the beach so that people come and get healthy, so that this vacation does not turn into just lying in a hammock. dmitry nikolaevich, in your telegram channel you wrote about the possible cooperation of the melitopol plant with avtovaz, please tell us more about this. in the mechanical engineering industry of the zaporozhye region, there is a giant industrial autogas plant, which was built in zaporozhye and, accordingly , components were fully produced for it. throughout the soviet union, and our city, meritopol, was a city of mechanical engineers, it remained so, unfortunately, cooperation ties were broken with large russian factories. and our factories were reoriented to produce spare parts for korea, the zaporozhye region, and the city of zaporozhye, avtozas, cars that were produced for
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germany, france, but today we are building these chains, turning them again in the right direction, in the right direction, establishing interaction with our auto giants, and this is kamaz, this is avtovaz, these are tractor manufacturers . regions and we want to establish normal work on our deliveries, now there is a short advertisement, we will be back soon, stay tuned, ice
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in pursuit of views, entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a deepfake, change your voice. providing children with high-quality domestic clothes and shoes, food, stationery and toys is an important task for every parent, and for senators in particular.


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