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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to do, change. providing children with high-quality domestic clothes and shoes, food, stationery and toys is an important task for every parent, and for senators in the year of the family it is a matter of increased attention and control. now in the upper house.
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one of the priority regions for the chamber, the production of children's goods was one discussed at the presidential council chaired by valentina ivanovna matvienko, chairman of the federation council, and a specific list of instructions from the president of the russian federation was issued. the road map for the development of this industry is already finishing its work. years, we discussed it in great detail at the federation council, now we are correcting it, and what i would like to say is that when we talk about children’s textbooks, manuals, games, clothing, furniture, we must talk about quality and content. component, which is why
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today it is important to involve the scientific and parental community so that our games, our products for children raised future patriots and were based on our traditional spiritual and moral values. what needs to be done to develop the domestic children's goods industry in the regions? it is very important to note that the market for the production of children's goods today is about 1 trillion rubles. and the share of domestic producers is 34%. at the same time, according to experts, we could saturate 80% of the market with our domestic goods. that is why today, together with the children's products industry association, we we are doing a lot of work with the regions of the russian federation so that as many domestic manufacturers as possible get involved in this work. an agreement has already been signed with four russian regions. this work
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continues, but it is very important that manufacturers of children’s goods know what furniture, toys, and aids are needed for our kindergartens, schools, and higher educational institutions, which is why, for example, for preschool educational institutions, together with the relevant department, we have developed methodological recommendations and brought them to each subject of the russian federation so that there is a clear understanding...
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achieving sovereignty in the high- tech segment, centers of competence, development of domestic software. what are the challenges? by the thirtieth year, 80% of domestic enterprises must switch to russian software. million blue-collar workers in the next 5 years. labor market demands and socio-economic development of the country. this is career growth, and what is important is a decent salary. modern approaches to education. the most popular
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specialties, how and where are they mastered? this year, 600 billion rubles will be allocated to support the agro-industrial complex in russia, of which 68 and a half will be allocated to the complex. clinics, schools, kindergartens, cultural centers, sports facilities and roads. and starting next year , connected regions will be connected to the state program, valentina matvienko reported. the speaker of the upper house drew attention to the growing interest of russians in living outside the city, and emphasized that the task states - to support this trend so that people in rural areas have every opportunity.
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with such a huge territory - this is also a guarantee of the preservation of our people and our traditions, we will continue our efforts in this direction so that every year the life of the villagers becomes more and more comfortable, thanks to the decisions of the president, agriculture in our country was able to actually rise from the ashes after such a serious decline in the nineties, now russia is...
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i believe that these documents should all be not only synchronized with each other, but also take into account the peculiarities of the development of rural areas. a number of important and topical issues of rural development were discussed by senators, as well as representatives of the ministry of agriculture and industry departments, at the site in odnkh, where the first forum was held. ruzhnikov village. its result was a resolution prepared jointly with the government. the document presented a list of proposals to address issues of entrepreneurship, education, healthcare, and personnel in rural areas. senators will accompany its implementation. as part of the resolution, a key place will be given to filling
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the comprehensive program for the development of rural areas with real rubles, full rubles. last year alone , more than half a trillion rubles were allocated for this program. real questions from a small village. the issue of attracting personnel to the village, so that there is decent pay, decent living conditions, decent conditions for providing cultural institutions, sports, and education. achieving sovereignty in the high technology segment, the key to the country's sustainability. russian industrial centers of competence help in this;
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they replace foreign digital products and allow the creation of domestic developments in the shortest possible time. 2 years ago , almost 200 projects worth more than 200 billion rubles were selected. the upper house discussed the results of the work of the competence centers and set further tasks to support import substitution. we will discuss the details with senator konstantin dolgov. konstantin konstantinovich, hello. how are industrial centers of competence now? help in solving problems related to achieving technological sovereignty. how many such centers exist now? well, if we talk about numbers, there are about 40 centers, 37 centers, there will be more, there are also centers of competence. in the sphere of creating domestic software, what is important here, why do we need domestic software, this is our technological sovereignty, these are brains, it is clear that this is the entire communication and control system, this is industrial software, respectively, all industrial
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production lines, let’s say, should be gradually transferred to domestic software, to a domestic system. it is this whole that should be of domestic production, in general the process in the economy is going on, it is going on quite dynamically, in
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accordance with the new national project, which the president announced in his message to the federal assembly, now we are actively working with our participation of the senators of the federation council to saturate this new national project, it's called data economy, by the year 1930, 80% of domestic enterprises should switch to russian software, this is a very ambitious, but i... said a feasible task, and for this this software must be available, b, it must cost a reasonable amount , adequate money, it must be of high quality. these are the three main characteristics, uh, that should allow for the necessary import substitution here. this is truly a matter of national security, it is not only a matter of economic development, as we create new places, we stimulate technological development through.
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we actively act here, including as a link between the government and the regions, where necessary. as for legislation, there is a definite need to improve procurement legislation, especially as regards both the forty-fourth federal law, which deals with procurement for state and municipal needs, and the 223rd federal law, which deals with procurement for state-owned companies. state-owned companies are one of the largest customers.
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and accessibility, there is a need, for example, to create additional opportunities for the mechanism of global contracts, this is a very important mechanism, it is not yet used as we would like, but this is still a guarantee of such serious long-term investments, so we agreed with the government, we agreed with the industry, with software developers in...
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was as productive as possible. konstantin konstantinovich, do you think these are the products being created, solutions in the field domestic software, they should be focused only on the domestic market, or after all, it is possible or necessary to consider the possibility of export orientation. and it is possible and necessary. of course, saturating the domestic market with modern, in-demand software is the most important task. there is still work and work to be done here. of course, the domestic market is an absolute priority. now for us, take the same auto industry there, but there are export opportunities, there is a huge
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interest in the world in purchasing russian software, we have very good developments here, good brains, let 's say frankly, yes, good specialists, we are in contact with the russian export center, this structure is very active in this area, but the general opinion is that there is still work to be done from a regulatory point of view, including improving the regulatory framework, it is important to help our developers, those companies that offer domestic solutions in the field of software. software, help them, master foreign markets, but i can say that in a very active way, not only with partners in the ias, we interact here, some arab countries, in particular the united arab emirates, are our active partners, asia is very active, there is such a very decent segment there
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we have already managed to occupy the market; it is quite decent. considering that we started this work not so long ago, asia is probably the most promising region for us now in terms of exporting it solutions, with african countries are developing such interaction, there is a very serious interest, latin america is also promising, but the fundamental task is, of course, to transfer our economy, our industry here as much as possible to domestic ones.
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it’s so serious, so we’ll work in this direction too. a million blue-collar workers need to be trained in the next five years. to fulfill this order of the president, they will need to regain their former popularity. and it is precisely for this purpose that a campaign has been held in russia for 8 years weeks without turnstiles. in april and october , schoolchildren have the opportunity to visit large plants and factories in their cities and get acquainted with the work process of enterprises. what are the tasks of the state...
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with veterans, the transfer of experience, the transfer of one’s impressions, attitude towards work is very important for the younger generation, and i represent the tver region, in which there are many very large industrial enterprises, which is worth only one car-building plant, so these meetings help the guys find not only the opportunity future profession, but the opportunity to adopt those moral and cultural foundations that ours have always had... earlier, the federation council supported the idea of ​​introducing compulsory excursions to factories for schoolchildren, how is this proposal implemented and how does this initiative differ from the above-mentioned week without turnstiles campaign? this is a wonderful initiative of the federation council, is under development, and will differ from the week from the turnstiles only chronologically. if a week without turnstiles is held twice a
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year, this is quite rightly noted in april in october, then... the action that the federation council proposes will be possible to take place throughout the year, and i think that this is an absolutely correct decision, because in any month schoolchildren, students, students would have the opportunity to come to manufacturing enterprise, visit museums, meet with management and determine their profession, learn about new professions, for schoolchildren this is an opportunity to acquire some skills, some experience in order to decide on entering college and universities. for college students this is a wonderful opportunity to determine their mentor and place in this enterprise, but for university students this is a possible future job and i know that employers not only in tverskoy, but in almost all regions of russia are interested in such an action, and i think that visiting those wonderful museums, enterprises, unique workshops,
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laboratories will bring great benefits in choosing a specialty, in determining... i think that schoolchildren will have a choice, it seems to me that at the age when you are a schoolchild, there are so many interesting things you have to learn , probably for sure, if you don’t look at how some enterprises work in your own region, you can find and see how enterprises work in, say, other regions, but... i know completely is it true that when we visit, for example, a carriage factory and see how trains are built, how components are assembled, which trains go to which countries? what innovative approaches are there now, how the team works harmoniously, you know, i still, as soon as i myself i personally don’t go to the railway station, i get great
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pleasure and i have no doubt that schoolchildren do the same. employment of college graduates in new regions is guaranteed by the federal project of professionalism. its essence is to train specialists in demand for the labor market using the new system of vocational education. company. in september, 12 more educational institutions will join the new standards, and from 2026 the professional level will operate throughout the country. in recent years, the prestige of workers professions has grown significantly, and accordingly, the popularity of secondary specialized educational institutions has increased. so much so that over 10,000 additional budget places will be created in moscow colleges. and i plan to do it by the end of the year.
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educational institution, but we produce so many diamonds in russia, every third diamond on the world market is russian, so it’s time to make every third diamond on this market russian. it is quite possible to cope with this task; educational institutions are appearing in the country and are in great demand on training personnel for the diamond processing industry. initially, i actually wanted to go to 11th grade, but then i thought, why do i need to sit for 2 extra years if i can just graduate here, get a profession, get a job. skills in this educational workshop, sophia and her classmates conquer not only the granite of science, but the hardest mineral, the king of stones, diamond. at the moment, they are honing the skill of cutting a diamond of the classic round shape kr-57, where the number indicates
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the number of facets. by the way, this is just one of stages of a fascinating process that precedes the sorting of rough diamonds and other stages. such a stone, naturally, after sawing, after marking, produces such beauty. a graduate of the college and its teacher, angelina khakhutadze, conducts classes with fourth-year students who are here. will leave the walls of the educational institution, but for now they demonstrate their skills in the author's cutting, which, like any other, begins with a technological map; without this diagram, not a single action is possible. meanwhile, not every diamond becomes a diamond. diamonds of low frequency, they can be used as a diamond abrasive in some saws, in diamond powders, there are also products made from diamonds for technical purposes. their areas of application range from microelectronics to the space and military industries, where, by the way, susa graduates are in demand. however, the jeweler is not deprived of their attention.
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corporations are those territories that will offer interesting accommodation, good training, normal starting conditions, a large social package and decent earnings, here
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young people will go there, added attention to irreplaceable specialties and the college festival, which was held in moscow, its sites were visited by thousands of high school students, well , it seems to me that now the system is fundamentally changing, and this is a completely different education, not the same as it was before, now the technical school is really cool, super, they are developing and that’s right. even for the festival, the festival program is extensive and multifaceted, from master classes on working with neural networks, in visual arts, photography, animation and advertising to skills use a welding machine, how can you pass it by? let's go, a good welder is worth his salt, by the way, this is a profession that is extremely in demand now, so promising college students are in high demand, so nikita morkovin continues to study and at the same time works at a defense enterprise. at first i came there as a student, they noticed how i worked, and offered me an official job with them. one of the largest corporations in the country is ready to accept several thousand welders every year, we are talking about
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rosatom, however, the level of training of suzov graduates is not always sufficient to work at its enterprises; a solution was found in partnership with the twenty-sixth college of moscow. we have a joint project with the rosatom academy, called the nuclear welding school, where we train masters who later teach the guys how to cook the perfect shock. and together we created these programs, which today, but i will say that they are probably one of the best in the world, because i have traveled to many countries of the world and we are exactly at the level well maybe. the best even. against the backdrop of russia’s policy towards global import substitution. in the coming years, the need for highly skilled workers will only grow, and such specialties as welder, turner, builder, driver and auto mechanic will probably never lose their relevance. oksana poturkina, egor gerasimov, mikhail chuprasov, natalya kalysheva, irina chumikova and andrey litvin, senate program. the russian delegation took part in the un permanent forum on indigenous issues, which was recently held in new york. agenda the activities are extensive, from supporting the nomadic
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population from... conquered peoples, ensuring access to biological resources to eliminating the digital divide. we’ll talk about everything in more detail with the first vice-president of the all-russian association of indigenous peoples of the north of siberia and the far east, senator alexander navyukhov. i would like to note that the delegation included representatives of regions including the khantamansi and malonensky autonomous okrugs, the kosnoyarsk territory, the republic of sakhaya yakutia and the murmansk region. our. representatives took part, in fact, in all events, panel discussions that took place within the framework of the permanent forum and spoke in all six areas, which include a mandate in the sphere of life of indigenous peoples, including in the areas of education, and humanitarian law , in the areas of the right to use natural resources,
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it is very important that... the indigenous peoples themselves, their leaders, declared those guaranteed rights, the tasks that national nations face today governments, simultaneously provided a systematic approach to ensuring the rights of the poor peoples of the north, they interacted with all colleagues, representatives of indigenous peoples living in latin america, the scandinavian countries, and representatives of southeast asia. and here we note that there is, of course, no isolation from the world community, representatives of indigenous peoples in relations with russia, the regions announced those innovations, novelties that exist in our country, including representatives of ugra spoke about new ones projects in the field of it projects, this is an it camp, a green camp, a mobile school, a kindergarten, these are the new avenues that today are used by
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indigenous peoples in our... regions and of course it is very important that the delegation includes representatives young people who spoke about new approaches, about new challenges that exist today, about the continuity of areas of traditional knowledge for indigenous peoples. and as for the speeches of representatives of our delegation, what statements resonated with others participants and how russians were generally received at the forum. russia is a regular participant in this kind of international events. and the participation and speeches of our delegation are always expected, i would like to note that every day more than 70 applications are submitted for speaking, and every day our delegates received this right and spoke on all essentially stated topics that were considered as part of the agenda of the permanent forum. for the first time, the russian delegation, consisting of leaders
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of indigenous peoples... yamalonetsky, krasnoyarsk territory and kamchatka, sent an official statement to the permanent forum of the united nations about discrimination against indigenous peoples by international organizations that do not give the right to indigenous peoples to participate in international events, do not have the opportunity to receive grants and funding to participate in trips of this kind .
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we hope that all our statements, our appeals, and speeches will be included in the final document of the 23rd session of the permanent forum. next week the senators. parliamentary commission to investigate criminal acts against minors in kiev


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