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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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do not have the opportunity to receive grants and funding to participate in trips of this type of event, and i would like to note that the majority of indigenous peoples who directly took part in the panel discussion and took part in the session supported this proposal, since such discrimination on the part of the organizers against indigenous there are peoples not only in our country but in many.
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when providing transport related services, they will consider issues of protecting consumer rights in modern economic conditions. affected measures to develop the use of electric vehicles and create the necessary infrastructure. see you in a week. see you on the senate program. hello, dear friends, friday evening, i’m alexander karievsky, time to sum up some results of the past week. army group east. in a week destroyed up to almost
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a thousand soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces, the ministry of defense reported this, the enemy was defeated in the areas of vugledar, velikaya novoselovka, vodyanov and vladimirovka in the dpr. in total, during this time, the russian military repelled 59 attacks on this direction. read more about the progress of the special operation in the material by margarita semenyuk. the situation in the kharkov direction is being closely monitored by the fighting in volchanskiye on the outskirts of the village of liptsy. position.
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direction, the complex russian army is moving forward, our military repelled two counterattacks in the villages of staritsa and glubokaya, the militants lost 205 people, three tanks, two combat vehicles, a polish self-propelled gun krap, a d-30 howitzer and a rszzo grad. defeated by the formation of the nationalist krakin battalion of the foreign legion, manpower and equipment 125 territorial defense brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, fifteenth border detachment in the areas of dergachi, leptsov and volchan.
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he knocked it out of me because a fragment hit me, i screamed that i was giving up everything, he realized that there was no way out. 12 settlements of the kharkov region were liberated by fighters of the northern group in a week, igor konoshenko, the official representative of the russian ministry of defense, reported this in a weekly briefing; he emphasized that our army continues to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. 21 counterattacks of assault groups of the armed forces were repelled ukraine in populated areas is deep and quiet. and elder of the kharkov
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region. over the course of a week in this direction , enemy losses amounted to 1,175 military personnel, 10 tanks, 14 armored combat vehicles, 45 vehicles, 13 combat vehicles, multiple-launch rocket systems , including six rszzo combat vehicles, vampire, czech-made, 26 field artillery guns , as well as five combat vehicles, anti-aircraft missile systems buk and strela 10. assault units of the airborne forces come close to the yar, paratroopers in the rifle in the battle we eliminated the enemy group in the artyomovsk direction, forward, forward, forward, forward, forward, you are there so that i can see you. in the southern donetsk direction , the su-34 crew destroyed an enemy strong point and manpower with fap-500 drops. we worked from a great height with gliding bombs of 500 kg caliber, and completed the task.
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the southern group of troops is making progress; the fighters are moving forward, breaking through the enemy’s defenses. over the course of a week, the enemy in this direction lost up to... 47 field artillery pieces, of which 22 foreign-made, three electronic warfare stations nota and bukoveljad, and two counter-battery counter-battery stations manufactured were also destroyed. usa and 16 field ammunition depots. aviation and air defense forces shot down six mig-297 aircraft of the ukrainian air force in a week. over thirty attack missiles from french air bombs, almost 200 hymers, vampire, grad
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and alha rockets were intercepted in the sky. margarita semenyuk, evgeniy podubny, irina zaborskaya, anna nikulaesh, news. a special military operation revealed the need to use new methods of warfare. first of all, this concerns.
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in their workshops, the assembly workshop of unmanned systems of the transport of the future company, as you can see, now the guys are doing work, they are doing it not only because production is necessary, because we see a large area of ​​​​application in various industries, which we are starting this year, for example, from agriculture, which can be discussed in much more detail, but there are separate markets for monitoring, delivery, logistics, and, in fact, many others directions that i hope to talk to you about today, yes, of course, well, i started... i started a little with a joke and pizza option, but nevertheless, speaking seriously, this delivery, i don’t know especially, the floors of skyscrapers , we have a lot of them now under construction, and by the time the courier arrives in the elevator, the pizza will already have cooled down, and the drone will arrive faster with the pizza,
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here, speaking seriously, our country’s positions in general in this direction, of course, we will now discuss more specifically , in which areas we have made good progress, where are the problems, i would still like to. i understand that maybe you don’t really want to talk about this, but nevertheless , let’s talk about problems first of principle, constructive, is there more to talk about problems, although i have some glitches, so to speak, in this direction in a strategic sense, that is, design, understanding of the development of directions, and so on and so forth, there are problems in this direction, again we will answer how... speak honestly, yes, about this today gathered to talk, if we had talked even a year or two ago, the situation would probably have been much more critical over the past 2 years since the time when the president and government of the russian federation paid attention to the industry, a lot of work has been done here, we are now at an enterprise where we already independently
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produce propellers, both composite and plastic, for various machines and equipment, we produce electric motors including a component base, which we could not talk about before, various types of modifications, these are our own smd mounting lines, which appear in a large number of companies, here we are also not lagging behind, and this speaks of our own flight controllers, drivers, avionics, communications, we... and other chains of processing that already today provide technical , technological sovereignty of the russian federation, that is , there is still a huge amount of work ahead, in each of these areas we still have room to strive, we naturally look at where our partners are heading. frontier colleagues, but this is exactly what we are talking about, the russian federation is taking the lead today, this is from
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the point of view of the cost-effective use of drones, i have the assembly of c80 agricultural drones behind me, because the russian federation has enormous prospects for the possibility of using, 80, for example, 80 million hectares of arable land, of which 20 million are subcultures that simply need to be cultivated, including with the help of aviation and unmanned aircraft, three treatments, a year is at least 60 million hectares that need to be cultivated, 16,000 only agricultural drones, which should work in our fields, it is according to this concept that we are moving today, developing our direction of drone service, and this is naturally busy, busy for both those who use and those who develop, but today we we are talking about a new concept for the development of the ideas of the chief designers, which we are further sharing today with the chief designer of the platform and application, technologists, and most importantly the application guys. why do we see the first direction in agriculture, the most cost-effective, where today you can integrate, we are doing a lot of work with
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the ministry of agriculture with large agricultural holdings, and other areas, but even if we return to the topic of logistics, which you are talking about today, it has already arrived, and we can see it in examples of global development, even if someone -this suggests that it is impossible in a metropolis, let's see, our leader of the country today is in china, and the city of shenzhen, thousands of shipments are delivered daily. using a drone that we are currently testing in the samara region and in other areas with various companies, which we will talk about much soon, you are right, the issue is not only couriers, the cost-effective integration of drones and new technologies into people’s lives, this is what we are doing today , i will say this has a great future, well, you talked about the application in agriculture, of course, this is spraying, pollination, and so on, stocking up on observations.
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today we are talking about the possibility of large-scale use of drones in the concept safe transport corridors, we have
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an external pilot, he does not control the drone , the unmanned system, he is only part of the insurance, our drone flights today are carried out in a fully automated mode, take-off using a qr code, landing using a qr code, in case of going beyond the transport limits corridor, an algorithm that stands above the flight controller, which does not allow it to go beyond the boundaries of the road along which it should move, these are... obstacle recognition systems and much, much more, what we already have in place today in an unmanned aerial system, we have a radar that detects obstacles, we have a thermal imager that determines what is below us, where we are flying, and what the danger is there, and this most important thing today is already being built not only into the drones of the transport of the future company, we are promoting this idea together with the government of the russian federation at the level of certification and integration into the legislative field, that is. it's not just the future tomorrow, it's the future today that we create and soon, which we will show, and
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there is a huge interest here, including from large logistics companies, marketplaces, which you will also learn about in the near future, including from our arts. yes, yuri vladimirovich, well, it’s worth recalling that in terms of delivery, even at the moment without drones, so to speak, we are in third place in the world, this must be understood, this is only available in a few countries in china, with help. .. korea, somewhere like that, well, i could be wrong, but definitely in third place, therefore, if we also introduce new technologies here, which, as you have rightly noted, are actively developing in china, china is here. a leader, of course, since he produces these unmanned aerial vehicles in large quantities, and so on, not only this, but here the question immediately arises: firstly, a - safety, secondly, b - this is new rule, because what if this drone crashes into my neighbors’ window and doesn’t bring me pizza, who will be responsible for it? you, your company or the delivery person, the most interesting thing is,
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you will probably be surprised, but i will answer that this is ours, because we are... also a logistics operator, but even when we sell a drone company to an operator, we implement it together with the concept of safe transport corridors, we say that a drone ceases to be just a product of a product, it is a great service, the safety concept is built into the direct legislative norms of the russian federation, and we are working on exactly this so that there is always an area of ​​responsibility, who is responsible for it, we need to produce those drones, which will be naturally safe, and therefore the standards... for certification, quality control department, in the large-scale use of various industries, we cannot do without them today, they will be the key to the quality that we, too , in the russian industry will need ensure, therefore we are already working on how responsibility will be distributed, i am currently the head of the expert group on integrating drones into the legislation
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of the russian federation, and we see that big steps are being taken here and decisions are beginning to be made, life is developing, and as i understand it, what you have already said about industries, and here we are also the largest exporters of oil resources, gas and so on, this is a pipeline, this is a huge infrastructure that needs observe, something leaked there, didn’t leak, and so on, that’s how the work is done here, as i understand it, yours and not only yours, in general , drones can be actively used in this direction, pipelines, security
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, and so on, that’s absolutely right, it's huge market. tracking, observation, detection, situations that happen in various industries, these are the areas that are already in use today, but which are expected to grow enormously in the near future, and again we are not just talking about manual control or orthane shooting of the area, we are talking about smart drones that are able to detect a problem, get directly to it with a gas analyzer, a magnetometer, or another device, and then provide information to a smart digital... system when the dispatcher or on-site the team will work directly on the ground, why do we see in this future what is already used today in large holdings, because it is economically feasible and rational, and regarding safety, if we go back and in the industries of application, because today we understand, that even in manned aviation , most of the flight of a manned vessel is already carried out in unmanned mode, and we also
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know examples of other industries, including peaceful atoms and many other applications, where... there is parallel existence and integration technologies into social and socio-economic relations, this is exactly how we see them here, the direction of monitoring is one of the key, and monitoring not only in conditions, as we can observe today, when drones work there 150-200 days a year, this is monitoring in arctic conditions, in hot conditions, many others, and this is the next stage of technology that we are pursuing, because drones must become available to be cost-effective for more than 300 days. year you should be able receive a package, fly over a field, over a gas pipeline, over something else, or perform another service, regardless of the weather conditions that we are creating today, this is exactly what we are working on today, and yuriyvanich, i i understand, 150-200 days is only due to weather conditions, and the drone’s lifespan is not designed for this, and then it just breaks down,
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a new one needs to be made, i’m right, absolutely right, yes, yes, yes, yes, that’s right . these are conditions, these are snow conditions, these are rain and other types of precipitation, but again, above which not only the whole world, but also we are working on today, starting our work, we now have certain stages of the redevelopment of our drones, we are talking about 40 iterations there, we reach the type certificate, and then what we will release into the market, and so we have increased the number of days per year in terms of applicability from 150 to almost 290, we are talking about all-weather engines, we are talking about the possibility of using enhanced moisture-resistant drives.
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transportation, delivering them to customers and 30 million users who use them, the same thing in air taxi, we are talking about building routes, transport corridors,
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of course, with equipped infrastructure, but which will be accessible to the user when you know where you need to come, from what point you will depart, what quality of service will be provided to you, because you are also right they said that the russian federation is essentially today the flagship in the development of digital services, so the crossing of technology... systems with the digital leadership of the russian federation gives us the opportunities that we see for giving quality service to our clients, but for all this we also need the development of our staff, our youth, without whom we cannot do here. you said about technological sovereignty, this is one of the main tasks, among others, set by the president, a lot is already being done in this direction, but you yourself rightly noted that there are still literally a few years left.
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here you will have to buy something from friendly countries somewhere, they will buy from us, accordingly, this mutually beneficial cooperation, if you measure it as a percentage, what we are striving for, 70% of our parts, 80, 99 or whatever, well , we can talk about 70% on the rally in our own domestic drones even today, so we are talking about a target of 90-95%, at best . without canceling the fact that we have a huge number of tasks ahead of us, and it is precisely this achievement of localization that we are talking about today that will depend on the ambitiousness of the targets expressed
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in the technological platforms that we will achieve with you, therefore us too the president spoke to you about this, and his assistant there maxim stanislavich recently gave us a good article about technological sovereignty, that not a single country in the world can completely close its technological sovereignty 100%, but for this we must just stay open. from the point of view of our technologies, therefore , today we see a level of 90% as a real target indicator that we need to strive for, but for which we still have to work a lot, and where is the bottleneck - in reaching 90%? now? well, today we continue to talk about microelectronics, we are talking about our power plants, we are just starting a lot of work in domestic lithium batteries, hydrogen fuel cells, and these are our own processor microchips. and much more, yes, that is, here too there have already been great successes, and the dynamics of the pace of our movement, it is much higher compared to the pace that was several years ago, but the level of
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the redistribution that still remains to be overcome is also large, and this needs to be given great attention, and yuri ivanovich, maybe some kind of general development program is needed or there is such a specific one, for this year we are doing so many percent, for this next year and so on, like this... today the direction of disembodied systems allocated to a separate national project, back on december 28, 2 years ago, the president, by his decree, opened a new direction in the drone industry, all of us, the transport
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of the future company are ours... we are building that chain of the next stages of redistribution, what technologies we should use to get there, and this is exactly what we are coming to with the so-called planned command economy, but built into current market relations, but we, for our part, can say that only yes, yes, yuriyovich, thank you very much, sorry for interrupting you, just you said everything very correctly, we have run out of opportunity to talk, good luck to you in your work, and i think that the problems we talked about will be successfully resolved,
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all the best, and let me remind you that we... have no advantages over the russian equipment, so nato supplies were estimated at the main armored vehicle directorate of the ministry of defense, all the vulnerabilities had long been known and when studying the trophies , only individual engineering solutions turned out to be interesting. we have no revelations from the study of this technology, the security is that which was supposedly higher, it did not justify itself in any way, if compared with our machines, then everywhere here they lose, lose, either burn out or
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remain damaged on the battlefield. rarely abandoned, evacuating damaged equipment from the battlefield is a daunting task, and the allies ukraine, for example, was supplied with a number of engineering vehicles for this purpose, from the sixties, but even the abrams will not be able to pull it out, firstly, because it is lighter than it, and secondly, it has special highway pads on its tracks, that is, from the field she is unable to pull out the tank. the trophies of the russian troops, like other equipment, are evacuated by special groups; a fighter with the call sign baikal, now a cadet in the omsk armored forces, entered after a year and a half of service in the siberian federal district, was.
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some say with joy, well done, cool, there, others come and cry, you’re like that little one, you are like that, the most pressing question in general, which, uh, is asked very often, is not what my name is, and it’s not about the car, but how old am i, visitors ask to be photographed, shake hands and often cannot restrain their emotions, normal, thank you , thank you, i can say the following, oh, my hands are cold. no, during the time i was in control of the unit there was not a single combat loss, the encounter, this abrams did not survive the carnet score, the tank was hit mainly by the wear of the cornet cumulative jet and drones, there is a defeat from behind, you see, first the american got it from the russians, then from the ukrainians, who tried with all their might to prevent the removal of the equipment, but were unable to.


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