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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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infrastructure for children and youth. a truly, systematic, constructive, truly partnership relationship between the volgorod region and sberbank. and we have taken a very serious step in the development of it technologies and artificial intelligence. yes, and our steps are very noticeable. in the near future, i think, we will open school 21 in the volgograd region of the city of hero of volgograd. joint projects. that we are doing together with sber is exactly the answer to the tasks that you set for everyone, and the tasks are very simple, so that citizens in the volgograd region can live better, so that they can receive better services, social services, medical, educational, and so on. more than 60,000 specialists from the field of digital technologies were gathered at an it conference organized by mts. top managers of the professor discussed trends and problems of the industry on one platform. and
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developers. our correspondent elizaveta morskaya has details. visitors to the trute it conference are given a puzzle at the entrance and asked to write code in just 3 minutes. write a code to create a christmas tree from the letters x. at school i was n’t very good at computer science, so i suggest giving way to real professionals. and it specialist ilyas, one of the guests, took only a minute and a half to write the code. we move to the lecture hall, the conference speakers are top management, it companies, developers and designers, the idea to gather them all on one site belongs to mts. at the conference , the company also presents its research, which will help assess the level of manufacturability; the level of digitalization, and the level of innovation, yes, that is, how effectively a company can produce innovations and what fundamental factors exist for this and how they work with them, this will help the company. produce
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more effective innovations, so that the effort invested results in competitive products in the market. investments in science are one of the trends - it helps to increase profits and enter those sectors that were not initially considered typical for business. no less from development the it sector also benefits the state. technologies ensure security and help develop domestic software . so now it is important to fill the gap in the industry and grow.
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the young people prepared the it project for a long time and thoroughly, so their chances of winning are highly rated. in addition to them , 107 more teams offered their solutions on how to improve the lives of clients with special needs. elizaveta morskaya, igor nikulin, vladimir klimov, news. the ldpr awarded the laureates of the second all-russian competition named after vladimir zhirinovsky. the winners, 21 of them, received the right to free university education. areas, including it, civil service, international relations, law, economics, design and advertising. we are the only political party that has its own higher education institution, the zhirinovsky university of world civilizations. winners will get in for free, runners-up with a big discount, it's all there. significance for
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the future of higher education in one of the best humanitarian universities in russia. i wish you all success, today and in the future. you already have made your choice, having graduated from the university of world civilizations, having won the zhirinovsky competition, many of you will decide to remain with the best political party of modern russia, together with the ldpr. the prospects for interaction between russia and the countries of the organization of islamic cooperation are being discussed today in kazan, where the russia islamic world forum is taking place; its participants talked a lot about russia’s partnership with the countries of the organization. islamic cooperation. mariyavtseva will tell you the details. approximately 11 people, and delegations from approximately 80 countries are meeting this year at the russia-islamic world international economic forum. russia's trade turnover with the countries of the organization of islamic cooperation increased by 31%. these figures
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were announced by deputy prime minister marat khusnulin. there are also individual records. in particular, the volume of mutual trade between russia and oman has only increased since 2020. economic cooperation strengthens not only ties between countries, but also develops the economies of the states themselves, according to deputy prime minister alexei overchuk,
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energy cooperation of eac member countries with russia allows the association to compete in the world market, well, further development is possible, including through the creation.
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already the pre-order is, in my opinion, more than 160, the project has already amounted to more than 20 billion rubles, now an additional additional more than 30 billion rubles are expected, there are absolutely different participants, and private investors, and the web, and other interested institutions. this is not only international cooperation, but... finance and investment , an experiment has now been launched in russia to develop islamic banking in four regions, these are tatarstan, bashkiria, dagestan and chechnya. how many participants have already told the ministry of finance? in total , there are already 23 organizations in the register in four
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regions, there is even more potential for their inclusion, i think that we will increase this figure, by the end of the year, i think it will definitely increase significantly, we see the potential of the russian market in... the north pole 41 expedition returned to murmansk today. its participants spent more than a year and a half in trans-arctic drift on a unique ice-resistant self-propelled platform. the presenter of the “a question of science” column, maria valieva, will tell you more about the new approach to studying the arctic. iss on ice
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is exactly what participants in the first arctic expedition in many years call the russian drifting station. northern policy 41. the movements of the unique self-propelled platform were closely monitored by the entire global scientific community for 19 months. scientists have collected a huge array of yes. the length of the ice platform is more than 83 m, width
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22.5, eighth ice class, power plant power 4,200 kw, diesel the engine accelerates the ship to 10 knots (19 km/h) by land standards. fuel reserves can ensure autonomous operation of the vessel for up to 2 years. lsp can operate at temperatures down to -50° and 85%. the main feature of the platform is that it can literally freeze into the ice, forming one large ice floe around itself. and this gives scientists a lot of opportunities to conduct complex research, ionospheric, magnetospheric, ice, oceanographic, geological. they can probe the atmosphere to a height of up to 70 km and thickness of water to the very bottom. when organizing a station according to the traditional scheme, polar explorer. planted on an ice floe where they build tents and huts, they cannot work with heavy geological equipment because
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there is not enough electricity on the ice to power a winch of sufficient power or a crane. in such conditions , there was no opportunity to deploy geological work; sp-41 operates a full- fledged geological program. the expedition started in september 2022, the ship left murmansk and headed to side of the new siberian islands. on october 2, the platform froze into an ice floe and began the trans-arctic tree. the total journey was about 3.00 nautical miles, more than 5,500 km to the spitsbergen archipelago. for a year and a half , lsp became not only a scientific center, but also a home for polar explorers. an ice camp is being built around the platform, a scientific one, no one lives there, a number of special instruments of special equipment are simply placed that cannot be used on the platform, for example, geophysical equipment. observation of the magnetic field, it cannot be install next to a large vessel, as
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there will be interference due to the hull and metal. the world's first drifting station in the arctic was created in 1937, the successful soviet north pole project. then, in 9 months , the members of the expedition under the leadership of ivan popanin managed to swim 2.0 km on an ice floe, then they were carried south to the greenland sea, from there. the winterers were taken away by the icebreaking ships taimyr and murman in february 1938. the next group of researchers set off to roam the arctic expanses already after the second world war in 1950. since then , such expeditions began to be organized regularly, but in 2012, during the drift of the north pole 40, research had to be interrupted. scientists, along with expensive equipment, were in danger. the ice began to melt and everyone had to be evacuated urgently. the processes in the arctic were observed from space, but
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scientists could not provide complete pictures or space images. and up-to-date information is very necessary, at a minimum, because the northern sea route, the most important transport artery, runs through the arctic region, and how much cargo will pass along it largely depends on the ice conditions on the route. it is important to obtain direct samples for strategography, strategraphy. construction in the arctic has a huge impact on the entire planet, even the monsoon system in india,
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which has implications for agriculture. this country, like many others, is interested in close cooperation with russia. the official expedition of north pole 41 ended on may 2, when the ship was freed from ice, but scientists are already planning the next one. it starts in september and soon everything will be international. they are looking forward to participating in the project. specialists from the brix countries. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get a superkick up to 100% every month. and up to 30% in categories is guaranteed. if you don't have a card, order a free alpha debit card. not
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in rubles every month and withdraw cash from any atm for free. simply profitable, alpha profitable! this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello! almost half of the citizens of the united states suffers from obesity. this is not just a burden on the body, it is also a road to more... serious diseases from cardiovascular to alzheimer's disease, there is a high burden on the budget, the budget of the united states, every year all this costs almost 200 billion dollars, a growing theory says that obesity is a disease that cannot be overcome with one regimen or diets, and
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if so, then here is a pill for you to lose extra pounds, no matter what the cost? any medicine is, first of all, an active substance. in this case we are talking about simoglutide. simoglutide imitates the action of a hormone that enters the body when the body gives a signal that the stomach is full of food, and thus additional insulin begins to be produced, a feeling of satiety occurs, and this leads to the fact that the person does not leave the feeling of fullness longer. but accordingly, he takes this food less and less often; initially, this type of active substance was used to treat patients with second-degree diabetes. this is how the drug azempic came into being, which is only for these patients and was prescribed, but after some time it became clear that it could be used just
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to control the amount of food consumed, then, as they say, it began, i would feel like i was walking in a wetsuit, which was filled with heavy sand on the inside and which could not be removed. suddenly all the pain disappeared, thanks to ozempic, nothing worked like it. medicines such as ozempic help fight drug addiction. azempic helps people with early stage alzheimer's disease. if it can be used in all these cases, then it is valid miracle cure. it has gotten to the point where every eighth american is now taking anti-obesity medications. naturally, for this company nova nordic, entering the american market was a cherished dream, they...
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the list of side effects is frightening, because the risk of intestinal obstruction, which requires surgical intervention, increases by 450%. the risk of pancreatitis, which is also a very
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unpleasant thing from which you can die, increases by 900%. some of the latest evidence of side effects caused by taking azempic refers to the fact that these the drugs unexpectedly reduce the effects of contraceptives, they began to say. about a certain azzempic baby boom. weight loss generally increases fertility, so women who lose weight while taking the drug may contribute to this trend. in addition, vomiting caused by simoglutide may interfere with the effectiveness of contraceptives taken in pill form. the following picture emerges. ozempic, vigovi, and monjara have not been fully studied. researchers and doctors are still collecting data from patients, but there are so many people willing. yes in in america, there is even a certain shortage of these drugs for people who really need them, for patients with second- degree diabetes, why? because as
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the popularity of these drugs grew, they began to be literally snapped up by hollywood stars, who were not embarrassed that a monthly course of the same azempik could initially cost several thousand dollars, and many stars initially did not admit that they were drinking - zempik, the most famous here is a story with oprah winfrey, the famous tv presenter, who advertised various exhausting diets, looked great at the same time, but at some point opry vyntva even had to apologize for the fact that she had been misleading people for years, because recently she had been taking azempic and had lost weight on it. when i heard about weight loss medications, i thought: i need to take them too, because this is an easy way out. willingly or unwillingly, azempik got involved in the culture wars in the united states, against the backdrop of the popularity of the growth of this liberal agenda,
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the concept of body positivity has taken root here, or they tried to root it, saying don’t be ashamed of your fatness, perceive yourself as you are, how cynically this stereotype turned out to be imposed became clear, because these are the same hollywood stars who... .. i was called a thug and a shrek, everyone else, including publicly, i refused slogans like accepting myself as such, unfortunately, the whole idea of ​​body positivity is a big lie, because... together with azempic into the lexicon americans even added new words. a popular expression has become azempic face, this is azempic face, this is the face of a person.
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wrinkled, caused by sudden weight loss, the fact is that azempic does not choose where to remove fat, on the sides, on the legs, on the arms, on the face, a person also loses weight, among the american stars there have appeared quite a few such people with the same face, such a person on at a certain stage , elon musk became another victim, so to speak, of what is called azempik face - this is the wife of the famous musician ozy osbourne. i think. came in too far and now i can’t gain the required weight, i don’t know what happened to my metabolism, it’s a big temptation to try how much more weight you can lose. excessive enthusiasm for drugs that solve seemingly all problems in one fell swoop has already taken america to a place completely different from where it would like to end up. we are talking about artificial, more quenching, and drugs of the apiate group, the most...
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of those catastrophic consequences to which all this could lead, that is, healthy people who simply needed painkillers or who had no serious problems at all became addicted to opioids before our eyes. i was playing football and tore a ligament in my knees, so i asked the doctor to give me some pills. he said that you need to take a larger dosage,
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otherwise it won’t work. as a result, i overdosed for the third time and almost died, i don’t want to live like this, it’s terrible. oxycanthine left the market, but all these addicted people began to look for some kind of replacement, as a result, america was flooded with other artificial opioids, fintanil, and this is a real disaster for healthcare in the united states, there are whole pockets, but for example, the largest market. in the open air is located on the east coast of the usa, probably everyone has seen these shots, this is kenxington avenue, in philadelphia, under a subway overpass, a drug addicts' rookery, our film crew filmed there, let's just look at a fragment of the report to feel the whole atmosphere of this terrible social crisis, hanksinton avenue in philadelphia is called the most dangerous street.
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bathe these drugs, because according to various estimates by the middle of this century, the number of people with diabetes in the world will increase to 1.300 million people, many of them, as these drugs become cheaper, will be prescribed them, and as often happens with many drugs that bring profit to big pharma, big pharma is not very then it will be interested in eliminating.
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hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the international review program. events of the week. chronicle, facts, comments.
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the skill of circumventing sanctions. against the backdrop of the western pressure, china and russia are looking for a new way. never.


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