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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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high-paying jobs, especially with the drought likely to shrink farms in the area, taxes from this mining could help rebuild the region from the environmental disaster of the past and help california transition to a carbon-free economy around the world. frank ruiz, an ecologist working on restoration of the region. lake salton is the site of the largest environmental disaster in us history. 120 years ago , engineers altered the course of the colorado river and built a network of canals to provide water to farmers. the excess of this water and turned into a lake. in the middle of the last century , the hollywood elite was restored at local resorts. the lake became a magnet for luxury hotels and yachts, but the boom quickly ended. the north shore town once flourished. here the streets are called coral reef, grapefruit. it was a pleasant
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sight; celebrities loved to relax here, for whom frank senator sang live. today there is devastation here, not unpleasant-looking grapefruits. however, hollywood still loves this place, albeit as a backdrop for a film about the apocalypse. the civil liberties committee, a non-profit organization, submitted a 150-page document to local and state authorities regarding mining technologies and profit distribution. the town of calipatria is one of the poorest in the state, an abandoned building. i don't know the details, but my son says i should sell the house and get out of here before the mining starts. local farmers also want details. pat is the owner of california's largest chemical-free citrus farm, supplying organic oranges to the world's largest retail chains. pad believes that progress will not be stopped. yes, i
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am in favor of mining, the whole process is isolated from the external environment, no fumes, it is clear that there will probably be some leaks, they cannot be avoided, but progress cannot be slowed down, the world needs batteries. experts say 10,000 to 12,000 new jobs are on the horizon, and california has quickly approved all the permits. the governor came to the groundbreaking, one of the projects that could make gavin newsam a future candidate for president. civil liberties committee. plans to sue, we are for the economy of the future, we are for electric cars, but we know how to read, think, we have experts. there are a lot of unfulfilled environmental assessments in permits; documents always tell the truth, unlike politicians. it is unknown whether golden rain will fall on a valley tormented by one man-made disaster, or whether another will be created thanks to lithium. the world leaders in lithium mining are chile and australia. have already
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faced catastrophic consequences this toxic process. dmitry vershiin for international viewing, california, usa. after advertising about war and economics, interesting news and historical experience. ice deluxe is a mountain of pleasure. waterfalls and a feast of flavors, try your favorite ice delux flavors and the new mango pairing only at a delicious point. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us, i am something good, the best, and i useful. oh yes, and you manage me,
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online or in a branch. a new government has been formed in russia, as always after the president takes office. the most unexpected appointment was the minister of defense, andrei belousov, until recently first deputy prime minister, a major macroeconomist who has always dealt with economic issues. there is no military success without economic support, especially today, when every military campaign takes on the character of a complex confrontation. and yet a civilian minister of defense.
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accordingly, some kind of civilian leader who can direct these two mutually counter processes from the side of
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the military demand, from the side of the supplies of the military-industrial complex, is, in principle , necessary, since he can do this interconnect with the general economic system of the country, which is critically important. i see, but still. well, is it somehow more common that a person occupying this position is, let’s say , close, mentally close to the defense sector, or is this actually a relic, a prokhora? well, first of all, you need to understand that the minister of defense is a political figure, all the most important and serious tasks are decided not by individuals, but by teams and established processes in the post of minister of defense.
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was required, there was a war going on, or it first started, then flared up, suddenly there was a macroeconomist in this post. robert mcnamara was born in 1916 in san francisco, he received a fundamental education. first at the university of berkeley in california, and then at harvard business school, where he later taught accounting. in 43-46 mcnamara passed. analyzed
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the effectiveness of strategic bombing during the second world war. after the victory , he retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel and was awarded the order of the legion of honor. together with his colleagues from the analytical department, he gets into the management of the ford company. the air force's 10-person analysis team was tasked with using analysis and statistical methods to improve the company's position. mcnamara rose from planning manager to president. the success is so obvious that in the sixty-first year , president kennedy invited mcnamara to his administration. he was offered the post of head of the treasury, but in the end he became defense minister. the group of advisors who followed him from ford inherited the nickname given to them there as wise guys. on post of minister. he tried to improve the efficiency of the bureaucratic mechanism with the help of new technologies.
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mcnamara was the first to apply systems analysis to public policy, which led to the emergence of the discipline of policy analysis. during the caribbean crisis in 1962, he insisted on a blockade of the island, but advocated a peaceful resolution of the conflict with the ussr. even before the appearance of soviet missiles in cuba, he proposed switching from strategy. and massive retribution to flexible response, it was mcnomara who introduced vocabulary terms assured destruction and nuclear deterrence as key elements of the new strategy. after the death of john kennedy in november '63, he retained his post under lyndon johnson. mcnamara largely determined us strategy in the vietnam conflict, insisted on us intervention in laos and vietnam and the expansion of american presence. to china as opposed to beijing. on his initiative , project 100,000 appeared. targeted program for
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recruiting conscripts into the army who previously did not fit into the requirements due to physical or mental health problems. due to the shortage of conscripts, this became a necessity. popularly, this program was called “mcnamara’s morons” or “corps” of morons, because in 5 years there were more than 300,000 people with a low level. troops were sent, a significant portion of these people had difficulty surviving the stress of combat and were prone to aggression, one of them is shown in the stanley kubrick film full metal jacket. private homer kucha was not supposed to become a soldier in principle, but in the end he killed the company sergeant major and committed suicide. at the end of 1965 years, mcnamara began to realize the futility of further us military efforts. in may 67, he presented a memorandum to president johnson, in which he indicated that
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the war in vietnam was being lost at the political level, and six months later he left the post of secretary of defense, he set a record for holding this position for 7 years, then mcnamara worked as president of the world bank for 13 years, he died in 2009 at the age of 93. in principle, if you look at the logic of president kennedy, he was generally more guided by the people he trusted, not based on what their initial preparation was, in principle for their inner circle, just in a conversation with the president, when he suggested that mcnomara actually head the ministry of defense, he said that i was not ready and i did not have a specialized some kind of work experience, to which the president answered him: you know, we don’t have a school for training defense ministers at all, by the way, there is no school for training presidents either, we all learn this in the process of work, here are the results... in managing the pentagon for a long time, they ended up looking like this
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distance, they are assessed positively or not diversely. it is generally accepted that mcnomara is one of the most successful and one of the most famous american defense ministers, i would completely disagree with this, there are a number of other people who were no less successful, perhaps more useful for american politics, in particular caspar weinberger . or gorald brown, mcnamara, he achieved a lot, he introduced procedures and processes of strategic management in the american state defense order, and significantly contributed to development. american nuclear forces, the emergence of the world, in particular the united states and the soviet union, from the most dangerous situations, actively, in particular, opposed the hawks from among the top military leadership, but he is absolutely ambiguous, at the same time, the figure in particular with him is
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largely associated with the us involvement in the vietnam war , which is known to have brought huge human ones. losses and material damages, significantly affected the social situation in the united states, and he , if i’m not mistaken, then many years later recognized the vietnam war as a brutal a mistake, a serious one, yes, he believed that an incorrect risk assessment had been carried out, at that moment they were afraid of the dominant effect, when other countries, regions, following vietnam, would generally begin to move into the socialist camp, one way or another, well, to some extent that's what happened, but it didn't collapse.
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that this is a state matter, but the symbiosis of public, private and state is very important, even then president putin, mina’s colleagues said this, to what extent does the american experience, firstly, confirm this, and secondly, is it applicable anywhere else? the pentagon positions itself as one of the players in the labor market in the united states; in principle, in their strategic documents that are related to personnel policies , it is stated that we should consider ourselves as... another company competing in the market along with such giants as ibm, apple and so on, yes, since the struggle for engineers and highly qualified specialists, it, of course, still requires a significant investment in understanding where people are going, and even more so if you come to work in the ministry defense, then this means that some certain restrictions are imposed on you in terms of secrecy and so on, this requires some additional incentives for
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employees who may consider such an opportunity, that is, this is a question, roughly speaking , of luring personnel from the civilian sector. and the private sector of the state military, of course, of course, and this is an american specificity, or this is applicable here in china, there is competition somewhere else, the americans have a lot of their own specifics, but you need to understand that now the civilian sector of the economy, it much more military, which is significantly different from what was there roughly 100 years ago, and any system, if it closes itself within itself, it becomes less effective if it is possible to remove the system. to a higher level to ensure its interaction with a larger system, in particular there are military-industrial complexes, the military structure on the one hand , the entire economy and society, the state on the other hand, then the exchange of personnel, technologies, ideas, processes will be much more effective , is especially important now the problem of personnel in the usa, in other countries,
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including ours, that is, qualified personnel, they need in some kind of environment... to grow up , to be able to move, to develop, but business is still a risk, well, this is inherent in entrepreneurship, in the military sphere, what are the limits of taking risks when making certain management decisions, on the one hand, large public funds are allocated, and you ultimately need to get, for example, some kind of weapons system, at the same time, there are no bold decisions without risk , no risk there are no such thing as brave people.
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the quality and quantity of weapons probably plays a completely decisive role, even more so than before, where is the balance, there is it, so as not to collapse, well, you know, the balance is still associated with individual cycles, including rearmament programs, therefore sometimes the military-industrial complex and expenditure on it grow, sometimes they decrease, simply based on the fact that you need to generally update the funds you have, a very important point when iznhower said this, undoubtedly very well-known, now very popular in the states phrase: you need to understand that he... said, he uttered the term military industrial complex, and he did not mean what we mean by the military-industrial complex, but he meant the unjustified fusion of the military and industrial.
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try to generalize what has changed as much as possible, and what, on the contrary, has remained unchanged, it should be noted that the weapons systems that are now in use were in many ways, which means... their development in the sixties and seventies, on a number of issues, in principle, was have been achieved optimal indicators that no longer need to be developed, for example, you can
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recall fighter-interceptors, for example, the soviet mik-25, it is the highest altitude, the fastest, but in principle, you know, things don’t go further, because the request for more fast high-altitude aircraft, it is simply absent, it is not necessary in the context of the introduction of modern conflicts, can we say that now there is some kind of military-political system in the world. defense, there is industrial and military, which, well, to one degree or another is a model, that’s what you need to navigate, good question, china, the usa, there, i don’t know, i’ll give you a hint, russia, rather there is no unambiguous standard, because the experience of one country cannot be transferred painlessly to another, conditionally, as if the americans have a lot of success. in achieving advantages, but no one else has such a volume of resources, and the chinese system, it also demonstrates enormous success in many
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directions, but it is also not flawless, there are specific countries, they have a specific set of resources, interests, their own strategic and geographical location, and management model, including national and social. the success or failure of certain decisions depends on this combination, and simply taking and transferring, for example, the american or chinese or russian experience without regard to some other country can lead to extremely disastrous consequences. do you agree? yes, i completely agree, because copying some experience into a pure one, we have had similar attempts in certain areas of our activities in the country, but this does not work, because after all, every experience is individual. well, then we wish the new minister success, he has something to do. thank you very much, our guests were sergey kislitsin and prokhar tepin.
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12:00 am
the strategic partnership between moscow and beijing is not directed against anyone. its goal is to create better conditions for the development of our countries and improve the well-being of the peoples of russia and china. these are words.


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