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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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where, in fact, the plan for our future life and the fight against such a problem as antibiotic resistance is announced, yeah, that’s resistance, well, again, if it’s just a copy of the latin, if i understand correctly, yes, this is resistance, confrontation, that is, what we’re talking about here about the fact that if in relation to medical things, in relation to antibiotics, and we are talking about the fact that viruses adapt, resistance is more precise.
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then alexander fleming identified the problem of possible antibiotic resistance in irrational use of this drug. the medical community was intoxicated with success, but within 10 years, by 1950 , the phenomenon of some strains and microorganisms that had lost their former self began to be described for the first time.
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institutional cooperation on monitoring antibiotic resistance, this shows, so to speak, the severity of the problem, which includes for a moment the secretary-general of the world health organization, the deputy secretary-general of the united nations, this is a monitoring group antibiotic resistance and interaction with health authorities of the world...
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health organization, in general, this is really an extremely pressing problem for many countries of the world, by the way, not only for russia, very interesting studies have been carried out that show that people who use antibiotics on their own, 93% of them practically make this decision themselves, and more than 50% of them do not know about this...
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immediately an antibiotic, and i, if i understand correctly, this is generally an extreme measure, and then it is necessary from them, from the antibiotics themselves, well, roughly speaking, the antibiotics themselves, they can cause a number of significant side effects, effects on the intestinal microbiota, which is associated with a lot of physiological processes in the body, side effects on the liver, gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract, sometimes quite severe... complications from the cardiovascular system, that is, in some cases we see direct toxic effects of antibacterial drugs. igor gennadievich, these are the most interesting mechanisms, of course, there are a huge number of mechanisms of this resistance of microorganisms, this is a whole kingdom, a whole universe, each, probably, adapts in its own way at different speeds, for some, maybe in a year everything will become ashes, the drugs are going, maybe somewhere 10-15 years, that’s the scale here. as a rule
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, two main mechanisms for the development of resistance are modification of the biological target and changes.
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4-5 years, in some places this process is more extended, but as a rule, within a decade the generation of a bacterial substrate can be updated, so much so that the previous effective antibiotic until now becomes ineffective and even useless, that is , they worked, worked, huge grants for production, absolutely right, exactly.
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be about 30 billion dollars, sometimes this is the, so to speak, cost of introducing a new product, developing a drug, its so -called half-life, can be 5-7 years, and therefore the development of new antibacterial drugs often becomes simply impractical, of course, here in your scientific practice, how often do you encountered? with such resistant ones, unfortunately, we are faced with this problem, conducting, for example, morning rounds in the intensive care unit at the department, which is based in a number of medical institutions and the department of health of the city of moscow and federal
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institutions, we, unfortunately , are increasingly seeing such patients , whose disease is associated with a bacterial component. specific corresponding resistance to available antibiotics. but most often, igor gennadievich, what diseases are resistant? of course, pathogens of pneumonia, for example, wow, these are some wound infections, which is why, for example, the introduction of such a simple tool as vaccination against the same pneumococcus is becoming.
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and there was data that recently we could face approximately 5 million deaths per year directly related to
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antimicrobial resistance, and antibiotic resistance, by 2050, if we...
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it was shown that annual influenza vaccination,
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this is the campaign that is being carried out today, yes, this is a reliable tool, at least to prevent 11 million cases of unjustified use of antibiotics, this is a very important tool for prevention, well, vaccination against bacterial infections, for example, against pneumococcus.
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it’s clear, igor gennadievich, well , very interesting pictures are emerging, but i would say not very positive overall, that’s your opinion, but what should we do then, that is , if our antibiotics really, well, not that they compromise themselves, but so to speak , you have to squeeze them into frames, but how well, first of all, it seems to me that it should
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be very important here that the doctor’s information work is organized. reserve, which in no case should be used as first-line antibacterial drugs, this phasing, duration of the course, compliance with the instructions and doses of use for a specific disease must be strictly observed, there is such a very
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interesting tool as a bacteriophage, which by no means... should be considered as an alternative to antibiotics, but as a significant aid in overcoming, among other things, the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, this product can be used, i want to tell you that the ussr, at one time, was the leader in the production of bacteriophages, which were successfully used in hospital burn wound infections for the treatment of pneumonia when...
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the body is formed the most so-called individual approach to the treatment of a specific bacterial infection, as a possible tool for overcoming antibiotic resistance in particular, and of course, and of course this is a concern for our own health, these are preventive measures, this is vaccination, this is... and the absence of bad habits, everything that preserves our natural immunity at a certain level, sufficient to reliably resist, including bacterial infection, and in general the popularization of a healthy lifestyle, physical education classes, mass sports, these are the tools that,
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as it turns out, lie quite close to the surface, if i understand correctly. in the soviet union there is such a strategic doctrine of the ministry of health, it is somehow more was to warn, that very preventative, preventive direction, health, health conservation, as you see the future of resistance, now we have such a picture, well, a truthful one, better, as they say, the bitter truth than a sweet lie, pictures not very... pleasant, well, although how we live, thank god, but here it is, something about future resistance, how do you assess it? the problem of resistance, it will not go away, because the evolution of microorganisms occurs , including what happened, as shown the research is relevant, even without any
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antibiotics, well, you can’t interfere with nature then, and antibiotics only accelerated and aggravated this process. and in this sense, by the way, the world health organization has declared the problem of antibiotic resistance as one of the ten global threats to humanity. let me remind you, by the way, that the number of deaths from problems associated with proven antibiotic resistance already today exceeds the number of deaths from hiv and malaria combined throughout the world. that's if. so say, put these numbers in your ear, you understand the volume of the disaster, and therefore here is the strategy that was developed by the federal regulator, which... formed the basis of the action plan, and approved by the government of the russian federation, the ministry of health, and other departments, it
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allows you to build a series very important, point-by-point measures aimed at combating antibiotic resistance. antibiotics are used not only in healthcare, but also in agriculture, animal feed, this is the use. a portioned piece of chicken, in fact, well, we don’t have 100% absolutely objective information about what this chicken was fed, what was included in the feed that these broiler chickens received, which then ended up on our table.
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communicate with medicines, honored doctor of russia, doctor of medical sciences igor nikitin answered scientific questions today. igor gennadvich, thank you very much, it was a very interesting conversation, thank you, pavel! attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all debts we conveniently repay credit cards within 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment plans.
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12:58 am
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looks, well, how do they look? looks like this there are so many different things there, a surprise, of course, that’s it, 10 out of 10, a brilliant choice, it will be interesting for everyone, we’ll meet in the future, tell me when 100 years from now.
1:00 am
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