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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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this place was called lithium valley; element number three in the menderev table itself was called white gold. giant deposits of heavy metal were discovered at a depth of 2.5 km under the salty salton lake. extraction is planned using geothermal energy, this is a new technology, on paper without harm to the environment. lithium mining could become an economic engine for the entire region, with high-paying jobs, especially given the drought that could lead to cuts.
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building, garbage on the streets, hard to fit in one of the poorest in the state, abandoned to the standards of prosperous california as the world's fifth-largest economy. i heard that there will be a plant, i don’t know the details, but my son says that i should sell the house and get out of here before mining starts.
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california, usa. after advertising about war and economics, interesting news and historical ones.
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let's translate it from clerical to understandable. it's not so scary if you have instructions. i have been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to
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meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny. bright, exhibition russia has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. a new government has been formed in russia, as always after the president takes office. the most unexpected appointment was the minister of defense, andrei belousov, until recently. deputy prime minister, a major macroeconomist, who has always dealt with economic issues. there is no military success without economic support, especially today, when every military campaign takes on the character of a complex confrontation. but still, a civilian defense minister from the economic
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bloc continues to raise eyebrows. let's talk with two wonderful guests: sergei kislitsin heads the institute of the usa and canada of the russian academy of sciences, and prokhar tebin works. at the higher school of economics. hello, sergey, hello, prokhor, well, the fact that war is such a very complex multi-component economic complex, we in general probably understand, especially in modern times, and this has been known for a long time, but now, given the scope of the confrontation, it seems that this complex is acquiring some kind of colossal character in terms of the amount of money and in general, what kind of boss, what kind of leader is needed for this? if we now step back from specific personnel, sergei, well , in general, the military complex as a whole and any ministry of defense is a part of society that accumulates a significant part of the state’s budgetary funds, respectively the military, based on their training in what they do their business, just like
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arms manufacturers, are, in principle, not too focused on issues efficiency, all this equipment that they use, which they produce and develop, respectively - civilian... some kind of leader who can direct these two mutual counter processes from the side of the military demand, from the supply side of the military-industrial complex, to in principle, it is necessary, since it can be interconnected with the general economic system of the country, which is critically important, it is clear, well, after all, well, it’s somehow more customary that the person occupying this position, let’s say, is mentally close here in the defense sector, or is it really something you can get over?
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was required: there was a war going on, or it first started, then flared up, suddenly a macroeconomist was in this position. robert mcnamara was born in 1916 in san francisco, he received a fundamental education. first
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at the university of berkeley in california, and then at harvard business school, where he later taught accounting. in 43-46 mcnamara served. in the us air force, worked in the office of statistical control and analyzed the effectiveness of strategic bombing during during the second world war, after the victory, he left headquarters with the rank of lieutenant colonel and was awarded the order of the legion of honor. together with his colleagues from the analytical department, he ends up in the management of the ford company. the bbc's 10-person analysis team was tasked with using statistical analysis to improve the company's position. mcnamara rose from planning manager to president. the success is so obvious that in sixty-one, president kennedy invites mcnamara. into his administration, he was offered the post of head of the treasury, but in he eventually became minister of defense.
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the group of advisors who followed him from ford inherited the nickname given to them there as wise guys. as minister, he tried to improve the efficiency of the bureaucratic mechanism with the help of new technologies. mcnomara was the first to apply systems analysis to public policy, which led to the emergence of. discipline such as political analysis. during the caribbean crisis of '62, he insisted on a blockade of the island, but advocated a peaceful resolution of the conflict with the ussr. even before the appearance of soviet missiles in cuba, he proposed moving from a strategy of massive retaliation to a flexible response. it was mcnomara who introduced the terms assured destruction and nuclear deterrence into the lexicon as key elements of the new strategy. after the death of john kennedy in november 63, he retained his post under lyndon
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johnson. makhnomar largely determined us strategy in the vietnam conflict. insisted on us intervention in laos and vietnam and the expansion of american presence in indo-china as opposed to beijing. on his initiative, the project “100,000. targeted program for recruiting conscripts into the army who previously did not fit into the requirements” appeared. the shell of private homer kucha was not supposed to become a soldier in principle, but in the end he killed
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the company sergeant major and committed suicide. by the end of 1965, mcnamara began to realize the futility of further us military efforts; in may 1967, he presented a memorandum to president johnson, in which he indicated that the war in vietnam was being lost at the political level, and six months later left the post of minister of defense. he set a record of 7 years in office, then mcnamara served as president of the world bank for 13 years, dying in 2009 at the age of 93. in principle, if you look at the logic of president kennedy, he was generally more guided by the people he trusted, not based on what their initial preparation was, in principle, by his inner circle, just in a conversation with the president when he invited mcnomara to actually head the ministry of defense, he said that i’m not ready, and i don’t have
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any specialized work experience, to which the president answered him, you know, we don’t have a school for training ministers of defense at all, by the way, we don’t have a school for training presidents either, we all learn this in process of work, here are the results of this reign, long by the pentagon, they ultimately turned out at a distance, they are assessed positively or not in many ways, it is generally accepted that mcnomara is one of the most... successful one of the most famous american defense ministers, i would be in this completely not agreed, there are a number of other people who were no less successful, perhaps more useful for american politics, in particular kasparuinberger or harald brown, mcnamara, he achieved a lot, he introduced procedures and processes of strategic management in the american state defense order, significantly contributed to development. american nuclear forces, the exit of the world, in particular the united states and the soviet union, from the most
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dangerous situations, actively, in particular, the hawks from among the top military leadership opposed it, but he absolutely at the same time, he is an ambiguous figure; in particular, it is with him that the us involvement in the vietnam war, which, as we know, brought enormous human costs, is largely connected.
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is it applicable anywhere else? the pentagon positions itself as one of the players in the market , firstly, confirms this, and secondly, labor in the united states, in principle, in their strategic documents that are related to personnel policy, it is stated that we should consider ourselves as another company, competing in the market along with such giants like ibm, apple and so on. yes,
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since the struggle for highly qualified engineers, it, of course, still requires a significant investment in understanding where people are going. and even more so, if you come to work at the ministry of defense, this means that some certain restrictions are imposed on you in terms of secrecy and so on, this requires some additional incentives for employees who may consider such an opportunity, that is this is a question of, well, roughly speaking, poaching personnel from civil and private sectors of the state military, of course, of course, and this is an american specificity or is it applicable there in china, somewhere else there is competition, the americans have a lot of their own specifics, but... you need to understand that now the civilian sector of the economy, it much more military, which is significantly different from what was there conventionally 100 years ago, and any system, if it is closed within itself, it becomes less effective if it is possible to bring the system to a higher level to ensure its interaction with the larger system, in particular there are
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military-industrial complexes, the military structure, on the one hand, the entire economy and society, the state. on the other hand, the exchange of personnel, technologies, ideas, processes will be much more effective, now the problem of personnel is especially important in the usa, in other countries, including ours, that is, qualified personnel, they need to grow up in some environment to be able to move, develop, business is still a risk, well, it’s built into it entrepreneurship in the military sphere. what are the limits to taking risks when making certain management decisions? on the one hand , large government funds are allocated, and in the end you need to get, for example, some kind of weapons system, at the same time, there are no bold decisions without risk, there are no bold new technologies, breakthroughs without risk, there are no mistakes development, so the truth
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is somewhere, here is a combination, here is president esenhow, with whom mcnamara did not work. known at the end of his tenure, such a passionate appeal not to follow the lead of the military-industrial complex, because if it turns out that all politics will be subordinated only to its interests, on the one hand this is understandable, on the other hand, now the military-industrial complex, the quality and quantity of weapons probably plays a completely decisive role, also even more than before, where is the balance, there is it, so as not to fall, well, you know, the balance is still connected with individual cycles, including programs.
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okay, if we digress a little from the specific period of that, if we compare the military-industrial sphere and the military sphere, well let's say.
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it is the highest altitude, the fastest, but in principle, you see, things don’t go further, because the request for faster high-altitude aircraft is simply not there, it is not necessary in the context of the introduction of modern conflicts. can we say that now in the world there is some kind of military-political system, defense, industrial and military, which is, to one degree or another, a model, which is what we need to focus on. good question, china, usa.
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flawlessly, there are specific countries, they have a specific set of resources, interests, their own strategic and geographical location, and management model, including the national, social one, the success or failure of certain decisions depends on this combination, and it ’s easy to take and transfer, for example, the american experience or the chinese or russian recklessness.
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on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing. puyi appeared in the northeast not by accident. all this was planned in advance by the japanese. he was a real japanese puppet. mass killings of civilians then occurred throughout nanjing. exactly russia and china paid the greatest price for this common victory of humanity, and this gives us a special right not to give, to rewrite
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history. this newsreel was captured by soviet soldiers in august 1945. 1224, i'm absolutely delighted, i'm amazed, very cool, informative, i just love children, this is unreal, an unreal movie, this is right
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on the level, this is a childhood story, this is a bone from the future, a film from the future, from the future to the past, from the past to the future, once again, i understood correctly, the future, yes, music, graphics, i liked the humor, i'm from my parents...
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wait, who are they, newbies, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i'm a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, adam, me, and why adam, and not adam, a chechen, i, an artist, a white rose, can you, i can, will you sing somehow, am i still alive, we don’t need names, don’t
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bother her, go.
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we look, look in the application or on the website.
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vladimir putin described his visit to china as productive and content-rich. the president summed up the results at a press conference. row issues related to resolution.


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