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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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[000:00:47;00] vladimir putin described his visit to china as productive and rich in content. the president summed up the results at a press conference. a number of questions related to the resolution of the ukrainian crisis. the russian leader emphasized that
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moscow, in contrast. kiev has never refused negotiations; putin called the agreements reached in istanbul in the spring of 2022 the real basis for them. the president also commented on the progress of the northern military district, including the state of affairs in the kharkov direction. all today's authorities in kiev and their source of origin have a coup d'etat, allowing a coup d'etat, and western sponsors. helping him, by organizing him, created the conditions for the transition of a smoldering conflict into an armed conflict, they are to blame for this, they are trying to shift the blame from a sore head to a healthy one and place the blame on russia for today’s tragic events, but this is the result of their policy. as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, this is also their fault, because they
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fired. unfortunately, they continue to shell residential areas of the border territories, including belgorod, well , civilians are dying there, it’s still obvious that they are shooting right in the city center, in residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone, here we are and we do. as for kharkov, there are no such plans today. vladimir putin spent the second and final day of his state visit to china in harbin, where he visited the russian-chinese expo exhibition. it presents innovative developments and large-scale projects that open up new prospects for cooperation. anna lazareva will talk about the economic component of the visit. sanctions are a topic that is relevant for both russia and china, which is also subject to restrictions from a number of western countries. however, according to the russian president, the sanctions policy
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is direct. production - said the russian president. following the state visit, russia agreed with chinese automakers to increase localization. this also applies to vehicle components of platforms. at the same time, russian aurus cars may appear in the chinese market - said first deputy prime minister denis mantura. russia is ready to cooperate with china to create a long-range aircraft. the possibility of supplying russian aircraft engines for this project is being considered. implementation schedule for another creation project. the russian-chinese heavy helicopter are respected, well, in general , trade and economic relations between the countries are developing dynamically, last year trade turnover increased by more than a quarter, the chinese country puts the figure at $240 billion, this is an absolute record. ros problems in money transfers are slowing down, vladimir putin admitted. but in recent years, countries have been developing instruments that would not depend on unfriendly states; these are payments in national currencies.
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they already have a share in trade. in 90%. first of all, issues related to calculations, they are discussed at the level of participants in economic activity, a solution is possible. not, and, of course, they must be supported at the state level one way or another, i hope this will be the case, understand, understand, as it were, the motives for the behavior of large financial institutions are possible, but no one wants to suffer any losses in connection with illegal, even illegal, actions of the us authorities. the chinese economy is growing and requires energy resources and nothing more reliable than... there are no supplies from russia, said president vladimir putin. therefore, both parties to the negotiations confirmed their interest in implementing the power of siberia-2 project. it provides for the supply of up to 50 billion cubic meters of gas per year to china through mongolia from the resources of western siberia.
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by the way, according to vladimir putin, in one in the corridor with the power of siberia-2 gas pipeline , an oil pipeline from russia to china can also be laid. i'm
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not ready to say now. savings, vacuum waste removal, smart homes and even artificial intelligence in housing and communal services. the president also visited the stand of the russian direct investment fund. through rdif, russia and china have already financed 50 projects amounting to 780 billion rubles. 6,000 new jobs were created precisely by our new projects; they affect infrastructure, industry, and the financial sectors of education. i already talked about most, you know, for example, buzovsky avenue. it was also financed by chinese co-investors in industry; together with the ministry of agriculture and trade, we financed the pharmaceutical holding that produced the sputnik vaccine. among the new projects that are yet to be implemented are the construction of a terminal for the transshipment
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of liquefied hydrocarbon gases in the far east, the localization of production of innovative russian vaccines in china, and the creation of a joint cinema fund. over the past week , a unit of a group of russian troops. and the group’s subdivision is a populated center keramik point in the donetsk people's republic. troops of the north group occupied 12 settlements in the kharkov region and continue to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. the ministry of defense reported this today. margarta semenyuk will tell you more about the progress of the special military operation. the situation in the kharkov direction is being closely monitored. volchansk battles
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on the outskirts of the village of liptsy. complicated, the russian army is moving forward, our military repelled two counterattacks in the villages of staritsa and glubokaya, the militants lost 25 people, three tanks, two combat vehicles, polish self-propelled gun krap, goubitsa d-30 and rszzo grad. they defeated the formations of the nationalist krakin battalion of the foreign legion, manpower and equipment of the 125th territorial defense brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, the fifteenth border detachment in the areas of dergachi, leptsov and volchansk. the kiev authorities are trying to stabilize the front, they are drawing up reserves , they say: there are heavy battles ahead, they are strengthening the defensive lines with militants from other directions and mobilized ones. i was on my way to work, a car pulled up, they loaded me up, and i got caught
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service. how does this happen, that is , does it immediately take georgia away? yes, they took me to that place, they didn’t check the money there, look straight away to lvov. that's it, it's a hit. even the family didn't know? not. near kharkov. militants of the armed forces of ukraine surrender; in a week, 48 members of the armed forces of ukraine laid down their arms. we don't need this war, we want to return. igor konoshenkov, the official
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representative of the russian ministry of defense, announced this in his weekly briefing a week ago; he emphasized that our army continues to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. 21 counterattacks of assault groups of the armed forces were repelled ukraine in the areas of populated areas, deep, quiet and oxbow lake of the kharkov region. over the course of a week , enemy losses in this direction amounted to 1,175 military personnel, 10 tanks, 14 armored combat vehicles, and 45 vehicles. in the yuzhnodonetsk direction, the su-34 crew
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destroyed a stronghold and enemy personnel with fap-500 drops. worked from a great height with gliding bombs of 500 kg caliber, the task was completed. the southern group of troops is making progress; the fighters are moving forward, breaking through the enemy’s defenses. in a week in this direction, the enemy lost up to... vehicles, 55 vehicles, a combat vehicle, a grad multiple launch rocket system, 47 field artillery guns, of which 22 were foreign-made, three electronic warfare stations were also destroyed, nota and bukoveld, two counter-battery stations fight
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made in usa. with a machine gun from the volyn region is clearly not joking, threatening to fire a line at journalists and activists if they take even one more step towards the garage, where several potential predators are being forcibly detained. there are different things age men are sitting, both young and old, i then came here to the smoking room, there was one serviceman sweeping, i asked how long they had been kept here, he answered that for exactly two days, after the adoption of the new law on mobilization, ukrainian citizens have no rights, only duties to go die for the bloody regime of zelensky, the police did not help the hostages in the city, the officers arrived, walked through the territory, and did not find any violations. yes, people are sitting, we talked to them, they let us know that they
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like everything, no one is stopping them, so everyone likes to sit in dark garages or in the dungeons of military registration and enlistment offices, that on the streets of ukrainian cities they fight off the tetsekashniks as best they can, footage from odessa, a man is trying to push the nazoel military commissar out of the bus, i removed your hands, and what is the constitution of ukraine, i like , this is a rule-of-law state, but what are you
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doing here in this state? in the cherkasy region, deputies were invited to a meeting with the new military commissar, he greeted them and immediately handed them summons. at the honors of cherkasy rtsc captain hot, please ask. shteiman oleksandr petrovich. on may 18, a new law will come into force, according to which various enterprises of the institution will have to hand out summonses to their employees, and also monitor that they still reach the military registration and enlistment offices. from where they are unlikely to return later? the men are running out. country, here are the next shots from the polish-ukrainian border, a guy tried to cross it in a secret compartment of the bus. ukraine, shanovny, exit. men are running out, summonses are sent to women while they are in reserve, but military registration and enlistment offices there is no rush to visit. in mukachevo, a court
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fined a woman with a secondary medical education for failing to appear at a shopping center. she publicly repented, apologized, paid 5,100 hryvnia, more than ten. rubles, but there is no desire to go to the front, there are a lot of lost fighters, as evidenced by the huge number of photos on social networks. maria valieva and natalya ovarova, lead. the suspect in the assassination attempt on slovak prime minister robert fico will appear in court on may 18. the agencies reported this with reference to the investigation. urai about tsintula presented charged with attempted murder for political reasons. and, as the media write, searches have already been carried out in tsintula’s house. meanwhile, the wounded man's health condition still raises concerns. details about natalia solovyova. for three days in the intensive care unit at the hospital, where doctors are fighting for the life of robert fitz, the police, the press and ordinary citizens are still waiting for news. today, the prime minister underwent another operation; his condition is stable, but serious.
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this morning, for example , a computed tomography scan was performed, based on which the council decided to audit the patient. this is standard procedure. we removed the necrotic tissue that... russian extremists, and at the same time presented as an ardent fighter against violence, did not take into account one thing, tsintulov advocated military assistance to ukraine, and although he claimed that he did not plan to kill robert fitz, he was indoctrinated with left-liberal ideas and shot fitz for political reasons. reducing the degree of mutual
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hostility in society is now not an easy task, because in slovakia political passions are heated to the limit, they believe politicians and ordinary citizens. society is divided because of robert fitz and his party, they are dividing and radicalizing society and i think the assassination attempt is the result of all of this. i firmly believe that this is a warning sign, this is an attack on a state representative, and therefore it is an attack on all of us. we must understand that we cannot create such a hostile environment; both sides must somehow comprehend this. we must learn from what happened and find what
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unites us. if he gets better, he won't be able to work again a few months. about three weeks remain until the most important elections to the european parliament, which have already
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been called a clash of civilizations. in the 27 eu countries, the political landscape is so polarized that there is no room for compromise, and officials are afraid of far-right candidates. ash this press wonders whether the june vote can even take place without violence. in germany last week , mp martin schmidt was beaten and injured. from the party of chancellor scholz, he glued heads and necks. a week earlier, a candidate was wounded election leaflets. in belgium, a radio presenter suggested live on air that prime minister alexandre decroo should be shot. to everyone who is thinking about shooting alexander decroo but doesn't dare do it because of the guy's security. you see, the prime minister can be shot, so i'd say go ahead. the radio station has already apologized to the journalist whose joke was not funny. statements to the court. all publications, including on social networks, will now be monitored more closely by the police. natalya solovyova and
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evgenia zemtsova. news. mikhail mishustin approved the distribution of responsibilities between his deputies. a detailed list is published on the government website. thus, first deputy prime minister denis manturov is assigned, among other things, to the implementation of programs for the development of the nuclear, rocket and space, shipbuilding, aviation and radio-electronic industries, state defense procurement, as well as digitalization in these industries. tatyana golikovo’s responsibility has been transferred to the federal agency for national affairs, and she will also continue to be responsible for social issues. digital development and communications, the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies, as well as antimonopoly policy are under the coordination of deputy prime minister and chief of staff of the government dmitry grigorenko. alexander novak remains in charge of energy; at the same time, he is now also the curator of the economic block; alexei overchuk retains the tasks of coordinating state policy in the field of integration in the eurasian space.
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use of natural resources protection. the transport block is assigned to vitaly sovelyev, deputy prime minister, presidential plenipotentiary envoy in the far eastern federal district yuri trutnev, will continue to be responsible for the far east and the arctic, oversee the activities of the ministry of eastern development, and oversee issues of state housing policy with khusnulin. in addition, he is responsible for construction. urban planning activities in the sphere of land relations. lead by dmitry chernyshenko, transferred general and secondary vocational education, as well as youth policy. behind him remains the tourism industry, the sphere of mass media communications, physical education, sports, and interaction with religious organizations. the development project in the volgograd region was discussed today by governor andrei bacharov and first deputy head of sberbank alexander vidyakhin. over the past year and a half. the region has already concluded four cooperation agreements with sber, thanks to which opportunities are created for training it specialists, support
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for research and innovation work, as well as improvement of urban infrastructure. new technologies, including using artificial intelligence they help solve problems in the financial sector, industry, agro-industrial complex and other sectors. also, among the key areas of interaction is the development of infrastructure for children and youth. which you set for everyone, and the tasks are very simple, so that citizens in the volgograd region can live better, so that they
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can receive the best services, social services, medical, educational and so on. the rich have their own quirks, they wanted to have fun in the forest and even if the grass didn’t grow. in as a result of their indiscriminate shooting , dozens of animals die. poor elk,
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there is no supervision as such; the animal has no control left. they are sure that they have everything covered and paid for, complaints such as how the illegal business of shooting wild animals is organized, poaching, but basically it’s all hunting from the roads, it’s just murder, yes, who has already been caught poaching, all participants established crimes, including officials, i hope you today without a gun, with a gun, how many specifically have you killed out of twenty, not yet. that it just looks like some kind of atrocity, we took up this matter and conducted
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our investigation. welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats, and you don’t change at all, you missed me, baby, the fate of the milky way planet and thirteen, thirteen, thirteen galaxies in
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our hands, 100 years. so go ahead. new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can , you’ll sing somehow, you’re alive, we don’t need names, it’s not a trosh, or what, not a trosh, not yours, well, you, chamomile, god’s light, what to do, commander, passenger’s call sign, i suggest changing the passenger’s call sign to rebin’s call sign, no , i’ll love my brother, you remain a passenger,
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that’s for sure. hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you and this is the typical novorosiya program, ours. the name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its day present, find typical features and recognizable signs of the past. and that's what we'll talk about


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