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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is a typical novorossiya program, our name is everything.
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news from the fields of novorossiya: will agriculture be able to replace mines and factories? conversation with a program expert. eightieth anniversary of the liberation of sevastopol from the nazis. a holiday with a special atmosphere. spring is the time of field work, in novorussia it is in full swing. despite the fact that canada is often heard, it works in the sky. it is traditionally believed that donbass is a region of coal and iron, here are the fields of wheat and sunflower, this mainly zaporozhye and kherson regions, but in today's conditions many of the realities of yesterday are changing. this year in the lugansk people's republic there will be 615 living areas. more than half (32,000) will go away. the new ones, the rest, about 290 thousand,
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will be sown with industrial crops, these are sunflower, rabsk, corn and soybeans. in total, with the liberation of the northern regions of the lpr, there are now more than 1 million hectares of agricultural land here, this is not much less than in the kherson region, there are 1.3000. record holder - zaporozhye, more than 1.5 million hectares. in the dpr, where the most active and heaviest fighting is currently taking place, for. they sow three times less area than in the lugansk people's republic, only about 200,000 hectares. last year, about 4 million tons of grain were harvested in novorossiya and donbass. at first glance, this is not much, less than 5% of the country’s total harvest, which was again a record, about 143 million tons. however, no matter how difficult the conditions may be today.
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support, we are talking about making agriculture a basic industry for the economy of new regions. one of the main problems of novorossiya, what to sow in its fields. over the years of ukrainian farming , many genetically modified crops and low- quality grain were grown on these lands, which did not meet russian standards. in the kherson and... in the zaporozhye
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regions, where the lion's share of the novorossiya harvest is harvested, they will switch to grain of russian selection, it will be supplied from the crimea, where this process has already been completed, record harvests have been collected there for 2 years in a row, which before that were only seen under the soviet union, and this is all, unlike the soviet era, with extreme tense situation with irrigation. about what is happening now in the fields of novorossiya in the story of anna efimova. seeds are pouring out as if from a cornucopia, but this is a foundation for the future harvest. for donbass farmers, work is in full swing. the soil is plowed and sown with crops to which this land has been accustomed for centuries. each farm sets ambitious goals for itself. to sow 300 hectares of barley, 400 corn and 1500 sunflowers on time and... this is to do everything on time and
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with high quality. in the lpr, where about 98% of the territories have been liberated, winter crops have been sown for the current crop year increased by more than 20%, where before. there were battles in the troetsky, svatovsky and kremensky districts, today they are sowing grain. the republic provides them not only for itself, but also for the large russian market. all conditions are created for productive work as a farmer. on the territory of the republic, a socio-economic development program is being implemented, within the framework of which our farmers are provided with direct subsidies that reimburse part of the costs they incurred for the production of main types of products. moreover, last season a mechanism for preferential short-term lending has been launched; these are preferential borrowed funds that are used to purchase basic material and technical resources, seeds, fertilizers, fuel, and also this is the acquisition
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on preferential terms of leasing, agricultural machinery and equipment. under these preferential programs, farms in new regions purchase self-propelled sprayers. machines, agricultural complexes and special equipment, thanks to which agricultural work becomes economically more efficient, for example, here such modern kirovets tractors, specifically in this field , sunflowers have already been completely sown, this year, due to the abnormally warm spring, work began earlier, i worked with the old ones before, there was nothing like that at all, the equipment is convenient, we have about 38,000 hectares in our corporation winter for early grain crops - the sowing is over, peas, barley, we also have about 12,000 hectares, we have the preparations, we have the equipment, all the work is also going according to techno maps, planned plans, we are waiting for mercy from the sky, purely precipitation, this land
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has been cultivated for centuries despite the vagaries of nature , and despite the myths of ukrainian historiography about the horrors of collectivization, the beginning of the great domestic donbass was not yet... the call of the party to work on collective farms identified 25 thousand workers, of whom thousands of leading communists were sent by the donetsk district party organization artyomovsky district 1020, lugansk 770. the name of proskovya angelina, a shock leader of the stakhanov movement during the years of the first five-year plans, thundered throughout the entire union. we are the smell.
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village fications. during the war, naturally, the agricultural sector, especially in ukraine, suffered colossal losses. well, suffice it to say that according to the emergency commission, which assessed the damage from the german occupation, for example, the pork herd decreased from 22 to 3 million heads. can you imagine, right? a comparison of photographs taken twenty years ago and color frames taken now from the same points clearly shows how they have transformed. land. the post-war restoration of agriculture became a task of national importance, to which all efforts were devoted. perhaps the most ambitious project was stalin's plan for the transformation of nature, which included, among other things, the massive planting of forest belts to protect against dry winds. the result was not long in coming. already at
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that time, grain yields in the fields increased by an average of 25-30%. vegetables by 50-75%. they still live on this soviet baggage. here are investments, but people in new regions, in the conditions in which they live, well, they need income, but here now. donbass has other equally pressing tasks, for example, demining farmland, many of which just yesterday were in the so -called gray zone, now these lands
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are actively returning to circulation. over the past year, we have exchanged a little more than 5.00 hectares there, and we are introducing them into agricultural rotation; in total, we still have the next ones to be introduced into production . increase production volumes today we are part of greater russia and our harvest is part of the total harvest, this is part of the overall victory of our country, so the dpr plans to enter the top ten regions that ensure food security for the entire russia has great prospects, and for this it needs to ensure its own security, our army is actively working on this in all regions of new russia. anna efimova, valery savelyev, anastasia popova, typical novorossiya.
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we will discuss how agriculture will develop in new regions and what its prospects are with our regular expert, political scientist rastislav ishchenko. rastislav, good afternoon. good afternoon. rastislav, many years of ukrainian shelling have caused serious damage to the industry of donbass. in the same time agriculture suffered much less. plus there is also... zaporozhye and kherson, do you think, can agricultural production in donbass and novorossiya become a new engine of industry in these territories? well, i think that it should become such an economic locomotive for them for a certain period. firstly, if we simply even objectively assess the situation, then... in industry, the consequence is that production is easy
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to destroy, difficult to create, it is necessary to build buildings, import factories in the form of machines, equipment, conveyor belts, acquire or create technologies that correspond to the time, if an enterprise has not worked for 10 years or even five, then you can have a high degree of confidence, even if it is not destroyed, it will be difficult to restore its operation, here is the land. the same means of production, but it is very difficult to take it out of circulation, in such situations, like now in the donbass, and, it becomes obvious, a means of giving people work, firstly, in agriculture it makes it possible to quickly fill the budget, including regional, i'm not even talking about state-owned, requires a minimum of initial investments in order to start running a business, and it is not necessary, for example, that the equipment must be new or supernova.
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creating a new business. one of the most serious problems of agriculture in
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novorossiya is that it needs to be brought up to russian standards, because the grain that has been put into the seed fund since ukrainian times is usually of low quality, many crops have genetically modified changes, and why this was the case in ukraine, why is it so low the quality of... ukrainian seed grain and , in general, so to speak, standards of work in the agricultural industry. ukraine declared its intention to join the eu and generally join the west, and in all coordinate systems, including in the field of agriculture. this means that the west set certain standards, that is, it had certain requirements. besides everything.
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was too weak for this, ukrainian agricultural producers needed lobbyists, which is why practically the basis of ukrainian agriculture farms are large latifundia that are controlled by global, mainly american, partly european agricultural holdings, accordingly, they set the standard, that is, knowing which market they would send this grain to, these are mainly african markets, third world markets, respectively, they were low standards, i think that just restandardization will not cause any special problems, russia has already experienced this, because in russia there was also a period when
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western agricultural holdings dominated in agriculture, and they were simply ousted help...
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may is a special month for crimea, 80 years ago, at the end of april, beginning of may, the liberation of the peninsula from the nazi invaders continued. in the flourishing crimea there were fierce battles. by the spring of 1944, seven
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romanian and five german divisions were stationed on the peninsula. in total there are more than 2000 military personnel in the crimean. did an excellent job, breaking through the enemy’s defensive fortifications was not easy, but the soviet soldiers and commanders were no longer the same as in the first days of the war, experienced, well-armed, and in numbers superior to the enemy, in 4 days they defeated the german defenses and reached sevastopol. on may 9, 1944,
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the city of russian glory was liberated. after 80 years, sevastopol in... again lives in tension, drone attacks and missile strikes from the ukrainian armed forces are often repelled here, yet the anniversary of the liberation of the city is a holiday that nothing can cancel, about the special atmosphere in the city of russian glory, in the plot olga mokhova. 112 thousand inhabitants of sevastopol at the start of the war. on the day of his release. long 22 german occupiers rampaged through the city for months. during this time, they took about 45 thousand civilians and prisoners of war to forced labor in germany, and in sevastopol itself they shot, hanged, and drowned more than 27 thousand people in the bays. in the documents of the nörberg trial there are even
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documents on the question of why they treated... the city so cruelly, the answer is written in this version, this is their retribution for the fact that they defended the city with such despair. soviet commanders prepared carefully for the crimean offensive operation long since december 1943 of the year. the talent of our combat commanders was evident in assessing enemy positions and choosing the direction for delivering the main attack. the germans, trying to maintain control over the black sea, lined up. there are powerful engineering barriers, minefields, numerous pillboxes and bunkers. the military-political leadership of germany considered the crimean peninsula as a springboard for an invasion of the caucasus. and then iran, india, crimea, initially, yes, a lot of national, but hitler for some reason believed that the main population was once there
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goths. the gotts are the ancestors of the germans, which means crimea should be a recreational and tourist area for the german rin nation. the liberation of sevastopol, like the entire crimean operation, is an example of the incredible fortitude of soviet soldiers, which made it possible to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles, such as, for example, construction... well, 6-8 km, this allowed us to redeploy the nineteenth tank corps from the crimean isthmus, then along sevash. two attempts by the red army to liberate
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sevastopol immediately were unsuccessful, a regrouping of forces, additional ammunition and fuel were required. from the southeast, the approaches to the city were reliably protected by sapun mountain. a stone ridge 8 km long and a little more than 200 m high. the germans expected an assault from the north. but our people decided to attack the mountain, that’s how far i walked, nowhere did the germans have such a fortress as sapun mountain, when they stormed sapun mountain, all our fellow villagers were in this assault, my father said that it was very scary, it was very, you know, this, well, well, a person should not endure this horror, we walked through these germans, through our dead, everyone climbed up, up, up, up, it was hard for ours. karp and ivan yatsunenko, a father and his twenty-year-old son, met for an instant during the battle almost at the very top. the commander's order came to hoist
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the banner on the ridge of the sapun mountain, but the standard bearer fell, struck by an enemy bullet. and my father picked up this banner, his father shouted, son, go ahead, he just said, don’t put your head under the bullets. father hoisted the banner, but at that moment a shell exploded, and he was concussed and lost consciousness. hero star found ivan yatsunenko only in 1954; until that time he was considered dead on sapun mountain, although he ended the war in vienna. the liberation of sevastopol came at a very high cost to the red army, but the enemy lost much more. in addition, soviet aviation and artillery did not give up to the enemy. ships to evacuate from crimea. military correspondents of the newspaper pravda, in the article storming of sevastopol, described how they met a tired, wounded soldier on the day of liberation. and he
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told them. i'm thinking about one thing now. if we knock on the gates of berlin like this, they will open without keys. the joy that day was such that the soldiers staged an unauthorized fireworks display in the center of sevastopol. and the then commandant of the city, general kolomeets, reported to his command: i can’t do anything with them, they salute with their hearts. and moscow saluted sevastopol that day; in 1965, when the valiant city was awarded the title of hero, a victory parade was held here for the first time. and since then they have always been special here. veteran liberators of all military units gathered on day 9 may, in a festive column, the banners of glory of all seven units that liberated the city were raised on sapon mountain. you know, when this column walked through the center of the city, such a melodic ringing was heard, this was the ringing of orders and
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medals that were on the jackets, on the uniforms of these people, and people, children, older people brought them flowers, mostly it was ours sevastopol lilac. this year, for security reasons , mass events and parades and processions of the immortal regiment were canceled in the city, but from every sevastopol window they looked at portraits of those who loved his city very much and conquered it from the enemy, and in the courtyards of sevastopol veterans , right under the balconies of the front-line soldiers , honor guard companies and young army soldiers marched. according to the writer leonid sobolev , the rocks of the sea remained until the sun, and the immortal glory that would revive this pile of stones, and so it happened, sevastopol was restored by
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february 1950 of the seventh year, and the exploits of the sevastopol residents, their selfless courage and dedication, will live on for centuries. these words are engraved on the granite slabs of the memorial. the heroic defense of sevastopol, which opened on the main square of the city in 1967 . olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelelev, typical novorossiya. that's all we wanted to talk about. today, kirill vyshinsky was with you, see you soon.
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hello, this is the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i, vladimir nesterov. we will talk about new laws and legislative initiatives and how they become part of our lives. strengthening the development of regional potential and defending the interests of our residents countries. about key events right now.
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new political cycle. for the country , consultations were held in the federation council on the candidates proposed by the president for the positions of heads of federal executive bodies. obviously, from the leaders of all.


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