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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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hello, this is the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i, vladimir nesterov, we will talk about new laws and legislative initiatives and how they become part of our lives. strengthening and developing the potential of regions and defending the interests of the residents of our country. about key events right now. a new political cycle for the country. the federation council held consultations on the candidates proposed by the president for leadership positions. not only
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self-realization and decent income, but also a comfortable life. the task of the state is radically improve the quality of life of people in rural areas. each of our villages, towns, villages, no matter how many people live there, is our absolute priority. development issues, what decisions were made based on the results of the first all-russian forum "rural workers". as part of the resolution, a key place will be given to filling the comprehensive program for the development of rural areas with real rubles, full rubles. achieving sovereignty in the high technology segment, a center of competence and the development of domestic software. what are the challenges? by the thirtieth year, 80% of domestic enterprises must switch to russian software.
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instructions, on each of them we are already actively interacting with colleagues, we will develop cooperation in the same business-like, mutually respectful manner that has developed between the federation council and the cabinet of ministers, and of course, obviously, from leaders at all levels today. candidates proposed by the president for the positions of heads of federal executive bodies in charge of issues of defense, state security, internal affairs, justice, foreign affairs, public safety, prevention.
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cooperation within the framework of brix and the sco actively support other integration processes in the vastness of eurasia. the president proposed the candidacy of andrei belousov for the post of minister of defense, speaking in the federation council, at that time still a candidate, and outlined
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priority tasks. he noted that in the context of a special military operation , equipping the fighters with everything necessary remains among the important issues, including providing them with the most modern equipment. drones, ammunition, means of communication and personal protection, we have a huge range of issues in this part for each area, there are monthly plans, but implementation requires literally daily and even hourly activation, being in constant communication, this is the first, second, the enemy learns quickly, the situation associated with ... the use of new technologies changes literally weekly, we need to not only learn to follow, we need to anticipate the enemy, and here , together with the general staff, well, actually this work has been established, but it also requires
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everyday inclusion, it is necessary to generalize the experience of using new technologies and, accordingly , develop new forms of management, new methods of management.
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the ambitious program is called the five seas. this is a major investment project, thanks to which vacation spots will be organized on the coast of the caspian, baltic, azov, black and japanese seas, as well as lake baikal. since the azov sea became our inland sea, the necessary infrastructure, including transport and logistics, has been created in new regions. this is the important part their integration into the single economic space of the country. we will talk about the modernization of the road network in the zaporozhye region with the senator from the region dmitry vorona. dmitry nikolaevich, hello, the zaporozhye region has been part of russia for a year and a half, speaking about the restoration of the modernization of transport and logistics infrastructure, one cannot help but ask the question about the roads, what condition they were in, what now? unfortunately, of course, we have received a disgusting legacy and today
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we have to literally repair move, because we do not have the right to stop traffic on key highways simply for the convenience of our citizens. the main road of life, our land bridge, has already been brought to a more or less normal state, from the rostov region to the border with the republic of crimea, the government has already received one... armyansk towards the kherson region, together with our colleagues we are considering these arteries as the completion of the exit . our route, our land bridge to taurida, materials are being worked out to expand this
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road, because today, unfortunately, in in most places, this is still a two-lane highway, one lane in each direction, with quite rare opportunities to pass each other or overtake freight transport, so of course its capacity is somewhat reduced due to some sections, say, in which it can be expanded and it can be brought into good shape. . condition, we are also engaged in repairing roads along the coast of the azov sea in order to start our holiday season, so that we can already invite our residents, well, first of all dpr, lpr, zaporozhye, kherson regions, our health resorts, in order to improve the health of children, quite serious repairs of roads are planned this year for the cities of our large zaporozhye region, around these cities and connecting them. the sea of ​​azov has become an internal sea of ​​russia, how it
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is used, how the port infrastructure is developing. we are already, let’s say, forming program documents now, because of course, i really like the approach of the russian federation as a whole, that everything is being done very thoroughly. the main problem of azov sea ​​is that ukraine has not dealt with this sea all these years and, unfortunately, this has led to an increase in salt levels. in this beautiful water body, today we are developing , first of all, scientific materials on how exactly it is possible to reduce the salt content of water, from the point of view of transport and logistics infrastructure, of course, to restore the activity of our port infrastructure, to establish economic and infrastructural connections between regions azov sea, because they are violated there were all cooperative ties between the port
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of mariupol, berdyansk and the rostov region, the krasnodar territory, the republic of crimea, now the next stage is solving the issues, and at all our meetings i raise the issue of resuming ferry service for passengers, cargo and passengers, so that people don’t have to travel along the entire coast of the azov sea, for example from krasnodar, to get to berdyansk, but what? we just sat down and within a few hours we were already on our territory, this is of course very convenient, i believe that this is a very important area that is worth developing, well, continuing the topic of tourism, i would like to discuss the five seas program within the framework of which resorts will be built in different regions that can receive a million tourists annually, and the zaporozhye region is also participating in the project, because this program, this includes jobs, tell us in more detail, what will be done? well, today this program is key in the development of the tourism
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industry, because it provides for development in the area of ​​​​the city of berdyansk, quite a large section of the coast, which amounts to hundreds, even thousands of hectares with a fairly large amount of investment, we are now telling the parameters of this project, because they are all quite preliminary, initial approval has already been received...
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which was built in zaporozhye, and accordingly for it completely produced components throughout the soviet union, and our city, melitopol , was a city of mechanical engineers, it remained so, unfortunately, cooperation ties were broken with large russian factories federation and our factories were reoriented to produce spare parts for korea, for the zaporozhye region, for the city of zaporozhye avtozas, cars. which were produced for germany, france, but today we are building these chains, turning them again in the right direction, in the right direction, establishing interaction with our auto giants, and this is kamaz, this is avtovaz, these are tractor manufacturers, rosselmash, and so on further, that is, today we are renewing
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all cooperative ties, and accordingly we we are starting a program of this today... this is replacing the present on the territory of the zaporozhye region, we want to enter the engineering cluster, at one of the meetings with the management of avtovaz, i invited them to visit the zaporozhye region, in the dpr, with colleagues, of course, we really want to get acquainted closer, communicate with the regional leadership, and we want to establish normal work on our supplies. just a short ad now, we'll be back soon, stay tuned.
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not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all the senses are heightened to the limit, happiness resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, go, i’ll come back for you, do you hear?
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after all, a german farmer came and handed over this medal to the consulate. the order came to germany and how it got to this merchant, we no longer know. when returning from the front, a suitcase with orders and
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a medal for military merit was stolen, and everything disappeared without a trace. i bought this one. medal, then i began to think about how to return it, every order, every medal is someone’s work, blood, over rough terrain, such a labai can reach speeds of up to 120 km/h. this one the vehicles have very high maneuverability, a very powerful engine, we are now completely focused on helping the front, this cart is, of course, the most... so convenient, unfolds and folds in just a few seconds, this is for internal operational work, the drone flies up to the object, a signal is given triggering.
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let's translate from clerical. to be clear, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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providing children with high-quality domestic clothes and shoes, food, stationery and toys is an important task for every parent, and for senators in the year of family, this is a matter of increased attention and control. now the upper house is developing a plan for the development of the children's goods industry for the next 5 years. we will discuss the details with senator liliya gumerova. the industry topic, the production of children's goods, is one of the priorities for the chamber of regions. it was discussed at the presidential council chaired by valentina ivanovna matvienko, chairman of the federation council, and a concrete one came out. list of instructions of the president of the russian federation, road development map for this industry, it already expires in 24, and
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today we have united the efforts of all the ministers. we discussed it in great detail at the federation council, now we are correcting it, and what i would like to say is that when we talk about children’s textbooks, manuals, games, clothing, furniture, we must talk about the quality, the content component, namely therefore, today it is important to involve science. parent community, so that our games, our products for children educate future patriots, and were based on our traditional spiritual and moral values. what needs to be done to develop the domestic children's goods industry in the regions. it is very important to note that the market for the production of children's goods today is about 1 trillion rubles. and the share of domestic producers is 34%. at the same
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time... that is why today, together with the association of the children's products industry, we are doing a lot of work with the regions of the russian federation so that as many domestic manufacturers as possible can join this work. an agreement has already been signed with four constituent entities of the russian federation, this work continues, but it is very important that... manufacturers of children's goods know what furniture, toys, and benefits are needed for our kindergartens, schools, and higher educational institutions, which is why, for example, for preschool educational institutions, together with the relevant department, we developed methodological recommendations and brought them to every subject of the russian federation so that there was a clear understanding of what quality these teaching aids should be and
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produce... only self-realization, decent income, this is the senate program, see below, not but a comfortable life. the state’s task is to radically improve the quality of life of people in...
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this year 600 billion rubles will be allocated to support the agro-industrial complex in russia, of which 68 and a half will be allocated for the comprehensive development of rural areas. thanks to this state program, 11 million russians have already improved their living conditions and received new infrastructure facilities: clinics, schools, kindergartens, cultural centers, sports facilities and roads. and starting next year , connected regions will be connected to the state program, valentina matvienko reported. the speaker of the upper house
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drew attention to... modernization of infrastructure, it is important not only the number of houses, social facilities and roads built, but also their quality and accessibility. we proceed from the fact that each of our villages, towns, villages, no matter how many people live there, is our unconditional one. this is a guarantee of the unity of russia’s connection with such a vast territory, it is also a guarantee savings of our people and our traditions. we will continue our efforts in this direction so that every year the life of the villagers becomes more and more comfortable.


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