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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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the road is not mining, the road is fun. many modern vip hunters are guided by this simple principle. they don't care at all. whether the fishing season is open, whether there are permitting documents, and most importantly, who is in the crosshairs, a flock of wild ducks, a ferocious boar or a pregnant moose cow, it seems to them that money decides everything, but sooner or later a principled and honest hunter stands in their way. our film crew went to
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dmitrovsky district of the moscow region, where a forestry scandal broke out several years ago. an employee of the moscow regional hunting department, alexander davydenko, entered into a battle with poachers and found himself under investigation. in the morning, around 9 o'clock, we received information that an illegal hunt was supposed to be taking place, that is, a group of people had gone out...
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the one who was there in a completely inadequate state, very drunk, he was climbing into a snowmobile, trying to escape, i
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tried to stop him, he knocks me down, after which i was promoted there, in my opinion, about four or five shots, that is, they were shooting air and air.
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moreover, alexander davidenko himself found himself under investigation for abuse of office with the use of weapons. one of those detained during the poaching hunt, vladimir kiselyov, the same one who escaped on a snowmobile, said that dovidenko shot his thumb. even after many years, he insists, he shot into the air, he crashed into a road sign, broke his fingers there, as it later turned out that these were gunshot wounds, the matter is in relation to davidenko was investigated for more than two years,
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despite the seemingly convincing arguments of the game manager, the dmitrov city court sentenced him to three years in prison, suspended. today dividenko is a pensioner, he continues to go into the forest.
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we are going to meet another
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moscow region nature lover and its defender. evgeny mordanov, huntsman, works in the narofaminsky district, his main one. yes, roughly speaking, the ungulates of the same elk, roe deer, that is, well, this is biotnia, this means going to the towers, making salt licks, putting salt, well, if possible, adding grain, poaching even in such a not very forested region as the moscow region is a serious problem, in particular at a time when hunting is prohibited, well, roughly speaking, here we are now... we’re walking with you, yeah, in such rubble, maybe, rudely speaking, now the moose cows are already going to bed, preparing for their cauldron, that
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is, now it should be quiet, calm in the forest, well, to the maximum control, so that barconiers, local hunters, visiting hunters there, no matter how they go, do not misbehave , people with expensive guns in luxury suvs are seen here often, vip hunters are not interested in the established rules. now poaching is basically all hunting from the roads, well, roughly speaking, from cars, shooting, that is, going into the forest, that is, only experienced hunters can do this, but either with dogs, or who knows this forest, that is, roughly speaking, not everyone is given this, modern vip hunting in the moscow region is akin to an african safari, headlights, a carbine and often strong drinks, it is almost impossible to control the entire forest area... it is impossible to see traces there, someone drove in, someone left, then there is, well, what to keep an eye on is, well
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, you practically need to live in the forest, that is, either there should be a very large number of people, at least there, well, plus or minus 10 people should be on 12.00 hectares. there is no doubt that vibraconers operate all year round, huntsman mordanov tells a very recent story, i come to the next feeding site, this is literally... about five days ago, yeah, well, and accordingly, here’s to the topic of our poaching, a find, that’s literally 10 m from the road, well, this is a forest road, from literally meters of asphalt, probably, that is , there is a highway there, and 700-800 meters of the highway, well, accordingly, this is how they allegedly killed her, my guess is that it was most likely shot from the road, there was a killed elk at the edge of the forest, according to the huntsman, this is a fairly large male. 250 kilograms for sure, well, they’re pretty good already, that is, by and large, this is not
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meat production, it’s just murder, but this is just murder, murder, yes. here is another story from the yaroslavl region: the half-abandoned village of papadieno in in december 2022, it made the headlines of all russian publications; here, during an illegal vip hunt, a brutal company of capital businessmen indiscriminately dealt with twenty moose, aided by ruthless poachers. very small moose calves and pregnant moose cows were caught, we cannot
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show these frames without computer retouching, next to the killed animals the hunters had a real banquet, bottles of eyeliner and soda snacks are clearly visible. i personally was very outraged by this situation with hunting, which is more like a slaughterhouse, because, well it looks simple... he was not detained, the chairman of the tutaevsky hunting enterprise
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vasily baranov turned out to be the most guilty, that's why? the seventy-three-year-old suspect, using his official position and being the organizer, carried out the illegal shooting of several moose. the court sent vasily baranov under house arrest, and while the investigation was going on, all the vip hunters felt quite at ease and hid from journalists. we met businessman-hunter yuri berezovsky after interrogation in the investigative directorate of the investigative committee for the yaroslavl region. i hope you are without a gun today, with a gun. berezovsky, oh, how he didn’t like the attention of our film crew. yuri mikhailovich, well, it’s rude to remain silent, we’re not in the forest. you asked me if i wanted to give you an interview? but i shouldn’t ask you, did you ask the authorities if they wanted to be your prey? and this is another participant in the massacre,
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yegor nikolai muratov. according to investigators, he served as a beater, drove moose to vip hunters, for which he received punishment, you were they a pen? no, who were you? well , we, too, have been waiting for you for the third hour, wait, it’s worth noting that regional investigators quickly figured out the case and established the roles of each predator, the trial turned out to be fleeting in july 2023. the investigative authorities of the regional investigative department of the investigative committee of the russian federation completed the investigation of the criminal case in against the former chairman of one of the branches of the hunters society, who is the organizer of illegal hunting, as well as eight hunters. in as a result of illegal hunting, they shot twenty moose, which caused damage to the state represented by the department of environmental protection and
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natural resources management of the yaroslavl region in the amount of more than 1,500 thousand rubles. the tutaevsky city court of the yaroslavl region dismissed the criminal case in connection with the imposition of a criminal law measure in the form of a court fine in the amount of 4,000 rubles for each of the defendants. the court confiscated and transferred to the forensic collection of weapons and ammunition of the federal clinical center of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for yaroslavl region seven hunting rifles. one hunting rifle was transferred to the department of the russian guard in the yaroslavl region. we have no right to discuss tutaevsky's decision. court of the yaroslavl region, but were surprised by the lenient sentence. and the country learned about this high-profile story in mid-may 2024
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. a forty-year-old resident of ryazan, sergei pentelin disappeared without trace back in february. an employee of the brewery came to visit his mother for the weekend in the village of morozov barki, from there he went hunting with his friends and there was no more contact. when it got dark i got worried why didn’t he call me, he usually calls, mom, everything is fine, don’t worry, don’t worry, this time he called me, i started calling myself, the phone was unavailable, i started writing, i have text messages, that’s it, everything is intact , he didn't answer. even text messages no longer reached him, according to nina pentelina, he hunts, his beloved son went with an old friend, the head of a local agricultural enterprise sergei petin, he allegedly often organized illegal leisure, in february in the ryazan region there was a ban on
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shooting animals, and also in the company were listed vip guests, deputy chief.
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shows or draws everything in the snow. the woman wrote a statement to the police and asked for help from volunteers. activists searched for sergei pentelin in the forest around the clock, they pasted this photograph on every post, but there was no result, and for some reason the local law enforcement officers worked carelessly. for example, a search dog was brought in only on the fifth day. after the disappearance of the man, the dog took the light, and then they said that it had to be removed because it was an escorted dog, they kept coming for the same thing place, i...
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carefully tried to hide my face from the television camera, using a medical mask to disguise myself. tseplakov was arrested during the investigation.
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the former deputy head of the mikhailovsky intermunicipal police department, stanislav kostin, was also sent to the pre-trial detention center. and agricultural industrialist sergei petin. it was he who was actively involved after the mysterious disappearance of sergei pentelin.
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fired several shots along the shooting line, shooting an elk and mortally wounding one of the hunters. after this, in order to avoid liability, the man, together with two participants in an illegal hunt, took the victim’s body to a household waste site, where they buried it in the ground. sergei pentelin's relatives will be able to hold a funeral very soon; investigators will continue to look into this high-profile criminal case. now let’s return to the poaching story that
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we talked about at the beginning of our program. residents of the ryazan region alexey and nikita okhtin, as well as former police major dmitry komov, ended up in the dock. they are accused of killing three roe deer after the end of the hunting season. the defendants themselves denied their involvement in the crime, the lawyers tried to protect their clients from the attention of the press, insisted that the presence of our film crew in the shatsky district court could have a bad impact on the supposedly impeccable reputation of the defendants. the accused themselves, according to former police officer dmitry komov, have no illusions. the trial is in full swing. we will find out what the verdict will be very soon, honor, since this material will be used in a compromising manner, and
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i would not like to conviction and entry into force. former hunting inspector nikolai oytsev, who gave us a tour of the forest land, believes that the development of this story.
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well, enough of this guys, what is it, they are accompanying me, i understand, you know, where do you work, something i didn’t look through, the minister of health, the minister of health of the region. well, now we’ll see, he’s coming, but i didn’t say anything, i’m going to zakhu, you didn’t say, i’m going, that there is some kind of weapon, mine is screaming, of course, we, like many residents of the tambov region, we hope that the criminal cases against the former acting minister of health of the region, alexei ovchinnikov, will be brought to an end, and other
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participants in the bloody crimes will not escape responsibility. entertainment. this is what we saw with the so-called vip hunt. this was our investigation from different regions of the country. it's up to you to draw conclusions. see you on the russia 24 tv channel
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. let's translate from clerical. to be clear, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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there are positions of the ukrainian armed forces strikes.


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