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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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it's scary if there are instructions. in the belgorod region, the russian military is breaking up the positions of the ukrainian armed forces.
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both time-tested howitzers and the latest heavy flamethrower systems enter from a distance. tankers make a significant contribution to the destruction of enemy fortifications and equipment. our correspondent, igor pikhanov, will tell you how this work is going and what the fighters themselves say about it. under the cover of darkness , the tos-2 multiple launch rocket system goes into combat. the crew's task is to destroy the enemy stronghold . the formidable machine carries 18 thermobalic projectiles of 220 mm caliber, russian ammunition of heavy flamethrower systems has no analogues in terms of power and efficiency. it’s impossible to describe what’s happening after ours, from our work, what ’s happening there, it’s hard to describe, well, it’s not for nothing that they call it the second weapon after nuclear weapons, the crew of a unit of a group of forces of the north strike the enemy, firing points are destroyed, artillery of the ukrainian armed forces and military... in
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a matter of minutes the resistance of ukrainian militants is suppressed, rocket artillery helps our infantry advance at the front, every trip my heart aches for the boys, that’s who’s on the front line, we ’ll double-check many times to make sure every shell of ours lands, well, doesn’t just go there, well, to nowhere, just to get away there to shoot , well , that’s right, our hearts ache for the boys who need to be supported there, the better our work, the calmer the guys will be and their work will be, well, better accordingly. on the neighboring sector of the front, artillerymen are working on enemy positions. camouflaged in the forest the d-30 gun destroys military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. artillerymen hit the enemy with the support of scouts. our drones are in the sky around the clock. i'm shooting! long-range guns burn out ukrainian tanks and destroy well-fortified enemy dugouts.
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the defeat of the enemy depends, the faster we aim and shoot, he will not have time to leave, leave his positions, or retreat, as it were, and this is a modernized t-72 tank, at the front the steel fortress has become a real ram that breaks through the defenses of ukrainian nationalists, the crew of a combat vehicle advances to the firing line to strike the identified positions of the ukrainian armed forces, we support our infantry, that’s systematically. we push back, push back the enemy, destroy their equipment, their dugouts, also supplies, armored vehicles, tankers hit the enemy with high-explosive fragmentation and guided shells, the maximum firing range is up to 12 km, during a special military operation the crew destroyed dozens of units of enemy military equipment, as well as neutralized the uav crews. now the main danger at the front is enemy drones, which is why a station is installed on this tank electronic warfare, it creates a dome.
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above the equipment, an anti-drone screen is also installed on the tank’s turret. the russian military is increasing pressure at the front. the only chance for soldiers in the ssu to survive is to lay down their arms. for this purpose, a 24-hour radio channel called volga was created. those who surrender are guaranteed decent treatment and medical care if necessary. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. donetsk people's republic, the russian military captured a new trophy. motorized riflemen were able to move to the rear damaged. british recovery vehicle samaritan, which means samaritan in russian. the operation was carried out at night, after which the equipment was successfully restored by the soldiers of the repair battalion. now this car is ready to join the collection of trophies of foreign weapons. by the way, the samaritan is a rather rare specimen; only about 100 of them were produced, which is why each one is highly valued by fans of military equipment. his seat is designed so that a medic can work in a half-bent position. over the wounded man, it would not be possible
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to lie on him, but in a half-asleep state he could to operate, bandage, put ivs, all the equipment was installed there, he just tore it out, threw it away, no need for it. i think that in the troops we can cope with our equipment, but to show at the exhibition that there is nothing unattainable for the russian army, that would be good. a new wave of mobilization begins today in ukraine; the corresponding law came into force on saturday; it significantly tightens the rules for conscription. thus, the kiev regime expects to make up for at least part of the losses of the ukrainian armed forces. for example, everyone persons liable for military service, both in ukraine and abroad, for 2 months. carry a military id with you; without it, you will not be able to obtain consular services abroad to renew your passport. disabled people of the second third group are required to undergo a medical examination, and
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military registration and enlistment offices have received the right to distribute summonses everywhere around the clock, they will also be delivered by mail. the summons is considered served even in the absence of the recipient. prisoners can be mobilized, except for those convicted of serious crimes. experts doubt that the new rules will help will significantly replenish the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, but they believe that the kiev regime may face sharp discontent among residents, and ukrainians abroad will begin to renounce citizenship. the dprk tested a tactical ballistic missile with a homing system. this was reported by the korean central news agency. the test launch took place in japanese. it is noted that the main goal was to test a new autonomous navigation system. kimchaneun was present at the test and the north korean leader was reportedly pleased with the results. now footage from texas
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heavy rains hit the american states, now i’ll show you the consequences, which are from the publication, look what’s happening there outside the windows, flood the protective clock. in the city of houston , four people died due to bad weather, hundreds of thousands were left without electricity. it will take several weeks for power to be restored. rescue services recommend that residents not leave their homes, the roads are still blocked, look, the windows in the skyscraper are broken, the traffic lights are not working, now i’ll show you footage of the consequences, here look what, what the weather did to the power lines. melikhovo spring has come to the chekhov reserve museum, a theater festival has started in the writer’s estate, corpses from russia, belarus, azerbaijan, kazakhstan and even algeria will show their productions of chekhov’s plays. the festival opened with a cherry orchard
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interpreted by japanese director matoi miura. zinaida will tell you how he presented russian classics and what else awaits the audience.
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they made an exception; the program included plays from pushkin’s fairy tales. the festival has long been decoration of the cultural life of the moscow region. we are planning to develop this festival, now we are already discussing that... that next year we will make further efforts to ensure that we touch as much as possible our international theatrical partners across the country, and i hope that we will make this festival even larger. according to tradition , the festival of tapies opens, which is performed by actors from the museum’s chekhov studio, this year it’s just the cherry orchard staged by motoi miura, the audience takes their seats near the open stage, to fortunately there is no rain. coffee quickly, mommy asks for coffee, birds are singing in the garden, i left during
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holy week, it was cold then, the text of the play was seriously shortened, the main characters remained, but some formed a chorus, as in ancient greek comedies, so this is just our cherry orchard, wonderful in this garden is only that it is very, very large, the festival will end on may 26 and also... with the cherry orchard of the academic theater of russian drama from astana. zeneta kurbatova, leonida runchikov, vadim samsonov, lead. a smile will make everyone brighter. from a smile there is a rainbow in the sky will wake up. share everything! sit with a smile , safely and conveniently with sberpay, select payment with a smile on the terminal screen and just
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look at the camera, get cashback as with a regular payment, pay with your smile with sberpay, selfish, it means it’s already giving me heartburn, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i have yours ides heartburn, this is easier, heartburn from eating, take it, extinguishes, fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach. active from the first minutes extinguishes from the job extinguishes the magnet pasta makfa 499 magnet - the price is what you need again a jump to the past, time travel is not a toy, if you knew how tasty it is, you wouldn’t be such a bore, alexander’s star combo. for 355 rubles, i love it, it’s delicious, period, only in
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sberpike and get a chance to win money to repay it, and also receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with sberp prime, hello, the legal program is on air vestibule involved in a case related to economic activity. in parallel with the detention of the deputy chairman, searches were carried out in the regional government. all the details were collected by alexander ostakhov. national cuisine, defile of altai shamans in stylized costumes, fluffy huskies and huskies. these are shots from the annual flowering of moralnik festival, which traditionally kicks off the summer tourist season in the altai territory.
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it is still unclear how it will go this time. the day before , alarming news appeared in the media about the detention of the deputy chairman of the altai government. region of ivan kibardin, who controlled, among other things, the spheres of tourism and resort activities in the region. and now it has become known that he will not have time for the holidays at all. the lifortovo court in moscow placed the official under arrest until july 15. he is accused of preparing to commit a crime of attempted crime, fraud on an especially large scale. the bankfax news agency, which is located in barnaul, adds, citing its sources, that kibardin was allegedly caught red-handed when an unknown person was handing him 18 million rubles in cash. no one has yet announced official details about this case. detained in moscow. details are unknown at this time. yesterday there were searches in the regional government, but for what reason is also unknown. why the official could receive such a large sum, one can only guess. in addition to the tourism sector, vice-governor kibardin supervised the department of property relations, inspections for control in urban planning activities
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, construction supervision and financial and economic control in the field of procurement. there is an opinion that his detention. may be related to the criminal case of fraud of the head of the altai regional boxing federation armen tanayan. according to unconfirmed reports, tanayan could collect tribute from the director of the so-called chinese market of more than 30 million rubles. for the fact that he runs such a popular retail outlet in barnaul and transfer the money to kibardin. there is very little information about byvan kebardin in the public domain. judging by his page on social networks, he is a fan of the leningrad group, according to his income declaration for 2021 . more than 5 million rubles. there are two apartments. he received his position in the government of the altai territory in 2018. he called himself a rather private person in an interview with a local publication. it is possible that a closed person may be open to dishonest transactions. earlier in february, the prosecutor's office became interested in the final privatization of a large viy dairy enterprise.
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it is possible that the detention is precisely the result of an inspection by the supervisory agency. alexander ostakhov, lead the duty unit. for the moskvarensky case, the moscow court sent two scandalous doctors under house arrest the famous clinic of timur khaidarov. the head of the surgical department, ilya elagin, and his colleague, surgeon tamerlan kadzaev, are accused of providing services that do not meet life and health safety requirements. it was they, according to investigators, who performed the operation on producer pyotr gavrilov, after which the patient felt unwell and soon died. galina hungureeva has details. as if not believing what was happening, shocked by such attention from the press. the accused looked around in a glass box outside the moskvoretsky court of moscow famous metropolitan surgeons ilya yalagin and tamerlan kadzaev. both were taciturn, but for the relatives of the victims , the doctors themselves, who were waiting for the outcome of the meeting for 6 hours, the tension reached a boil. how long will it take, please tell me, the indignant question was asked by the lady in bezhevoy, svetlana silvashi, a popular blogger, wife
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of star surgeon timur khaidarov. it was elagin and kadzaev who worked in his clinic. as stated. he underwent gastric bypass surgery. 3 days after surgery the showman felt bad. in the hospital he fell into a coma and then died. it is known that the relatives were against the autopsy, therefore, they did not conduct a forensic examination. it is very important to find out what happened. it is the body that could not cope with the operation, and this can happen, because any operation is a risk, or it is
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not a quality service. yes, this is to rule out some kind of oncology. among the dissatisfied were representatives of russian show business. singer slava and queen of chanson lyubov uspenskaya. a series of checks began at the clinic. roszdravnadzor
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revealed a violation of mandatory licensing requirements. in response to the department's search, the court first suspended the clinic's activities; in april , the entrance to the medical facility was sealed by bailiffs. a criminal case was opened against two surgeons under the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. work continues to establish the causes and conditions of those who greeted. death of a patient after surgery in a plastic surgery clinic. the court, having studied the materials, rendered a verdict. elagin and kadzaev will be placed under house arrest for 2 months. after meeting, ilya ilagin stated that he intended to appeal the court’s decision. kazaev’s side refused to comment on the process. galina hungureeva, sergey truskov, dmitry matrosov, lead the duty unit. today at 18:15, do not miss the final release of our program. here are its main themes. comrade major's last bid. in the primorye region, security forces defeated an illegal and mining empire. is there anyone else in the room? hundreds of millions
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of rubles of criminal income and dozens of secret establishments for lovers of excitement, who headed the criminal business and what influential patrons covered for him for many years, did they really make the wrong bet? calm down, i'll be nervous. only we have an interview with the now former defender in uniform and him.
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and is it true that the king of the underworld considered him his successor, ideal, ideal, ideal, what kind of black deeds could this philanthropist in a white suit be involved in, why did the stars of chanson love him and how do the victims of his bloody atrocities live now, who was in house, everyone was under attack at that moment, what role did these tiny mobile phones play in the matter of authority? telephones, about how authority clung to freedom and how andrei eventually lost it. to the hospital on two wheels, despite the cool may,
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dozens of electric scooters have already appeared on the streets of the capital and other russian cities. for owners of popular gadgets this is a convenient means of transportation, but for pedestrians and motorists it is often a serious problem. do sim owners always follow traffic rules and how do inspectors deal with them on the roads? together with the employees. scooters, especially on weekends there are no honor, as violators, for those who have never opened a brochure with traffic rules, the police are watching especially closely this year, traffic rules for personal mobility devices were regulated in 2023, the maximum speed was limited to 25 km/h, they banned drive along highways and roadsides, this young man, who had just rushed
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across a zebra crossing, hardly expected that it was his violation that would be of interest. and your documents? assuming that the conversation will be long, the offender gets rid of the iron horse, finishing the rental, it’s still not cheap, the rental is almost a chervonets per minute, there’s a protocol ahead and i’m sad. a fine would have been ordered for a mediocre violation of 800 rubles. anyone crossing the roadway on wheels must dismount. the requirement is not accidental; traffic cameras have repeatedly recorded collisions at crossings. these are just some of the examples. here the driver of the scooter confidently rushes right under the car; in this recording, it seems that the driver did not notice the sudden obstacle. similar confrontations between machines and means of personal mobility often. ends not in favor of the latter, this is the most recent case: moscow, yartsevskaya street, tuesday night, courier electric bikes are dying under the wheels of a tanker truck, one of
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the first to go to the scene. the film crew of our program , correspondent vladimir bazov, voiced preliminary versions. the courier was moving along this street, parallel to yartsevskaya street. at the same time, a utility vehicle was working here. the driver of the tanker backed up and the courier most likely ended up in blind spot. by the way, the number of accidents involving scooter drivers grew in proportion to their number on moscow roads and sidewalks. if in 2019 about 200 cases were recorded, then in 2022.
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pdn. rental companies, of course, are aware of the pressing problem with extreme skating teenagers. another solution is being announced. we are looking at different technologies at the moment. one of them that may be used is the use of bank ids in order to more accurately determine the user’s age. the police, in turn, explain that in some cases children can still legally stand on a gadget with an electric motor, but there are nuances. children cannot use electric scooters specifically. rented, that is, the power does not allow them to ride, they can use those scooters that their parents bought for them, this is the responsibility of the parents, firstly, and secondly, parents must also watch the speed limit, the main thing is that it should be everyone knows that bikes, unicycles and scooters are quite
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they are serious participants in the movement, which means they don’t combine with idiocy. if the inspector suspects drunk driving, the fine will be 1,500 rubles. in moscow, the data center is fully equipped with smart city cameras that recognize scooter violations. the system is already working in test mode. maxim shevchenko, vladimir bazov, marina gromova, alexey gorshkov and dmitry chernikov, lead. duty department. the jury returned a guilty verdict on the main episodes of the high-profile case of the authoritative businessman oleg medvedev, known in certain circles. shishkan, and medvedev himself and 18 members of his gang were found guilty of a number of serious and especially serious crimes, according to the organized crime group, as the prosecution proved, dozens of crimes such as murder, extortion, creation of a criminal community, participation in it, banditry and illegal possession of weapons. andrey romanov has all the details. since early morning , security measures have been strengthened near the moscow city court building, police officers and the russian national guard are on duty.
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a high-profile case is being heard in the appeal building of the temple of themis. the jury returns a verdict to a reputable businessman oleg medvedev. this process has been going on since november last year; oleg medvedev himself demanded a jury trial. an interesting detail: it was possible to form a board only the fifth time, and potential assessors, having learned that they would have to sort out the case of such an authoritative businessman, simply refused to participate in the meetings. oleg medvedev was detained in the summer of 2019. special forces stormed the apartment in lyubertsy near moscow, where the odious man was located. judging by the surprised face of the businessman, he did not expect the visit of the security forces. immediately after the special operation, security forces stated that they detained oleg medvedev under article 210 of the criminal code on occupying a senior position in the criminal hierarchy. he himself denied the accusation, but medvedev was often seen in the company of well-known criminals. for example, he was the guest of honor at a scandalous party in
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the eye tower on the premises. the event then ended in a shootout in a series of criminal cases. according to media reports, medvedev participated in the so -called gathering, the event took place in one of the restaurants in luzhniki. they allegedly elected a new leader of the underworld russia. this person was supposed to replace the authority zakhary kalashov, known under the nickname shakro the young, in the highest criminal post. the authority was then preparing to serve his prison term and even told our film crew who he would like to see on his own. local ideal, ideal , ideal, please, do you know him or not, well, i heard, by an amazing coincidence, businessman oleg medvedev is known in certain circles under the name shishkan, he used to have the last name shishkanov, he changed the data in his passport, but the nickname remained. more authoritative friends called the businessman oleg ramensky, he was born and raised in this area of ​​the moscow region, in a village.


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