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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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look at your feet, well, not just up at your feet, because sometimes stretch marks are placed at head level, that’s it, let’s leave. in ukraine , a scandalous law on mobilization came into force today; it significantly increases the number of those who will be sent to the front. thus, the kiev regime expects to make up for at least part of the losses of the ukrainian armed forces. for example, all those liable for military service, both in ukraine and abroad, will have to serve for two months.
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experts doubt that the new order will help significantly increase the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, but they believe that the kiev regime may face with sharp discontent among residents, and ukrainians abroad will begin to renounce citizenship. zelensky asked the united states for permission to use american weapons to strike russia, the wol street journal newspaper reported, citing the pentagon. earlier, representatives of president biden's administration noted that assistance in the form of the military. earlier and was intended for defense, and not for offensive actions on foreign territory. the white house once again stated that the united states does not encourage ukrainian attacks on russian targets. we do not encourage russian attacks territories using american weapons systems and do not assist them. our policy in this regard has not changed. in slovakia , a suspect in the assassination attempt on the country's prime minister robert will appear in court today. the case will be considered
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by a specialized criminal court, as the press reports; it is there that the prosecutor general's office transfers the most high-profile cases. the judge is expected to decide today whether to take the suspect into custody. let me remind you that the criminal previously stated that he did not regret what he had done. russian sailors, baltic people celebrate their professional holiday today. the navy turns 321 years old. the account is conducted with the victory of peter the great over the swedish military courts in ust and neva. memorable. the date of the crew is met at the parade and in full combat readiness. marina naumova observed the exercises. today the flags of dawn are raised on all ships of the baltic fleet. the bells are polished to a shine, the decks are scrubbed. there is liveliness and festive bustle on the corvette. the day is special. on may 18 , 1703, the russian fleet led by peter the great won its first victory, capturing at the mouth of the neva there are two large swedish ships. duty squads at... posts, the anti-drone
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group takes positions to repel a training attack. fortieth sector 42 is clean. at sea ranges, corvettes of the baltic fleet perform practical missile firing. the latest ridut vertical launch anti-aircraft missile system hits real targets. it can engage in close combat, but its missiles are capable of intercepting long-range targets at altitudes of up to 30 km, flying at speeds of almost 5,000 m/s. ships of the baltic fleet. decide different tasks, on board they carry strike weapons, anti-aircraft missiles, torpedo weapons, so project 2,380 corvettes are capable of repelling any attack, for this they have a full arsenal, they control the situation in the baltics and monitor the maneuvers of nato naval forces. the alliance conducts large-scale exercises in close proximity to the kaliningrad region. our ships are often in line of sight with ships from the usa, germany, italy, and sweden.
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movement the place where he is. protected by coastal missile systems the baltic fleet bastion is located along the entire southern coast of the russian baltic. the range of action of the supersonic, homing missile with which they are equipped is over 300 km. with their radars they see all the ships of the mock enemy located in the baltic sea. first first and facial product, start in 2 minutes. this is naval special forces, it repels an attack without crew boats, protects ships at their bases, and fights saboteurs on land and under water. special purpose boats have underwater robots that are capable of destroying mine bombs at a depth of up to 300 m. today, in
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honor of the holiday, baltic sailors will show modern models of equipment. the arms exhibition will be open at the main base of the baltic fleet all day. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, pavel dolgachev, conduct the kaliningrad region. to develop the arctic regions and develop the northern sea route, it is necessary to combine the efforts of scientists and industrial engineers. all participants in the round table, dedicated to two historical dates, agreed with this: the three hundredth anniversary of the great northern expedition and the russian academy of sciences. the discussion was held at the permanent representation of yakutia under the president with the participation of senators and deputies and representatives.
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today these events reflect the entire spectrum of those events that have taken place over these years, and what changes, and today, special importance is attached, all the speakers, speakers, today talked about this, how relevant is this topic, the may warmth is returning to the russian plain, will temperature records? in which regions are they still possible? frosts, vadim zavodchenko will tell you about this and more. this may cold will go down in history. should we expect that the second half of the month and the coming june will, at least a little, compensate for the deficit of spring heat? we'll talk about this in the next 20 minutes
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, and here are some other topics we'll touch on. the russian army liberates the kharkov region. how our military uses forests and ravines. and rivers to drive the enemy into a trap and completely cut off supplies. finally home after 20 months in the arctic. with what unique data about the arctic region returned to murmonsk, the north pole 41 expedition. and the sun turned on the mode of continuous activity. does this mean that the earth will now plunge into an endless geomagnetic storm. you are looking at the main page. hello, the saying goes , when the shorts come, put on your shorts, taking into account the realities of the current spring, it is quite possible to replace march with may. the snowfalls on victory day alone were worth a lot, and the large-scale frosts that even affected the southern regions significantly
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spoiled the mood of many gardeners and summer residents may this year is abnormally cold, the theme of the whole month is endless arctic.
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agriculture in many regions of european russia. according to the governor of rostov. the fate of crops and seedlings is now unenviable. the may frosts caused serious damage and, in some places, the death of crops. according to preliminary estimates, crops covering an area of ​​more than 140,000 hectares were damaged. due to the frost, a state of emergency was declared in the region . the same was done in the lipetsk, tambov and voronezh regions. such a measure will allow farmers to register insurance payments to compensate for losses. winter has arrived in the southern urals this week. there were snowfalls in the chelyabinsk region, which covered the roads. and here, summer residents also risk being left without a harvest, apple and pear trees, which have already bloomed, are frozen, the timing of sowing
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wheat has moved towards the end of the month, everything is a little covered in snow, here are potatoes, there are peppers, here are cucumbers, of course, in the may snow little good for agriculture, however , the ural graves found a positive moment even in bad weather, due to snowfalls the ural soil has finally made up for the moisture deficit formed in... it must be said that all these weather troubles are interconnected, so the atmospheric front, which covered the urals with snow, provoked frosts in the lower reaches of the don, volga, priozovye and black earth regions, and the air here in some places it cooled down to a record -1-3, frost on the grass appeared almost 3 weeks later than the climatic dates. but now the weather pendulum has swung in the other direction. on weekends, the atmosphere over the russian plain
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will be dominated by southern flows, they will carry warm air right up to the shores of the white sea. true, then the invasion of the next atmospheric front carrying cold air masses is expected on monday-tuesday, and the entire north of the russian plain will be in the cooling zone. and in central russia sunny weather will prevail. therefore, the air will be able to warm up well, so in moscow on the weekend the thermometer will show +19-20, at the beginning of the new week it will be another 2-3° warmer and only on wednesday, under the influence of the approaching cold front , rain masses will appear over the megalopolis cloudiness, the peak of the cold will reach on thursday and things will reach frost again, by the morning the north of european russia and the urals will be in this zone right up to the line petrozavodsk, kostroma, yekaterinburg. in general,
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innies are rarely seen here on the grass at the end of may, on average once every 4-6 years. and most importantly, the current cold wave will not be as powerful and protracted as its predecessors. and the nordic character of this may is compensated for by the coming summer. usually, after the finale of spring, rich in arctic invasions. in june in russian warm air masses enter the plain more often, however, high cyclonic activity remains, so more rain falls than usual, in other words, the middle zone turns into some semblance of humid subtropics. on other topics, units of the north military group continue to liberate populated areas.
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ukrainian militants who surrendered talk about the lack of fortifications , the construction of which zelensky pompously announced, that fortifications were eventually built, spending billions of hryvnia on it, evgeniy tishkavets knows. evgeniy, for some reason it’s not even surprising that zelensky’s line turned out to be exactly like this. vadim, ukrainian sources report that more than 65% was stolen during the construction of fortifications in the kharkov region. no, but the businessmen of the kiev regime still tried to create some semblance of vigorous work, they dug ditches, imported construction materials, filmed propaganda videos about it, and now they are frantically shifting responsibility onto each other. the symbol of zelensky’s impenetrable fortifications was undoubtedly the dragon’s teeth near the village of libtsy.
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defense, because it was announced that there was a dome, that there was a drep, everything else, in the end this did not happen, there were no prepared firing points in those positions, plus they were constantly covering us with drones, there were skids and artillery aimed at them. the kharkov region has several important topographical features;
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large forests are located on its territory , the forest density is much higher, for example, compared to ... with rather sparse plantings in the donbass. in the kharkov region, the gully-beam type predominates relief. for a long time , the area was subject to erosion processes. as a result, hollows, hollows and beams were formed. and as a result of deforestation and plowing of farmland, numerous ravines appeared. in addition, the seversky danets river flows in the east of the region. behind it is the city of volchansk. in this area, all logistics of the ukrainian armed forces are tied to three bridges. moreover, in the region. the road network is poorly developed. our military took into account these topographical features and wisely used them to implement the life of the concept of isolating the battlefield, that is , they created such conditions when the enemy is unable to ensure either the conduct of combat operations or the supply of its forces. the important thing is that every day we manage
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to knock out dozens, most likely, taking into account what we do not see, what is not published, dozens of artillery units. which is not capable of knocking out this bridgehead, that is, they are forced to pull up again scarce resources, but are not able to inflict any serious damage on our advancing armed forces. this is how the battle is isolated looks like in reality: the sky over the kharkov region is simply teeming with our drones, they are stopping any attempts by the enemy to bring their long-range systems to strike positions. many videos have been published online showing lancets destroying ukrainian armed forces equipment. trying to move to the forefront. the highway to volchansk is now turning into a road of death for ukrainian militants. the ice-resistant self-propelled platform north pole has completed its first voyage. after 20 months of work, the expedition returned to the port
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of murmansk. what unique data about the natural environment of the arctic received by scientists during research? we'll tell you in our material. the north pole 41 expedition returned to murmansk from the arctic. with the start of work on a worthy self-propelled platform, russia has the opportunity to conduct long-term scientific experiments at high latitudes after a long break. the main thing is that the program of high-latitude drifting research, which began in 1937, and the famous north pole expedition have been resumed. we decided to leave the expedition number and... the northern expedition returned pole 41. 20 months, exactly 20 months, the guys were on the expedition, most of the scientific staff decided to work the entire time. the drifting station program is no longer dependent on the unpredictability of ice. our scientists now have access to 50 types of research. the data obtained will become the basis for understanding climate change and ensuring
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safe navigation along the northern sea route. we haven't had an expedition for 8 years. the north pole for such long, long periods, now thanks to the platform we are returning to this path and we are observing we are replenishing our data banks, the development of the northern sea route, naturally, arctic russia, an arctic country, and for us this is a highway, transport, trade, it will develop, and we pay attention to this, starting from the new siberian islands, the drifting station has covered more than 3,000 nautical miles . the research vessel passed through the north pole region towards the atlantic ocean. note that the north pole 41 expedition was a continuation of the domestic program of drifting polar stations, which in 2013 year had to be curtailed due to melting ice in the arctic. the experience of geological work in conditions of ice drift is a very unusual thing
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that simply no one has done before, because we have quite heavy equipment that does not work from ice, this... well, it’s simply impossible to do in the conditions of a regular drifting station, it’s important to get this direct samples for strategography, strategography is the sequence of geological layers, how they lie, from this data we understand how the ocean developed, where what useful fossils may be, well, from practical applications, this data will also be used for planning work, to ensure applications for the outer border of the shelf, because here, too, some ongeology is involved in this, we provide them, if possible, on our ships, russian scientists are already ready to continue research in the arctic, the expedition starts from... russia is restoring hydrometeorological sovereignty, our
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country is actively developing an observational network, new weather stations are appearing, and its own unique ones are being developed climate models, it is important to note one of the main achievements of recent years, the creation of the meteosatellite orbital constellation. by the end of the nineties, russia was practically left without its hydrometeorological satellites. at that time, only five devices were operating in orbit, half of which had already exhausted their service life. therefore, our country was forced to use foreign weather data. their share at some point exceeded 80%. the restoration of the domestic group began in 2009 with the launch. in 2023, in the interests of roshydromet, 15 satellites were functioning, after the electro l number
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4 device was put into regular operation, the world's largest earth monitoring system in terms of observation coverage was created, it covers the territory from the atlantic to the pacific ocean and the entire arctic region, in addition, only russia now has two. windological devices are arctic m series satellites, which operate in a highly elliptical orbit with an inclination of about 63°. the shooting area is located at an altitude of up to 40,000 km from the ground. this is a unique perspective it cannot be received from any other satellite. roshydromet has big joint plans to launch new weather satellites into orbit until the end. by 2025 , ten more devices are expected to be sent into space, thereby russian meteorologists will be completely independent of foreign satellite data,
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but in order to process gigantic amounts of data coming from orbit, modern, powerful climate models are needed, and such are also available in russia now are being created, one of the latest developments is new domestic a weather forecast model, codenamed slnee, which combines three other models to reproduce the dynamics of the atmosphere, ocean and sea ice. its main advantage is that it is capable of predicting weather anomalies up to six months in advance. this forecast is in demand in many industries, as i said, here is the north path, yes, this is the forecast for the winter.
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it is planned to be used in medium-term, sub-seasonal and long-term weather forecasts. note that such models can allow only a few countries in the world. the development of such technologies itself costs a lot of money, and to operate the model requires enormous computing power, which only expensive supercomputers possess. after successful testing of rostislav fvadeev's program, russia can call. its unique multi-model weather forecast system and its anomalies. and now our
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traditional column is space weather forecast, which we are compiling together with our colleagues from the institute of space research. the sun has moved to continuous mode of activity, and the earth plunged into an endless geomagnetic. over the course of a week, two magnetic storms occurred at once, both of them not weak: one level g2, and the other even close to g3. this week also saw the largest x8.7 flare recorded in the entire twenty-fifth solar cycle. the last time there was a slightly larger event was in 2017; in total , there were five outbreaks over the past few days. highest score. such extreme activity of the sun in a certain sense played into the hands of russia and due to the strong flares
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, some satellites were knocked out of their positions in orbit. starlink, which ukrainian militants use for communication. experts explain that very interesting things are happening globally. previously, after each burst, the star needed a break to accumulate energy. the breaks between attacks lasted several weeks, and sometimes more than a month, but now everything has changed. i have a feeling that since the beginning of may we have had a completely different scenario. we have. has switched to a kind of continuous mode of activity, that is, in fact, we see no signs at all breaks, and even against the backdrop of the past week, when there were huge events, when there was a g5 level storm and so on, but it would seem that the sun should calm down there, take a break, but no, now there are 14 active centers only on the visible side of the sun, five of they belong to the be-gamma category, these are the areas that produce flares. highest
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score, almost all the centers that are observed today by the sun are young, they are growing, gaining energy with a high probability, next week they will reach maximum peak values, in addition to this, for now it’s impossible to assess what’s going on on the far side of the star, it’s even scary to imagine, because those centers that are now peeking over the horizon are incredibly large, according to... according to thematic calculations , at least two bursts of activity are expected next week, one at the beginning weeks with a peak on tuesday, the second at the end, while the situation is constantly changing, it is very dynamic, the sun can bring us a surprise at any moment, it seems that we are very close to the maximum of the cycle, if we are not already in it, that’s all, enjoy weather, whatever it may be, goodbye!
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