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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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famous gothic line. castel del rio, monte batalle and walked to the sea, to rome. that is, the germans are here. yes, and there are the allies who were advancing from florence, pushing out the germans. there are english in the valley, and here are americans. the resistance and liberation of bologna are the bloodiest pages in italian history. it was here that, by the fall of 1944, the most powerful partisan movement network. hundreds
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of soviet partisans, yakim semyonovich, 1918, this is a komsomol card, a member of the komsomol movement, name, surname and date of entry, to escape from the concentration camps, the russians were helped by the italians themselves, who had passed through meat grinders, our soldiers, officers, the best and most experienced commanders, well, what did the italians know about the war, they enrolled everyone, women, as partisans.
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he did not consider them soldiers; he believed that they had no understanding of what military honor was. in these hills, the partisans were at home, it was the americans in foreign cities who preferred not to stand on ceremony, to liberate in their style of carpet bombing, and then a victorious approach. how many partisans fell under their own shells, we are at the height of montebattaglia, under the imala, this is the last one.
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meat grinder and returned home. geoev will still look at these hills from his binoculars. he will not return to italy immediately, but as a hero. he didn’t even know how long they had been looking for him with rewards. this is the thirty-sixth brigade - it will block communications between florence and bolonia, cut off telephone communications, bridges, and trains for the nazis. goev did not write about this home, and when he returned, he did not talk about it. everyone knew what it was like to return from captivity. yes. requests,
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questions, no rewards, palmiro tagliatti himself asked to find our sandro, brezhnevo, arriving in moscow, when they knocked on the door, geoev was ready, asked his wife to pack his things, and he was taken to the first section to get a suit, and then to the italian embassy, ​​where he was awarded two garibaldi gold medals. i understand very well why he didn’t tell anything, he never said anything at all, here he is, and this is the only photograph. there are also italian photographs, yes, there is a brigade there, yes, this is the thirty-sixth gorkoal brigade, yes, yes, this is what they photographed there, they really loved italians take photographs, there are a lot of photographs, but this is the only photograph in which he did not cover his face, our partisans shared everything with the italians, we told them in sant'pietro that they were in forty-four, surrounded by swamps,
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if you want, liberate yourself, if not, we call the air force and let's bomb everything to zero. the city was saved. the partisans who died for the liberation are buried in the city cemetery, along with anatoly abramov, who died heroically when he tried to escape from a concentration camp, taking. tall, huge hard worker, he was able to drag away a whole mountain of heavy weapons, he was able to endure everything alone, but did not have time to leave, the germans tracked him down, working in
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a prisoner of war camp, he knew very well where the weapons depot was, established contacts with the partisans, he carried it to them in the brigade, wanted to help, how... after the wedding, on his party card, on his grave in italy there is a red star, as at the place of death, luke is also an italian pseudonym, yakov fedorovich gorev, wounded near smolensk, captured, escaped from the camp himself, and
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then a hundred of our soldier officers helped him escape. with strength from the heart, the highest reward italy awarded gold medals for military valor on the battlefield to four of its heroes, our soviet partisans. buyanov died in
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tuscany, fyodor poetan, was buried with luke in genoa. we are in the friul region of venice on the very border with austria, the last springboard of the wehrmarcht, and another tragic one. war history special operation otaman, in order to keep the north cope with the partisans who proclaimed this zone the free partisan republic of carnia, the fascists are transporting 30,000 cossack families here by truck from the captured don, promising these lands were given to them after the victory, against the cossacks an entire russian battalion under the command of daniil avdeev. july 27 to the 44th battalion commander...
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this place is in all guidebooks, paths of memory, that’s what the italians call them, they definitely won’t get lost on these paths, their memory, ordinary italians, is very good.
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modern technologies, confidence in sustainable operation, reliability and energy efficiency, flexibility for use in any industry, new quality for your success. oil, oil pumps, kievsky. mode denies the brutal terrorist attack in belgorod, tries to pass it off as some kind of russian provocation, in the kharkov region
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, meanwhile, they cannot understand where the defensive structures that zelensky personally praised suddenly disappeared. we’ll tell you more about everything right now in the stopfake program on russia-24. so, the tragedy in belgorod, where the entrance to a multi-storey building collapsed due to an attack by the armed forces of ukraine, remains an important topic not only for domestic, but also for ukrainian media, which included the traditional anti-crisis methodology, at first.
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from different angles, then you can clearly understand that there was no explosion there, it was a pure arrival from the ukrainian side, this narrative is that russia allegedly blew up the house itself, this narrative has been known for a long time, more than three... years, that is, since the beginning of the 2000s, and it was launched by berezovsky at the suggestion of the british intelligence services. as a result , the weaknesses of the first temnik turned out to be too obvious, and therefore an alternative entrance was made, according to which the house was attacked by russian weapons. the topic was rocked by many from the foreign agent of radio liberty to resources of the extremist and also the foreign agent gordon. they say it is profitable for the kremlin to make a sacred sacrifice out of belgorod, for which purpose they specially dropped a high-explosive bomb weighing 500 kg on the city. although there are also versions about the unsuccessful launch of the anti-missile missile. in short,
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the junta’s attempts to attribute its own cannibalistic methods to the russian troops are obvious. however, the stuffing does not stand up to any criticism. the least powerful fap-100 contains 46 kilograms of explosives in vtratil equivalent, which clearly would not be enough to destroy an entire entrance. fab-500 on the contrary, it is too powerful. its detonation pulls 300 kg of waste, leaving craters up to 3 m deep and up to eight in diameter at the explosion site. accordingly, others would be hooked as well. ride. moreover, even an intermediate version of the fab-250, one way or another, would have covered not only the neighboring spans, but also neighboring houses with a blast wave. as for the hypothesis about the failure of the air defense calculations, the warhead of an anti-aircraft missile creates a field of fragments, which, if they fall on a building, cause limited damage, as repeatedly happened in ukrainian cities. the ukrainian side, it already has a lot of experience over the past 10 years, in general, well, try. well , to build such a picture, which, to which everyone has become so accustomed, that no one is even
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on the other side, on the ukrainian side, that no one even thinks about how senile it all began, almost 10 years ago with an air conditioner in lugansk, well , this is still going on, well, they dropped a bomb on their own house, they shelled their own city, and the like, they blew up their own entrance, it’s like a routine, that is, well... you need to react quickly, these versions appeared immediately on the fly, but the final chord of cynical lies was attempts to turn upside down the assessment of the russian ministry of defense, which , according to a number of information washers, was...
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distract the ukrainian public from its main problem. we are, of course, talking about the situation in the kharkov region, from where, as russian fighters advance , characteristic personnel are increasingly coming.
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we're filming, we're filming, quickly, that's it, the militants of the forbidden kratin are retreating under. are thrown into the target audience and say that everything is prepared in order to successfully conduct military operations, your task as citizens is only to go to the military registration and enlistment office and go directly to fight, these canned goods that were dropped in advance, which said that supposedly yes supposedly zelensky , as commander-in-chief, prepared everything, they are now falling apart, because
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of course there are no fortifications, and like that boy who committed... some bad action is trying to hide his traces, zelensky is now also trying rub all the tails behind you. however, the propagandists failed to develop a unified manual , and now they themselves do not seem to know where to look for the causes of the riot. some are pointing the finger at the regional go-lighter sinegubov, others assure that mistakes have been made that are not too late to correct. the third is reassuring that vsushniki allegedly dug in a little further from the border, and the leptsov and volchanskaya areas initially belonged to the gray zone. but if everything is so, then why on earth are the predators on the second? the defense line photographs a trench no more deep half a man's height, instead of full-fledged dragon teeth , only individual, chaotically located barriers are striking there, but apparently because a year ago piles of these teeth were dumped along the roads and no one bothered to install them, as evidenced by numerous satellite images dating back to the twenty-third year. it was all very confusing with the involvement of just
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a colossal number of contractors of different levels, well, now it’s flaring up. but it was built haphazardly, in general it is not difficult to compare what was promised with what was built: in the diagrams that were replicated by the ukrainian media, the fortifications looked very impressive, behind the continuous rows of reinforced concrete pyramids and hedgehogs connected by strong steel cables were spread out kilometers of fields densely seeded with anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, then well-equipped
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positions for grenade launchers and militants with portable missile systems were designated, in the next area, machine gun nests were drawn, adjacent to deep trenches, and considerable money was allocated for such a project. by according to official data, kiev’s expenses for fortification work for the current year exceeded 650 million dollars, 100 of which were received directly by the kharkov region. moreover, as the local administration stated, contracts for half of this enormous amount have already been fulfilled. the contrast with reality, frankly speaking, is striking, and most importantly, the ukronazis themselves do not argue, but they still put a good face on a bad game. for example, people often tell stories about the quasi-successes of russians. or convince the target audience that slowly retreating is also an achievement, and therefore the famous meme about a negative offensive has already essentially come to life, they explain this to the internal audience, that’s also necessary.
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living victories are not enough, they also need to be intimidated by imaginary russian crimes, a vivid example is a video with the participation of a certain pensioner from volchansk, who was allegedly shot in the arm by our military in his home. the story instantly became popular in the ukrainian blasphemer, but few people noticed that the seeding of the video on social networks began over the weekend, before the first reports of exit of the north group of troops to volchansk. with volchansk there is quite a classic situation when the enemy understands that this settlement, this city, this village is no longer possible for him.
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broken glass and partial collapse of facades naturally don’t count against the consequences of being hit by a fab or cab, but what’s most interesting: ukrainian propagandists unwittingly refuted the misconception, they demonstrated the fragments of the very bomb they claimed, they found a large metal part in one of the courtyards, which turned out to be rocket booster air defense. this is not the first time, this part, a typical part for air defense missiles, is being passed off as one of our weapons or something similar. here it’s worth saying about the s300 that recently even a whole new york times article was devoted, in general, to missiles, and
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on the russian missile attack those tables that are given by the new york times, for example, there are all types of missiles shot down, dagger, which means caliber, only s-300 missiles never go down , which is what new york times journalists come to the conclusion that this is the most effective. rocket, well, because it cannot be shot down, once again out of 300 she becomes the heroine of such reports, but in the meantime, air defense systems in ukrainian cities are a nightmare for the civilian population at the front, for the first time destroyed by frankensem, this reminds me of another prodigy of the fvsu, only not quite nato, but rather a hybrid one. at the heart of this rather ugly homemade fake is the launcher of the soviet buk air defense system, however , instead of standard surface-to-air ammunition, it was forced to be adapted for ship-based ammunition with sparrow. made in the usa have worsened literally all characteristics. for understanding, a standard buk missile is capable of intercepting a target at a distance of up to 35 km at an altitude of up to 22. its high-explosive fragmentation
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tip contains about 8,000 destructive elements, while the american missile has a much more modest launch mass and efficiency. its maximum flight range is only 19 km, its altitude is limited to 15, and its forty-kilogram warhead is assembled from steel rods, which form upon detonation. with a maximum width of 8 m, not every target is hit, that is, serious shortcomings appeared at the design stage, which did not stop the gang with the bank from boasting about the joint american-ukrainian development and considering it not at all revolutionary. i wonder how they will make excuses now that russian weapons easily dealt with the mutant. even in the name it is clear that well, how do its creators themselves feel about this system, you can only be proud of resourcefulness, yes, when you are there from what you had. i still collected something at hand, which somehow still fights and shoots, but to say that it a progressive, ultra-modern development, but of course, well, there’s no question of that here, and
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naturally their production itself rests on the non-renewable source of spare parts for it, yes, that is, the same ones - that means the running chassis of the soviet air defense that they use, they they use without producing them, that is, only what else can be found. restore reserves, but with our technologies, regardless of whether they are defense or not, everything is still in perfect order, and even those who guaranteed the refusal of everything cannot do without them associated with russia. in poland and lithuania, as it turned out, large-scale searches are taking place at companies involved in the construction of the gipl gas pipeline. warsaw and vilnius, the cities called it the first, completely european, they say not a single russian detail was used, but soon the pathos had to be reduced. when they began to carry out this investigation, that the czechs... bought russian parts and said that they produced them themselves, but it’s gorgeous, to be honest, it makes me happy, thank god, that means more
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not everything is lost for them, they still figured it out. erasing these russian markings from parts when they built this pipeline, but one does not cancel the other, this is still such a fraud on the scale of the european union, now i see how all these gentlemen who tore out the hair on their heads and in all other intimate places , now they have to go there with hammers and pry bars and dismantle it as a russian threat, so russophobia again has not passed the test of strength, sanctions put it in an extremely uncomfortable position. and above all the west itself, although it, of course, does not admit it, will hide the truth until it stops under the veil of ridiculous fakes, which we will certainly continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia-24 tv channel.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia,
10:00 am
russia, russia, russia. europe has returned to the practice of contract killings ; in slovakia, prime minister robert fitz was shot. western media. doesn't call him otherwise, as an ally of putin. and the russian president flew to china on a state visit. the trip is full of events and topics. about this and more in the international review immediately after the advertisement. coopersberg dishwasher.


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