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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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europe has returned to the practice of contract killings; the prime minister was shot at in slovakia. minister robert fitz. western media call him nothing more than an ally of putin. and the russian president flew to china on a state visit. the trip is full of events and themes. about this and more in the international review immediately after the advertisement. coopersberg dishwasher with automatic opening coopersberg washing machine with discounts up to 40%. on
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again, political terrorism in europe , the slovak prime minister was shot at. economic management, how not to overdo it with the arms race, materials from our program. the state of mind of the most unstable members of society is an indicator of the political situation; there are plenty of examples. as a result of the assassination attempt , slovak prime minister robert fica was seriously wounded. in europe, there has been no attempt to deal with politicians of this rank for a long time. in relatively recent memory, the serbian prime minister.
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the prime minister of slovakia, robert fica, is only 59 years old, he is a doctor of law, a specialist in criminal law and a member of the slovak lawyers' association. after graduation university in bratislava served briefly in the army, from 87 to the nineties fica was a member of the communist party of slovakia, and even after the collapse of the soviet union and the velvet revolution, he retained his leftist views, he joined... direction social democracy. from 1994 to 2000 he was slovakia's commissioner at the european court of
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human rights. he was twice a member of the parliament of the slovak republic and was also twice the prime minister of the country. in 2012 after winning the elections. fitz for the first time in the history of slovakia, since the acquisition independence, formed a one-party government. at the next elections in 2016, it became a coalition and existed for another 2 years until 2018, when jan kuciak and his fiancee were killed. the reporter was investigating tax fraud between an italian criminal group and the slovak political establishment. in token of. thousands of citizens took to the streets to protest against the murder, and robert fitso resigned. later, the perpetrators of the murder were found. the alleged customer, businessman marianne kočner, who appeared in the journalist's investigations, but
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the court acquitted him. in april 2023, robert fica again became prime minister of slovakia for the third time. as the leader of the parliamentary opposition, he stated that he wanted to stop the supply of weapons. ukraine. the politician also emphasized that slovakia will not support ukraine’s application for nato membership, since this is the biggest nonsense. after the elections, fitz confirmed his words, but indicated that he would provide humanitarian assistance to kiev in post-war reconstruction. he considers anti-russian sanctions to have a negative impact on residents of slovakia. he himself visited russia several times and met with presidents putin. and medvedev. let’s not multiply speculation about who benefited from getting rid of the confrontational slovak, whom western media labels nothing less than an ally of putin. there are examples in history when what looks like an obvious
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conspiracy is explained by a fatal accident or a despicable everyday occurrence. simpler explanations tend to seem less credible in such cases. and it happens that for. what cannot be disputed is the impact of political hysteria on consciousness people, especially now that the difference between warning and forcing is disappearing. european, especially eastern european societies are frightened by an inevitable war with russia, and this does not pass without a trace. god bless prime minister fitz, but i wouldn’t want anyone else to try to master the best practices of a turning point. vladimir putin paid a visit to china, his first since the start of his new presidential mandate. he paid tribute to politeness to sidzenpin, who visited russia in march last year immediately after joining as chairman of the people's republic of china. the trip,
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rich in events and themes, came at a very important moment. two major international crises, ukrainian and palestinian, assumed proportions when the outcome. both will affect the entire world system. the western side is united, using opposition to the autocracies of russia and china to consolidate. notorious. autocrats are groping for the limits of interaction; the process is not without its rough edges, given the incomplete coincidence of interests, but it is progressive. china has chosen a consistent line in relations with russia in the context from the first days of the war, he does not retreat from it, despite any attempts by western countries to push him, the main limitation is the refusal...
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what western countries are trying to do is
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to induce with their threats how both the government and chinese, chinese corporations, public and private, to be even more cautious, that is, chinese business, especially chinese banks, they have always been known for their overly tough attitude towards the implementation of sanctions, they... they are in this even after the fourteenth year they went even further than, for example, even japanese banks and companies; the americans take advantage of this quality of theirs. let’s talk about the peculiarities of the current relations between russia and china with our dear friend, alexander lomanov, deputy director of the primakov iir. sasha, hello, more than two years ago, when the russian president visited china, everyone paid attention. the wording is a partnership that has no boundaries, and just after that
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there was so much talk about where these boundaries are were and so on, now it doesn’t sound, as far as i understand, does this mean that borders have appeared, yes, for starters, i remembered where this wording came from, it arose in january 2021, the twenty- first, when the two countries were preparing to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of russia -chinese treaty and the minister of foreign... some way to motivate the russian side to think about intensifying the partnership,
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to stimulate the thought process in order to look for new forms, new areas of cooperation, but after the start of a special military operation with, thanks to the efforts of western propaganda, it all turned into a kind of, well , a kind of farce, because you can take a huge number of western publications, where the same thesis is replicated:
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government refers to what happened in china last year in december a foreign policy meeting of the party's central committee, where the slogan of parallel advancement would be put forward.
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in the context of the global situation, when the big truth is adjacent to the big lie, russia and china need to follow the true dau, the right path, and accordingly, based on these, well, these are principles, this is a commitment to those principles that can lead us to a just world, to that very community of humanity’s destiny, and this is a little reminiscent of 2003, when the formulation about peaceful rise appeared china. yeah, in china they proceeded from the fact that this is an excellent explanation for plans for future growth, increasing its international influence, that is, china will get richer, it will become stronger, but it will not be aggressive, in the west it caused such a negative reaction that within about six months this concept was simply withdrawn from official circulation, but it
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remained in scientific circulation, something very similar is happening here, business representatives are now all unanimous... they say with one voice that working with china has become more complicated, primarily because financial relations are very susceptible to american influence, china is extremely attentive to secondary sanctions and really does not want to expose itself, well, in general , one can understand, but this is a serious problem, payments are not going through, can we expect a search for new forms here now from the chinese side. may 2024 is called the most fruitful year for us anti-chinese sanctions, which began with restrictions for possible support for the russian-ukrainian conflict. the us treasury department has accused hong kong-based finder technology of exporting hundreds of drone parts. ashenzhenskaya ihan aviation technology and john ee heavy equipment defense
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and technology group in the targeted supply of parts for military electronics. may 8. the us has limited china's access to software artificial intelligence and applications based on it, such as gpt chat, says that models that process huge amounts of information could be used to carry out cyberattacks or create biological weapons. on may 9, the us department of commerce expanded the blacklist to include 37 companies and 26 enterprises from china. involvement in supplies to russia. eight more chinese companies were sanctioned for their alleged involvement in the chinese balloon incident, which february last year was shot down in us airspace. on may 14, the biden administration accused china of unfair trade practices and announced new tariffs on chinese imports. the changes will come into force
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within 2 years and will affect sectors important to national security. duties on lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles, steel and aluminum products, quay cranes and even syringes, needles, and personal protective equipment will be increased by up to 25%. tariff elements for solar panels will increase to 50%, for electric cars themselves to 100%. tariff the mesh will grow by a quarter, as well as minerals, aluminum ore, manganese. and chromium, as well as rare elements such as actinium curium, they have not forgotten about metals such as tin and zinc, on the one hand, for the most part the united states is not very dependent on these goods, bloomberg notes, on the other, as reuters writes , biden's tariff wall will face leakage through mexico and vietnam, through these countries excess cheap chinese products will still
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end up on the american market, tariffs have not changed so radically since 2000. if china will demonstrate to the whole world that it is subject to absolutely illegitimate sanctions from the united states, then for the countries of the global south this will be an indication that if a similar situation arises in their interaction. refuses to develop a partnership with it, then this will very significantly weaken the authority of china’s position in the global yoga. the second thing is that, unfortunately, the threat of conflict in the taiwan
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strait does not disappear, it at least persists, if not increases, so at some point it may absolutely arise a mirror situation, when china will already be at the epicenter of a power conflict in exactly the same way... or monumental, a well-tempered piano or well-coordinated playing of an instrument, a drawing by the german burchard mohr, two people from
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russia and china playing the piano, europe is written on it. the silk road or the new red carpet, cartoon by markus grolick from germany. sit zinping visits paris. two people who look like macron and ursula vonderen tell him: welcome to europe. michael ramirez from america is not can part with spy suspicions around tiktok. a man who looks like shizen pinnya personally monitors all the videos on the chinese social network. vladimir putin spoke very highly of the chinese peace plan in an interview before the visit, calling it factually. perhaps a starting point for a further peace process, and in general china is now very active, demonstrating its diplomatic interest, but for me,
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perhaps, as an outsider, it is very difficult to imagine that china is like this he exists, he will begin to engage in peacekeeping, as we imagine it, shuttle diplomacy, persuasion of the parties, the search for compromises there and so on, well, somehow we don’t know china from this side until now, at least.
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ideas about what kind of flatness china has, in fact, i don’t have clear tools to convince the west to abandon the cold war mentality, the desire for hegemony, but if this is translated into practical civilizational superiority and so on, then i would rather perceive this initiative as a certain set of guidelines, using which this problem can be solved, but in a situation where the west is aimed...
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in a month it is, should take place, throughout the surroundings there is a clear feeling that the main, in general the most important task of the organizers and the swiss , the west and ukraine - this means that there should be a chinese representative there, at least some kind, this is a recognition in general of the importance of china, that it is its participation that legitimizes the process, but china has not yet spoken out, in that context, who... described what china's calculation could be applied to this conference? it is necessary to take into account this specific understanding of foreign policy in modern china, this is first-person diplomacy, that is , only those events at which sidingping is present, at which he speaks, have a certain regulatory normative status, as is customary to write in the chinese press with important speeches at which he seeks
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strategic consensus. everything else is just some tools for carrying out in life the policy that he outlined sidinping, since in chinese everyday circulation this is already a stable formula for sidinping’s diplomatic idea, this was , by the way, very clearly visible in the example of sedzenpin’s trip to europe, where he tried to bring all these ideas to european leaders, well, first of all, to macron and fondolya, and as for this conference, imagine some kind of... convergence between the ideas that western countries are currently pursuing, which are quite specific and in many ways, tough, and how to combine them with the chinese position, so aimed at showing the right, good guidelines for the future, but slightly skipping over the specific stage of the steps that need to be taken to
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achieve this future, it seems to me that well... even if this happens , then this will be more likely an exchange of some theoretical theses and provisions, rather than the development of something concrete and practical, but again , it is difficult to foresee the future if suddenly a situation occurs in which the west simply turns its back on this situation, loses interest in the ukrainian problem, then again these chinese formulations can be used if it really starts. it’s clear, well , i do n’t think we’ll see the west receding behind us any time soon, so we’ll probably put it off for now, thank you very much, alexander lomanov was our guest. shortly before putin’s visit to china, a remarkable pseudo-scientific discussion unfolded there, a fairly well-known specialist on russia, feng yun, published in
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the british magazine economy. comment, gist which: china, of course, does not support the russian campaign in ukraine, does not believe in russia’s success and connects its future with relations with the west. london editors edited the text to suit their propaganda style, but nothing is known about the author's objections. a succinct answer came from the famous chinese commentator, guosunmin. it is naive to think, he writes, that it is chinese. russian relations can supposedly be reshaped at will, determined by the post -cold war international political structure. it doesn't depend on desire people, until fundamental objective changes occur, there will be no fundamental changes in chinese-russian relations or in the relations of china and russia with the united states and the west. the importance of relations with central
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asia. with russia for china, well, one might say, it has been historically suffered, he understands perfectly well that this is not a relationship that can simply be abandoned, because let me remind you that in history china and the ussr had a brutal confrontation for decades, this is a threat , but from the north there from the west, it was for him difficult, which is why chinese diplomats and experts always say: we value relations with russia, we...


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