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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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at their own discretion, they are determined by the international political structure after the cold war, it does not depend on the desire of a person, until there are fundamental objective changes, there will be no fundamental changes in sino-russian relations or in the relations of china and russia with the united states and the west. the importance and relations with central asia and russia for china. the ussr had a brutal confrontation for decades, this is a threat, but the north there, the west, it was the most difficult for it, that’s why chinese diplomats and experts time they say: we value relations with russia, we value relations with central asia, well , because these relations are obvious.
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how bad it can be when these relations are not set up for conflict and how good it is, what powerful projects can be implemented when relations are at a high level of trust, friendship, relationships, so i would say that today the eurasian direction is the most important for china, they are self-sufficient, and he still considers them not only within the framework of the context, which here he has a struggle somewhere, but the fact is that... these relationships need to be maintained and developed, because their value is very high. once upon a time we tried to explain everything only by historical patterns and went too far. now the other extreme is to reduce everything to a confrontation of specific wills. it’s even difficult to communicate with some regions across the sea, for example, one of these traditional, historical, by the way, traditional partners there for thousands of years is the persian,
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civilization, and let's say, the most understandable, not even just a country, precisely as one of such important historical routes, it is precisely the land route to iran, especially since in the middle east, especially transport routes, especially now we see, yes, for example, the confrontation between the houthis of yemen and the united states of america and israel, and we see that navigation there has become sharply complicated, so land routes, especially... to energy-intensive regions, which include not only central asia, but also the middle east, represented by the same iran, well , of course, russia as a powerful energy power, of course, this is very important for china. one of the fronts of the political-economic confrontation is rare earth metals. they are needed for key technologies, from radio electronics and instrumentation to fuel catalysts. the largest holder of subsoil. china, which
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makes the rest of us very nervous. lithium is not a rare earth, but it is another area of ​​competition. here china also has considerable reserves, and beijing also competes fiercely for deposits in africa and latin america, and the united states is seeking internal reserves. report by dmitry vershinin. this is the so -called mud pit. geyser, thermal spring, a place where gases and steam, heated by heat from the center of the earth, found their way out. the smell of rotten eggs in the air is hydrogen sulfide. a couple of hundred meters away is a geothermal energy processing plant. using heat from the planet's core, it heats water and supplies it for heating. in this part of california, the kachela valley, there are dozens of such factories, and this a natural phenomenon will form the basis for lithium mining. we have one of the largest.
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from the world's lithium deposits, we can manufacture and supply batteries for electric vehicles that will enable us to move into a future without internal combustion engines. this place was called litovaya valley; element number three in the menderev table itself was called white gold. giant deposits of heavy metal were discovered at a depth of 2.5 km under the salty salton lake. extraction is planned using geothermal energy - this is a new technology, on paper without damage to the environment. lithium mining could become an economic engine for the entire region, with high-paying jobs, especially given the drought, which could lead to a reduction in farms in the area. taxes from this mining could help rebuild the region from the environmental disaster of the past, helping california and the world transition to a carbon-free economy. frank ruiz is an environmentalist working to restore the region. lake salton is the site of the largest environmental disaster in us history. 120 years ago engineers changed the ruslogs. colorado built
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a network of canals to provide water to farmers. the excess of this water turned into a lake. in the middle of the last century , the hollywood elite recovered at local resorts. the lake became a magnet for the family. hotels and yachts, but the boom quickly ended, the town of the north shore once flourished, here the streets are called coral reef, grapefruit, the avenue has a pleasant view, celebrities loved to relax here, for whom frank the senator sang live, today there is devastation here, not a single grot , unpleasant kind, but hollywood still loves this place, albeit as a setting for a film about the apocalypse. the civil liberties committee, a non-profit organization, handed it over to the authorities.
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it is unknown whether golden rain will fall on a valley tormented by one man-made disaster, or whether another will be created thanks to lithium. world leaders in lithium mining, chile and australia, have already faced the catastrophic consequences of this toxic process. dmitry vershiy, for international viewing, california, usa. after advertising about war and economics, interesting news and historical experience. great crowd, bye everyone, you owe the bank,
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heads the institute of usa and canada of the russian academy of sciences, and prokhar tebin works at the higher school of economics. hello, sergey, hello, well, the fact is that war is such a very complex multi-component economic one.
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after all, serious problems are solved not by individuals, but by teams and established processes. at the post of minister of defense, in
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many other similar responsible positions, it seems to me that the most important thing is a clear vision of priorities and goals, the ability to make difficult decisions, the ability to build communication first just with a variety of people, from industry, from the military, and so on, eh? in america everyone now remembers the experience of a prominent defense minister robert mcnamara, who, generally speaking , is not a military man, although, in my opinion, he fought in world war ii, but nevertheless a manager who led the pentagon for eight or about 8 years, why was he in demand then, was there a war going on, or did it first begin, then flared up, suddenly macroeconomists were in this position. robert mcnamara was born in 1916 in san francisco, he received a fundamental
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education, first at the university of berkeley in california, and then at harvard business school, where he later taught accounting. in 43-46 mcnamara served in the us air force, worked in the office of statistical control and analyzed the effectiveness of strategic bombing during the second. after the victory , he retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel and was awarded the order of the legion of honor. together with his colleagues from the analytical department, he gets into management. ford company. the air force's 10-person analysis team was tasked with using analysis and statistical methods to improve the company's position. mcnamara rose from planning manager to president. success is so it is obvious that in the sixty-first year , president kennedy invited mcnamara to his administration. he was offered the post of head
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of the treasury, but in the end he became defense minister. the group of advisors who followed him from ford inherited the nickname the wise guys had given them there. as minister, he tried to improve the efficiency of the bureaucratic mechanism with the help of new technologies. mcnamara was the first to apply systems analysis to public policy, which led to the emergence of such a discipline as political analysis. during the cuban missile crisis of '62, he insisted on blockading the island, but spoke out. for a peaceful resolution of the conflict with the ussr. even before the appearance of soviet missiles in cuba, he proposed moving from a strategy of massive retaliation to a flexible response. it was mcnomara who introduced the terms assured destruction and nuclear deterrence into the lexicon as key elements of the new strategy. after the death of john kennedy in november '63, he retained his post under lyndon
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johnson. mcnamara largely determined us strategy. in the vietnam conflict, insisted on us intervention in laos and vietnam and the expansion of the american presence in indo- china as a counterweight to beijing. on his initiative , the “100,000” project appeared, a targeted program for recruiting conscripts into the army who previously did not fit into the requirements due to physical or mental health problems. due to the shortage of conscripts, this became a necessity. popularly, this program was called “morons” mcnomars or corps of morons, because in 5 years there are more than 300,000 people with a low iq level troops were sent. a significant portion of these people had difficulty surviving combat stress and were prone to aggression. one of them is shown in the stanley kubrick film - a full metal shell. private homer
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kucha was not supposed to become a soldier in principle, but in the end he killed the company sergeant major and committed suicide. by the end of 1965, mcnamara began to realize the futility of further us military efforts; in may 1967 , he presented a memorandum to president johnson, in which he indicated that the war in vietnam was being lost at the political level, and through left the post of secretary of defense for six months, he set a record for holding this position, 7 years, then mcnamara worked as president of the world bank for 13 years, he died in...
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the states and...
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and any system, if it closes in on itself, it becomes less effective if it is possible to bring the system to a higher level to ensure its interaction
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with a larger system, in particular there are military-industrial complexes, the military structure on the one hand, the entire economy and society in general, the state on the other on the other hand, the exchange of personnel, technologies, ideas, processes will be much more effective and is especially important now... the problem of personnel in the usa, in other countries, including ours, that is, qualified personnel, they need to grow up in some kind of environment the opportunity to move, develop, business is still a risk, well, this is inherent in entrepreneurship, in the military sphere, what are the limits of taking risks when making certain management decisions, on the one hand, large government funds are allocated, and in the end, you need to get, for example,
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what has changed, but what, on the contrary, remains unchanged? it should be noted that the weapons systems that are now in use were largely developed, which means that they were developed in the sixties and seventies, on a number of issues, in principle , optimal indicators were achieved that no longer need to be developed, for example, we can recall fighter-interceptors, for example, the soviet 25, it is the highest altitude, the fastest, but in principle, you know, things don’t go further, because the request for more fast high-altitude aircraft, it is simply missing, it is not necessary. in the context of modern conflicts, can we say that now in the world there is some kind of military-political system, defense -industrial and military, which is, to one degree or another, a model, that’s what we need to focus on, good question, china, usa , i don’t know there, i’ll give you a hint, russia, rather there is no unambiguous standard,
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because the experience of one... country cannot be transferred painlessly to another, conditionally, as if the americans have a lot of successes achievements of advantages, but no one else has such a volume of resources, and the chinese system, it also demonstrates enormous success in many directions, but it is also not flawless, there are specific countries, they have a specific set of resources, interests, their own...
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were we have similar attempts in certain areas of our activities in the country, but it doesn’t work, because after all, every experience is individual, well, then we wish success to the new minister, he has something to do, thank you very much, he’s visiting us there were sergey kislitsin and prokhar tepin, it was an international review, see you later.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.


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