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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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we check, it means that here it is a little more than 3.5, 3.700, now we will test in modes and check the characteristics declared by the manufacturer. domestic engines turned out to be no worse than imported ones; they even cope well with excess weight. they have already been installed on 300 new copters. the main problem now is with delays in components from southeast asia. there will be less. bikas are sent to the front in special branded backpacks, they even have heating for batteries in case of frost. every backpack with drones also contains wool ones. socks knitted by giulietta amadeo, daughter of an italian anti-fascist. my father, an italian communist, worked in stogliati, he is an anti-fascist, and was in prison in italy. he
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was sent here to study at the party-leninist school, and we, when he died, i was 12 years old, i was sent to study in ivanovo, in an international orphanage, and we grew up, we are members of komtern, but i wouldn’t, if i was young, i would take a rifle, well, how can i help, well, at least with this, for the third year now , juliet chezarovna, tirelessly with knitting needles, has been helping the front, it’s very simple it started, i watched television and saw that people were helping, i need to help with something, why not me, if i can, if i can, it surprises me that not everyone understands that there is a war, but it could come at any time tomorrow moment, and if everyone has at least something... well then we
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will win, juliet’s sister and her children have been living in italy for a long time, but due to the political situation they hardly communicate, and with the homeland, which is only one, the daughter of an italian anti-fascist has long since decided , i love russia, i like it here, i was in italy, there of course ok, but you understand, where you were born was useful, i remember how... my father had nostalgia for his homeland, how he suffered, leaving what you were used to, but why? i just wanted to help the guys, boys, wait, i understand that it’s very difficult for them, and most importantly - this is a message, like grandmothers, well,
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it’s nice, in the very first package the russian-italian grandmother even put a piece of paper with her poems: how i want to be a help to you, but what can i do in my old age? i’ll warm your feet with socks and save your life with prayer.
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this is what developers from bashkiria propose. a whole system of prefabricated shelter dugouts for military equipment, they made a shelter for themselves and where they can protect themselves from the rain, from drones in principle, well , they can camouflage themselves, all this is assembled in a couple of hours from
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plywood panels that do not take up much space. one two-meter straight shelter, purely for a dugout and a three-meter-high tent for equipment, right here... in detail, well, as you can see, there are not many of them, but in order to build this with the help of logs, you need to drive a kamaz truck. they immediately demonstrate their military field designer to the soldiers at the training ground, carefully listening to their comments, bmp, here it comes with a barbecue, here it is lower in profile, so if the tank is, well , i understand, a meter, these will need to be raised a little by a meter, ok, no problem. useless but the main thing is that the people got involved in the process, trying with all their might to make it easier for the soldiers to complete the task, because even washing at the front is a big problem, once a month
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is a luxury, and portable barrel saunas on a car trailer, which used to be very popular among lucky people, are now quite will be useful in the svo zone, this... is not the first bathhouse that is sent to the svo, we have already been working in this direction since last year, in order to be needed, to be suitable for our guys. in bashkakastan several manufacturers of such mobile bathhouses are already working for the front. the bull bath is made entirely of cedar. marat gafarov assembles two bathhouses from siberian cedar per week. just make it compact so that it is mobile; in fact, the electrics are connected to the trailer. journalists from the bashkir state television and radio broadcasting company purchased one bathhouse for the svo at their own expense, and the champion helped build several more barrels.
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little by little it also comes into play, everything will be useful at the front, due to the weather of constant shelling , things quickly become unusable, we need socks, new combat boots, equipment, generators, stoves, uazs and a lot of drones, even more means to fight them, now fpv and enemy drones in the sky on the front line are just like a raven, a lot, so rap is now one of the most important aspects of ... work on the front line, namely rap, artisanal, any rap, there is rap in a car, rap, simply, which
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is installed in the trenches, this is the most important thing now, because i see, because rap is everyone asks me, from doctors to infantry, scouts, well, this is it for everyone it is necessary, a small company resident of skolkovo dsvo engaged in the production of equipment for microchipping asitrov, identified specific fish from... the device is seen by a drone a couple of kilometers away, the fighters have time to either hide or get a shotgun. this box is essentially, in simple terms. it works as a radio receiver in a completely passive mode, so that it cannot be figured out in any way that
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units or a soldier have it, so it intercepts those frequency ranges on which they most often work directly drones, captured ukrainian copters sent by our soldiers from the front helped a lot. i specifically analyzed the internal filling from which it is made, analyzed the firmware that is in the radio... the module understood which frequencies, namely non-standard ones, are sewn into the drone in order to later make a detector, that is, to understand with whom we are fighting, you need to at least see the enemy in the face, so to speak, but i not only saw him in the face, i even dissected him, ideally such a box should be with every fighter, the battery lasts for about 8 hours, a 5 ghz telemetry channel was discovered, so far they are doing everything here...
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the interference was much higher, it does not work at 360°, in a narrow beam, respectively, such
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a narrow interference, it allows do not jam our equipment, increase the density of interference for the intruder drone, which we need to suppress, and do not interfere with surrounding neighboring units and objects with our suppression. at the training ground we used two different drones, a pretend enemy komikaze, our reconnaissance drone. look, i see the target, azimuth 270, yeah, the distance is now 1.200, here he is approaching 1.150, 1.100, he looks. we turn the turret, turn on the suppression and observe what will happen to our target; the pyroet could single out an enemy drone and break the radio control channel between it with the operator’s console. the kamikaze fell to the ground, our reconnaissance aircraft continued its flight. the only drawback
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of such a system is its size, so an individual drone countermeasure kit was developed. the soldier has a spectral analyzer in his hands, which allows the fighter to detect at a safe distance enemy drones, uavs, various types of fpv and maviki, reconnaissance aircraft, after detecting an enemy drone, the fighter goes into readiness mode and takes out a gun. against drones, russia recently developed a special interception cartridge, inside of which
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there is a kivlar mesh with weights for buckshot. if the buckshot does not hit the drone, then the propellers will.
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so, a projectile that flies into a drone so that the threads do not get tangled, the area, let’s say , is much higher due to these threads, how does it differ from a shot cartridge - this is its range, since the shot is scattered, effective shooting can be up to a maximum of 50 m, with the same cartridge you can reach up to 100 m, that’s all. the tehrim plant specialized in hunting cartridges, gas cartridges and traumatic weapons, now we need to respond to the challenges of the time and come up with something to combat drones. they hit the fpv drone, they hit it with a thread because it cut off two blades, one blade from each
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propeller. volunteers who collect and send humanitarian aid to the northern military district still believe that our society is not yet enough supports the front. as soon as you cross the border, there is complete relaxation, people live as they always lived, of course, there is some kind of mobilization moment missing, the people who are there on the battlefield, feeling support from russia, they would probably,
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well , if they felt different, they would have more of this power to win. the krasnodar region is near the northwestern military district, ukrainian drones often fly here, and they are constantly trying to strike on the crimean bridge connecting kerch with taman. so that dad recognizes my candle, i’ll put five wicks here, so he found out directly. yegor's father is now at the front, and the boy hopes that this candle can warm the soldier on a cold night. if he comes across at least one of our candles, let him light it and remember us. you can warm up on this candle, there are capsules like this, you put it in a capsule, it heats up, it’s in a dugout, say, in the trenches, it heats up, they are also
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adapted, you can heat up food, heat up water, pupils of the cadet school were involved in the production of trench candles, alan khadaev is an assetian by nationality, but at heart a kuban cossack, he was recently wounded behind a ribbon, the cargo was transported, delivered everywhere and how... a lot to each dugout, somewhere we accidentally saw these were cylinders from freon, that is, they collected them all over gelinzhuk, went to metal reception areas , collected, then people
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began to bring them themselves, that is , when the volumes increased, it went well, they began to open workshops, that is, accordingly, stoves from gas cylinders in the army are dismantled with a bang, then what we are doing is i think a drop in the ocean, if only at least 20-30 percent if only people would still get up and be lifted up. from the sofas, i think we would throw our hats at everything simply, but here we are, of course, we try from morning to night, we try and will try, someone treats like that, that is, that well, i don’t seem to care touched, i don’t need it, as if more people would take part, we’ll win faster, all this will end faster, ordinary. an auto repair shop in gilendzhak now turns civilian cars into light armored cars, the craftsmen insert additional sheets of iron in the door along the bottom. we will completely strengthen
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the bottom of the car, that is, we will install another sheet of three metals so that there are fragments from below, so as not to break, we will dismantle the original seats, because it will be uncomfortable for the guys to sit in bulletproof vests, that is, the entire volume. where do you get these cars, do you buy written-off cars or do you buy them in this condition? where do we buy participants? we look at the condition, thanks to the volunteers, gelendzhak helps us buy cars, prepare them and send them to front, how many have you sent to the front, to be honest, i’ve lost count, well, more than 10 vehicles, of different types, and who are you handing them over to? we are transferring to different units, this car will go to the dsb veterans, the former minister of internal affairs anatoly kulikov has a son, one of his grandchildren, who is fighting, he says how
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could he stay on the sidelines, the general himself sends humanitarian aid and helps others with it, he answers at the military leaders’ club for the volunteer movement, such a movement is not new, in the forty-second year, when the germans were at stalingrad... a defense fund was created, almost 8 tons of silver were collected and 81 tons of gold were collected, people gave away their jewelry, chains, rings, the former minister of the ministry of internal affairs recalls the first chechen company, says that then the fighters had such support in there was no society at all, it was often heard from tv screens, we didn’t send you there. this did not happen in the first chechen war, there was not even support for the military from the media, and we fought there in the first
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chechen war, contrary to everyone, every support. i remember the first and second chechen campaign, it was characterized by an unusually broad activity of so-called human rights activists who defended only wahhabis, only... criminals, only separatists, just anyone, but not our side, that’s what we had civil society, has now suddenly found out that we have a different civil society, some volunteers have set up the production of camouflage nets right in shopping centers between shop windows, someone is sewing camouflage coats for snipers right in the kitchen of the canteen, which the fighter cannot be seen through. the president proudly calls all this our home military-industrial complex, let’s say a sniper, you can’t see him, he even crouched down, zhenya, he crouched down,
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you see, he’s not visible, at the same time... at the same time, look, our product turned into a tent why it is good, here his fighter is also not visible, where he can calmly rest, children make candles, adults rivet armored cars and stoves, but during all this time not a single submarine or even a patrol boat built with money from a famous names from russian forbes list, the whole story. here are the number of yachts that our oligarchs have, they at least exceed the cost of the black sea fleet in total, instead of these yachts, money today should be sent here, because if we are unable to achieve victory, without fulfilling the goals of the north sea military district, russia will not be able to be considered a sovereign state in the future ,
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us. will be crushed, and we will once again look at us from the outside, it’s all of us, our civil society, that’s what it is, amazing and largely underestimated, this is the very bond on which the entire state and holds on, and this society will sew stretchers , rivet stoves, potbelly stoves, even despite... yachts of oligarchs and corruption scandals with generals, someone will spit on all this, take a backpack with grandmother’s socks, go to the military registration and enlistment office to register as volunteers, to save once again homeland, because she is alone.
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the future, from the future to the past, from the past to the future, once again, i understood correctly, the future, yes, music, graphics, i liked the humor, i’m from the parent committee, i don’t have any change of shoes, the main thing remains love, i see how he looks at you, the way he looks, well, the way they look, he looks like that, there are so many different things, a surprise, well, of course, like that, 10 out of 10, a brilliant choice, it will be simply interesting. everyone, we'll meet in the future, tell me when 100 years from now.
12:00 pm
in novorossiysk, 26 thousand people were left without electricity, the power supply was lost due to an accident at a substation, an oil transformer caught fire, special equipment was putting out the fire, by this time the fire had been localized, the causes have yet to be established, this will be done later before the fire is completely extinguished. the day
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before the attack. vso drones partially damaged a transformer at one of the substations, a power outage affected 16 thousand city residents, the accident was quickly eliminated. a new wave of mobilization. begins today in ukraine, the corresponding law has come into force, it significantly tightens the rules of conscription. thus, the kiev regime expects to make up for it.


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