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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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he was working with bees, holding a braid, grandfather, give me some candy, let’s go, i’ll give you honey, now i’ll pour you some honey, where were the candies, well, it was delicious. on february 12, 2022, the georgy zharkovsky award was solemnly presented to the son and granddaughter of the fighter. honestly, we just cried for 3 days, everyone cried, and those who once knew my grandfather, we shared this story, as it were, well, because it itself is amazing, of course, the shock passed, this is me now i can talk about this more or less calmly, but then they just stifled me.
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tears welled up, tears in my eyes, very excitingly, of course, another 60 awards from the canadian collection are waiting for their owners. sergei believes that someday relatives will be found and the orders will return to the families of the heroes. i already know many people who live here in other countries, who live abroad, they look at this, they also want to help with something, so that these awards don’t lie on the shelves like goods, and they even... former residents of yekaterinburg inna gladnova and eduard gilman - journalists and historians, once at a flea market in munich they discovered soviet. a military order along with shot glasses,
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glasses, some other objects, suddenly we see our order, the soviet, russian order of the red star, when i picked it up and looked at it, it has a factory number, that is, it’s not just like that, it’s the same with the number, but the question is how this order got to germany and how it got to this merchant, we don’t know that anymore, we’ll never know, he doesn’t know the history of this order. they bought the star without haggling; they asked for less than a hundred euros for the badge of honor. the couple knew that the owner can be found by award number. after long correspondence of requests to military archives, the couple learned the name of the hero. the order of the red star was awarded to pyotr ivanovich bossov, efretor from crimea, from the village of rybachya. people are busy from munich and absolutely. with a seemingly
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unusual request for us, we need help, after publishing an article in a local crimean newspaper about the search for the hero’s relatives, galina bosova, the daughter-in-law of a veteran, whose order was found in munich 75 years later, called the editorial office, well, we already realized that there was nowhere to go, need to deliver the order to crimea, accordingly, they contacted the diplomatic mission, contacted mead, the guys from munich brought the order to the consulate of the russian federation, mead transported it to moscow, the presidential representative in crimea georgy muradov was given the order, and he said, he says, i say, maybe you hand it over, this is also honorable, he says, no, no, it was you who did this, this is such a heart-wrenching story, so come on , and the correspondent went to present the order, i am handing over this order. today is the day when the order
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returned to russia, to his homeland, to his house to his relatives galina iseevina and his grandson dmitry. well, we were happy, our whole family, including our son and his family, were certainly very happy, well, it was emotional, it was a reward for all our difficulties. hello!
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we don't know. pyotr bossov received a star in 1945. the award sheet says that he showed steadfastness in attacking the enemy. having burst into a trench, he destroyed a german officer and took him. sound because, well, because, this probably reminds us, reminds us that our ancestors are not ordinary people, they are amazing people, they are people
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we can look up to, and that, in what sense, that is, knowing what people were like, they lived in our country in the past, we understand that now we do not have the right to lower the bar, yes, responsibility, well, everything else, this is important, good afternoon, today is august 14 , 2022, i didn’t think that they would start asking me about where it came from i got it, that is, i thought, i’ll hand it over, they’ll find everything, and as they say, thank god, germany again? our former compatriot alexander shot tells the story of how a medal for courage appeared in his family. i found it on my site, i was actually working, i bought a house 10 years ago, and we were improving the site here, and i was bringing in land, so i just said that i found it in the ground
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here, but that’s all, and after that it went like this. the medal was found in 2017, in the twenty-second , alexander decided to find the owner, wrote to the german consulate general, and from there. made a request to the russian ministry of defense, from documents we learned that the winner of the award, viktor golubev, a native of the village of prokshino, tula region, died at the front in 1944, received a medal for bravery for bravery shown in the battle near rostov, well, i actually shared it with my father, he was also surprised, and with many friends here i’m telling you, no one could believe it, what was it, that this could have happened, the tula search engines found the red guard’s family,
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well, i live in another place, then they contacted me directly. the local organization memory took the initiative to withdraw the award from germany for the sake of the future, our former compatriots solemnly received it from alexander schott. thank you very much, thank you to everyone who is present here, thank you for passing on the medal, which will go further and reach the recipient, for my friends, for my colleagues. with whom we work, for us it is simply an honor and for us it is a duty to fulfill before our relatives, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, so that every person, every warrior, soldier returns, as they say, to their homeland, so that everyone knows that we have
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such heroes were. at the end of the twenty-second year, the shota family was invited to moscow for a festive concert, say thank you to the heroes, where is the medal of the fighter golubev. it is you who will give the relatives of viktor aleksandrovich golubev a medal for the courage that he deserved in the hardest battles of 1943. this amazing story. at a meeting at the panorama museum of the battle of stalingrad, the young army soldiers told russian president vladimir putin what you had done, it was certainly worth a lot, thank you very much. the ceremonial transfer of the order took place in the fighter’s homeland in tula. vitaly moiseenko accepted
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grandfather's award from the hands of governor alexei dyumin. in the rostov region , he destroyed 13 fascists. viktor golubev was a resident of the zaovsky district in the tula region. since this is a great-uncle, i only knew about the merits of my grandfather, they were both sailors, one was called up to the baltic, and until forty... half a year he still served, caught mines there from the baltic sea and went through the blockade as a sailor, defended leningrad, the second , his brother, that’s whose medal, yes, there was only information that he was drafted into the pacific fleet, and presumably somewhere in the ukrainian ussr, well , somewhere... presumably he died in kirchi and in battle, that’s all, there was no more information,
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neither my grandfather ever spoke about this, nor about my grandmother, how the award got to germany, no one knows, only the place of the soldier’s death is known, but the remains have not been found so far, well, i had an idea to find it and at least perpetuate the memory, but at least to bow, to know where he was buried, as it were, yes, but here remains, that yes, that is , well, in fact, there is not a single dust left there yes. all that's left is a medal. the grandson of the hero of the soviet union, a resident of moscow, ilya maryasov, holds his grandfather’s gold star in his hands. eh, it’s heavy, the same, the ribbon is also preserved, everything is preserved as it was before. 1943 award for heroism in the battle of the dnieper. lieutenant pyotr
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maryasov successfully transported tanks to the right bank, working without rest for three days. this is my grandfather, and he fought starting in 1941, they took him to the front, but i don’t remember on which fronts, yes, but he almost made it to berlin, returned after the war, worked in... in different garrisons, he and his grandmother were transferred from one outpost to another, where all these 30 years there was an award, no one knows, lost in the ninety-third year when moving from yalta to moscow, received it in december last year, they wanted to send it abroad to sell it, disguised as a new year's tree decoration. it was discovered in the twenty-second year by postal customs officers. the parcel arrived from khabarovsk to
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moscow for further shipment to estonia. and the circumstances of the case are such that our defendant criminal case, he posted an advertisement for the sale of the medal on an online auction site, writing that it was supposedly a copy for conspiracy, and signed that it was gold, that is, and set the price equal to the original one. the seized award was sent for examination when its authenticity was confirmed... they began to look for relatives, one day maria anokhina received a call from the crimean military registration and enlistment office and said that maryasovo’s relatives had been found, i wouldn’t have believed it at first, but that’s what i think, but no, well, all of them at once , i run to the boss, tell this news, he is shocked, he just in fact, well, he was very sincere about this matter, he was also very heartbroken about finding relatives, she calls me during the day: she says, i introduced myself as such and such, they found me in the investigative
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department, well, she told me that as a result , there is a medal, this is how we wanted to give it to you, yes, well, you need to collect some documents there, and in general, at that moment i just forgot about everything, yes, i just left when i was talking to her, right in this in a straightforward mood, she told me everything, that’s it, that’s it. wanted to transport medal, but now you need to sort out the documents so that it comes back to you. the medal was handed over in moscow, in the building on petrovka 38. maria anokhina personally came from khabarovsk to present the star to her grandson. i congratulate your family on such a significant day, i wish you all the best, i can’t even imagine where she could have been, and how long she had been in her hands, and what a path she had traveled.
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the officer admits that when he lost his medals, he didn’t expect to see them anymore, but so far was in captivity at an american online auction , two russian awards went on sale, the description said that the trophies were taken by ukrainian militants in
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the special operation zone, they came with documents, numbered awards, so... i decided to buy them, i tried to buy both awards, but unfortunately, i was only able to buy one medal for courage, i bought this medal, and then began to think about how to return it, and i didn’t know if he was alive, i didn’t know at all, well, he could have died, being awarded. gennady cheblatov moved from kiev to america back in the nineties second year, works in texas as the head of a workshop for the production of parts, with a special passion for collecting orders and medals. i do most of the collecting. imperial russia and the countries that took part in the first world war, i contacted andrei bolderev, he is a collector who has his own museum in samara, he deals with military uniforms, well, not only military uniforms, so i contacted him and asked him to help find, well, if possible , contact the recipient or somehow
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contact his relatives, well, through the ministry of defense i found out that the man was alive, was in... well , he returned, here is presented part of my collection of russian uniforms and relics of the russian imperial army, well, everything here is what is genuine, my collection is more than 100 uniforms, about thirty are presented here, from the uniform of franz joseph i was so interesting, he bought this medal, then found the lady. who was flying from america to russia, and in transit, gave her this medal, i asked my daughter, who was in moscow at that moment, to pick up this medal, she gave it to me sent it to samara, and from here we organized the presentation, the medal was solemnly returned to the stage in the murmansk region, where dmitry’s military unit is located, well
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, as far as i understand, dmitry cried when , after all, he was a senior lieutenant. they gave away this medal, they came specifically for this, this is an example of how you need to treat your place in this in this world, that you need to help, that you need to share, that giving is more blessed than taking, we are currently at an exhibition, dedicated to a special military operation called this is our land, we will not leave. in the twenty- second year, from the military registration and enlistment office we were given the order of courage of bobarik dmitry alekseevich, who died heroically in the zone of a special military operation during the liberation of the city of izyum. dmitry bobarik is a pupil of an orphanage, he has no relatives, so the award
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for a soldier of the northern military district, the first and only one in the museum of the armed forces, was accepted not from relatives, but from military registration and enlistment offices. according to current legislation, state awards can only be accepted from close relatives or from distant relatives, in if there are no close relatives, and the remaining awards are subject to return to the administration of the president of the russian federation. the fund of foreign insignia awards contains more than 4,500 state awards from the great patriotic war. of the most significant revenues. in recent years, this has been a complex of memorials to marshal of the soviet union sergei khrameev. 49 items were transferred to the museum in 2023 from the family of the military leader. and here is the first one. golden star of the hero of the soviet union, which sergei fedorovich akhramiev received on may 7, 1982, for planning
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military operations in afghanistan, and four orders of lenin, the order of the october revolution, and the order of the patriotic war of the 1985 model, and the order of the red star, which he was awarded in 1943, the second order of the red star, a medal. for military merits, and also, as i said, an award from socialist countries. state awards of the great patriotic war are kept both in the fund, that is, hidden from the eyes of visitors, and in display cases, in thematic halls. the first principle is chronological, that is, take era to place a complex with awards that are typical for this era. the second principle is when a set of awards is included in an exhibition dedicated to a particular historical figure, primarily heroes and commanders. and finally, the third principle is
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to place awards specific to a particular event. in the same hall of the battle of stalingrad we can see the medal for the defense of stalingrad, which was awarded to all the defenders of the city from the private to the march. electrical material comes to our museum with the assistance of the ministry of foreign affairs, so in 2019, materials were transferred from canada with the assistance of our nida, these are two certificates of ivan nikitovich kozhedub, which were bought in a store, but initially these certificates were offered to the family, the family refused and...
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they are sure that every lost order should return to its to the hero. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, receive a superkick in rubles for all purchases , withdraw cash for free. simply profitable, alpha profitable! thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in the apartment, someone
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stand, who are they, new ones, this with me is a passenger, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why adam and not adam, i am a chechen, an artist, a white rose , you can, i can, you can sing somehow , i shave, i’m alive, we don’t need names, you can’t touch her, or what, not a little, not yours, well, you’re a blunder. little light god, homer, to the machine gun, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing it to rebin’s call sign, no, this is my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s right.
1:00 pm
next, our broadcast will continue with a documentary film dedicated to the japanese intervention in the occupation of manchuria. may 3, 1946.


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