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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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next, our broadcast will continue with a documentary dedicated to the japanese intervention in the occupation of manjuria. on may 3, 1946 , an unusual person appeared on the streets of tokyo. it was painted
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dark green, and the windows of its interior were tightly covered with pieces of thick white fabric. the bus was escorted in front by american military police jeeps. at about 9 a.m. the convoy arrived at the building of the former japanese war ministry. it was located on a hill in the northwestern part of tokyo.
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the preparation and progress of the process were controlled by the us occupation authorities. according to them decision, they were excluded from the list of defendants. china, usa, soviet union, great britain, france, australia, new zealand. canada,
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the netherlands, india and the philippines. it took 2 and a half years to study documents, witness statements and defense arguments. the facts about the atrocities and crimes of the japanese army released by the tribunal came as a shock to the whole world. as a result of the trial, seven japanese war criminals were sentenced to death by hanging. the rest received various prison terms imprisonment, up to life. two defendants died during the trial. one was declared insane. in august 1946, before an international military tribunal, the last chinese emperor appeared as a witness; he was brought to tokyo from khabarovsk, accompanied by a soviet.
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pui's testimony was the longest and most detailed during the entire trial. he answered questions from the tribunal within 8 days. i was born in beijing. my name is pui, my real manchu surname is aisingiro, that is, aisingiro pui.
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his residence was in the city of changchun, which under the japanese was renamed sen tsin, the new capital. since 1932, he lived here as the supreme ruler of manjo hugo, and from thirty years on he was already the emperor of the great manjurian empire. later in his memoirs, pui will write: thus , because of my spinelessness, and also because i dreamed of restoring the throne, i became the main traitor of my homeland, a fig leaf for the bloody rulers. under the cover of this fig leaf, the northeast of our homeland completely turned into a colony, and for 30 million compatriots a life full of disasters and suffering began. the japanese adopted the image
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of a blooming yellow orchid as the coat of arms of manja-ugo. it also became the coat of arms of puyi himself. history of the manjurian pseudo-state. ended in the summer of 1945 . on august 9, japanese generals informed puyi about the offensive of the red army that had begun in manzhuriya. they demanded that he urgently move to the city of tonghua on the border with korea, so that they could then transport him to japan. august 11, 1945 at 9:00 pm, emperor he left puyi and his two wives forever. to chenchuni palace to flee to japan. before this, he burned more than 100 personal notebooks, these were diaries that puyi kept for 13 years. ruler manjo hugo took with him from the palace more than fifty boxes with various goods, watches, books, scrolls and
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imperial jewelry. but it was not possible to go further than shinyan pui. on august 19, 1945, the airfield where the emperor was awaiting flights to japan was suddenly attacked and captured by soviet paratroopers. they discovered the detained pui along with his immediate family and his ministers in the government hall at the airport. from here the prisoners were transported to chita, and then to the khabarovsk special camp. in addition to the emperor, the valuable film archive of manjo ugo, which the japanese did not have time to destroy, also fell into the hands of the red army. these footage shows official ceremonies with the participation of puyi and propaganda stories about the life of his
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pseudo-state. then he did not yet know that after the collapse of mago, he would spend 5 years in soviet captivity and 9 years in re-education. gosfilmafond of russia!
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there are still many people in japan who do not recognize the decision of the international military tribunal. in 1960 , this ominous memorial appeared near the city of nagoya. it was erected quietly in honor of seven war criminals executed by court order. here they are named. warriors who accepted death for their country. the explanatory plaque reads: 11 states held a trial over the actions of japan, which was defeated in the war due to the use of the atomic bomb by the americans,
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the violation of the non-aggression pact by the soviet union, and also due to the lack of necessary materials. about the fact that japan started a war in asia and...
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here are the remains of the secret laboratories of the japanese detachment 731. during the occupation of manchuria, its employees were developing bacteriological weapons. the detachment was located not far from... the carbine occupied 150 buildings on an area of ​​6 km. here the japanese
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invaders carried out savage experiments on living people. in 1945, before fleeing china, they blew up most of the premises. but the japanese will completely destroy all buildings, for example, a laboratory for freezing prisoners. did not have time. unit 731 conducted experiments on frostbite in humans here. their goal was to find treatments to protect japanese soldiers from frostbite to fight the war against the soviet union in the north. this room contained refrigerating machines. from here the chemical gas came through the pipes. into the next room, where experimental prisoners were frozen. today, on the territory of the former
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laboratories, a grandiose museum has been opened, dedicated to the memory of the victims of detachment 731. most of the tortured prisoners were chinese. in addition to them, as test subjects, the japanese used the russians, mongols and koreans. the squad members called their victims logs. killing logs was not considered a crime. the sophistication with which graduates of the best japanese universities tortured their captives is amazing. for example, in order to find out the permissible altitude ceiling for japanese pilots, experimental prisoners were locked in a pressure chamber, from where. they pumped out air until a person was torn to pieces,
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people were turned into mummies alive in hot rooms, arms and legs were cut off without anesthesia, they poured the blood of monkey horses into the bodies of the victims, scalded the prisoners with boiling water, subjected them to powerful x-rays, and tortured them with electric current. this scene reproduces one of the most barbaric experiments. mother and daughter die from poisonous gases in a special sealed chamber. certified sadists watch their agony. they are interested in how much longer the human body resists gases than the pigeon body. but the main focus of the experiments... was the use of deadly bacteria for military purposes. monstrous experiments on the living
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people were carried out not only in laboratory buildings, but at a special training ground in the anda station area. there, experimental prisoners were tied to poles that were dug into the ground at a distance of 5 m from each other. then a bomb filled with anthrax bacteria or... plague bacteria was exploded next to them, after which japanese doctors coolly observed how long it would take for infected people to die from these terrible diseases. the whole process. the japanese paid great attention to the development of biological weapons, including because that the japanese clearly understood that they did not have enough resources, so much attention was paid to the creation of some kind of superweapon or wonder waffi. the japanese believed
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that the successful development of biological weapons would turn the tide of any war, regardless of who it was against. to test methods for future bacteriological warfare against the ussr, the japanese deliberately contaminated border rivers, in particular the argun river. in the strategic plans of the kwantung army, the targets of a future bacteriological attack were blagoveshchensk, khabarovsk, usuriysk and chika. in
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total, there were employees of detachment 731. dozens of types of deadly bacteria and viruses were tested on humans; their work was supervised by a graduate of the kyoto imperial university, doctor of medicine shiro and shii. in 1945, he managed to escape to japan, where he was detained by the americans. in exchange for his life, ishii handed over to them all the developments and results of the experiments of unit 731. in order to obtain the experimental data and important information about bacteriological developments, the united states hid the facts of the crimes of unit 731 during time of war. therefore, shiro and shii and the other members of the squad he led escaped
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a successful career in scientific institutions and the japanese ministry of health, and several doctors even opened a private maternity hospital in tokyo. in the second half of the 19th century, japan was the first asian power to begin reforming its economy.
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they saw them as their rightful prey to obtain resources and new markets. having won several victories over qing china and the russian empire, japan within a short time captured taiwan, korea and liaodong peninsula. having placed a military group, called the kwantung army, on the occupied chinese territory, the japanese militarists. in the early thirties , they began large-scale aggression against all of northeastern china. bloodshed.
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groups. ambushes, sabotage and attacks on japanese garrisons would continue until 1941. as a result, during the first 6 years
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of the occupation of manchuria, the kwantung army and its accomplices would lose more than 178,000 people killed and wounded. at the beginning of 1932. japanese the army attempted to capture shanghai, but was repulsed due to the resilience of the chinese army and the city's inhabitants. to give their seizures the appearance of legitimacy, the japanese authorities created a new pseudo-state of manzhouguo in the occupied territories of northeast china. literally translated into russian - the state of manjuria. five.
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puyi's residence was located in the premises of the former administration of guerinho and the lunzian salt company. in 1962 , a museum was created here. in 1984 it was opened to the public. there was a worker in this building puyi's office and official ceremonies were held with his participation. on september 15 , 1932, in this room, the signing of the japanese-manchurian protocol took place, which completely placed the territory of manchuria under
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the control of the japanese army; in this room, on march 1 , 1934, the solemn ceremony of accession to the throne took place, after which puyi became officially known as emperor manche. a pseudo-state itself from this day forward. filming of the festive decoration of the palace on the day of the proclamation of puyi as the emperor of the puppet state has been preserved. tables for the festive banquet was served in european style. puyi's passion for western culture began as a child.
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the ceremony took place in the suburbs of chenchun, where a hill was built to represent the temple of heaven. here ui appeared before his japanese masters and his subjects in a traditional imperial robe decorated with dragons. but all this was nothing more than a magnificent decoration. tokyo sent 3.00 japanese advisers to the state apparatus of manjo ugo, who actually directed all the actions of puyi and his ministers. talking about manju, we must understand that this was
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a real colonial regime. manipulated by japan. this palace is a clear confirmation of this. puyi himself wrote in his biography, the first half of my life, that here his toasts, greetings, smiles, and any conversations were completely controlled by the japanese. therefore, he had no personal freedom. the entire life of the ruler of manjouguo can be described in four words. beating. medicines, fortune telling and fear. i didn’t sign up for this, but i signed up for the gazprom bonus, every day with me, bonuses and discounts are at hand, buy only at a discount, all thanks to subscription,
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