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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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the soldiers break up positions in sou with strikes from a distance. both time-tested galubits and the latest heavy flamethrower systems are used. tankers make a significant contribution to the destruction of enemy equipment fortifications. frontline reporting by igor pikhanov. under the cover of darkness , the tos-2 multiple launch rocket system goes into combat. the crew's task is to destroy the enemy stronghold. the formidable vehicle carries 18. thermobolic projectiles of 220 mm caliber; in terms of power and efficiency, russian ammunition has no heavy flamethrower systems analogs. it’s impossible to describe what’s happening after ours, from our work, what ’s happening there, it’s hard to describe, well, it’s not for nothing that they call it the second weapon after nuclear weapons. the crew of a unit of the northern forces group strikes the enemy, destroying firing points, artillery in the ssu and military equipment, in a matter of minutes for...
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well, accordingly, better. on the neighboring sector of the front, artillerymen are working on enemy positions. a d-30 gun camouflaged in the forest destroys military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. artillery hits the enemy with support scouts. our drones are in the sky around the clock. i'm shooting, fire! the long-range weapon burns out ukrainian tanks and destroys well-fortified enemy dugouts. depends on our speed uh.
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defeat the enemy, the faster we aim and shoot, he will not have time to leave, leave his positions, or retreat, as it were, and this is a modernized t-72 tank, at the front the steel fortress has become a real battering ram that breaks through the defenses of ukrainian nationalists. the crew of the combat vehicle moves to the firing line to strike identified positions of the armed forces of ukraine, we support our infantry, and we are systematically pushing them back. guided missiles, a maximum firing range of up to 12 km; during a special military operation, the crew destroyed dozens of enemy military equipment, and also neutralized uav crews. now the main danger at the front is enemy drones, so an electronic warfare station is installed on this tank, it creates a dome over the equipment, also on the turret. the tank has
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an anti-drone screen installed. the russian military is increasing pressure at the front. the only one the chance for ukrainian armed forces soldiers to survive is to lay down their arms. for this purpose, a 24-hour radio channel called volga was created. those who surrender are guaranteed decent treatment and medical care if necessary. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. a new wave of mobilization begins today in ukraine. the corresponding law has come into force. it significantly tightens the recruitment rules. thus, the kiev regime expects to make up for at least part of the losses of the ukrainian armed forces. for example, all those liable for military service, as in in ukraine and abroad, you will have to clarify your registration data within two months. violators will be fined and may lose their driver's license. in addition, all men from 18 to 60 years old are required to carry a military id; without it, it will not be possible to obtain consular services abroad to renew the validity of a grand passport. disabled people of the second and third
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groups are required to undergo a medical examination, and military registration and enlistment offices have received the right to distribute summonses around the clock everywhere, they will also be delivered by mail, the summons is considered served even in the absence of the recipient address. prisoners can be mobilized, except for those convicted of serious crimes. experts doubt that the new order will help significantly increase the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, but they believe that the kiev regime may face sharp discontent among residents, and ukrainians abroad will begin to renounce citizenship. zelensky asked the united states for permission to use american weapons to attack russia, the wol street journal reported , citing the pentagon. earlier, representatives of president biden's administration noted that assistance in the form of military trenches is intended for defense and not for offensive actions on foreign territory. the white house once again stated that the united states does not support ukrainian strikes on russian targets. we do not encourage attacks on russian territory. american weapons systems and
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do not contribute to them, our policy in this regard has not changed. who is always in a hurry to help, aim for pain, pain in the knee, pain in the back, neck, it doesn’t matter, the shoulder may fail, let’s call pentalgin, extragel, pentalgin extragel against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints, catching a bird's fire is not easy, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprom banks. the rate is up to 17.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit on in the whirlwind of life: successes, failures. clothes fill you with
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order in the magnit app. children are growing up , we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card, limited. design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses payment sticker, apply now for a children's savings card - an adult approach, you owe the bank. i have already ordered a rosbankrot anti-credit card on valders on yandex market. in bishkka, after
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the riots, 29 people turned to doctors, more than half of them were hospitalized. over 200 people took part in the large-scale fight. it occurred after several clashes between city residents and foreigners. the security forces used all necessary means to stop the unrest as quickly as possible. the government of kyrgyzstan condemned attempts to provoke ethnic violence and emphasized that the situation is under control. suspected in attempted murder of prime minister slovakia was taken to court under heightened security measures. the prosecutor demands preventive detention for juraj centula. earlier, the head of government underwent another operation.
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responsibility, to be honest, i even received threats; they are also involved in this matter. the wave of aggression reached
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brussels, and one of the most prominent slovak political activists, juraj majcin, moved there. previously, he worked at the permanent mission of slovakia to the un, from there he moved to the organization center for european policy, where he specializes in hybrid threats and disinformation. now maicin competently asserts: “bratislava is calmly strangling the freedom of the press, but is silent about whose money this press exists on.” when he came to power, he initiated an investigation into the european
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covid vaccine in slovakia, refused to follow the general line regarding ukraine and opposed anti-russian sanctions, even one of these points would have been enough to catch a bullet. let me remind you that such events are always the result of the actions of a circle of people possessed power, don't forget about it. fitz's attacker will appear in court today and faces life in prison. the case of juraj tsintu. will be considered by a specialized criminal court, to which the slovak government transfers the most high-profile cases. alika komarova, lead. france lost control of parts of new caledonia. this was stated by representatives of local authorities. official paris, in turn, decided to cancel the olympic torch relay in its overseas territory. due to mass protests and riots. prime minister gabriel attal ordered a state of emergency to be declared on the island. he also reported. that paris will send additional soldiers to new caledonia to provide security at airports and maritime terminals.
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the reason for the pogroms was the intention of the authorities of the fifth republic to change the constitution and grant voting rights to everyone who had lived in new caledonia for more than 10 years. the protest was organized by representatives of the indigenous population advocating independence. they are confident that they will remain in the minority if everyone gets the right to vote, who have settled on the island in recent years. bad weather is raging in the north of italy, the region has been hit by hail showers, flooded streets, basements of houses, storm winds in some places turn into tornadoes, roofs have been torn off, power lines have been damaged, and trees have fallen on the roads. in one of the communes, a hurricane overturned seven carriages of a freight train. the consequences of the cyclone are being eliminated by emergency services in germany. in the trirsarburg district , more than 200 people have been evacuated, some areas are without electricity, and chancellor scholz has canceled. election rally to evaluate situation on the ground, heavy rains led to floods in the north-east of france,
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local authorities declared a red alert level in the moselle department, according to meteorologists, more than 70 mm of rain fell there in one day. the dprk tested a tactical ballistic missile using a homing system, the korean central news agency reported. the test launch was attended by kim jinneung from... the test took place in the east sea of ​​korea. it is noted that the main goal was to test a new autonomous navigation system. previously the dprk army has already test-fired ballistic missiles towards the sea of ​​japan and successfully tested new multiple launch rocket systems. toufon eye drops are created specifically for nutrition, restoration and preservation.
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real money, right now live a better future, already in the present with alpha insurance. apply for a loan in sberbank and get a chance to win money to repay it, and also receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with sber prime. kyiv. denies the brutal terrorist attack in belgorod, tries to pass him off as a certain russian provocation, in the kharkov region , meanwhile, they cannot understand where the defensive structures, which zelensky personally praised, suddenly disappeared. we’ll tell you more about everything right now in the stopfake program on russia-24. so, the tragedy in belgorod, where the entrance to a multi-storey building collapsed due to an attack by the armed forces of ukraine, remains an important topic not
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only for domestic, but also for ukrainian media, which included the traditional anti-crisis methodology: first. from different angles, then you can clearly understand that there was no explosion there, it’s pure arrival from the ukrainian side, this
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narrative that russia allegedly blew up the house itself, this narrative has been known for a long time, more than twenty. years, that is, since the beginning of the two thousandths, and it was launched by birezovsky with the suggestion of the british intelligence services. as a result, the weaknesses of the first temnik turned out to be too obvious, and therefore an alternative entrance was made, according to which the house was attacked by russian weapons. the topic was rocked by many, from the foreign agent of radio liberty to the resources of an extremist and also, again, a foreign agent gordon. they say it is profitable for the kremlin to make a sacred sacrifice out of belgorod, for which purpose they specially dropped a high-explosive bomb weighing 500 kg on the city. although there are also versions about the unsuccessful launch of the anti-missile missile. in short, the junta’s attempt to attribute its own cannibalistic methods to the russian troops is obvious. however , the least powerful stuffing does not stand up to any criticism. 100 contains 46 kilos of explosive equivalent, which clearly would not be enough to destroy an entire entrance. fat-500, on the contrary, is too powerful. its detonation pulls 300 kg of waste, in place
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the explosion leaves craters up to 3 m deep and up to eight in diameter. accordingly, other entrances would also be affected. moreover, even an intermediate version of the fab-250, one way or another , would have covered not only the neighboring spans, but also neighboring houses with a blast wave. as for the hypothesis about the failure of the air defense crew, the warhead is anti-aircraft. the rocket creates a field of fragments, which, if they fall on a building, cause limited damage, as has repeatedly happened in ukrainian cities, the ukrainian side already has very rich experience over the past 10 years, in general, to try, well, to build such a picture, which, to which everyone is already so accustomed, that no one is even on the wrong side of the ukrainian one, that no one even thinks about how much it is crazy, it all started almost 10 years ago. back from the air conditioner in lugansk, well , that’s how it’s still going on, well, they dropped a bomb on their own house, they shelled their own city, and the
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like, they blew up their own entrance, it’s like a routine, that is, well, you need to react quickly , these versions appeared immediately on the move, well, the final chord of cynical lies was the attempts to turn the assessments of the russian ministry of defense upside down, which , according to a number of information stations, were...
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distracting the ukrainian public from the main problem for them, we are, of course, talking about the situation in the kharkov region, from where as the russian fighters advance , characteristic shots come more and more often. we're filming, we're filming, quickly, that's it, the militants of the forbidden krakin are retreating under. not having , since they simply do not exist, and yet it would seem, the opportunity to occupy defensive lines, quite recently, zelensky personally assured that strong, or, translated
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into russian, powerful fortifications had been built on the border, and even seemed to be inspecting the results of expensive work on their construction, but after a couple of months , statements to this effect by the leader of the gang with the bank mysteriously disappear from ukrainian records telegram channels have been preserved only in the archives, these are the so-called canned food, which are thrown in advance... into the target audience and say that everything is prepared in order to successfully conduct military operations, your task as citizens is only go to the military registration and enlistment office to go directly to fight. these canned goods that were thrown in in advance, which said that supposedly and supposedly zelensky, as the commander in chief, prepared everything, they are now crumbling into fluff and rags, because of course there are no fortifications, and like that boy who did it. .. some bad action is trying to hide traces, so zelensky is now also trying to wipe everyone’s tails behind him. however, the propagandists failed to develop a unified manual, and now they themselves do not seem to know where to look for
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the reasons for the strife. some are pointing the finger at the regional golighter sinegubov, others are assuring that mistakes have been made that are not too late to correct, others are reassuring that vsushniki allegedly dug in a little further from the border, and the leptsov and volchanskaya districts initially belonged to the gray zone. but if everything is so, then from what article are the predators on the second? line of defense they photograph a trench with a depth of no more than half a man’s height; instead of full-fledged dragon teeth , only a few chaotically located ones catch the eye barriers, but apparently because a year ago, piles of these teeth were dumped along the roads and they did not bother to install them, as evidenced by numerous satellite images dating back to the twenty-third year. it was all very confusing with the involvement of just a colossal number of contractors of different levels, well, now it’s flaring up.
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who was recently arrested for stealing a bottle of whiskey from a supermarket, and this individual entrepreneur received 20 million. naturally, in such conditions, it is very difficult to create a centralized defense, it, well, it was built haphazardly. in general, it is not difficult to compare what was promised with what was built. on the diagrams that were replicated by the ukrainian media, the fortifications looked very impressive, behind the continuous rows of reinforced concrete pyramids and... connected by strong steel cables , there were kilometers of fields densely seeded with anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, then well-equipped positions for grenade launchers and militants with portable rockets were designated complexes, in the next section they drew machine guns nests next to deep trenches, and considerable money was allocated for such a project. according to official data, kiev's expenses for fortification work for the current year exceeded 650 million dollars, 100 of
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which it received.
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broken glass and partial collapse of facades naturally don’t count against the consequences of being hit by a factory or a cab, and what’s most interesting is that the misconception was unwittingly refuted by ukrainian propagandists, they demonstrated the fragments of the very same bomb they claimed, they found a large metal part in one of the courtyards, which turned out to be the upper stage of an air defense missile. this is not the first time, this part, a typical part for air defense missiles, is being passed off as one of our weapons or something similar. it’s worth saying about the s300 that recently even a whole new york times article was devoted, in general, to missiles, yes, a russian missile attack, in those tables that are given, for example, by the new york times, there are all types of missiles shot down, a dagger, that means the caliber, only the s-300 missiles never go astray, what they come to, here are the new york times journalists, they come to this
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conclusion that this is the most effective. the rocket, well , because it cannot be shot down, once again out of 300 becomes the heroine of such reports. well, in the meantime , the air defense systems in ukrainian cities are a nightmare for the civilian population at the front, for the first time they were destroyed by frankensem, this reminds me of another prodigy of the fvsu, only not quite nato, but rather a hybrid one. at the heart of this rather ugly homemade fake is the launcher of the soviet buk air defense system, however, instead of standard surface-to-air ammunition, it was forced to be adapted for shipboard systems. sparrow. made in the usa have worsened literally all characteristics. to understand, a standard buk missile is capable of intercepting a target at a distance of up to 35 km at an altitude of up to 22. its high-explosive fragmentation.


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