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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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in general, mm missiles, and on the russian missile strike tables, which are given, for example, by the new york times, all types of missiles are shot down, dagger, which means caliber, only s-300 missiles are never shot down, which is what new york journalists come to the times comes to the conclusion that this is the most effective missile, well, because it cannot be shot down, once again out of 300 it becomes the heroine of such reports. well, while the air defense systems in ukrainian cities are causing a nightmare to the civilian population at the front, frankensem was destroyed for the first time, this let me remind you of the next vunderva of the fvsu, only not quite nato, but rather a hybrid one. at the heart of this rather ugly homemade fake is the launcher of the soviet buk air defense system, however , instead of standard surface-to-air ammunition, it was forced to be adapted for sparrow ship systems, made in the usa , and literally all the characteristics were worsened. to understand, a standard buk missile is capable of intercepting a target at a distance of up to... 25 km at
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an altitude of up to 22. its high-explosive fragmentation tip contains about 8.00 damaging elements, while the american missile is distinguished by a much more modest launch weight and efficiency, its maximum flight range is only 19 km, its height is limited to fifteen, and its forty-kilogram warhead is assembled from steel rods, which upon detonation form a ring with a maximum width of 8 and do not hit every target, that is, serious disadvantages appeared at the design stage. which did not stop the gang with the bank from boasting about the joint american-ukrainian development and considering it not at all revolutionary, i wonder how they will justify it now, when russian weapons easily dealt with the mutant. even in the name it is clear that well, how do its creators themselves feel about this system, in general, one can only be proud of resourcefulness, yes, when you are there, from what you had at hand, you still put something together, which somehow... it still fights and shoots, but to say that this is a progressive...
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development, well, of course, well, there ’s no talk about that, and naturally, their production itself relies on a non-renewable source of spare parts for it, yes, that is the same means chassis, chassis, soviet air defenses that they use, they use without producing them, that is, only what can still be found to restore stocks, but with our technologies, regardless of whether they are defense or not, everything is still in in complete order, and even those who guaranteed the renunciation of everything connected with russia cannot do without... even those who guaranteed the renunciation of everything connected with russia. in poland and lithuania, as it turned out, large-scale searches are taking place at companies involved in the construction of the gipl gas pipeline. warsaw and vilnius cities called it the first, completely european, they say not a single russian part was used. but soon the pathos had to be toned down. when they began to conduct this investigation that the czechs were buying russian parts, they stipulated that they produced them themselves, but that’s gorgeous. honestly, this bugs me. joy, thank god, it means
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that not everything is lost for them, they still figured out to erase these russian markings from parts when they were building this pipeline, but one does not cancel the other, this is still such a fraud on the scale of the european union, so i already see how all these gentlemen who tore the hair on the head and in all other intimate places, must now go there with hammers and pry bars and disassemble it like a russian. threat, so russophobia again has not passed the test of strength, the sanctions put the west itself in an extremely uncomfortable position, although it, of course, does not admit this, it will hide the truth until it stops under the veil of ridiculous fakes, which we will certainly continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia 24 tv channel. again, a leap into the past. time travel is not
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toys, if you knew how delicious it is, you wouldn’t be so busy, alexander petrov’s stellar combo for 355 rubles, i love it, it was delicious, period, i’m something good, the best, and i’m useful, oh yes, and you you manage me regularly. and i am the new vtb loyalty program! vtb! choose the categories you need every month, for example, clothing, sports products and receive cashback of up to 25% on any vtb card in rubles. thank you! thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket! and here are the rubles! vtb, together everything will work out! sportmaster presents norsland, austrian brand of travel equipment! buy in the sportsmaster mobile app and receive 300 bonuses for pickup! thanks
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sberp prime. in moscow in these. football is a revived tournament consisting of one match, the last time this trophy was played was in 2018, then a crystal from st. petersburg won, and the first russian super cup in history was won in 2011 moscow locomotive, here in cherkizovo there is a very
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beautiful atmospheric beach arena near the walls of a large stadium, where today they will also play football, moscow locomotive has adopted the voronezh torch within the russian premier league, but... as for beach football, now the score is 5: 5, the teams won the super cup once, the eight-time national champion crystal, the five-time russian champion moscow lokomotiv, and it is absolutely impossible to predict who will take the trophy today, especially since the crystal has noticeably rejuvenated, they left before the start of this season, most of the leaders left, and makarov, the long-time leader of crystal, returned to his native locomotive and is now helping in... winning the first trophy for muscovites, i must say that last season crystal also won the national championship, the russian cup, right here, at this beach stadium , where it would seem they always play football, but for the first time they actually played only last year and the super final of the national championship took place, and
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just crystal from st. petersburg was stronger than the muscovites in the final with a score of 12:5 the st. petersburgers won then, well, now the score... no one, if the first period, the first twelve minutes was spent on reconnaissance, the teams scored one goal each, then already in the second period the spectators saw a real goalkeeper, a large number of goals scored, but the match organizers also tried to convey the atmosphere through various activities, first of all, a real wonderful picnic for fans is organized here, and you can have a traditional one. try the dish at a picnic, and of course, drink tea from a copper samovar, well, beach football starts, starts with the match for the super cup, but the russian championship will begin on may 24, vera, thank you at the match for the russian super cup in beach
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soccer, said stas radikultsev. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, taught roshydrometer a lesson to analyze the flood situation and send its proposal to the ministry of emergency situations. according to him. according to him, the most difficult situation has developed in yakutia, as well as in the omsk region, where the federal emergency regime is in effect. one of the villages has been cut off by high water; you can now only get there by boat ( transport links are being restored.
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and khabarovsk was covered by hurricane winds and a real storm was raging in the city. the wind knocks down traffic lights and uproots trees. the roof was torn off a five-story building on karl marx street. fortunately, no one was hurt, only a car parked nearby was hit. wind gusts reach 21 m/s. according to weather forecasters, the weather will improve only tomorrow. in taiwan, deputies decided to discuss the reform of the local legislative body with their fists. during the debate on the scandalous project, a representative of the ruling party grabbed a folder with a document and tried to run out with her out of the building. he subsequently explained his action by saying that he categorically did not want the law to be adopted in its current form. as a result of a scuffle, one of the deputies.
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you don’t even have to explain in detail, the west , led by the united states, does not abandon its proclaimed, including at the doctrinal level, officially, goal of inflicting a strategic defeat on russia, and defeat including a military one, but not only, and the very existence of our countries are perceived by many as the most aggressive russophobes as a threat.
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activists of the so-called forum of free peoples of post-russia, which is openly sponsored by the united states, spoke. the manner in which such discussions are unfolding suggests that the acute phase of the military-political confrontation with the west continues to be, so to speak, in full swing. we see particular zeal in what concerns.
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generation, i cannot but agree, we feel this in practice almost every day, many facts, and this must be admitted, say in the benefit of such a forecast and not only according to our feelings, we consider this forecast to be correct, after the failure of the notorious counter-offensive of the armed forces of ukraine in the west they began to promote a new, frankly false thesis that
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putin would win and then attack nato. therefore , we all urgently need to arm ourselves to the teeth. the policy has been taken to restore the strength and combat readiness of the armies of european states. transferring, as i already said, the military-industrial complexes of nato countries to wartime mode. and work has begun until that we are thinking about the contours of the formation of a european military alliance with a nuclear component. first of all, he strives. of course, france, the same emman macron recently admitted in an interview that paris and berlin have always seen russia as the main threat, apparently there are allusions here to 1812 and 1941 , if this threat has always been seen in these capitals. well, secretary general
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stoltenberg said that the alliance has been against our country since 2014. in the same vein , the european parliament resolution adopted in april, which calls not to recognize legitimacy of putin, curtail all contacts with him, except for humanitarian issues of establishing peace in ukraine, and this decision, for this decision, which in general forms the political and legal reality of our coexistence with the european union, with all the reservations about the role of the european parliament, its real role in the definition.
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president putin visited the people's republic of china, his first foreign visit after his re-election, negotiations with
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the chairman, meeting with other representatives of the chinese leadership confirmed that our relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction surpass in quality the traditional interstate alliances of the previous era and continue to play a key role in
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the past, this assessment fully reflects the essence of the ties that exist between us and the people's republic of china are strengthening in almost all areas , our actions in chinese in other non-western directions cause the undisguised anger of the former hegemon and his satellites, just look at how the united states and... its henchmen they are trying by any means to prevent the countries of the global majority from dealing with russia , they are trying to drag them into anti-russian
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initiatives like holding the so-called peace conference on ukraine in switzerland , the goal is about this too, i’m sure we will talk in more detail today, but the goal is as simple as possible to catch up with more participants to create a crowd against which proclaim that the formula for peace'. and the president spoke about this yesterday at a press conference in harbin, we are simply watching these efforts with surprise, then how, well, in general, adults occupy...
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my colleagues with whom i have to communicate, well, i don’t know, of course, what’s in the minds of our western colleagues, who, in general, surprise every day with some new revelations, that’s quite recently, after the adoption of a security council resolution on a ceasefire in the gaza strip, at least for the period of the holy month of ramadan, permanent representatives. usa
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prion, ms. thomas greenfield stated that this resolution is non-binding. i would also like to talk about this topic later without press, to talk frankly, given how the west accuses us of violating many security council resolutions. we will continue to methodically and consistently work to build new international balances, new mechanisms, new instruments that respond. interests of russia, its partners, the realities of a multipolar world, the need for such efforts, i recently read an interview with sergei aleksandrovich koraganov, he also spoke in some detail, we have some thoughts, we will be happy to share on this matter and listen to your opinion, and in short, we all recognize, as i understand it, the complete bankruptcy of the previous euro-atlantic
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security model. the bankruptcy of the west’s course towards dual containment of russia and china, fyodorovich lukyanov also called the us line of its allies in the context of indo-pacific strategies, called it the incarnation of nato in asia , in my opinion, and well, euro-atlantic security is its model. in the euro-atlantic sense, it was associated with the osce, with relations with nato with the european union, including the council of russia and nato, including partnership for the sake of world, it is clear that none of the above, but there were a huge number of treaties and agreements, including with the european union, on four common spaces, much, much
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more, none of this... nato declared the indivisibility of security in the euro-atlantic and in the indo-pacific region. blocks, incarnations of the same nato, are being introduced into this region, more and more numerous attempts are being made, such triples, quadruples, aukuses, and much more are being created. and
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it turns out that...


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