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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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turkey, egypt, usa, italy, south korea, arab emirates. where are you from? we came from peru. koveta chaudhry came from india. it's a family business for them. her father started making carpets 46 years ago. their company cooperates with russian museums. for example, this carpet was based on a painting by wassily kandinsky. almost a hundred artisans worked on its creation. i'm very glad to be here. i expected so many modern designers to be represented here, i adore them, so many russian designers, they are all unique, so i’m very glad that i was able to come here and take part, it’s a great platform. but the ceramics company where ilya works is participating in the interior and design week for the fourth time. we participate in every exhibition, submit applications every time, we really like this platform, we will never refuse it. at the exhibition you can purchase goods at a discount. i specially came from krasnoyarsk to this exhibition. to
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see what's new, came to get inspired, to admire by our local guys, i’m inspired, you’re buying a sofa, perhaps there are so many incredible designers in our country who come up with something, imagine, here you can cut it, and here you can put some cheese, we visited the exhibition and the buyers, now new products from russian manufacturers will be sent to egypt, algeria, morocco, and saudi arabia. the ministry of health has completely eliminated the use of antibiotics in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections. this is included in the updated standard of care for adults. at orvi. we discuss the reasons and consequences of this decision in the “question of science” program. major
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regrouping on the medical front. russia is changing its strategy to combat the most common group of infectious diseases. from now on , antibiotics will no longer be used against orv. the ministry of health made corresponding amendments to the standard for the provision of medical services. the changes came into force at the beginning of may. it may seem to some that the topic is not worth discussing, but the doctors are simply shaken up. list of approved drugs, but not everything is so simple, experts say. why are patients deprived of such a wide range of drugs such as antibiotics, what are they now offering to treat colds, is it possible that changes in the law are part of the preparation for the big battle that humanity will have to enter in the coming years, this is a question of science, i am pavel toropov, associate professor faculty of geography , moscow state university, and today our guest is the honored doctor of russia, doctor of medical sciences, scientific advisor to holdbio, from
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the rostec corporation igor nikitin. igor gennadievich, good afternoon. well, first of all, the question this is because, after all, i am a climatologist, meteorologist, geographer, and am far from medicine. but, probably, the general scientific question is this: here are arvi, yes, these are, well, acute respiratory diseases, for them they are not treated with antibiotics, in principle, yes, indeed, in most cases, acute respiratory, viral diseases, in the word itself definitively. the concept of this name becomes the word viral infection, indeed nasopharyngeal infections, damage to the bronchi, for the most part are still of a viral nature, a whole group of viruses today identified, yes, which causes these diseases, and you and i know very well that antibiotics, antibacterial drugs are a class of drugs. which does not work,
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has no point of application in the fight against viral diseases, so this is the decision of the ministry of health, it is certainly overdue, it is long overdue, this is an event that was adopted as part of the strategy to combat such a problem as antibiotic resistance, antimicrobial resistance, let me remind you that back in 2017 about... resolution of the government of the russian federation, approved on september 25, 2017, number 2045, where, in fact, the plan for our future life and the fight against such a problem as antibiotic resistance was announced. yes. here
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is resistance, but again, if this is just a copy of the latin, if i understand correctly, yes, this is resistance, opposition, that is, here we are talking about the fact that if in relation to medical things, apply to...
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but antibiotics, as drugs that do not work and do not have a point of application for a viral infection are not indicated there, this a long overdue solution, within the framework of the
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strategy that the russian federation is implementing, finally, yes we are before this, i want to tell you that the world health organization has long identified this problem.
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immediately, i just even see it, immediately an antibiotic, and i, if i understand correctly, this is generally an extreme measure, and then you need to get rid of them, you need to get rid of the antibiotics themselves, well, roughly speaking, you need to be treated, the antibiotics themselves,
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they can cause a number of significant side effects, effects on the intestinal microbiota, which is associated with many physiological processes in the body. side effects on the liver, gastrointestinal tract, sometimes quite severe complications from the cardiovascular system, that is, in some cases we see direct toxic effects of antibacterial drugs. igor gennadievich, here are the mechanisms, the most interesting, of course, here are the mechanisms of this resistance of microorganisms, a huge number, a whole kingdom, a whole universe, each, probably, adapts in its own way at different speeds, someone... maybe in a year everything will turn to dust, the drugs will go away, or maybe in about 10-15 years, that’s the scale here, as a rule, there are two main mechanisms for the development of resistance, this is a modification of the biological target, yeah, yes, and changes
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in the lifestyle of the bacteria themselves, the formation, for example, of the same biological films, yes, the formation of corresponding colonies on the surface. subjects in hospitals , this multidisciplinary phenomenon is very often studied, where the possibility of developing resistant flora is extremely high, because that there is a relevant patient population there.
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often it becomes simply impractical, of course, in your scientific practice, how often have you encountered such resistant ones? unfortunately, we are faced with this problem, conducting, for example, morning rounds in the intensive care unit at the department, which is based in a number of medical institutions and departments health care of the city of moscow, and federal institutions, we , unfortunately, are seeing more and more.
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a simple tool like vaccination against pneumococcus becomes very important, a comprehensive component in the fight against antibiotic resistance, especially in the group of people over 60 years of age, and our children, yes, who should be greeted, take care of your honor and health with the hammer, as they say in a certain way.
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a well-known publication of the international medical community, and it provided data that recently we can face approximately 5 million deaths per year directly related to antimicrobial resistance, and antibiotic resistance.
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medical warehouses will be full antibiotics, and patients will die from banal situations, infection during childbirth, infection of a surgical wound, infection in the hospital, for example, here is a banal infection that
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could previously be treated with antibacterial drugs, if i understand correctly, igor gennadievich covid is quite a striking example when ... antibiotics were used absolutely inappropriately, correctly, and this is the participation of patients, yes, we are faced with this problem, any viral infection, and covid, in particular in this sense, is a prologue, so to speak, for the addition of a bacterial infection or the activation of an endogenous infection or the addition of an infection from the outside, which is why, by the way, vaccination, for example, against the same flu. an extremely important tool for seasonal reduction in antibiotic consumption, it has been shown that the annual flu vaccination, this is the campaign that is being carried out today, yes, this is a reliable tool, at least preventing 11 million cases
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of unjustified use of antibiotics, this is very important. how much does it contribute to the increase resistance, well, it is often one of the main reasons for the development of antibiotic resistance, and here, so to speak, both the patient’s awareness and of course the doctor’s awareness should be there, the doctor should have an appropriate
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educational function, he should explain to the patient that antibiotics are a tool as... which lies within the absolutely strict indications for the treatment of bacterial infections, not viral ones, moreover, often the course of the bacterial infection itself, even if the infection is proven a young man or girl with a preserved, uncompromised immune system, often allows you to get by with symptomatic drugs, fat-lowering, drinking plenty of fluids, when the body itself copes brilliantly , it limits the further manifestation of the disease with jam, as they say, absolutely right, it’s clear, here’s igor gennadievich, another question , now i have repeatedly heard in the media, and maybe in popular science publications i have come across such a concept as
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superbugs, but to me it sounds like movie disaster, something like that, what is it, what is it, is it?
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but what should we do then, that is, if our antibiotics really, well, not that they compromise themselves, but so to speak, we have to squeeze them into a framework, but what should we do in connection with the first, it seems to me here...
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there are reserves that are neither in no case should they be used as first-line antibacterial drugs; this stage, duration of the course, compliance with the instructions and doses of use for specifically...
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about our own health, these are preventive measures, this is vaccination, this is the absence of bad habits, everything that preserves our natural immunity at a certain level, sufficient to reliably resist, including bacterial infection, in general the popularization of a healthy lifestyle, physical education, mass sports, these are...
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as one of the ten global threats to humanity, let me remind you, by the way, that the number of deaths from problems associated with proven antibiotic resistance has already today.
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because 100% we do not have an absolutely objective portioned piece of chicken, in fact, well, information about what this chicken was fed, what was included in the composition. the feed that these broiler chickens received, which then ended up on our table, that is, there is also quite a serious problem here, interdepartmental cooperation, of course, must also find an appropriate solution, well, it’s very interesting, today we talked about resistance, this is a global threat , which stands before humanity and is gratifying to realize that we are not at a dead end, they are already
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developing against superbugs, but old antibiotics still work, the main thing is to handle medications responsibly, honored doctor of russia, doctor of medical sciences igor nikitin answered science questions today. igor gennadievich, thank you very much, it was a very interesting conversation, thank you, pavel.
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now it’s 200 124, i’m just delighted, i’m amazed, very cool, intoxicating, i just love children, this is a really unreal movie, this is right on the level, this is a story of childhood, this a guest from the future, a film from the future, from the future to the past, from the past to the future, once again, i understood correctly, the future, yes, and the music, graphics, i liked the humor. i’m not from the parent committee, i don’t have any change of experience, the main thing remains love, i see how he looks at you, yes, how he looks, well , how they look, they look like that, there are so many different things, surprise, well, of course so, 10 out of 10, a brilliant choice, it will be interesting for everyone, we’ll meet in the future, tell me when 100 years from now.
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vladimir putin held telephone conversations with the president of kazakhstan kasym dzhamart takayev, according to the kremlin press service, the head of state discussed issues of bilateral cooperation and presentation.


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