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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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which willie can't talk about and the director kicked him out in outrage, but during this interview willie hinted that lyme disease is more than the public health version. this disease is not just a rash, it greatly affects the nervous system, and is especially dangerous for children. and two weeks of doxycycline doesn't help. and they know that the disease can become chronic. this was our first convincing evidence. that with lyme disease not everything was as it seemed at first glance, and we released a film, and one thing, one of the things that we touched on in the film was the conflict of interest in medicine, because around the same time that lyme disease was discovered, researchers from universities, the centers for disease control and prevention, the national institutes of health, were able to get a share profits from a new test or vaccine for a disease. a cdc employee
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could receive fees equal to his salary for a vaccine or testing kit, thus distorting incentives in medicine. why share information about a new disease if you can save it as intellectual property in order to monetize it later, one way or another we released a film, there were rumors of olende and diseaselay.
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year, he did the strangest thing in his entire crazy career, that is, he dropped poisonous ticks on cubans working on sugar cane plantations. the operation was called mongoose. so this was the first evidence that we were introducing ticks into another country as a biological weapon. and one more thing: one of of my director friends, turned to willeburgdorfer, at the end of a very long interview he said: “yes, when i was researching lyme disease in the late seventies, early eighties, there was another organism, not only did the lyme pathogen cause diseases in people, it was, and i was told to hide it, it was probably ricketti, he did not reveal all the information, but what he said was confirmed by copies of his laboratory books and subsequent interviews that i took from him. sorry for your ignorance, what kind of
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disease are you ! what did you describe, that other one? so, the same organism that causes rocky mountain spotted fever, and it is the deadliest tick-borne disease in the united states. at that time, the us military used this microorganism as a weapon. him in the ticks, so what is the tick as a weapon? in an interview, willie said the following: i spent over 10 years in the bioweapons program, working for the ford detrick contractor, working on turning fleas, ticks and mosquitoes into weapons, trying to mass produce them, putting plague in fleas, putting death in mosquitoes.
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get the perfect hidden weapon, this is a poor man's nuke, you throw these insects at the enemy, it weakens the population, ties up medical resources, but does not destroy infrastructure, unlike a nuke, one military report said, tularemia, tick-borne tularemia, aka rabbit fever, can kill...
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it's hard to digest all of this, it's so horrendous, it's hard to believe that this could happen in the united states, but i think you're right, it happened, it may still be happening, let me ask what... in your opinion, what happened in the specific case of lime, similar experiments were carried out on plum island, this was confirmed, well, on plum island they only dealt with animal diseases. there was another branch in maryland of ford detrick, they made weapons against people, but i don't know exactly where and what leaks took place, because if you draw a five mile circle around lyme, connecticut, you will see
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an island and several military bases in it . many pharmaceutical companies were funded by the military for development purposes. continues and there are a couple, well first of all, let's go back to turn a living system into a weapon, for example, a beetle or microorganisms in a beetle, later in the sixties they separated the microorganisms and turned them into an aerosol, they froze them.
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thus, there were many possible leak points for any accidents that might occur as part of this weapons program. so what - willie said, and i think he's a really credible witness. because he had the most to lose by admitting at the end of his life, i i hid something really important and now i feel guilty. his fame came at age 56 when he discovered lyme disease. so he said, and he didn't give me details about the organism that was
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the biological weapon, but he said: accidents have happened. so my next job is to try to figure out where the leak was, and most importantly, why a lot of tick borne diseases have emerged in this very, very small area, some of which have also appeared in northern wisconsin, where we had biological weapons is a place where genetic engineering was carried out as part of a program to create biological weapons. so, i'm looking in documents, grants and newspapers for cases of animal deaths and mass deaths that no one knows about because the biological weapons program... was as secret as the manhattan project, and many of the documents were destroyed after cancellation of the program in '72, i must say that one of the most outrageous experiments in the open air, which i think contributed to the problem around
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the lyme, coastal virginia, the tick researchers had an army contract and a contract with the atomic energy commission and tested the lone star ticks as a potential. the peculiarity of these ticks is that they were from the south, and they were originally identified in texas, below the dixon line, but here he was on the mason dixon line, testing hundreds of thousands of alien ticks, and he wanted to see how far they could get in months or years, because if you use them as weapons, you must know this information, he took it.
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took a thousand ticks, a thousand ticks per square, placed them in a marshy field, and then he and his assistants went out every month... there was an unusual epidemic of rocky mountain spotted fever, which is spread by this
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type of tick, many people died, usually on long island in in the late sixties there was one death a year, but after this experiment more than 100 people became seriously ill, there were quite a few deaths, which is why willy burgdor opened up to try find out what happened there, the fact is that this is all... just one experiment that we know of as part of a biological weapons program, why is this important now? because of human arrogance, we cannot control nature, and if we are going to play god by creating new microorganisms inside ticks and then releasing them into the wild, this may lead to unintended consequences and i believe that what we call lyme disease can be a variety of organisms that cause...
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bonuses in pharmacies - a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. this is america is a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. almost half of the citizens of the united states are obese. this is not just a burden on the body, it is also the road to more serious diseases from... cardiovascular to alzheimer's disease, the burden on the budget is high, the budget of the united states, all this costs almost 200 billion dollars every year. a growing theory is that obesity is a disease that cannot be overcome by diet or regimen alone. and if so, then here is a pill of excellent
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kilograms. what would it cost you? any medicine is first and foremost. active substance. in this case we are talking about simoglutide. simoglutidide imitates the action of a hormone that enters the body when the body gives a signal that the stomach is filled with food, and thus additional insulin begins to be produced, a feeling of satiety sets in, and this leads to the fact that the person’s feeling of fullness does not leave longer, but accordingly he takes less and... less often this food, initially given the type of active substance was used to treat patients with second-degree diabetes, so the drug azempic arose, which was prescribed only to these patients, but after some time it became clear that it could be used just to control the amount
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of food consumed, here, as they say, it began. i felt like i was leaving in a wetsuit, which was filled with heavy sand on the inside and which could not be removed, suddenly all the pain disappeared. nothing worked like him. these medications help fight drug addiction. azempic helps people with early stage alzheimer's disease. if it can be used in all these cases, then it is truly a miracle drug.
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the list of side effects is scary because the risk of intestinal obstruction, and this requires surgical intervention increases by 450%. the risk of pancreatitis - this is also a very
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unpleasant thing from which you can die, increases by 900%. some of the latest evidence of... side effects caused by taking azempic refers to the fact that these drugs unexpectedly reduce the effects of contraceptives, they even began to talk about a certain azzempic baby boom. weight loss generally increases fertility, so women who lose weight while taking the drug may contribute to this trend. besides, vomiting caused by simoglutide may affect the effectiveness of contraceptives taken in pill form.
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who were not embarrassed that a monthly course of the same azempic could initially cost several thousand dollars, and many stars initially did not admit that they were drinking azempic, the most famous story here. got involved in the culture wars in the united states against the backdrop of the popularity and growth of this liberal agenda,
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the concept of body positivity has taken root here, or they tried to root it, so don’t be shy about your completeness, perceive yourself as you are, how cynically this stereotype turned out to be imposed became clear, because these same hollywood stars who initially openly advertised... with azempik , even new words entered the american lexicon. azempic face has become a popular expression; this azempic face is the face of a person emaciated with wrinkles, caused by
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sudden weight loss. the fact is that azempik does not choose where to remove fat: on the sides, legs, arms. a person also loses weight on his face, and many american stars have appeared such people with a fellow-zempic face. at a certain stage, i became such a person. musk, another victim of, so to speak, what is called the azempik face, is the wife of the famous musician ozy osborg. i think i've gone too far and now i can't gain the weight i need. i don’t know what happened to my metabolism, it’s very tempting to try to see how much more weight you can lose. excessive passion for drugs that solve seemingly all problems in one fell swoop has already turned america on completely. not where she wanted to be, we are talking about artificial, more quenching drugs of the apiate group, the most famous
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of which was the drug oxycontin. when oxycanthin came out, it was called the drug that would relieve the entire country of pain. over the years, we saw how he turned people into drug addicts and ruined their lives. it was a disaster, it remains a disaster. in those years, oxycanthine was seen. in the fight against pain, it was prescribed, as they say, right and left, without much consideration for how much people really need it, and without caring at all about those catastrophic consequences to which all this could lead, that is, healthy people who simply needed painkillers or who did not have any serious problems at all, before our eyes they became dependent on apioids, i played in... the pain tore a ligament in the knees, asked the doctor give me some pills, he said that i need to take a larger dosage, otherwise it won’t work. as
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a result, i overdosed for the third time and almost died, i don’t want to live like this, it’s terrible. oxycantin left the market, but all these addicted people began to look for some kind of replacement, as a result, america was flooded with other artificial opioids, fintanil. and this is a real disaster for the health care of the united states, there are whole outbreaks, well, for example, the largest open-air fintanil market is located on the east coast of the united states, probably everyone has seen these images, this is kenxington avenue, in philadelphia, under the subway overpass, a rookery drug addicts, our film crew was filming there, let's just look at a fragment of the report that... to feel the whole atmosphere of this terrible social crisis. venu in philadelphia is called the most dangerous street
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in america, the largest. the usa is like a zombie movie come to life; up to 10 people die here every day from an overdose. of course, neither ozempic nor vigovi will leave the market; moreover, the companies that produce them, and the companies that produce generics, hope for the growth of consumers, for the growth of those who will buy these drugs, after all. according to various estimates, by the middle of this century the number of people with diabetes in the world will increase to 1 billion 300 million people, many of them as making these drugs cheaper, they will be prescribed, and as often happens with many drugs that bring profit to big pharma, big pharma will not be very interested in eliminating
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the causes of these... in general, they do not treat the causes, they treat the consequences and this causes exactly the same diabetes, and they make a lot of money from it. this was america, all the best to you.
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wait, who are they, new guys, this is with me, a passenger, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has a call sign, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, you’ll sing somehow, bruh,
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she’s alive, we don’t need names, she’s not... or what don’t touch yours, well, you little hand, god’s light, homer to the machine gun, there’s something to do, commander, that’s it, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing the call sign to rebin, no, this is my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s right . after all, a german farmer came and handed
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this over to the consulate. the order came to germany and how it got to this merchant, we no longer know we know, when i was returning from the front, a suitcase with orders, a medal for military merit was stolen, everything disappeared without a trace, i bought this medal then began to think about how to return it, every order, every medal is someone’s work, blood . in russia, a plant has opened for the production of electric motors for drones entirely from domestic components. you can see how civilian small-medium-sized businesses are putting themselves on a military footing, watch right now in
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alexander rogatkin’s documentary, everything for the front. we now they are completely focused on helping the front. if i were young.


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