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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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a medal is someone’s work, blood, a plant has opened in russia for the production of electric motors for drones entirely from domestic components, about how civilian small medium-sized
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businesses are putting themselves on a war footing, watch right now in the documentary by alexander rogatkin, everything is for the front, we are now completely focused on helping the front, if i were young, i would take a rifle, help the front, help, in the western world we are orcs, without a strong rear there will be no victory, this did not happen in the first chechen war, if everyone united, we are such a force, we are a huge force, we are a huge country.
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a small, nimble buggy all-terrain vehicle appeared at the front quite recently, but has already come to the yard; the developers named the bugs in honor of the central asian shepherd dog allabay. over rough terrain, such an allabay can reach speeds of up to 120 km/h. the small, nimble car is simply irreplaceable on the line of combat contact. especially when evacuating the wounded, stretchers with the wounded can be attached on both sides, a shepherd dog on wheels will take you out from under fire on any off-road terrain. quezdeho. for the front is produced by a small
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company from fryazin near moscow. these are bugs, walcad bugs, this is the most, let's say, modern, most advanced development in the field of dual-use all-terrain vehicles, this particular vehicle worked in the krynok area in the kherson direction, and now it has just returned for service, except for the bullet holes , there are not so many of them, then... bugs coped well with the combat mission, the soldiers were happy, the designers too, the car came under machine gun fire, but took out the soldiers and the wounded, what is special is that this vehicle has a very high cross-country ability, a very powerful engine, a fizzin production company. khodov has been around
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for almost 15 years, until recently he actively took part in cross-country sports racing, but now there is no time for competitions. we participated in the russian rally raid championship, we are athletes, we have our own factory team, we are now completely focused on helping the front, when the words end, then we will return to sports. a cart that, well, extreme modification, it is very convenient, so to speak, it unfolds and folds in literally a few seconds, look, that’s it, you can carry it, that is, this cart, of course, is the most advanced, here in the horizon, for example, let’s say, a sitting soldier needs to be transferred, look, just a few seconds please, here is a sitting position, collector and restorer. military equipment
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was amazed at the losses that occur during the evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield. it takes six people to take out a wounded man ; imagine, six people who are seriously wounded. are exposed to the danger of these drones and so on, that is, or there is simply, well, what a risk. in the museum exhibition of vyacheslav len there was just a german evacuation cart of the second world war, it was taken as a basis. here is a german cart from the war times, this is what it looks like, this is a leg brace, also german from the war times, here it is, but it’s just a thought, an idea itself. these carts were incredibly loved by female medical instructors. our closet-like soldiers there , weighing 100-120 kg, and wearing armored armor, need to be pulled in, pulled out of the trenches, and then somehow onto the raincoats. or how to drag him out, i look at
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them, and they are these thin little girls . these carts are easy to transport and can be worn like a backpack. vyacheslav len’s collection contains dozens of rare examples of military equipment, there are unique exhibits in a single copy, and all of them are in use. gaz-61, which belonged to marshal konyev, is a unique katyusha. to organize assistance to the front, we had to sell the rare german t-2 tank. in addition to these carts, we make krasnogorsk turnstiles. when the war started, i sold some of my equipment and i decided to help the guys. see how it works. well, this is how it unpacks, well, it’s just the first one we took, here ’s its lock, let’s say you need it, you need it, it has a rubber base, it doesn’t turn, we made 27 thousand of them to the front, we sent these turnstiles in the
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22nd year, the main part, well , it can be removed very easily, here it is, now there is no such need for these turnstiles, we, in general, have almost stopped making them, although this is the most reliable turnstile, look. there are 15 of these on him multifunctional evacuation carts are sent to the front; vyacheslav len made more than 400 of these carts, however, even ordinary stretchers are welcome at the front. tactical stretchers for evacuation of cargo 300, here they will be stitched in the corners, and this is a blank for them, and this is not such a simple engineering design; assembling it, in principle, requires a certain skill. just a few parishioners of the church of st. george the victorious in koptev provide the northern military district with stable supplies. claudia alone has sewn more than a thousand stretchers. she sometimes stitches a day 13 to 15 wore. there are 26 of them:
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pensioners, housekeepers, ordinary sellers, doctors and teachers. they sewed almost 4.0 with their own hands. help the country. in such a situation, this is probably a matter for every believer, here is the intelligentsia who are very worried about everything about this, worried about our guys, worried about our country, the whole world is collecting sewing machines for materials, as is customary churches, some have relatives in donbass, and some have grandchildren and children fighting, how could irina not come, you must agree. which son is fighting there, everyone is like that however, everyone is not indifferent, we do not want to turn a blind eye to what is happening. the parishioners attach small icons and prayer books to each stretcher; god forbid that someone gets hurt, but if this happens, let these kopchev stretchers always be nearby and,
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perhaps, save someone’s life. if everyone united, we are such a force, we are a huge force, we are a huge country. small workshops like those at the kopchevsky church have opened throughout the country, thanks to the organizers of the golden hands of an angel project, the front received, think about it, 250,000 tactical rapists. now, well, more than 100 cities in our movement were recently counted, because they made a presentation, and there are 139 plows in which people come and sew, sew products. all this humanitarian support, it makes them feel that yes, they are really needed, now i was distributing bulletproof vests as a sapper, there were bulletproof vests, there was something else, and i also gave children’s letters, they say, we felt that russia needed us, because they read these children’s
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letters, there are pictures, there are something small the children wrote to them, there is a soldier, hold on, it ’s so simple, they read it right there, they cried, yes, we understand that we are needed. the small company of sergiev passat specialized in the production of metal cases for automatic information terminals, but quickly switched to producing military products. boxes inside which plastic is installed. when an anti-tank grenade
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hits such a box, the accumulative jet is dissipated by an oncoming explosion. it's simple, but you need a lot of containers. set for one tank consists of 300 boxes and weighs more than a ton. after almost every battle, dynamic protection needs to be changed. this is a very large consumable, the tank moves. landing and loses the sides, and , say, copters are working on the tank, the fragments are already damaging the dynamic sound, it can no longer work like that, rpg, shells also arrived, knocked out a nickel, but new boxes must be put in this place. andrey is a former tanker, but due to health reasons he now helps his fellow soldiers in the rear. it was he who convinced entrepreneurs to do something so necessary for army business. gradually they began to attract. manufacturers throughout the country, a lot of enterprises, ranging from the irkutsk to
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the rostov region, in more than 53 cities began to help the dynamic defense front, some manufacture, some buy metal absolutely free of charge, they make only one container, they are equipped with explosives already at front. it is believed that dynamic protection increases the survivability of a tank on the battlefield by one and a half to two times. the protection on the front of the turret worked for us,
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well, so far the score is like this, we are keeping score talpturhu we also met him, this burn has not changed, it has only improved in our favor, such entrepreneurs are needed in the rear, i understand that the result of the svo depends, well , as it were, the future prospects of my business, my family, my children, i want. opportunities to help, i think that i can’t make a tank, i can’t make some kind of drone, but i can do this, i also need to not deceive myself and know that at all times this should be done in one way or another stand the state, that is, the state must wink tell the manufacturer, so the manufacturer, in short, come on, if you want to continue to produce normally, help the front, help. this is the third year since, instead of hawaiian beach shirts, the michurinskaya garment factory sews only
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military equipment in camouflage colors, production has increased five times, it was necessary to urgently recruit female workers and build a new workshop, its façade had not yet been plastered, modern equipment had already been installed inside, local authorities helped , allocated money, preferential financing, just for the purchase of equipment, sewing machines, not only, not only, there are a lot of sewing machines there besides. and also here the same armored element as in the famous film is attached to the back in the backpack , yes, in a matter of seconds the backpack
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turns absolutely right, the body armor is about to open its own workshop for the production of body armor, again with solid government support, we were given a grant for which we are already purchasing equipment so i think that in the second quarter we will already launch production on ours. areas of helmets with armor plates, and we will already complete the armor protection systems entirely with your own products, manufacturing. body armor has always been considered an incredibly complex and prestigious matter, our country has always been in the role of catching up, but only recently dozens of companies have opened in russia that produce their own armor from ceramics, it is much lighter than steel, and at the same time just as durable, it is a ceramic-polymer methril plate br5, our development is implemented here,
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this metal mesh, it helps to significantly reduce the creep. this company sends 10% of its products to the front is free, only there the body armor undergoes the final battle test. the guys from the front asked to increase the area of ​​protection, we heard them, we increased the frontal protection, side protection, protection, developed protection for the neck, shoulders, groin, protection for the back of the head, all this is now being sent.
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not one, not two, there are dozens of them, dozens in the tambov region, i am sure, dozens in other constituent entities of the russian federation, this is the only way we can win. the country was once proud of the conversion, when instead of ballistic missiles, defense plants they started producing pots and pans. now, having almost ruined the entire military-industrial complex, we are seeing the opposite process. and there’s even a conversion tumbler that’s being released.
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we have to go through this somehow to cleanse ourselves and understand in general who is worth what and what is important in this world in general, this will be a good lesson for us for everyone. pavel seryogin was engaged in outdoor advertising, posters, signs, billboards in tambov, but with the beginning of a special military operation, his company began to sew tactical blankets that can easily be turned into tents and even stretchers for wounded. instead of criticizing our defense industry, i decided to help the front with concrete work and humanitarian aid. when they start saying, they didn’t do anything, if the ministry of defense and those areas of our industry didn’t do anything, we would have been hit in the head long ago, everything would be over for us, you know, very often this humanitarian aid is perceived as such threads , which connect you with this peaceful life, with the house, with the neighbors, with something else, and the more
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of these threads, the more attached you are to the house, and you understand that you are for them you hold on, they hold on to you. he devoted almost 30 years to searching for the reburial of soviet soldiers who fell in the great patriotic war. he knows firsthand what that war became for the country, and so that the price of a new victory would be disproportionately less, he recently signed up as a volunteer for the northern military district. i’m already, let’s say sixty years old, it was very scary to go to the military registration and enlistment office, hand over documents, do something, again. there are a lot of children, the family seems to be accustomed to some kind of comfortable life, so well-fed, then throw the whole thing into overnight, of course, i felt incredibly sorry, well, we... gathered, we have no other option, we, like many years ago, we need one victory, we need peace. the most famous
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tambov products for the front are the bikasy fpv drones, the production of which was launched at a local bakery. almost the entire world press managed to talk about them. the degree of mobilization of russian civilian enterprises shocked everyone.
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they get along in one oven, they don’t get along in one oven, but the volumes from the bread factory have increased, it turns out drones and loaves don’t production, it just became cramped, well , it became a little cramped, so we had to move, there is a more spacious place here, there is an opportunity for expansion, now we are installing equipment for laboratory research, for testing in the new workshop, so it is much more convenient here, the place is calm, quiet, unknown to anyone, regional authorities. in response to global recognition , taxes were reduced for tambuv drone manufacturers. if we previously paid 6% taxes, then from this year,
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from january 1, 2024, we pay 1%. we, of course, we are grateful that such benefits were provided, and i want to say that we, in turn, also reduced prices for our products by the same 5%. a volunteer businessman from moscow, dmitry polikov, purchased a batch of bika. the ministry of defense is also working; one unified ammunition has already been developed for all types of drones, so that it would be easier for soldiers at the front to deal with it. our military-industrial complex
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has developed ammunition, a dummy of this ammunition was made by us according to the drawings, which means that when used as with a drop, the drone flying up to object, upon the operator’s command it is triggered, an activation signal is given and the ammunition is dropped. bekaz is one of the means of storing personnel, which is the most basic, the most basic, the most precious thing for us, we know - this is our, as it were, human life, we cannot replace it with anything else . andrei saprykin constantly uses snipe at the front, he has a direct connection with the developers, the soldiers suggest, and the designers immediately make changes to the drone. recently, soprykin himself was hit by an enemy uav, a cumulative munition. dropped from a quadcopter, it burned through the roof of the dugout and the officer’s hand. we are doing one thing for ourselves at the moment, and as they said in the great patriotic war and other conflicts, that
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is, without a strong rear, there will be no victory. at the request of military operators, special goggles for flight control were attached directly to the armored helmet. now it’s one whole, it’s more reliable, safer. but the most unexpected update to drones is replacement. engines to domestic ones, it is generally accepted that miniature electric motors for drones our industry is not capable of mastering it, but during the northern military district, an entire plant was built in bashkartastan, where they produce engines of various modifications with three proprietary screws on the body, this is how the capital of the republic is written in bashkir, we were given samples for... testing to check their characteristics, which means , this drone has a load capacity of up to 3.5 kg, we check the weight, which means it’s a little here.
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bikas are sent to the front in special branded backpacks, they even have heating for batteries, in case of frost, woolen ones are also placed in each backpack with drones socks knitted by giulietta amadeo, daughter of an italian anti-fascist. my father, an italian communist, worked in stogliati, he is an anti-fascist, he was in prison in italy, he
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was sent here to a party-leninist school. study, and we, when he died, i was 12 years old, i was sent to study in ivanovo, in an international orphanage, and we grew up, we are komternovites, but i didn’t, if i was young, i would have taken a rifle, well, what am i i can help, well, at least with this, for the third year now , juliet chezarovna, tirelessly with her knitting needles, has been helping the front, very... svo just started, i watched television, i saw that people were helping, i need to help with something, why not me, if i can, if i can? i am surprised that not everyone understands that there is a war going on, but it can come here at any moment tomorrow, and if everyone can help in some way, well, then we will win.
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juliet’s sister and her children have been living in italy for a long time, but due to the political situation they have almost no contact, and only one homeland, the daughter of an italian anti-fascist, has long been decided. i love russia, i i like it here. i was in italy, of course it’s good there, but you understand, where i was born is where i came in handy. i remember how my father had nostalgia for his homeland, how... he suffered from leaving what you were used to, but why? i just wanted to help the guys, boys, these are children, i understand that it’s very difficult for them, and most importantly, this is a package from... a grandmother,
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a russian-italian grandmother even put a piece of paper with her poems: whatever you want , it’s nice same, in the very first parcel to be a help, but what can i do in my old age, i’ll warm your feet with socks, i’ll save your life with prayer, since the ninety-first year they have been saying that our private civil society has been ruined. human initiative, that people walk in formation, that this is just the soviet union, invincible, they fought, fought for civil initiative, we actually had a civil society created by the beginning of the 2000s, but not the one that the liberals wanted to create, this civil society emerged from itself, liberalism itself, like a plague, like a disease, immediately became involved in those processes that for liberals would...
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